Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02210-2 - The Cossack Myth: History and Nationhood in the Age of Empires Serhii Plokhy Index More information Index Abaleshev, Pavel Aleksandrovich 301 Balykino icon 281 Academy of Sciences (Ukrainian) 89, 93, 98, 99, Bank of England 189 104, 106, 116, 125, 127, 133, 150, 152, 172 Bank of the East India Company 188 fire in 152 Bantysh-Kamensky, Dmitrii 80, 317, 358 Institute of Archaeology 125, 127 History of Little Russia (1822) 24, 53, 61, 72, Institute of History 110, 127, 172, 189, 301 200, 332–33, 345, 347; and Nikolai Repnin’s Institute of Literature 133 sponsorship of 329; receipt of History from Adobash 220 Shyrai 337–38, 355 Aesop 138 Bantysh-Kamensky, Mykola (Nikolai) 332 Alberta, University of 288 Batory, Stefan, King of Poland 140, 142, 144 Aleksandra Fedorovna, Empress 49 Batu Khan 95, 153 Alekseev, Larion 269, 283 Baturyn 42, 43, 76, 330 Aleksei Mikhailovich, Tsar 38, 141 massacre (1708) 253–54, 287–88 Alexander I, Emperor 20, 49, 80, 87, 155, 157, 163, Baturyn Fund 287–88 234, 236, 237, 239, 272 Bazhan, Mykola 104–5 liberal rule/reforms of 85, 121, 136, 156, 362 Bedraga, Grigorii 20 Little Russians’ criticism of rule 241 Bedraga, Mikhail 19–20 march through Paris 1 Belarus 225–26 and Mykhailo Myklashevsky 230–31 Belavezha Act 225 and Nikolai Repnin 330 Beltsynevich 232 plans to assassinate 29 Benkendorf, Count Aleksandr 53 recognition of noble status of Cossack Berestechko, Battle of 333 families 164 Berezovsky 215 Alexander III, Emperor 262 Berlin 331 Anapa fortress 234 Berlynsky, Maksym 141–43, 146, 162, 280, 281, 284 Anastasevych, Vasyl 265 “On the City of Kyiv” 142 Anderson, Benedict 8 Short History of Russia for the Use of Young Andrusovo, Truce of (1667) 141 People (1800) 141, 145 Anna Ioannovna, Empress 116, 223, 267 Berlynsky, Matvii 280 Annals of the Shevchenko Scientific Society 118 Bestuzhev, Mikhail 18, 27 Apanovych, Olena 127, 189, 262, 301–2 Bestuzhev, Nikolai 18, 27 Apostol, Danylo 42, 45, 91, 256, 267 Bestuzhev-Riumin, Mikhail 45, 241 Armstrong, John A. 8 Bezborodko family 256–57, 295, 343 Augustus II the Strong, King of Poland 232 Bezborodko Lyceum (Nizhyn) 56–57 Austerlitz 330–31 Bezborodko, Andrii 91 Bezborodko, Count Illia 56, 102, 239, 283, 303, Babel, Isaac, Odesa Tales 93 312, 324 Bagration, Petr 267 Hryniv estate 244, 316–19, 323, 347, 348 Bahalii, Dmytro 90 Yakiv Radkevych’s visit to 274–75 Bahazii, Volodymyr 111 Bezborodko, Hanna 256 Bakurynska, Nastasia 230 Bezborodko, Kleopatra 338 374 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02210-2 - The Cossack Myth: History and Nationhood in the Age of Empires Serhii Plokhy Index More information Index 375 Bezborodko, Prince Oleksandr (Alexander) 10, A Brief Description of the Journey of the Russian 44, 57, 120, 160, 233, 234, 240, 270, 312, 320, Imperial Mission to Persia in 1817 300, 303 324, 336, 362 The Vision of an Aged Siberian Pagan Priest addition to Brief Chronicle of Little Russia during the Battle of the Nations at Leipzig (1777) 136, 176, 218, 219–21, 252, 291, (1814) 299 333, 345 Borschak, Illia (Elie) 122 influence of 230, 238–39 Bortko, Vladimir 59 and Mykhailo Myklashevsky 230 Bovhyria, Andrii 262–63 and the Myloradovych-Polubotok quarrel Boxer Uprising 7 249–50 Brakhliv (Brakhlovo) estate 247 on noble status 256 Bratslav 37 as potential author of the History 91–96, Brief Chronicle of Little Russia from 1506 to 1776, 100–3, 119, 122, 135, 137 with the Disclosure of a True Picture of the on the rule of Catherine II 219–21 Local Administration and the Publication of Bibikov, Ilia 269, 283 a List of Earlier Hetmans, General Officers, Biron, General (brother of Ernst Johann von Colonels, and Hierarchs (1777) 94–96, Biron) 223 100–2, 136, 176, 218, 219–20, 222, 252, 264, Bodiansky, Osyp 62–63, 72–73, 79, 86, 109, 115, 291, 333, 345 124, 150, 216, 318 Brief Description of Little Russia 95, 176, 181–82, Bodin, Jean 202–3 218, 219–20, 252, 262–64, 301–2, 345 Six livres de la re´publique (1576) 202 French translation 176, 177 Bohus, Pavlo 150 see also Scherer’s Annales de la Petite-Russie Boiun, Colonel 58 (1788), Brief Chronicle of Little Russia (1777) Bolkonsky, Prince Andrei 331 Brigen, Aleksandr von 45–46, 62, 229, 242 Bolshevik government 89 correspondence with Kondratii Ryleev 28, 115, Boltin, Ivan 355 211, 213, 231–32, 317–18 Bonhote, Elizabeth, The Rambles the Khudorba History 212, 216, 218 of Mr. Frankly 247 visit to Ponurivka 231–32, 311, 317 Borodin, Alexander, Prince Igor 208 Britain, Cossack treasure in 188 Borodino, Battle of (1812) 20, 28 Briullov, Karl 47 Borozdna family 290, 343 Brotherhood of SS. Cyril and Methodius 60–61, dispute with Shyrai 313–16, 327 63, 64, 75, 80, 318, 365 matrimonial ties with Myklashevskys 310–11 The Books of the Genesis of the Ukrainian noble status 297 People 60–61 and Old Believers 297–98 Budliansky family 324 Borozdna manuscript 300 Bukovyna 124 Borozdna tombs 307–9, 348 Bulba, Andrii 58, 60 Borozdna, Hanna 300 Bulba, Ostap 58, 177 Borozdna, Ivan 293, 294, 300, 304, 307, 309–10, Bulba, Taras 57–59 311, 316 Burbank, Jane 9 Borozdna, Ivan Ivanovych 291–92, 310 But, Pavlo 35 Borozdna, Ivan Ivanovych Jr. 292 Bykhau˘ 232 Borozdna, Ivan Lavrentiiovych 290–91, 297–98 Byron, George Gordon, Lord 22–23, 41, 53 Borozdna, Ivan Vladyslavovych 291 Mazeppa 23, 53, 193–94 Borozdna, Kateryna (Kuliabka-Koretska) 293, 298, 308, 309 Casimir IV, King of Poland 101, 338 Borozdna, Mykola (Nikolai) 293, 310, 316, 337 Catherine II, Empress 52, 91, 92, 94, 95, 136, 227, marriage of 313 233–34, 236, 238–39, 265, 290, 292, 331, 359 search for the remains of 307 abolition of Cossack autonomy 43–44 Borozdna, Nadezhda (Nikiforova) 308 abolition of vicegerencies 270 Borozdna, Petro Ivanovych 291–99, 303, 304–6, Charter to the Nobility (1785) 244, 245 307, 309, 310, 343, 344, 346 Legislative Commission/Assembly (1767) Borozdna (Shyrai), Uliana 293, 311, 313–16, 30–31, 44, 55, 81, 82–83, 135, 292 319, 343 History’s coverage of the rule of 219–21 Borozdna, Vasyl 293, 298–304, 307, 310, 344, 346 letter from Petr Rumiantsev 294–95 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02210-2 - The Cossack Myth: History and Nationhood in the Age of Empires Serhii Plokhy Index More information 376 Index Catherine II, Empress (cont.) Cossacks 2–3, 31–45 meeting with Vasyl Khanenko 116–17 alliance with Muscovy 31, 34, 37–39 and Mykhailo Myklashevsky 230 defeat of Muscovy 39–40 Notes on the Earliest Russian History 247 festival 149–50 Orthodoxy 29–30 Left-Bank/Right-Bank 40–41 praise for rule of 241 of Ostrogozhsk 19–21 reforms 362 revolts/uprisings 2–3, 33, 34–38, 58 Shevchenko’s satire 49 ruin 40–41 and Stepan Shyrai 312, 321–22, 327 treasure 188–91 use of term Rusy 153 see also Khmelnytsky Uprising Catholic Church 53 Council of Brest (1596) 56, 72, 217 Catholicism 29–30 Cracow 32 anti-Catholicism 217 Custine, Marquis de 49 Central Committee of the Communist Party Czacki, Tadeusz 140 of Ukraine 126 Czaplin´ski, Daniel 55, 215 Central Rada (Council) 89, 98 Czarniecki, Stefan 264 Chalecki 232 Czartoryski, Adam 155 Charles X, King of Sweden 38 Charles XII, King of Sweden 21–22, 42, 53–54, Davydov, Denis 20 154, 193–97, 201, 287 Decembrist Conspiracy/Uprising 27, 28–29, 49, Charnysh, Vasyl 84, 160–64, 165 52, 54, 56, 85, 229, 232, 267, 299, 335 Charter to the Nobility (1785) 244, 245 execution of leaders 15–16 Chebotarev, Khariton 247 Demosthenes 294 Cheka (Bolshevik secret police) 301 Desna River 207 Chekatunov, Yakinf 289–90 Desnitsky, Mikhail, Metropolitan 314, 319 Chekhivsky, Volodymyr 88–89 Deutsche Bank 188 Chepa, Andrian 84, 85, 146, 161–62, 164, 166, Dickens, Charles 344 167, 168, 240, 245, 265–66 Diebitsch, Friedrich Anton von 267 Cherkasy (Cherkassy) 142 Divovych, Semen, Conversation between Great Chernihiv 37, 273 Russia and Little Russia (1762) 354 gymnasium 145 Dnieper (Dnipro) River 31, 40–41, 47–48, 69, school system 145 139, 149, 153 University 288 Dolynsky, H. 209 Chernihiv nobility 102 Doroshenko, Dmytro 121, 210 assembly of 159 Doroshenko, Petro 41 and Nikolai Repnin 334–38 Dovnar-Zapolsky, Mytrofan 110 Shyrai and 342–43 Drach, Ivan 4–5, 151, 171, 351, 364 Chernihiv regiment, uprising 16, 45 Drahomanov, Mykhailo 18, 70–71, 74–75, 78, Chernivtsi 124 84, 86–87, 117, 162, 210, 365 “Chronicle of Little Russia, or An Abridged “In Defense of the Late Author of the History History of the Cossack Hetmans and of All of the Rus′ or Little Russia” 78 Noteworthy Events in Ukraine” (1813) 301 Dresden 18 Churai 132–33 Duchy of Warsaw 155 Churai, Hordii 132 Dzyra, Ivan 172 Churai, Marusia 131–33 impact of Annales de la Petite-Russie on History Chyhyryn (Chigirin) 25, 142 of the Rus′ 173, 175, 176 Cicero 294 Dzyra, Yaroslav 127, 172–73, 189 Cohen, Paul A. 7 College of Foreign Affairs 299, 302 Eberhardt, Major General Friedrich 111 Columbia University 137 Eisenhower, Dwight, President 189 Commonwealth Diet 183 Elizabeth (Elizaveta Petrovna), Empress 42–43, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 225 116, 278–79 Communist Party 131, 147, 150 Enlightenment 174–75, 247, 260, 265, 284, 357 Congress of Vienna (1814–15) 91, 347 Escudie´, Colonel 259 Cooper, Frederick 9 Eyewitness Chronicle 126, 127, 172 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02210-2 - The Cossack Myth: History and Nationhood in the Age of Empires Serhii Plokhy Index More information Index 377 fables 174–75 Haletsky, Petro Ivanovych 257 False Dmitriis 34, 113, 217 Haletsky, Petro Petrovych 256 Fedorovych, Taras (Taras Triasylo) 34–35 Haletsky, Petro Semenovych 256 Feofilakt, Bishop 348 Haletsky, Semen Yakovych 255–56, 326 First Ukrainian Front 108 Halych Gospel 261 Fletcher, Giles, Of the Russe Common Hamaliia, Oleksandr 317 Wealth 63 Hanka, Va´clav 5, 10, 360–62 Flise, Dominique de la 236–38, 258–59 Manuscripts of Dvu˚r Kra´love´ and of Zelena´ Fontaine, Jean de La 138 (1818) 361 Franko, Ivan 80 Heraldry Office (vs.
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