V-* W"' /•i •-t (>'“• r“-'jfcT*W«^j^vT^4V-Yl\ .'■ •• ,•■,■■ ■, Y''-r‘>/f*':%,^;Vi .'•■ rj ...... ■ ", ' V-'* .', •' ' ’' -i^' ■ ■!'JY''i''^*;Y-:-^^-:V‘- • ^ ■ •* * '7:** T . If-■'t?»'*‘r ’^'''-* * !'7 i '•'V~'y'-4'‘"" ^ ■‘ ‘C' 1 /./-••''^ •■■.', I 'i r ’ t'^i''.': 1^‘ '-rr.j:'". ,V'.- .\. - ' ■ ;• yV^i y ->1- AinntACBIl DAILT CnOULATIOM’ ‘ t • •• ^V*’• ■^ .*’ 4 ^ t:rr^ for the Mnitti of Jnly, JItt, ■ • B »■>•■<»»»• w.^.' nT fr; ijt- 5 . 2 a s r '^ > ’ liOBriMr o f ttie A o fit BttreM o f CaroolalloiMb w- .-i,-!.. i <'!,•: ^ 7 ^ r r r . , „4!L.. ',7. yOL. NO. 268. (Olaatffled Advertidiig on Eoge 14.)^ SOpip B ^ d p ^ ISBUT, AU6U3T12,.l9a2. (SIXTEEN i^AOElft) FBU^ TUCEE CBNp;: WALKER DECISION W alker Arriyes. (E arly) at H es^iiE TO BE DELAYED -S'’ •■■■: J . Conrt Order Obtamed W hidi FERNANDA CALM, ->5 i ■ v?^ X' ■ ^ i <:■ -•i. "J Delays It Uadi Angust 1% WALKING TO CHAIR! -i iS ' . X, X May Even Pndi It Beyead ‘■i Noraaber Electini. MHrderer Shakes Hands » .V •• -V ALSO ON PROGRAM With Officials Before He| Ebcecutive Chamber, Albany, N. _^Wjufly^0gton, Aug. 12.—(AP) —^which we have in motion so that ^hto-hj'^ftoat Presidentii^ candidates VM* 1 Y., Aug. 12— (A P )—^Possibility that • * * we may‘move from defense Pays Penalty For Crime. w o big, parties say about to powerful attack. teen MonAs QU^ Governor Roosevelt’s decision on 1t;ie ^IQBSBnf the country’s problems: Roosevelt—When we get the ouster charges against Mayor James 1‘wWbition: . _ toance,:toa-Federal government will J. Waiker of New York City may be .Moomr^It is my beUef that In asenm ai^l^ leadership. * * * Our F>»( Boston, Aug. 12—(AP) —Sylves­ delayed until after next November’s ^ ^ reme^ present es^ leaders td l us economic ter Norman Fernandes, 22, of Mash- necessary by Which' election developed today when ♦ cause pahics which no When Enrope Collapsed— Gives Credit To D tinoente pee was electrocuted at the state snmmon a p r o ^ * a i » * f 1 p | t e t f i ^ oda could prevent. We must lay Roosevelt announced he would with* prison early today for the murder imd respohsihifity toe yetyi 'lufid o f the fact that economic laws hold his action until after the ques eMence o f out ^vpfnxiieDt ^m ands are not made by natore. They are For Aid Bnt Attacks Gainer Policies >— B rands tion of his removal powers went to o f Johu Alves, 44-year-old cranberry shall' rest, upem the stotes and local' picker. made by human beings. the courts. authorities. -That -change must W ar debts: Shortly after the morning session Alves was found shot to death avoid , return of the saloon. Hoover—^If for any particular an­ Roosevelt Ex|dain Tariff Position — Audience A isti^ of the Walker hearing now in its last December in bis Barnstable Rooseveitp—I am confident that the nual payment weTvere offered some second day, the governor stated he home. Fernandes, arrested a few United States of America wants re- N s •• *• *• \ •* s'" other timgible form o f compensation ished When President Goes Beyond Pbtfonn b Advo* .would not pass upon the mayor’s days later, confessed, police said, he peal-^* • • when that happens we such'as expansion of markets for incase until the Supreme Court had killed Alves and stole $150. as Democrats must and will * * * American agriculture and labor, and had an opportunity to determine the Fernandes was calm as be step­ enaUe the states to protect them­ the restoration and maintenance of eating ProUhition Change. legality of a writ of prohibition, de­ ped into the death chamber and ask­ selves against the importation of in­ our prosperity then I am sure our manded by George -Donnelly, secre- ed permission to shake hands "with toxicating Uquors whe.:e such impor­ citizens would consider such a pro­ tsury of the Bronx Chunber of Com­ two good friends,’’ Dr. James 1. Mc­ tations may violate th ^ state lawa posal. Washington, Ang. 12.—(A P)—A merce. Laughlin, priiron physician, and De­ We must.rightly and mondly pre­ Roosevelt—The debts w ill not be presidential call for prohibition re­ Meets Augnst 19 puty Sheriff James E. Bowes, in vent the retuni o f toe saloon. a problem—we shall not have to The Supreme Court does not meet Belying toe customary tardiness'which won for htan the title of "toe Tariff: form and a promise to beat down Raps Dry Law | charge of the Barnstable county jail, cancel them. * • • Our policy de­ imtil August 19. late Mayor of New York,’’ . Jimmy Walker is shovm here as he andved— where he was incarcerated before twelve minutes early—at toe State Capitol in Albany, N. Y., to make a Hoover—t am squarely for a pro­ clares for payment but at the same the economic "hurricane” leads Re­ Donnelly, rebuffed in three courts, being brought to stete prison. Both pubUc defense of removal charges against him. The. mayor, attired, in a tective tariff. 1 'em against the time for lowered tariffs and a re­ publicans Into toe-1932 campaign. today obt^ned from Justice Harold men stepped forward and shook his proposal of "a com^titive tariff for neat blue suit, is indicated by-arrow, and directly, ahead of; him-IstMrs. sumption o f trade Which opens the A ji astonished and tensely expect­ J. Hinman of the Appellate Division band, revenue’’ as advocated by our op-i vmy for payment. o f the Supreme Court, an order in­ Walker. Laii^ street throngs witnessed their arrival. ant audience of RepubUcan leaders The doo,med man said “good bye’ ponents. That would place our Power: heaid Mr. Hoover last night in his structing Mr. Roosevelt to explain to the other witnesses and died re­ farmers and our workers in compel H oover-I have repeatedly recom­ his jurisdiction. The governor > speech of formal acbeptance o f re­ citing a prayer. titton with peasant and sweated mended toe Federal regulation nomination go far beyond his party rected Atomey General John labor- products. Leaves Three Letters interstate power. I shall persist in platform and demand a new order w IV; Bennett, Jr., to prepare argument RCbsevelb—I accept that admira­ Fernandes gave three ietters for RIOTS CONTINUE that. I have opposed the Fedend o f Uquor . control. on the legality of the action. ble teriff statement in the platform government undertaking toe opera­ Mr. Bennett, leaving- Governor delivery to Fr. Ralph W. Farrell, *T cannot consent to toe continu­ of this convention (advocating ‘h tion o f toe-power bushMSS.' I shall, ation of this regime,” said the Pres­ Roosevelt’s office after a five min­ prison chaplain, shortly before the competitive tariff for revenue, .with continue that opposition. hour of death! One was for Ms wife ident solemnly. ute conference, said: a foct finding tariff commission, free Roosevelt—(Promised to say more "The governor sent for me im­ and toe others to friends on toe There was applause. But toe Re- frinn executive interference’’). iater and endorsed toe party-plank pobllcui' hosts who had frequently mediately and told me to notify Jus­ Cape, who identities were not noade Reconstruction: ' public. wtdeh advocates: "Regulatloa. to. interrupted Mr. Hoover’s challenge tice Hinman-that he would show no 1DL & *P IT vm. TL I Hoover—I am today organizing the full extent'(ff: Holding com­ discourtesy to the court and would Medical Examiner George Bur­ to Democrats on their tariff sat Mobs Try To Bom Churches WoOl I ft; Kllfliy n OT fB 6y jftin private industrial and financial panies which sell securities in inters, ■ifiouse records seemed, surprised; withhold his decision imtil the gess Magrath of Suffolk coimty was ■ ■ ' Iresources of toe country to oo- state commerce; rates of utiUty courts had passed upon his author­ prevented from witnessing the exe­ ^wasn’t toe same applause. companies operating across state) : However, as toe man wlKwe-hafr. ity.’’ cution by otbet* business. Prison of­ Bpt R res Are Extiiignidi- A r«,i*y Out b thebSS.^tT"’' Hnes’’ ). The Supreme Court is the trial ficials sMd it was the first execution r has grtyed considerably, in fbuf court of New York and corresponds he has missed since he has held his yean o f presidential care concluded to district court| in most; states. present office. ed By Vdonteers;' hla carefully propared addr^B, Sen- Should either ^i^ty to thje litiga­ The official witnesses were: Lt. ator Feas o f Ohio, long a prohlUtlbh tion dispute the action df toe Su­ Col. Thomas . F. Tierney^ surgeon Phamplon, was applauding -with: to e preme Court and fto t lilHto. vi^uld iretteral of Massachusetts; 8r. WD- rest. A monitot later he gaV c hls develop no matter s^t.4etoW)n;waa Ham H. Watters,, septosenting Dr. bencMffetioin to the prohibition sug­ given, the way wculd,-hr open, for Mcgrato; VDf . 'McLaughlin; #-J}r. and burning reddened mudr gestion.^^ , appeals to the Appelate Divteiou ’^ , Samuel'.. M erlin,.. assisteqA prison Sputoeiip. Spain today as toe g ^ finally the coiirt ;of last resort—-the physioian4-Deputy Sheriff Bowes; ment laid plans to pimlsh o !^ r a I j^ p e ie d as.a "oom- Warden James L. Hogsett oi state toon NTteiter for ^rteusonable Court of Appeals. Before final word Jose San J iu ^ leader 6f Wednes­ Reat^ of! came from that court, it is possible prison-; Fr. - Farrell; James Lee,, in­ pecmle” toat; . day’s abotitiye rebelUon, and his toe j^tirposMi^ofi tob NatiotiSl' ABtono^ ’TBacb state ahaU be givtti the that Mr.
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