RATIONAL AND INTEGRAL POINTS ON CURVES Andrew Granville Abstract. These are notes from a course given in Autumn of 2011 at the Universit´ede Montr´eal. I have written things fairly completely up to about chapter 15. There is a lot more to be added on elliptic curves, and then on higher degree curves. Also stuff on integral points via Diophantine approximation. Please email me with any corrections or remarks ([email protected]). Table of Contents Preface. Diophantine equations and curves Chapter 1. Linear equations 1.1. Linear equations in two unknowns 1.2. The Euclidean algorithm 1.3. Several simultaneous linear equations in several unknowns 1.4. Rational solutions and lattices Chapter 2. Some useful mathematics 2.1. Rational approximationsp to real numbers 2.2. The Irrationality of d. 2.3. Continued fractions for real numbers 2.4. Solving the cubic. Pre-cursors to Galois theory. 2.5. Constructibility and Galois theory 2.6. Resultants and Discriminants 2.7. M¨obiustransformations: Lines and circles go to lines and circles 2.8. Groups 2.9. Ideals Chapter 3. Quadratic equations 3.1. The Pythagorean equation 3.2. Fermat's “infinite descent" 3.3. Squares mod m 3.4. The law of quadratic reciprocity 3.5. Sums of two squares 3.6. The values of x2 + dy2 Typeset by AMS-TEX 2 3.7. Solutions to quadratic equations 3.8. Pell's equation 3.9. Descent on solutions of x2 − dy2 = n; d > 0 Chapter 4. Binary quadratic forms 4.1. Representation of integers by binary quadratic forms 4.2. Equivalence classes of binary quadratic forms 4.3. Class number one 4.4. Ideals in quadratic fields 4.5. Composition laws 4.6. Bhargava composition 4.7. The idoneal numbers 4.8. SL(2; Z)-transformations. Forms-Ideals-Transformations 4.9. The ring of integers of a quadratic field, revisited Chapter 5. Real quadratic fields 5.1. Quadratic irrationals and periodic continued fractions 5.2. Pell's equation 5.3. The size of solutions to Pell's equation 5.4. More examples of Pell's equation 5.5. Binary quadratic forms with positive discriminant, and continued fractions Chapter 6. L-functions and class numbers 6.1. Counting solutions to Pell's equation (a heuristic) 6.2. Dirichlet's class number formula 6.3. The class number one problem in real quadratic fields 6.4. Dirichlet L-functions Chapter 7. More about quadratic forms and lattices 7.1. Minkowski and lattices 7.2. The number of representations as the sum of two squares 7.3. The number of representations by arbitrary binary quadratic forms 7.4. The number of representations as the sum of three squares 7.5. The number of representations as the sum of four squares 7.6. Universality of quadratic forms 7.7. Representation by positive definite quadratic forms 7.8. Descent and the quadratics. Chapter 8. More useful mathematics 8.1. Finite fields 8.2. Affine vs. Projective 8.3. Lifting solutions Chapter 9. Counting points mod p 3 9.1. Linear and quadratic equations mod p 9.2. The diagonal cubic equation mod p 9.3. The equation y2 = x3 + ax 9.4. The equation y2 = x3 + b 9.5. Counting solutions mod p 9.6. Degenerate elliptic curves mod p 9.7. Lifting solutions 9.8. Simultaneous Pell equations Chapter 10. Power series, partitions, and magical modularity 10.1. Partitions 10.2. The numerology of partitions 10.3. Generating functions for binary quadratic forms, and L-functions 10.4. Poisson's summation formula and the theta function 10.5. Jacobi's powerful triple product identity 10.6. An example of modularity: y2 = x3 − x Chapter 11. Degree three curves | why the curve y2 = x3 + ax + b? 11.1. Parametric families of rational points on curves 11.2. Constructing new rational points on cubic curves from old ones 11.3. Cubic curves into Weierstrass form 11.4. Diagonal cubic curves 11.5. y2 equals a quartic with a rational point 11.6. The intersection of two quadratic polynomials in three variables (that is, the intersection of two quadratic surfaces) 11.7. Doubling a point on a diagonal cubic Chapter 12. The group of rational points on an elliptic curve 12.1. The group of rational points on an elliptic curve 12.2. The group law on the circle, as an elliptic curve 12.3. No non-trivial rational points by descent 12.4. The group of rational points of y2 = x3 − x 12.5. The arithmetic of a torsion point 12.6. Embedding torsion in Fp 12.7. The size of rational points Chapter 13. Mordell's theorem { E(Q) is finitely generated 13.1. The proof of Mordell's Theorem over the rationals 13.2. Another example: Four squares in an arithmetic progression 13.3. Mordell's Theorem in number fields 13.4. More precise bounds on naive height 13.5. N´eron-Tate height 13.6. An inner product 13.7. The number of points in the Mordell-Weil lattice up to height x 4 13.8. Magic squares and elliptic curves Chapter 14. The Weierstrass }-function, and endomorphisms of elliptic curves 14.1. Double periodicity and the Weierstrass }-function. 14.2. Parametrizing elliptic curves 14.3. Torsion points in C 14.4. The converse theorem 14.5. Maps between elliptic curves over C. Complex multiplication. 14.6. Homomorphisms and endomorphisms for elliptic curves 14.7. The Frobenius map and the number of points on E(Fpk ) 14.8. Classifying endomorphisms when t =6 0 14.9. Torsion points in Fp Chapter 15. Modular Forms 15.1. The magic of Eisenstein series 15.2. The Fourier expansion of an Eisenstein series 15.3. Modular forms 15.4. Determining spaces of modular forms 15.5. The j-function 15.6. The j-invariant and complex multiplication 15.7. Almost an Eisenstein series 15.8. Sublattice and subgroups 15.9. Hecke operators 15.10. The Mellin transform and the construction of L-functions 15.11. Congruence subgroups Chapters 16, 17, 18. More stuff on elliptic curves Chapter 19. Integral points on elliptic curves 19.1. Sums of two cubes 19.2. Taxicab numbers and other diagonal surfaces Chapter 20. Integral points on higher genus curves 20.1. Thue's Theorem Chapter 21. Diophantine equations in polynomials Chapter 22. Fermat's Last Theorem 21.1. FLT and Sophie Germain 21.2. The abc-conjecture 21.3. Faltings' Theorem n´eeMordell's conjecture 5 Preface It is natural for a mathematician to ask for the solutions to a given equation. To un- derstand the solutions in complex numbers may require ideas from analysis; to understand the solutions in integers requires ideas from number theory. The main difference is that, in the complex numbers, one can solve equations by using limits. For example to find a complex number x for which x2 = 2p we need to find increasingly good approximations to a solution, in order to prove that 2, the limit of the approximations, exists. However to prove that there is no rational number p=q such that (p=q)2 = 2 takes rather different techniques, and these are what we focus on in these notes. Finding integral or rational solutions to a polynomial equation (or finite set of poly- nomial equations) is known as Diophantine arithmetic in honour of Diophantus,1 a Greek mathematician who lived in Alexandria in the third century A.D.2 His thirteen volume Arithmetica dealt with solutions to equations in integers and rationals,3 which are now known as Diophantine equations. Typically the subject of Diophantine equations is motivated by the quest to prove that there are no integer solutions to certain Diophantine equations. For example, Catalan's 1844 conjecture that the only integer solution to xp − yq = 1 with x; y ≥ 1 and p; q ≥ 1 is 32 − 23 = 1; which was proved by Preda Mih˘ailescuin 2002. Also Fermat's assertion from around 1637, known as \Fermat's Last Theorem",4 that there are no integers x; y; z ≥ 1 and n ≥ 3 for which xp + yp = zp; which was finally proved in 1995 by Sir Andrew Wiles. Our goals will not be so elevated. We will mostly focus on the beautiful theory for trying to find rational solutions to Diophantine equations in just two variables, of degrees one, two and three. Degree one equations are more-or-less completely understood, but there are fundamental questions for degrees two and three that remain open, and indeed understanding degree three equations is perhaps the most researched problem in modern number theory. We shall assume that the reader is familiar with a first course in number theory. When we require more advanced concepts we shall explain them. 1Bachet's 1621 Latin translation of Diophantus's Arithmetica helped spark the mathematical Renaissance. 2Many of the most famous ancient \Greek mathematicians", such as Diophantus, Eratosthenes, Euclid, Hero, Pappus, and Ptolemy, actually worked in Alexandria, Egypt. 3Though only parts of six of the volumes have survived. 4Indeed he wrote \it is impossible to separate a cube into two cubes, or a fourth power into two fourth powers, or in general, any power higher than the second, into two like powers. I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this, which this margin is too narrow to contain" in his copy of Arithmetica.A copy of Arithmetica with Fermat's notes was published after his death, by his son in 1670. 1 1. Linear equations 1.1. Linear equations in two unknowns. The simplest Diophantine problem one encounters is to ask whether, given non-zero integers a; b and integer c, there are solutions in integers m; n to (1.1) am + bn = c : One encounters this problem in a first course in number theory, and proves that there are such solutions if and only if gcd(a; b) divides c.
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