Aspecioli 643-9551 872-9111 Town Pursues Deal with 8Th, Keeps Secrets

Aspecioli 643-9551 872-9111 Town Pursues Deal with 8Th, Keeps Secrets

W — MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. May 19. 1988 B0AT8/MMINE ITAS CARS CARS EQUIPM ENT SALES FOR SALE FOR SALE CHRisCroffM1977«bo^^ TA G Sale. Already In PLYMOUTH Satellite 1975 FORD Mercury. Ex­ ASpecioli glos, with slip, sleep progress I Furniture, cellent running condl- 1973. For sole under four, CG approved lawn mowers, clocks, 8500. Please telephone tlon. 8800. 646-0217. head, full canvas, low- radios. "You name It, 643-6976. 1983 TO YO TA Celica G T I've got Itl" 77 Oliver ronce system, FM and HONDA Prelude 1982. Ex­ Coupe, 5-speed, air, CB, many extras. Ex­ Rood, Manchester. cellent condition. 5 AM -FM cassette, top i m y i E O u s cellent condition. IBNNXB speed, silver, 68K, sun­ condition. 84400. 649- &SSSSi $11,900. 646-7576. roof, $3800. 646-0882 or 7550._________________ ■•««•••••••••■•••• Don't miss the many offer­ Automotive 643-7567. PONTIAC Tempest Con­ f Y C ^ R E . C W W H It Y t NAWKESTMECIOIVICI ings In today's classified vertible 1968. Auto­ I H M M I f N I ^ m W C E t HftR ROOFINQ SueM, tnieh A eMpp«r. Stump columns. matic, power steering, OoiMliK IMMMI ftMMv SMI Nm MWMW RMlInt 0( «N typ«w. ---‘ ---MUa Iflk raiTMMl. FtM tHnwto. CARS MORIARTY brakes and top. (>ood fH ee esTimiATes. Sppolal opMldwatlon for condition. Asking fPQiiw WM monvnst wiwr row 1Mt«nlor OMma OiMKiuni. PE TS AND FOR SALE OQHIffiMVMI WOfll* lit* •liftrfy and hamfleippad. 83000. 6494)533.________ AH Wot* Qwwinmd. SUPPLIES BROTHERS 1979 Chrysler LeBoron. M f 4 1 t S 647-928g 6 4 7 - 7 S 5 3 Red. Automatic, air, USED CARS ••••••••a BASIC Dog obedlance. MANCHESTER classes starting soon In AM/FM, tope. No rust. aa Matkur Sssrpio •19,495 FMHIMOflEllOQELmS Glastonbury. Please 81800. 647-9104.________ 87 Mate. G. Marquit •13,895 HONDA wfVwQni MRPSOIN* OROIlRi fOOTwlpt Cemeryollve way to 87 Mate. Topaz •6795 imtall or repair your reef HANDYMAN call Trainer, Joe DIS- PONTIAC Sunbird 1985. IMPUm wIfIBVVM SfW ^nlRfR> onto. 659-2482 or 267- Low mileage, 5 speed. 87 Ford Tampo •6995 U S ED CARS end 4 m l Deal direct wtlti Heme Imprevement • PaInHne 80 Chavy Van reetar. weed end coder • eoeementt ntiMtwd * Ttllna > 7025. Top condition, like 87 Waro. Sabla Wgn. •10,495 •15,995 twiitbit.^ Otii PMviwKii jf. Honda Praluda elicrice epodellatl Seel UeM Carpentry • OOP JOdS • new. 85500. 649-8447.1 87 Mato. Cougar •11,095 86 *7995 iianrhfatpr Hrralh 83 Dodga Rampaga downe.l7year« IMUMD MISCELLANEOUS 1977 Olds Cutlass-good 87 Ford Tampo •8995 •3495 oKparlence. BARRY SCANLON running condition and 87 Lincoln T.C. •16,295 84 Honda Accord •7995 &}&s& FOR SALE 87 88 Honda Accord •8996 6 4 5 - 8 8 3 0 646*2411 tree afttmetei tires. $8S0.649-6428after Mato. G. Marquis •11,395 6 pm.________________ 87 Unooln Mark 7 •21,995 88 Maic.Lynx •3995 FOR Sale. 42 Inch glass 84 Honda CMo •5495 coffee table with de­ CH EVY Mazda 1980. 4 87 Toyota Corolla •7495 Friday, May 20, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 87 Ford T-Bltd •9595 88 Ply. Hortzen •2995 30 C e n ts mhmlwuhnhmi . corator base. 1 square speed, AM -FM , high iH BrriMCW. D E U V E M N e redwood umbrella ta­ mileage, clean, no rust. 87 Ford Crvm. V. •11,695 88 Honda CMo •5495 Rich, deen, atone-free ble qnd 2 benchs, $50.2 ^5.646-2148 after 6pm. 87 Maro. Cougar •11,095 84 Olds Cutlass •5495 loom. S yerde. •MPtueTex. redwood choirs with eeeeeeeeeeeeeee 87 Mazda RX-7 •17,495 84 Honda Accord •7500 Alea tend, gravel, alone 88 Toyota Camry •9495 84 Ford EXP •3495 ^ N C A R C S 4 9 ^ 7 3 EUCTMaU. WORK and horae manure. umbrella table att­ jH U m t 0 Need A new Seniloe with ached In the middle, CLYDE 88 LInoooln T.C. tig. •13,995 88 Honda Accord H/B •SI 95 rywdswvie* olrcuK breskore? 840. 2 umbrellas, $30 CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. 66 Mazda 826 Turbo •9895 88 Accord LX •8195 Consumer Moee ere down Ghack ue oiM In Town pursues FMNTHifi/ 643-9504 each. 649-8151 after ROUTE 83, VERNON 86 Maro. Lynx •4495 84 Bulok Regal •4595 Pw Manoheeler yedew pegee. «RRMRr« i n m m 5pm._________________ 53 Chevette t dr. •2495 88 More. Lynx •4495 84 Honda Accord 4 dr. ^7195 88 Bk. Century lOSEPMINWUS T ip SiN ScraeaNI Losm 120 (Gallon electric hot 54 Century LTD ear. ^6995 86 Marc. Marquis •6995 •7695 NAM E your own price. M«-82S3 water heater, 850. 88 Msro.MtrquIs •5895 86 Honda Civic •8495 prices rise Any amount deBveied. Aleo. INI, 84 Century LTD 4 dr. •5995 w Fattier A Son Pointing Please telephone 649- 86 Lincoln T.C. •12,995 82 Chav. Citation •SI 95 A g c ^ , atone end baitt, muleh. 88 Celebrity 4 dr. •6995 and Papering. Remo> 86 Msm. G. Marquis 88 Bulok Somaraal 2 dr. •6995 c A f i e Bolwai, beekhoe A wader lentti. 1597._________________ 85 Monts Carlo •8995 •10,595 deal with 8th, val. •7^S2^7. lEATim/ 88 Mazda 828 86 Honda Praluda •! 0,4 9 5 : totlM liH itat«M on Three Air conditioners, 86 Chevy C-10 P/u •8995 •7995 MMtCflNtTMieTMHI S3 Mazda RX7 PLUMMN6 microwave. Bows, 301 se Olds Dana 4 dr. •9995 88 Olds Calais •6495 •6495 . 4% in April •^jgWsssowsMs Waiss «wd 86 Pont. Flare G T RwvitioiH/Plut 872*1400/669*9555 speakers and receiver. 86 Nova CL •5995 88 Dodgs Caravan •7295 •7495 ^ „ IMMM* Ssnrtos CuMem IniMlar klxMrlor Brother printer. Coll 88 Chav. Monte Carlo •7395 "Tin AbIb PrgfassiemU" PahiSna ■ CeWng Repair A RA. DAVmfON 87 Calais 4 dr. •9495 By Martin Crutslnger 646-1082 onytlme. 87 Cutlass a dr. •10,995 88 Lincoln T.C. •13,995 24 Adaeit St., Magehaitar f 647-3774 Renew • Rower WaeMng riumMne. Heedne. rump SerMee 88 Fold LTD •8995 keeps secrets The Associated Press PrssbilfluilM Rree SWAneMi ■ New Installatlone, RspMrs, AMERICAN Airlines S7 Pont 6000 SI*. 4 dr •14,995 * S • •*. S fneuretf ■ Senior OReounlt Drains Cleaned, Bathroom A m ssm [ ticket, round trip, S7 Cavalier a dr. •7995 84 Mate. Cougar •5495 646-3515 KNohan Ramodallng auauTyotawMMAT Bradley to Phoenix. 67 Pont Grand Am •9995 84 Marc. Cougar •6495 W ASHINGTON — Consumer prices rose 0.4 84 Mere. O. Marquis Y 646-22S3 SarWea b O u r SurtMte ■OONOMIOAL rmcsa mss Leave 5-24-88 return 87 Spaotrum 4 Or. •6495 •7995 percent in April as clothing costs were up for the SSIHIATSS. IS n CAMPERS/ By Alex GIrelll Assistant Town Manager Steven 6-1-88. $200. 742-8817 of- 87 Monte Cano •10,995 84 Marc. Topaz •3995 second straight month and grocery prices climbed :T« € s m B T i m ~ w m Sue Phona 742-1152 VrRIB Ot RKMTlRnB^ TlNfBWtB Werbner. and Assistant Town iiiMMiMWMMMHWRRRWB txtertorBAWOOr RowerPOURT WatniMWWII MMMMR.CM S t^ S lS O ter 5pm._____________ 87 Bulok Regal 2 dr. •10,995 84 Chavy Caprtoa wgn. •6995 TRAILERS Manchester Herald at their fastest pace in 20 months, the Labor I Paint PJ's PlumbinB 6 Hntliig AMi f07 Mr> I|mRR87 WOODEN Combination 83 Mate. Capri •4995 Attorney William Shea. B E N ^ n r 16' travel Department reported today. B a r b a r a R A Y Boilers, pumps, hot storm door, 32"x80". 3 .83 Maro. Lynx •2995 A consensus of the town Board After the session. Director Time etill available lor May. pairs of vinyl shutters 872-9111 82 Bulok Ragal •4995 trailer. Excellent con­ Energy prices were up sharply as well, reflecting Stephen T. Cassano said, "I'm BOOKKEEPING Senior DWoount water tanks, new and dition. Sleeps 6. Stove, of Directors agreed in an execu- the steepest rise in gasoline prices since August. (1 pair 11"x55") (2 excited about the possibilities. For Praa EeHmata - Call replacement. 301-305 CENTER ST. refrigerator, toilet, : tive session Thursday to proceed The overall gain, only marginally better than S - tS S S S ^ S a GONCilETE pairs 11"x51"). Miscel­ It’s a signicant step forward for 646*7250 FREE ESTIMATES laneous full wooden MANCHESTER sink, heater. Must see I •with a proposed agreement be- March’s 0.5 percent gain, meant that for the first LIP M A N # 1 $2000. 649-7533. the town” ■Ri'RIBVlBrfF liMB* screens. Best offer. tween the town and the Eighth four months of 1988 retail prices were up at an 643*9649 / 228*9816 Coll offer 4pm. 649-6966. VOLKSWAGEN 643-5135 District that would resolve nag- 6 4 9 - 3 2 8 1 D 6 8 PMRTING CPS CONCRETE DiRosa said he would contact annual rate of 4.5 percent. IrtsHsr llsdse PalNiBg Ratios, , walks, ftaere, drive­ JOHN Deere Mower 1987. 87 VW Solrooco, 16V. Loaded MDTDRCYCLES/ . ging sewer and fire jurisdiction District Director Samuel Longest While this was little changed from the 4.4 percent ways, aidWIelW a decks. Jack 80 hours. 48" walk be­ disputes. Mayor Peter P. DiRosa OapenMMe and eapailenoed. IMSCEIUUIRIUS • 11.888 S ill Vour Car' MDPEDS to set up the news conference. for all of 1987, economists were concerned ^cause Hammarlna A sow cuttlna. hind. 16hp engine, 87 Bulok nivtora. Immaculats Jr. said. Lew RrWae and Puny hwuiad. ISERMGES DiRosa and Longest constitute a much of the inflationary pressure has shown up in RREB ESTIMATES. electric start. $2500. Loadsd. *18,850 Y ^ A H A 1980 250 Excl- " DiRosa said a news conference ie% DlecwmlMrteMer cnttsM 649-1861.

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