Editor & Director Dr. R.K. Thukral Research Editor Dr. Shafeeq Rahman Compiled, Researched and Published by Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. D-100, 1st Floor, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi- 110020. Ph.: 91-11- 43580781-84 Email : [email protected] Website : www.indiastatelections.com Online Book Store : www.indiastatpublications.com Report No. : AFB/UP-119-0121 ISBN : 978-93-5301-067-6 First Edition : January, 2017 Third Updated Edition : January, 2021 Price : Rs. 11500/- US$ 310 © Datanet India Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical photocopying, photographing, scanning, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. Please refer to Disclaimer at page no. 256 for the use of this publication. Printed in India Contents No. Particulars Page No. Introduction 1 Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) at a Glance | Features of Assembly 1-2 as per Delimitation Commission of India (2008) Location and Political Maps Location Map | Boundaries of Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) in 2 District | Boundaries of Assembly Constituency under Parliamentary 3-10 Constituency - (Lok Sabha) | Town & Village-wise Winner Parties-2019, 2017, 2014, 2012 and 2009 Administrative Setup 3 District | Sub-district | Towns | Villages | Inhabited Villages | Uninhabited 11-22 Villages | Village Panchayat | Intermediate Panchayat Demographics 4 Population | Households | Rural/Urban Population | Towns and Villages by 23-24 Population Size | Sex Ratio (Total & 0-6 Years) | Religious Population | Social Population | Literacy Rate Electoral Features 5 Important Dates of Last Elections Held | Electors by Gender | Service Electors 25-30 | Voters | Voters Turnout | Polling Stations & Average Number of Electors per Polling Station | Electors by Age Group | Present Elected Representatives Historical Summary Election Results Vote Share of Major Parties | Winning Margin (Number & Percentage) | 6 Polarity of Parties | Summary Result of Assembly Segment of Parliamentary 31-39 Election 2019, 2014 and 2009 | Summary Result of Assembly Elections 2017 and 2012 Polling Station Level Election Results Name and Number of Polling Station 2019, 2017, 2014, 2012 and 2009 | 7 Polling Station-wise Electors, Voters & Voters Turnout 2019, 2017, 2014, 40-210 2012 and 2009 | Polling Station wise Elections Results 2019, 2017, 2014, 2012 and 2009 Panchayat and Local Bodies Election Results 8 211-234 Panchayat Result 2015 | Urban Local Bodies Result 2012 Share of Assembly Constituency 9 Share of Assembly Constituency - (Vidhan Sabha) in State, District and 235 Parliamentary Constituency - (Lok Sabha) Socio-Economic Amenities Access to Administrative Units | Agricultural, Manufacturing and Industrial Commodities | Demographic Indicators | Education | Health & Manpower | 10 Drinking Water Supply | Sanitation | Entertainment and Recreations 237-251 Infrastructure | Power | Food Allocation Distribution and Marketing of Agriculture Commodities Infrastructure | Transport and Road Infrastructure | Communication | Banking and Financial Services | Land Use | Irrigation Source 11 Abbreviation & Sources 252-255 12 Disclaimer 256 Meerganj Uttar Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Location & Political Map 7 Meerganj Uttar Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Administrative Setup List of Village Panchayat & Intermediate Panchayat (Block) Name Intermediate Panchayat Village Name Village Panchayat Name Name Abhupura Urf Jokhanpur Basai Shergarh Agras Agras Fatehganj Pashchim Aksaura Aksaura Fatehganj Pashchim Amaur Amaur Fatehganj Pashchim Ambarpur Thiria Buzurg Mirganj Anandpur Anandpur Mirganj Asad Nagar Asad Nagar Mirganj Aundh Aundh Fatehganj Pashchim Aurangabad Aurangabad Shergarh Bafari Abdul Nabipur Aksara Fatehganj Pashchim Bafari Buzurg Bafari Buzurg Fatehganj Pashchim Bagrau Bagrau Fatehganj Pashchim Bahadurpur Bitham Navgaya Mirganj Bahadurpur Bahadurpur Mirganj Bahroli Bahroli Mirganj Bairamnagar Bairam Nagar Shergarh Bajpur Mohammad Ganj Mirganj Bakenia Birpur Bakenia Birpur Shergarh Bakenia Champatpur Gouhana Fatehganj Pashchim Balehi Balehi Paharpur Mirganj Balli Balli Shergarh Ballia Ballia Fatehganj Pashchim Ballia Ballia Mirganj Balpura Balupura Mirganj Barhaipur Dolly Jwaharlal Fatehganj Pashchim Basai Basai Shergarh Basavanpur Sevajwalapur Fatehganj Pashchim Bhagvatipur Pahuncha Buzurg Mirganj Bhamora Bhamora Fatehganj Pashchim Contd.... 15 Uttar Pradesh Meerganj Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Demographics Number of Villages by Population Size - 2011 Less 10000 100- 200- 500- 1000- 2000- 5000- Total than and 200 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 Village 100 Above 6 2 15 41 81 64 9 0 218 Number of Towns by Population Size - 2011 Less than 10000- 20000- 50000- 100000 and Total 5000-9999 4999 19999 49999 99999 Above Town 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 24 Uttar Pradesh Meerganj Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Electoral Features Electors by Male & Female Year Male Female Others Total Year Male Female Others Total 2019 PE 178727 150789 11 329527 1991 AE - - - - 2017 AE 176067 148736 9 324812 1989 AE - - - - 2014 PE 171040 145262 8 316310 1985 AE - - - - 2012 AE 153613 123419 2 277034 1980 AE - - - - 2009 PE - - - - 1977 AE - - - - 2007 AE - - - - 1974 AE - - - - 2004 PE - - - - 1969 AE - - - - 2002 AE - - - - 1967 AE - - - - 1999 PE - - - - 1962 AE - - - - 1996 AE - - - - 1957 AE - - - - 1993 AE - - - - 1952 AE - - - - Note : AE : Assembly Election, PE : Assembly Segment of Parliamentary Election 26 Meerganj Uttar Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Historical Summary Election Results Summary Result of Assembly Election - 2012 Candidate Name Party Votes Votes % Sultan Baig BSP 57446 31.23 Dr.D.C Verma BJP 49525 26.93 Haji Zahid Husain Guddu SP 35299 19.19 Jaideep Singh Barar IND 18507 10.06 Ramesh Chandra JaKP 6775 3.68 Hulasi Ram Rajput INC 3910 2.13 Tarun Kumar Gangwar JD(U) 3694 2.01 Subhash Chandra Sharma NCP 2866 1.56 Sia Ram IND 1698 0.92 Kalpana Gangwar RLNP 1512 0.82 Raghvendra Kumar Singh IND 899 0.49 Noni Ram IND 666 0.36 Het Ram Gangwar RLM 640 0.35 Kamlesh Kumar BKrD 482 0.26 39 Meerganj Uttar Pradesh Assembly Constituency Assembly Factbook™ Polling Station Level Election Results Number and Name of Polling Stations (PS) (2017) Number Number of Polling Name of Polling Stations of Polling Name of Polling Stations Stations Stations 1 Rij. Kas. Is.College R. N. 1 Shishgarh 22 Pra. Pa. Guladiya 2 Riz. Kas. Is. College R. No. 2 Shishgarh 23 Ju. Ha. School Balli R. No. 1 3 Riz. Kas. Is. College R. No. 3 Shishgarh 24 Ju. Ha. School Balli R. No. 2 4 Pra. Pa. First R. Np. 1 Shishgarh 25 Pra. Pa. Nagla 5 Kisan Ju. Ha. School R. No. 7 Shishgarh 26 Pra. Pa. Bilsa 6 Pra. Pa. First R. No. Shishgarh 27 Pra. Pa. R. No. 1 Jafarpur 7 Pra. Pa. Second R. No. 1 Shishgarh 28 Pra. Pa. R.No. 2 Jafarpur 8 Pra. Pa. First R. No.3 Shishgarh 29 Pra. Pa. R. No. 3 Jafarpur 9 Pra. Pa. Second R. No. 2 Shishgarh 30 Pra. Pa. R. No. 4 Jafarpur 10 Kisan Ju. Ha. School R. No. 1 Shishgarh 31 Pra. Pa. R. No. 1 Boonchi 11 Kisan Ju. Ha. School R. No. 2 Shishgarh 32 Pra. Pa. R. No. 2 Boonchi 12 Kisan Ju. Ha. School R. No. 3 Shishgarh 33 Ju. Ha. School Malsakhera 13 Kisan Ju. Ha. School R. No. 4 Shishgarh 34 Pra. Pa. Dhakiya 14 Kisan Ju. Ha. School R. No. 5 Shishgarh 35 Pra. Pa. School Lakhimpur 15 Kisan Ju. Ha. School R. No. 6 Shishgarh 36 Pra. Pa. Meerpur 16 Madrsa Darul Huda R. No. 1 Shishgarh 37 Pra. Pa. Raghunathpur Urf Jagdishpur 17 Madrsa Darul Huda R. No. 2 Shishgarh 38 Pra. Pa. R. No. 1 Dharmpura 18 Pra. Pa. Girdharpur 39 Pra. Pa. R. No. 2 Dharmpura 19 Pra. Pa. Bisalpur 40 Pra. Pa. Gokilpur 20 Pra. Pa. Jiyanagla 41 Pra. Pa. R. No. 1 Sahora 21 Pra. Pa. Lakha 42 Pra. Pa. R. No. 2 Sahora Contd.... 49 Uttar Pradesh Meerganj Assembly Factbook™ Assembly Constituency Polling Station Level Election Results Polling Station-wise Votes Secured by Overall Top Five Parties in Meerganj Assembly in Assembly Election (AE) under Bareilly Parliamentary Constituency in Uttar Pradesh (2017) Winner 4th - 3rd - 5th - Number - Dr. Runner-up Bhanu Total Narendra Shakeel of Polling D.C. - Sultan Pratap NOTA Other Votes Pal Singh Ahmad Station Verma Beg (BSP) Singh Secured (INC) (PECP) (BJP) (MD) 36 155 226 12 0 0 3 6 402 37 246 83 16 25 1 1 8 380 38 13 303 172 2 1 4 5 500 39 289 134 44 12 2 4 16 501 40 163 165 3 3 3 2 9 348 41 177 44 12 312 2 14 11 572 42 63 216 16 193 1 6 27 522 43 283 323 24 93 7 11 21 762 44 338 93 6 71 3 5 14 530 45 523 270 114 48 1 4 24 984 46 428 201 51 18 5 9 23 735 47 202 84 58 41 0 5 10 400 48 311 173 27 35 0 9 17 572 49 653 180 21 21 7 10 20 912 50 320 247 214 4 9 6 24 824 51 434 77 22 3 2 4 9 551 52 198 108 180 9 14 4 14 527 53 170 120 170 0 2 5 16 483 54 231 391 192 2 4 5 11 836 55 20 202 202 3 0 6 6 439 56 6 190 238 3 0 6 8 451 57 272 281 175 3 0 7 33 771 58 330 42 9 4 2 2 13 402 59 337 325 182 9 2 8 21 884 60 641 7 31 1 1 6 12 699 61 391 116 8 8 2 5 22 552 62 376 162 17 1 2 13 24 595 63 385 304 62 4 3 16 28 802 64 493 156 18 12 7 5 23 714 65 576 121 24 7 1 4 8 741 66 21 176 463 3 3 7 24 697 67 512 318 72 11 2 5 26 946 68 241 118 170 7 4 12 22 574 69 266 339 63 10 2 6 15 701 70 227 94 3 4 1 7 11 347 Contd...
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