The Society for Psychical Research COMBINED INDEX TO ‘PHANTASMS OF THE LIVING,’ Vols. I. and II. ‘THE PROCEEDINGS,’ Vols. I.-XV. ‘THE JOURNAL,’ Vols. I.-IX. ‘THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PSYCHICAL RESEARCH.’ WITH TABLE OF CONTENTS OF ‘THE PROCEEDINGS’ LONDON R. BRIMLEY JOHNSON 4. ADAM STREET, ADELPHI, W.C. Digitized Vi¥ \oo \ > Sc 545792 Digitized by Google PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society for Psychical Research CONTENTS OF VOLS. I.-XV. VOLUME I.—1882-83. PART I. PAGE Officers and Council for 1882...................................................................... 1 Objects of the Society........................................................................................3 I. Address by the President, (Professor Sidgwick), at the First General Meeting............................................................................... 7 II. First Report of the Committee on Thought-Reading - - - 13 III. Note on Thought-Reading. By Professor Balfour Stewart - 35 IV. Note on Thought-Reading. By Rev. A. M. Creery - - - 43 V. Appendix to the Report on Thought-Reading. By Professor W. F. Ba-rrett.............................................................................47 PART II. I. Address by the President, (Professor Sidgwick), at the Second General Meeting - 65 II. Second Report of the Committee on Thought-Transference (with Illustrations).................................................................... 70 III. Preliminary Report of the “ Reichenbach ” Committee - - 99 IV. First Report of the Committee on “ Haunted Houses ” - - 101 V. First Report of the Literary Committee........................................116 VI. On “ Clairvoyance.” By G. Wyld, M.D. (Abstract) - - 156 Annual Business Meeting.—Report and Financial Statement - - 158 Digitized by CiOOQle 4 Combined Contents. PART III. I. Third Report of the Committee on Thought-Transference (with. lllstratios).................................................................. 161 II. First Report of the Committee on Mesmerism - - - - 217 III. First Report of the “ Reichenbach ” Committee - - - - 230 IV. On Some Phenomena Associated with Abnormal Conditions of Mind. By Professor W. F. Barrett .... 238 PART IV. I. Address by the President, (Professor Sidgwick), at the Fourth General Meeting................................................................... 245 II. Second Report of the Committee on Mesmerism - 251 III. Record of Experiments in Thought-Transference at Liverpool. By Malcolm Guthrie, J.P., and James Birchall - - 263 IV. Appendix to Report on Mesmerism................................................ 284 V. Note on Muscle-Reading. By the Rev. E. H. Sugden - - 291 VI. Circular Letter. No. 1.—On the General Work of the Society - 295 VII. Circular Letter. No. 2.—On Dreaming and Allied States - 303 VIII. Catalogue of the Library................................................................ 307 IX. Regulations as to the Lending of Books......................................... 319 X. Officers and Council for 1883 ..................................................... 320' XI. List of Members, Associates, Honorary and Corresponding Members....................................................................................321 XII. Constitution and Rules of the Society....................................... 331 VOLUME II.—1884. PART V. I. Fourth Report of the Committee on Thought-Transference - 1 II. Third Report of the Committee on Mesmerism - - - - 12 III. An Account of some Experiments in Thought-Transference (with IUstrations). By Malcolm Guthrie, J.P. - - 24 IV. Second Report of the Literary Committee......................................... 43 V. Note on the Existence of a “ Magnetic Sense.” By Professor W. F. Barrett.............................................................................56 VI. The Stages of Hypnotism. By Edmund Gurney - - - 61 VII. Report on Wells Sunk at Locking, Somerset, to Test the Alleged Power of the Divining Rod. By Professor W. J. Sollas, M.A., D.Sc..............................................................................73 VIII. The Divining Rod. By Edward R. Pease - - - - 79 Appendix I. Tabular Abstract of Evidence on the Divining Rod, collected by Mr. E. Vaughan Jenkins - - - 99 Appendix II. Selected Cases from the same - - - - 95 Annual Business Meeting........................................................................... 108 Digitized by kjOOQle Combined Contents. 5 PART VI. I. Third Report of the Literary Committee— A Theory of Apparitions. Part I.........................................109 II. Second Report of the Committee on Haunted Houses, etc. - - 137 III. Opening Address at the Eighth General Meeting. By the President (Professor Sidgwick) .... - 152 IV. Fourth Report of the Literary Committee— A Theory of Apparitions. Part II. - - • - - . 157 V. Opening Address at the Ninth General Meeting. By Professor Balfour Stewart, F.R.S. - -........................................187 VI. An Account of some Experiments in Thought-Transference. By Professor Oliver J. Lodge, D.Sc. - 189 VII. An Account of some Experiments in Mesmerism. By Edmund Gurney ----.-........................................201 VIII. Diagrams Illustrative of Thought-Transference - - - - 207 PART VII. I. On a Telepathic Explanation of some so-called Spiritualistic Phenomena. I. By Frederic W. H. Myers - - - 217 II. Abstract of the President’s (Professor Sidgwick’s) Opening Address at the Eleventh General Meeting ... 238 III. M. Richet’s Recent Researches in Thought-Transference - - 239 Note on the same. By Professor O. J. Lodge, and Alfred Lodge.................................................................................... 257 IV. The Problems of Hypnotism. By Edmund Gurney - - - 265 V. Catalogue of the Library .................................................................. 293 VI. List of Members and Associates.................................................317 VII. Constitution and Rules...................................................................333 VOLUME III.—1885. PART VIII. I. Automatic Writing. II. By Frederic W. H. Myers - - 1 II. Opening Address at the Thirteenth General Meeting. By Pro­ fessor Balfour Stewart, F.R.S...........................................64 III. Notes on the Evidence, collected by the Society, for Phantasms of the Dead. By Mrs. H. Sidgwick..........................................69 IV. Hallucinations. By Edmund Gurney ..... 151 V. The Calculus of Probabilities applied to Psychical Research. I. By F. Y. Edgeworth............................................................. - 190 Annual Business Meeting...................................................................... - 200 Digitized by kjOOQle 6 Combined Contents. PART IX. I. Report on Phenomena connected with Theosophy (1) Statement and Conclusions of the Committee - - 201 (2) Account of Personal Investigations in India, and Dis­ cussion of the Authorship of the “ Koot Hoomi” Letters (with Appendices). By Richard Hodgson 207 (3) Report of Mr. F. G. Nethbrclift on the Blavatsky- Coulomb Correspondence........................................381 (4) Note on Certain Phenomena not dealt with in Mr. Hodgson’s Account. By Mrs. H. Sidgwick - - 382 (5) Details of the Evidence referred to on Page 207 - - 397 Contents of the above Report......................................................... 400 II. Some Higher Aspects of Mesmerism. By E. Gurney and F. W. H. Myers....................................- 401 III. Further Report on the Experiments in Thought-Transference at Liverpool. By Malcolm Guthrie, J.P. ... - 424 IV. Local Anaesthesia induced in the Normal State by Mesmeric Passes....................................................................................453 V. Report on an Alleged Physical Phenomenon .... 460 Catalogue of the Library (abridged)......................................................... 464 List of Members and Associates.................................................................. 475 Constitution and Rules...........................................................................493 VOLUME IV.—1886-87. PART X. ' I. Human Personality in the Light of Hypnotic Suggestion. By Frederic W. H. Myers.................................................... - 1 II. On some Physical Phenomena commonly called Spiritualistic, witnessed by the Author. By Professor W. F. Barrett - 25 Note on the above Paper, by Professor Balfour Stewart, F.R.S. 42 III. Results of a Personal Investigation into the “Physical Phenomena ” of Spiritualism, with some critical remarks on the Evidence for the genuineness of such Phenomena. By Mrs. H. Sidgwick.................................................................... 45 IV. The Possibilities of Mai-Observation in relation to Evidence for the Phenomena of Spiritualism. By Charles C. Massey - 75 Note on the above Paper, by Professor H. Sidgwick, and Dis­ cussion ......................................................................................99 V. Experiments in Muscle-Reading and Thought-Transference. By Max Dessoir - - - -....................................Ill VI. On Telepathic Hypnotism, and its relation to other forms of Hypnotic Suggestion. By Frederic W. H. Myers - - 127 VII. The Calculus of Probabilities applied to Psychical Research. II. By F. Y. Edgeworth.................................................................. 189 Digitized by LjOOQle Combined Contents. 7 PART XI. I. Automatic Writing. III. By Frederic W. H. Myers - 209 II. Opening Address at the Twenty-fourth General Meeting. By
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