NOV 4 1959 .%; NORTH BORNEO AV M • ESA,R;WAK = SING PORE NEWS OF THE LORD'S WORK IN THE MALAYAN UNION MISSION VOLUME SIX MARCH—APRIL NUMBER TWO ae Rise and Development of the Seventk-day Adventist church PART I BY F. A. MOTE, President, Far Eastern Division All down through the ages as prophecies were many countries that he has been called "the mission- about to be fulfilled, God gave certain individuals ary to the world." knowledge in order that they could understand the In the 1840's several laymen in Sweden began to prophecies and be able to explain them to others. teach about the hour of God's judgment. Two of Such was the case in Old Testament times, as well these young men, Ole Boquist and Erik Walbom, as in the days of our Saviour and the apostles. It were arrested, and when on trial before the governor was also true in the days of the Reformation. We they preached powerfully on Joel 2 and Revelation 14. are not to be surprised to learn that near the end However, they were put in prison, but when they of time, God would prepare individuals in different were finally released they continued to preach until parts of the world who would not only understand 1844. the prophecies concerning the end of the world, but would also preach the message to others. The newspapers gave reports during 1842 and 1843 When the prophecy of the 1260 days had been of children who had "preaching sickness," for they fulfilled, our heavenly Father called men in different preached on the second coming of Christ. churches in different parts of the world, to study The outstanding man in North America who stud- and proclaim the prophecies concerning the second ied and preached about the coming of Jesus was coming of our Saviour. One such man was Johann William Miller. He loved the Bible, and studied Bengel, of Germany. He wrote several books on the the book of- Daniel very much He learned that the second coming which were read by many people and 2300-day prophecy of Daniel 8:14, began in the year were translated into many European languages. An- 457 B.c. He believed that Jesus would come at the other young man, Manuel Lacunza, of South America, end of the 2300 days, or years, which he thought who was studying to become a Jesuit priest, spent would be between March 21, 1843 and March 21, his time studying the Bible and other books. He 1844. Miller began his preaching in 1831. Two studied the prophecies of Daniel, Paul and John, years later the stars fell from heaven, on November and he wrote a book on the second coming of Christ 13, 1833, according to the prophecy of Matthew 24: which was read in Spain, Mexico and South America. 29. In 1839, Miller was invited to speak in a large Later his book was translated into Latin, Italian, church in Boston. The church pastor, Joshua V. ▪ French and English. Thus about one half of the Himes, believed the teaching of Miller, and he also population of the world had the opportunity of began to preach about the soon coming of Jesus. reading his message. He wrote his book under the Himes at once began to publish a paper—The Signs name of Ben-Ezra. of the Times—the first Adventist paper in America. ▪ Still another who studied the prophecies regarding Others joined Miller in his work, including Josiah the second coming of Christ was a small Jewish boy ritch, Joseph Bates, and Charles Fitch. The Miller- in Germany by the name of Joseph Wolff. Wolff ites called themselves Adventists. It should be men- took his stand for Jesus when he was about thirteen, tioned here that they were Sunday Adventists. Many and soon had to leave his home. His travels took thousands of people in America, as well as in other him to many countries in Europe, to Africa, Asia, parts of the world, accepted the teachings of those and the United States. Wolff spoke many languages who believed that Jesus would return to this earth and preached on the second coming of Christ in so not later than April, 1844. 2 "THE MESSENGER March—April How great was the disappointment of those thou- impressed and gave willingly of their means. We sands of people when Jesus did not come when they received nearly $1,800 for the 22 nights, $402 of this expected! These Adventists began to restudy the being given the last night of the meetings. 2300-day prophecy, and they discovered that the One of the features of the meetings was the or- date should be October 22, 1844, according to our chestra directed by Dr. Brueske. The 20 members present-day calendar. Thus the "midnight cry" of of the orchestra were, in the main, not members of the Adventist message was given between the spring our church but they came on at least five occasions of 1844 and October 22, 1844. It was the "tarrying to bring beautiful religious music to the people who time" in the parable of the virgins. Because the attended. popular churches rejected the message that Jesus During the meetings hundreds were visited in their would actually come back to this earth in October 22, homes. More than 50 took their stand publicly for 1844, thousands of the Adventist believers felt that this Truth we all cherish. These are now in Bible the call, "Come out of her," found in Revelation classes conducted by Pastor A. P. Ritz, Brother 18:4, was directed to them. More than 50,000 left Chong Tat Kong and Brother Jimmy Wah. Pastor their churches at that time. They were most sincere Ritz is also continuing the meetings by conducting in their teaching that Jesus would return to the earth Sunday night meetings for the public in the church. on October 22, 1844. As the time drew near, many Let us join in prayer to our Creator that many of men dismissed their employees, believers paid all these will be baptized into God's great family. their debts and closed theirplaces of business. Wil- liam Miller and his followers were prepared on Oc- tober 21 for their Lord to return for them the follow- ing day. The Adventists firmly believed that their Colporteur Retreat at Port Dickson life of hard work, disappointments and reproach BY H. W. PETERSON would soon be forever in the past. They were cor- rect in figuring the dates, but they failed to under- The Malay States Mission Colporteur Institute was stand properly the events which the Bible teaches held at Port Dickson, March 11-16. The bungalow would take place at the end of the 2300 days. in which this institute was held was located near the sea and proved ideal _for our purposes. Here was a place where our faithful colporteurs could MALAY STATES MISSION come apart and rest a while, and receive further President Y. H. Phang instruction for future labors and spiritual refresh- Treasurer Kong Hon Hin ment which would inspire them w:th hope and courage. 140 Bukit Bintang. Kuala Lumpur After a period of training, we find that Jesus sent forth the twelve disciples. Later He appointed seventy more. After a season of successful labour, they returned to Jesus and told Him all things that had The Isles Shall Wait for Thy Law taken place. Jesus listened sympathetically and en- BY J. L. POGUE couraged them to lay before Him their favorable and unfavorable experiences. It was evident that they The people on the island of Penang have truly had committed errors in their first work as evan- waited to hear our message from God for these times. gelists, and as they frankly told Christ of their ex- Revivals and Voice of Prophecy rallies have been periences, He saw that they needed much instruction. held in the church and in a small rented hall, but He saw too that they had become weary in their February 19 was the opening night for the first series labours and needed rest. Thus we have a guide book of public meet;ngs since the war. to follow. The church in Penang was wonderful in its sup- port and attendance at the meetings. Our people The colporteur ministry is strenuous under the best in Penang—Hospital workers, Mission workers and circumstances since it "involves the performance of members of the church- had been preparing for the the highest moral, duties." Conseauently it behooves meetings for some time. They located and rented each colparteur who has been called to this important the Khelk Association Hall. This hall is located nn and sacred work to seek for heaven's perfection in one of the main roads in Penang and was readily his task. We must ever remember that we are hand- accessable to the public. One of our laymen gra- ling sacred truths. "Heaven's perfection is to be ciously gave one-half of the building rental ,price for your power." Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 21. One of the the meetings. dangers common to all is to cherish spiritual pride, People came in spite of the rain and the warnings self-sufficiency and self-impprtance. The disciples of from their church leaders to hear Pastor Spangler Jesus also faced this danaer. "As the disciples had give God's message for this hour. The hall seated seen the success of their labours, they were in danger only 500 and there was not one night in the series of taking credit to themselves, in danger of cherishing of 22 consecutive meetings but what many had to spiritual pride and thus falling under Satan's tempta- stand for lack of seats.
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