E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2017 No. 72 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was and well-attended houses of worship in administration. By bringing down tax called to order by the President pro Arkansas’s second largest city of Fort rates for individuals, we can help ease tempore (Mr. HATCH). Smith, which is the city in which I the burden on middle-class families, f grew up. and by lowering taxes for American Pastor Sloan is also a proud husband businesses, both small and large, we PRAYER and father and plays an important role can foster job creation here at home, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. To- in the life of the Fort Smith commu- while making our country more com- day’s opening prayer will be offered by nity. As the lead pastor of Harvest petitive in an increasingly competitive Martyn Sloan, lead pastor of Harvest Time, he has a passion for caring for international economy. I commend the Time in Fort Smith, AR. his congregation and those in the larg- President and his team for taking this The guest Chaplain offered the fol- er community through preaching, critical first step, and I look forward to lowing prayer: teaching, and counseling in order to working with the administration and Almighty and Eternal God, who has encourage and build up their faith and our House colleagues to finally over- created us, to whom we belong and develop meaningful relationships with haul our tax system. whom we serve, it is in You that we Christ and one another. f find our purpose, our peace, and our For 22 years, Pastor Sloan has been prosperity. May Your Kingdom come. in ministry and has focused on both na- NOMINATION OF ALEXANDER Use this day our lawmakers to com- tional and international missions. He ACOSTA plete and carry out Your will on this has also been involved with the Live Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on Earth as in Heaven. Create in each of Nativity on Capitol Hill and the Na- another matter, despite much unneces- them a clean and a courageous and a tional Day of Prayer and has conducted sary obstruction, the Senate has con- selfless heart that will not give in to pastoral conferences in America, Peru, tinued to move forward with the con- fear, adversity, or temptation. Grant and Armenia. Pastor Sloan says that firmation process for administration them wisdom and the discernment of one of his greatest joys is to ‘‘pastor nominees. the truth so that they may rightly from the center of the room’’ because Just this week, we have confirmed judge these, Your children. Strengthen his desire is to lead his congregation by two more impressive individuals—Sec- them as they grow weary so that they walking through life together with retary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue may give strength to the weary and them. and Deputy Attorney General Rod burdened in this life. Serving as the guest Chaplain is an Rosenstein. Today, we will have the op- We pray this and all things in Your incredible honor. I am thankful for portunity to confirm a third. That Holy Name. Amen. Pastor Sloan’s ministry, and I am so nominee, Alexander Acosta, under- f pleased he could be here to offer an in- stands the difficult task ahead of him PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE vocation of asking God to guide and as the next Secretary of Labor. Fortu- The President pro tempore led the bless the efforts of Congress and Amer- nately, he has an impressive back- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: ica’s leaders. ground that will serve him well as he takes on these tough issues. It explains I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I yield the floor. United States of America, and to the Repub- f why Acosta has earned high acclaim lic for which it stands, one nation under God, from numerous pro-job groups, like the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY National Association of Manufacturers, LEADER The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. which called him an ‘‘exceptional STRANGE). The Senator from Arkansas The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- choice to lead the Department,’’ and is recognized. jority leader is recognized. the chamber of commerce, which noted his ‘‘extraordinary history of govern- f f ment service and refined skills.’’ WELCOMING THE GUEST THE PRESIDENT’S TAX PLAN He has also earned support from CHAPLAIN Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, yes- across the political spectrum, includ- Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, I terday, the administration introduced ing from people like Lafe Solomon, a would like to thank Pastor Marty a plan to serve as the guideline for National Labor Relations Board Acting Sloan for delivering the opening prayer modernizing and simplifying America’s General Counsel in the Obama adminis- in the Senate today. Tax Code. This process is long overdue, tration, who said Acosta is ‘‘very open- Pastor Sloan is the lead pastor of and it is a priority that is shared by minded and fair’’ and ‘‘deserves to be Harvest Time, one of the most active the Republican House, Senate, and the Secretary of Labor.’’ ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2565 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:33 Apr 27, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27AP6.000 S27APPT1 lotter on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 27, 2017 We have also heard from unions that The senior assistant legislative clerk Allowing their reports to slide into a have backed him as well. In their read the nomination of R. Alexander deep, dark hole, in limbo for 2, 3, or 4 words, Acosta is an ‘‘advocate for the Acosta, of Florida, to be Secretary of years—and even more, as I have point- middle class,’’ a nominee with ‘‘strong Labor. ed out—leaves whistleblowers exposed, credentials and an impeccable reputa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- leaves them vulnerable to retaliation, tion,’’ and someone they can work with ator from Iowa. and of course distrusting of the system ‘‘to protect and make better the lives Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I that is designed to protect the whistle- of working men and women across think I have 15 minutes to speak. When blowers. So, in the end, this kind of America.’’ I get to about 13 minutes, would you treatment will discourage others from Acosta’s leadership at the Labor De- raise your thumb or something and tell stepping forward in the future. partment will serve as a much needed me, please. Hotline officials, including Mrs. Gar- change from what we saw under the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The rison, were questioned about the back- previous administration, when, too Chair certainly will. log on December 15, 2016. They at- Mr. GRASSLEY. Thank you. often, onerous regulations that stifled tempted to deflect responsibility else- instead of encouraged growth were DEFENSE DEPARTMENT’S OFFICE OF THE where and showed little interest in the INSPECTOR GENERAL given high priority, which came at a problem. After numerous followup in- Mr. President, I come to the floor disadvantage to the very workers the quiries, a second meeting was re- today to spotlight a potential failure of previous administration claimed to be quested. leadership at the Defense Department’s So at a March 30 meeting this year, helping. Office of Inspector General in that a Of course, much work remains when Hotline officials were singing a whole large number of hotline cases have different song. They tried to dispel the it comes to providing relief to middle- been set aside, neglected, and possibly class workers, but today’s vote to con- notion that a surge in cases closures forgotten. were triggered by my inquiry. To the firm Acosta represents another posi- The hotline plays a very critical role tive step in that direction. contrary, they said, it was part of rou- in the inspector general’s core mission tine, ongoing ‘‘cleanup of the hotline f of rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse. mess’’ that began way back in March of GOVERNMENT FUNDING The hotline is the command and con- 2013. They reported that 107,000 cases LEGISLATION trol link between whistleblowers on were swept up, including the so-called the one hand and investigators on the bad dog cases from 2002. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on other hand. To succeed, hotline tips This explanation may be fiction. one final issue, as we know, talks on need quick and decisive action, but Mrs. Garrison should know that the government funding legislation have speed is not one of the chief assets of 406 cases date back to 2012 and 2013. continued throughout the week on a bi- this unit. Without a quick response, After sitting on the hotline docket for partisan, bicameral basis. The House the full value of whistleblower infor- up to 4-plus years, these cases are any- has introduced a short-term funding mation is lessened. thing but routine. They are tough nuts bill that we expect to pass before Fri- Last year, at my request, I was given to crack, of course, and very difficult day night’s deadline so that a final a 12-page spreadsheet dated November to resolve—sort of like the bad dogs agreement can be drafted and shared 8, 2016. It listed 406 hotline cases that way back in 2002. with Members for their review prior to had been open for more than 2 years or What they needed was clear direction its consideration next week.
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