LEICA PHOTOGRAPHY LEICA PHOTOGRAPHY Volume25 Number 1 1972 EDITORIAL BOARD Helen Wright Eugene C. Anderegg Leica Photography is published by E. Leitz, Ine., Rockleigh, New Jersey for Leica own- William H. Mann ers and Leica Dealers in the United States and its possessions. Purchasers of new equipment who send in a registration card CONTENTS to permanently register the equiprnent, as a protection against 1055 and to obtain a LEICA M5 guarantee, will autornaticallv receive a free Geoffrey Crawley FRPS, DGPh . .. 4 subscription. Other Leica owners rnay ob- tain a free subscription by writing Leica Photography, E. Leitz, Ine., Rockleigh, ew SAFARI WITH THE LElCAFLEX Jersey 07647. Leica Photography has no set Ernst Haas 13 schedule regarcling either time or fre- quency of appearance in a given year. We reserve rhe right to terminate all free sub- FOCUSING ON scriptions at any time, and publish as few leica Historical Society or as many issues as we choose in any New Books given year. Arizona leica Club 18 Reprovit 11 Color Slide Courses Slide Duplicator .............•....•................. 19 The lollowing are regisieret! treclemerks: NEW LENS, EW OUTLOOK BINDOMATiII lEICA PIIO'IOGRAPHyiII Frank D. Grande 20 ClNOVID® lEICINA® CLASSIMAT® lEITZ® COLORPlAN® ORTHOlUX® NEW PRODUCTS DYGO iII PANPIIOl® Series VII Polarizing Filter E. LEITZ, I C.iII PERrlEKTOt\ \ETERiII Canvas Carry All E. lE ITZ, WETZlARiII PRADOVIT® leicina Super RT 1 22 ElCANiII REPROVITiII ElMAR SI,\lPlEX" Pradovit TA ElMARITiII SU \,\lARO, ~ Extension Tube for Long-Focus lenses rOCOSlIDE® SUM,\-IICRON'" 60mm Macro-Elmarit-R f/2.8 23 HEKTOR® SUMMllUX~ lEICA® TERICA ® lEICAFlEXiII TRI OVID® NEW 60111111 MACRO-ELMARIT-R f/2.8 lEICA-METER® VISOFlEXiII David Douglas Duncan 24 The editors are happy to consider original articles on photog- raphy with the Leica and photographs taken with Leica carneras and lenses. All manuscripts and photographs should be accom- paniecl by stamped, self-addressed return labels. Copyright 1972 by E. Leitz, Ine. Printed in U.5.A. LEICA M5 A review by Ceoffrey Crawley FRPS, OCPh Condensed from The British Journal of Pholography The new M5 differs in size, shape, lay- M5, however, has two heavy-duty strap M body, looks just right on the M5. out and, to some extent, operation lugs both on the left side of the cam- The 50mm f/2 Summicron looks a bit from earlier M models, but the main era. The apertures are wide enough to small, but the 50mm f/l.4 Summilux is new added feature is a through-the- take astrap just less than a '12 inch in precisely in scale. lens exposure meter. width. Top plate controls General Construction The first sight of a camera dangling Frame counter. The frame counter has The M5 is 6.06 inches in length, 3.46 sideways by one end over the shoulder been moved from close to forward on inches in height and 1.30 inches in or round the neck provides a negative the radius of the earlier Ms' right side width. The weight is 24.7 oz. In com- reaction, but only very brief actual use to the rear-or from 2 oclock to 5 parison with the M4 these dimensions is required to prove the logic of the oclock. This may have been necessi- represent a .63 in. increase in length, new arrangement. Most importantly, tated by the increased diameter of the a .47 in. increase in height. The M5 the right end of the camera is left com- shutter speed setting dial, but it is in weighs 3.53 oz. more than the M4, but pletely free of all impediments to the fact more conveniently placed here for if the Leicameter is clipped on to the hand operating it. There is no pos- reading. It is now topped by plain M4 to provide a comparison, then the sibility of the lever-wind becoming glass instead of the former condensor M5 is .88 oz. heavier than the M4. In entangled with the strap or the strap lens and the index pointer is now, fact the actual top plate of the M5 is getting in the way of any of your fin- more logically, on the operator's side only some .16 in. higher than that of gers. Photographers who festoon of the counter dial instead of above it, the earlier Ms' but the accessory shoe themselves with a number of cameras The counter dial remains indexed for and film speed setting device are both may find the arrangement less conve- each frame with engraved numerals raised above the top plate level. nient, but this is a question of per- for the half decades. The frame coun- The height difference will explain sonal preference. ter zeros when the baseplate has the gap between the Visoflex 111 fitting The feet of the camera in the hand is barely been eased up for removal. and the earl ier Ms to puzzled users entirely Leica-like and its controls work Lever-wind. Although the shank dif- and which shows how long the M5 with the same fluidity of engineering fers slightly in profile, having a rather basic shape has been established-al- excellence that is the envy of other narrower elbow, the lever-wind on the though presumably the built-in meter manufacturers. The increase in length M5 can be regarded as virtually iden- always envisaged, eventually became does not seem to be disconcerting, al- tical to that on the M4. The camera is a through-the-Iens meter. The quarter- though earlier M models definitely feel easy to use by either left or right-eyed deck has virtually disappeared and smaller when handled after the M5. photographers. only remains vestigially to accom- The M5 will be available in two fin- Shutter release. This remains set in the modate the shutter speed setting dial, ishes: in the usual satin chrome and in hub of the lever-wind and is threaded which is thus flush with the remainder black chrome. It will be the first cam- for standard taper-fitting cable release. of the top plate. era on the market to be available in There is little or no change in the feet The most noticeable difference is a black chrome rather than an ano- of the shutter release button when de- really in the length of the camera and dized black finish. Previous Leica pressed. However, there is a notable this is the main reason for the apparent models available in a black finish have change in the function of the shutter increase in bulk. been enamelled and after aperiod of release which influences this opera- The increase in body length is vir- time this has worn off to reveal the tion. This is because the initial travel of tually entirely on the lefthand side of brass beneath. The black chrome on the release button swings the through- the camera. Itappears to be mostly due the M5 is as tough and hard-wearing the-Iens meter-cell arm out of the op- to the incorporation of a built-in meter as the more familiar silver and satin tical path into a recess in the weil of system and the battery compartment. chrome finishes, so the camera should the camera dark chamber. The shutter A fundamental departure with the retain its color indefinitely. will only fire after the cell arm has new Leica involves the neckstrap at- Finally, in connection with the gen- moved. For this reason, the shutter re- tachment. From the beginning, 35mm eral appearance, it is interesting to lease should not be pretensioned to cameras have been held by means of note that the 50mm f/l.2 octilux, make an exposure while taking a meter eyelets on either side of the body. The which rather over-powers an earlier reading. 4 The meter reading cell is returned apart instead of .67 in. A great boon over th is range. It must be remem- to the reading position as the lever- will be the fact that the two contact bered that these settings are meter wind is cycled and this action also caps are now linked by a thin arm of readings on/y and that reciprocity fai/- switches on the meter. plastic, so that when one is removed ure must be taken into account for Shutter speed dia/. A major functional it rernains attached to the other. This exposures over this span. The material change on the MS is that the shutter- should prevent the hitherto almost in- of the shutter is the same rubberized speed setting wheel is now co-axial evitable lass of these small items. cloth used in earlier Leicas. with the lever-wind and the shutter Film speed setting. The final feature on Baseplate release button. With the earlier Ms, it the top-plate is the film speed setting As with all M Leicas, the MS remains a was located separately to the left near device for the exposure meter. This is base-Ioading camera with removable the accessory shoe and the clip-on ex- just to the left of the accessory shoe back flap. The MS baseplate and its posure meters locked on to it. On the and immediately forward of the film functions are, however, quite differ- MS, the wheel, which has a finely plane index mark which has been ent. It differs, naturally, in length and milled edge, is large in diameter, 1.06 added to the Leica with the MS. The shape, following the body shape. Also in., and projects over the forward edge setting is changed merely by turning the opening key is now at the right of the camera top-plate.
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