Inj unc tion Lifted; The World YAF Stops Action , Norm U. S. Forces Discover Large Arms Cache By LINDA OtSHESKY the restraining order were Martin Zehur Schwartz. Tom Richdale. Russ Farb. Laurey SAIGON — A big enemy arms cache was found yes- Collegian Staff Writer terday by U.S. forces 52 miles north of Saigon, spokesmen Petkov. Stephen Eis and Jeff Berger. said , in another setback for • the Communist command, The court injunction obtained by members Laura Wcrtheimer. Jack Swisher. K. which has lost 38,000 weapons since its offensive was of Young Americans For Freedom against Charles Betzko and YAF obtained the order launched Feb. 23. seven named students and SO John and Jane from Judge R. Paul Campbell. In addition to the men killed and weapons captured, Does was lifted yesterday at 5 p.m. The demonstration that caused the in- the enemy has lost 2,500 rockets and 110,000 mortar rounds A sit-in demonstration led by members of junction to be served began at 12:30 p.m. w ith to allied forces in the Vs-month-old offensive, the U.S. Students for a Democratic Society against the singing of protest and anti-war songs. Command said. military recruiters sparked YAF to seek the Demonstrators were permitted to sit in Unconfirmed field reports said the cache discovered restraining order. YAF claimed t h e front of the recruiting table. A path leading to yesterday included 91 machine guns .and a number of demonstrators were blocking the aisles in the the table wa.s kept open by the demonstrators mortars, ' Hetzel Union Building. with the help of William F. Fuller, HUB Crisis: Past manager. Mike Alexander, president of the * • * University Union Board and others who served French Left Fails To Name Candidate Doug Cooper, former YAF chairman, ex- as "marshalLs" in keeping the aisles open. plained the lilting of the injunction by saying Students Burn Cards PARIS — An attempt by France's left wing to run a "The SDS crisis is past. We are discontinuing unity presidential candidate against Georges Pompidou During the demonstration th ree students the injunction against obstruction, destruction burned what they alleged were their current dissolved yesterday, strengthening the former premier's the position as front runner in' elections June 1 to pick a or violence in the HUB to encourage draft cards. Un i versity and student government officials to Following the demonstration Richdale said successor to Charles de Gaulle. develop and enforce clear cut regulations The Communist party, the New Socialist party and he and his followers were not in the HUB to the Unified Socialist party, governing student demonstrations on campus hai c a political confrontation between SDS and each nominated men to oppose so that the rights of non-demonstrators are pro- Pompidou after failing to agree on a joint candidate. —college Pholo by Pierre Belltcini YAF. "We are here to protest the military and tected. have a political confrontation between SDS and The Communist dug deep into their stable of old war HEYWOOD HALE BROUN, television sports essayist, "The injunction was a success. Friday's horses to pick Jacques Duclos, a 72-year-old senator, as policies of the U.S. government." their nominee. Earlier in the day, the Socialists had named spoke with members of The Daily Collegian staff last night demonstration against recruiters was the only Universi ty officials said yesterday that the Gaston Defferre, mayor of Marseille. And late Sunday the after delivering the keynote address for the Spring Arts one of four such demonstrations at which no court injunction obtained for the Feb. 24 Old Journalist Visits violence erupted . The extra precautions taken Unified Socialist Party, a small extreme left group, nomi- Festival. Broun (left) discussed his segment of the Ken- Main sit-in applies to any campus building. nated Michel Rocard, 39-year-old civil servant. by demonstrators and school officials insured That injunction makes it unlawful for any tucky Derby broadcast with Denise Bowman. Collegian that students on Friday had unobstructed use pei son or group to disrupt any University ac- * • * Colleg ian Office Staff Writer; Don McKee, Collegian Sports Editor- and of HUB facilities and access to recruiters. We tivity. Wilson Forecasts Common Market Entry Jim Dorris. Collegian Editor. hope we will not have to take legal action When the injunction was served - it was LONDON — Prime Minister Harold Wilson confi- again." greeted by a mixture of cheers and boos from dently forecast yesterday British entry into an enlarged Injunction Hearing Cancelled the crowd . Common Market, declaring this would "open the road to The hearing set for today, winch would One of the recruiters who was in the center a Europe" united and strong. determine whether or not the injunction would of all the activity said the pi otest was "damn A week after Charles de Gaulle's departure as French Education: Antidote for Boredo m become permanent, has been cancelled. good publicity. On a big campus like this, it's president, Wilson's aides moved into informal talks with Centre. County Sheriff Richard V. Waite hard to let everyone know you're here. Actually key continental statesmen here to celebrate the anni- served the order Thursday aftern oon . Names on it helps the recruiting effort." versary of the Council of Europe.. This was envisaged by its founders, including the late Sir Winston Churchill, as the nucleus of a United States of Europe. Broun Discusses Sports Addressing the assembly of diplomats and politicians SANDY BAZONIS any real meaning in what they team s tackle. who had heard Queen Elizabeth II formally open the 18- By TIM do." Broun said, "but they find Lobbying Continues nation session, Wilson said: "Our determination to join Collegian Staff Writer Broun was in the newspaper a sense of identity in rooting business but he said he did not the communities did not weaken in the face of . frus- • for the team." trations and disappointments we have had to suffer.' Heywood Hale Broun, tele- stay because he was tired of "It certainly will not weaken now .' . ." vision sports essayist, told stu- Broun said that televised being told that since his father Suppo ' sports are bad for viewers. was a good newspaper colum- rts Homer s Bill dents last night that the best * • • "Fans in their living room are nist, he had big shoes to fill. By DON NAUSS safety standards of off-campus convince Homer that his initial 'Arabs Not Prepared' Israel Declares thing an education can do for missing the mob spirit. Many Broun told students h e housing, excessive rents and interest in the student housing JERUSALEM — The Arabs are not prepared for a full- them is to keep them from don't scream in their living should leave them with a and JAY MITCHELL discrimination against students problems was not great enough scale war with Israel, Prime Minister Golda Meir declared being bored. rooms, they rattle their beer message. He said that he went Collegian Staff Writers because of age or year of and that the bill requires add- yesterday, The Toi ' but she added that Israeli armed forces are Broun spoke in the Hetzel cans," he said. to college and looking back '.n Independent Men s studies. The bills have been in- ed strength if it is to be at a " ready if she is wrong. Council will travel today to corporated into one piece of effective or even enforceable." "On television the instant over the 300 jobs he held , no "Occasiona lly our region is portrayed as being on the Union Building Ballroom. His one had ever asked him for his Harrisburg to continue lob- legislation. Ron Suppa, TIM legal affairs point of an explosion which may spread beyond this topics ranged from sports and replay is shown but you bying to strengthen Rep. Max The third bill of (he package, committee chairman, said. already know what happened degree. area." Mrs. Meir said in a . State of the Union message to their relevance in today's Homer's (D-Alleghcny) hous- however, which would have "The bill is weak because it .so you are an objective obser- Although he has many things ing bill. the Knesset, Israel's parliament. world to the theatre, his sec- prohibited any University makes no distinction between "There is no justification for this contention. We live ver," Broun said . "When the to do in his spare time, Broun Homer originally introduced employee from having finan- graduate and undergraduate in this region and we are perfectly familiar with the ond love. play is shown in slow motion, said he spends some time a package of three bills. The cial interest in off-campus housing discrimination, pro- actual state of affairs. you finally realize the "with his mouth open, pre- first two called for University housing, has been dropped. vides for no punitive measures Broun's one ambition was to clumsiness of the opposing be a successful actor in a suc- tending to be philosophical." investigation of health and "The purpose of the trip is to against violators and is too cessful play. He described his vague to be enforceable," Sup- The Nat ion acting career as an actor's pa explained. Congress to Contest One-Man, "average life.!' According to Dave Rhodes, One-Vote Rule TIM secretary-treasurer, the WASHINGTON — Action by only one more state In 18 Plays council plans to hold a campus- legislature is necessary to' kick off a king-sized dispute in "I was in 18 plays that Senate To Discuss Disci linary Rules wide referendum to Congress over the .Supreme Court's one-man, one-vote p , rulings.
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