September 7, 1989 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 19943 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PRIME MINISTER MANLEY But I must say that everything that myself that if I can strengthen my defenses URGES INTERNATIONAL RE­ George can achieve, if he will forgive me the against a transshipment of hard drugs or SPONSE TO DEVELOPMENT, familiarity, everything that we can achieve against the export of marijuana and that DEBT, AND DRUGS in all the areas in which we work, I believe that will help you to some extent with your can be overwhelmed if we do not deal with a own terrible problem, then we are dealing threat which I see standing like a dagger at with people to whom the world is Just a HON. PETER H. KOSTMA YER the throat of civilization. I'm very proud wide canvas of opportunity. OF PENNSYLVANIA that we have had him with us tonight, al­ If I can shut off the roots in Jamaica, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES though I think he has now had to leave, I'm they can find ten other ways to go because sorry he did not hear my words. they operate globally. Already they tell me Thursday, September 7, 1989 But there is a man who was with us to­ that the people who run this international Mr. KOSTMAYER. Mr. Speaker, I would like night who has played a tremendous part in cartel feel that the U.S. market is about to call my colleagues' attention to a recent awakening the conscience of the United saturated with cocaine. So let's not increase speech by Prime Minister Michael Manley de­ States to the threat of which I speak and I supplies to the U.S. They are now probing speak of drugs and I speak of the Reverend Britain and probing Western Europe. And livered at the TransAfrica Forum dinner on Jesse Jackson. There was a time when June 10, 1989. we are beginning to understand this but I people deluded themselves into believing don't think we really understand completely In his speech, Prime Minister Manley ad­ that apartheid was a problem between the how massive is the thing that we face. dressed the connections between the depth black majority and the white minority of I will confess to you that I do not know of poverty experienced in the Third World, the South Africa. And then in due course we how to build a society in Jamaica worth burden of debt payments, and the growing came to understand that it really was an having on the basis of a drug culture. I do narcotics problem. Developing countries are international threat. not know how to build a nation which can There are people today who believe that be overwhelmed and corrupted in its judicial faced with the dilemma of servicing their debt the threat of drugs or drugs abuse and that at the expense of growth. In Jamaica 51 cents and its security forces by the massive re­ companion in death, drug trafficking, is a sources and the utter ruthlessness at the of every dollar goes to debt servicing. No phenomenon between societies that con­ growth means no jobs and no food for a command of the drug barons. sume and particular countries that produce. In my country, we talk about the Mr. Bigs hungry nation. For the jobless and hungry who And they are equally wrong. I know that in who are the ones who move the product. To are faced with their desperate situation, in­ my country, we have had to recognize that me they are not Mr. Big, they are Just volvement in the drug trade becomes an issue drugs is not a matter of some high school minor subcontr1:1.ctors of the international of survival. kid losing his way. It's not just a matter of operation. And so, Mr. Robinson, we have Prime Minister Manley points to legislation the search of people trapped in poverty for made a proposal, a very serious proposal, release. such as the Caribbean Regional Development What we really are dealing with is the and I would love you to think about it be­ Act of 1989, introduced by our colleague Mr. most brutal and complete international cause of your capacity to act. We believe CROCKETT and incorporated into the House­ criminal conspiracy that mankind has ever that we need to internationalize the re­ passed version of the International Coopera­ known. In my own small country, we feel a sponse to this problem. deep sense of responsibility to try to save I am reminded of how, when hijacking tion Act of 1989, which begins to address the was a tremendous problem, we eventually development issues in a way that will help ourselves and we are trying to increase our interdiction capabilities; we are trying to de­ had the intelligence as an international bring an end to this downward economic community to have a United Nations con­ spiral. In addition, he calls for the develop­ velop from our utterly rudimentary intelli­ gence capabilities. vention against hijacking because it was a ment of an international drug strike force and We are probably going to be one of the problem and it brought together interna­ a U.N. convention against drug trafficking. first small countries in the world to intro­ tional resources. Development, debt, and drugs are no longer duce a formal program of training in our I believe that we need a U.N. convention issues that can or should be solved by one educational system. We start in September against drug trafficking. I believe that we country. They are multilateral issues that in our primary school system to teach need nations to subscribe to that, to contrib­ demand a multilateral response. I urge my col­ young children about drug abuse and the ute to it and to pledge mutual support problem. We pray that the children will under it. I believe that we need to have a leagues to take a close look at Mr. Manley's centrally created means of training narcot­ speech and to help us move toward multina­ educate their parents. We hope that parents stimulated by their children will make ics agents, developing intelligence to a tional solutions to multinational problems. common cause with teachers. I know that higher level than at present. I believe that ADDRESS BY HON. MICHAEL NORMAN MANLEY, our church is mobilizing to help. We speak we need to have a body that can offer an PRIME MINISTER OF J .AMAICA already to all our great sporting athletes. internationally mobilized kind of assistance And so I salute TransAfrica for the work And Jamaica is one of the greatest athletic to countries who do not yet have the capa­ that it did along with the members of the nations in the world. And I'm happy to say bility to fight this problem. Congressional Black Caucus and many that every one of our sporting heroes, in­ I believe that we can even see cases in others in the United States in creating a cluding those that we export to the United countries like Colombia where they casually sense of the international significance of States like Patrick Ewing have all already and arrogantly talk of their ability to pay apartheid. And I would like, with your per­ promised to come and help the bureau off Colombia's national debt in return for mission, to speak of other threats that I be­ model to do the things that we have to do. free passage. And they kid you not when lieve exist, which I believe exist, which I be­ And so I think that we can say, in all con­ they say that they could. And where in that lieve are more international in character science, that we are doing what we can to country they have actually units of the Co­ than we care to recognize and which I feel save ourselves. lombian army. I would even like to know represent challenges that we must face. I do We are very happy that we get tremen­ that there was an international strike force so as a man of the Caribbean. I do so as a dous cooperation from the authorities in that could be called in at time of need representative of a very small island. I am the United States in this struggle and I do within the realm of sovereignty and the proud that with us tonight is a congressman not know what we would do without that co­ privilege of sovereignty to help with train­ who is showing grest sensitivity to the prob­ operation. But I'm very conscious of the ing, with strengthening your agent capacity, lems of the Caribbean and who has a bill fact that when we are finished with what with strengthening your intelligence capa­ before Congress now that has great implica­ we can do, when we are finished with the bility while countries train their own capa­ tions for the freedom and the capacity to help that we do get and can get from the bility. I believe that we need to do that and move to self-reliance of those islands. And I United States' authorities, that I sometimes I have sometimes spoken and been told I pay tribute to Congressman George Crock­ have the feeling that we are playing at the was out of tum. I have not often yet been ett. periphery of a problem because I do not fool shown to be wrong. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.
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