THE COLOMA COURIER ANO THE BENTON HARBOR HERALD WHOLE NO. 177 COLOMA, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1927 VOL 33 NO 24 IMITATION FRUIT JUICES INIURIOUS TO EVENTS HE 1926 561 ARRESTS FOR DRUNKEN- GET COURT DECREE MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. PLANS BIG REPUATION OF MICHIGAN FRUIT, SAY GROWERS REVIEWED BV THE NESS IN BERRIEN COUNTY TITLE FOR RESORT EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS IN TWIN CITIES IN PAST TWO YEARS Mr. Friday asserted, but the manner Tiie year 1926 was more inter- Tripp Realty Compftny Can Assure esting than many of us have im- Niles—2,800; increase of 170. Steps Taken at Berrien Horticultural iu which they are diluted should be Hundred Million Dollar Expansion agined. A number of things hap- Purchasers of l.ofs at Pokagon The Michigan Bell serves approxi- printed on the container. mately 540,000 phones In Michigan to- pened that have contributed to Report of Ex-Sheriff Fred C. Franz Meeting to Have labels on All Cherry cider as ir is now sold is lleightH Perfect Title. Program in Michigan is Outlined— day. the making of world history. It Heverages to Show How Much Fruit good for only one sale, said Orin II. Reveals Some IntercstiiiB Figures Chase of Paw Paw. There are no re- would have been a big tusk to have Purchasers of lots on Pokagon Twin Cities Each to Have New Big Five Year Program kept account of all the important Juke They Contain—Plea In Also peat orders, and It is the repeat or- Whether this county after eight years Heights, the new subdivision ut Paw Telephone Buildings—$35,000 to be ders which count. events, to have recorded all the of prohibition Is bone dry can rather Paw Tjike. are to be assured of an ab- The statement issued sets forth a Made for Better Parking of Mifhi- Mr. Friday asked for the support of dates when things liappened. definitely be determined through llg- solutely perfect title as the result of Spent at Niles—New Cables to be big five year improvement program In the growers when the matter is But such a record is of interest ures made public by Sheriff Fred C. action that Is now being taken by the Michigan in which $100,1)00,000 will bo Ran's Apples. brought up In the state legislature. ami value to everyone who would Franz, showing that In the two years Tripp Realty company in the Berrien .Strung Between Coloma and South spent in new plants, .equipment and The department of agriculture has of- be well informed. Having such a he has been in office '>71 persons have county circuit court through Its at- other Improvements. -The program for Two Important matters were brought record enables one to converse In- Haven. 1027 calls for an expenditure of $2*,- iK'fore the winter meeting of the Ber- fered to frame the blll,saccording to been arrested for Intoxicution; 106 for torney, Karl L Burhans of Paw Paw. telligently and accurately on his- driving automobiles while Intoxicated, Although title to this tract of land 000.000 in Michigan. rien County Horticultural Society at President Friday. Benton Harbor and St. Joseph are \ tory in the makhig, and so that all and 2i:i for liquor law vlolatllons. had rested in the Wlgent family for How the 528.000,000 will be expend- its Hession at tho Armory at Benton to got a lii« slice of a hundred million Sen. Barnard Talks readers of The Coloma Courier The report of Sheriff Franz, who re- more than sixty years, the Covert men ed in Michigan In 1027 may bo seen Ilnrhor on Thursday of last week whkli dollar Investment which the Michigan may have such an opportunity we— tired from office last Friday, shows who purchased the land last spring from this approximate budget: may be destined to have a far reach- State Senator (Jworge Barnard Hell Telephone company is going to are printing in tills issue a cliron- there were a .total of 1,817 arrests and later developed one of the most New buildings, right-of-way, sites . ing effeet upon the fruit growing in- was asked to speak, and said: "I am spend in new buildings and improve- oloRlcal review of 1926, as pre- made for various law violations luring beautiful and accessible subdivisions $4,500,000. dustry in tlds county. thoroughly interested in what Mr. ments In the next five years. pared by Edward Webster. We the two year period. on Paw Paw Lake, propose to have a Central office equipment—$7,000,000. Friday butt said in this regard. No The Hrst was the discussion of Ihul >uu cut it out of Drunks, of course more than doubled decree of court conflrming the title in Both towns are to get new telephone Exchange lines—$8,000,000. doubt a bill can be fragied to cover legislation to aholish the practice of fids issue and file it for ready every manner. By that action evejy plants. During the forthcoming yeur Total lines—$3,500,000. this subject. I think it is a very the arrests made for any one charge, seiling imitation fruit Juices marked reference. Now, and later, it will while selling liquor and driving while purchaser of a lot cannot only be giv- a $55,000 building will be erected in W. L Stevens, local telephone man- legitimate thing to ask for. I don't genuine, and the second was the in- be the means of proving many en an abstract ,)f the property, but can St. Joseph. ager. said that the twin ' city im- think we can cover everything by law. drunk were next in line. troduction by W. 8. renrce of the re- things. It is but one of the many The next highest was auto thefts for also be given an abstract containing an The major telephone building in the provements, when entirely complet- but there are some things for which sults of laboratory experiments he has worth-whije features >of The Colo- entry of the circuit court for Berrien twin cities will be erected in Benton ed. will give Benton Harbor and St. laws are necessary. which there were B5 arrests. Seventy l>een conducting in Lansing for tiie con- ma Courier. county, holding tho title to be perfect. Harbor during the next two years. Joseph ono of the finest telephone Prof. H. I).. Mootman, of M. S. ('.. l>erson8 were Incarcerated In the Jail centration of fruit juices into powder for Insanity. Pokagon Heights subdivision is situ- The cost of the building has not yet plants in the state. talked on the problem of the stand- ed form. _i_p Other charges for which there were ated Just north of the city limits of been estimated in the budget of the ardization of apple varieties. He told Martin Dwan of St. Joseph was a considerate number of arrests were: Watervllet along the southeast shore of company, which was announced at De- of the way in which apples from the SCARLET ELVER CASES SNOW chuirman of the meeting. The tirst Wife und child desertion, .'Ut; de- Paw Paw Lake. The east line oV the troit. But it is to be a complete tele- west, particularly the state of Wash- speaker was George Friday, president frauding, 18; forgery. .'{4: assault and subdivision has u frontage on State phone plant and home costing between TOTICE OF ANNOAL MEETING ington, flood the Chicago and other of the Michigan State Horticultuml tlon, 10; criminal assault, 21; adultery, Trunkiine M-ll, und along the /outh !!!7i».(KM» and $100,000 exclusive of its nearby markets. "They do it by good INCREASE IN RURAL DISTRICTS society, who s|)oke on the imitntion buttery, 10; bank robliery, 7; prostltu- line frontage Is the new paved road- ei|uipment. Sites for Itoih the Benton salesmanship," he said. "They pack OF STATE BANK OF COIOMA fruit Juice problem. 8; murder. 2; and attempted murder, way to Beechwood Point and tho golf llarltor and St. Joseph stations have them prettily, put a nice lithographed course. The owners huve expended u been wider option for several months. label on the front and they present a Stands Do Big Business No New Cases in Village Reported to lurge sum of money during the pust pleasing display, although they are not Dial System Coming year In clearing up tho bluff ulong the The annual meeting of the stock- Cherry cider was tiie principal bev- as good as Michigan fruit. We arc Health Officer Guy hike front und In other improvements holders of the State Bank of Coloma, erage under discussion. Some road- hampered by our nearness to market. When the twin city program of the W. H. DUNBAR PASSED AWAY lieuutlfying the property. It is expect- Coloma. Mich., will be held at 12:30 p. y side stands, said Mr. Friday, sold as A local grower Is within live hours Village Health Officer Spencer D. telephone company Is completed It Is v ed that u number of tine summer homes in. on Tuesday, January 11, l' >7, la much as 10,000 gallons of cherry cider distance from the Chicago market, and Guy reported to The Courier on Wed- altogether likely that It will embrace will l»e erectnl ut Pokagon Heights the basement of the Community church. last summer. If 20 per cent of this is careless in the manner in which Itt' nesday morning that there ure no new the modern dial, or automatic system AFTER BUT BRIEF ILLNESS luring the coming season. All those holding stock in the bank were pure cherry Juice, it would con- ships his fruit.
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