THE WORLD OF ROMANIA Ideas from exquisite Romanians for the betterment of civilization - Part I - The following editorial dossier is elaborated by students at the Master’s Program “International Economic Diplomacy”, from the Faculty of International Business and Economics, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania. THE WORLD OF ROMANIA MIHAI EMINESCU: THE Ultimate ROMANIAN ROMANTICIST Patricia-Elena PETRICU he culture of a nation arises both or- by studying philosophy, history, law, political ganically, in an emergent fashion, but economy and philology at the University of Phi- also as a result of conscious devel- losophy in Vienna. Afterwards, he tried his luck opment by authorities eager to differ- in Berlin while, at the same time, he founded entiate themselves from neighbours, the literary society Junimea (you can find a lot Tassert values and aspirations and legitimize of his poetry published in the journal Convor- national priorities. Mihai Eminescu, as a biri literare). Although very famous for his cultural figure, became both a suc- poetry, Eminescu was more than a cess for his audience and focus poet; he was also a journalist, point for Romanian cultural dramatist, essayist, and short development and promo- story writer. tion. As the “inimitable poet” of Romania’s ro- Eminescu’s contribu- mantic period, he is tion to our country and studied by children people has had an for his imagery, by extraordinary im- high schoolers pact: he managed for his depths to encompass in and by adults his work all the for his biting facets of the in- and caustic wit, dividual and the as well as his environment in socially-con- which he oper- scious patrio- ates, his divinity tism which, just and spirituality, like Romanian but also all the playwright I.L. stages of life, Caragiale, he demonstrating used to paint a and explaining picture of Ro- every particular- manian follies ity of human life, whose depictions from religion and of vice and iniqui- spirituality to edu- ty are still relevant, cation, intelligence, evocative and cur- and cultural habits. rent. This can be easily no- ticed, for instance, in his Mihai Eminescu (1850- greatest work, The morning 1889) was the son of Emi- star, which inspired critics to novici family (this is his original call Eminescu “the morning star surname that was changed later to of the Romanian literature”. In addi- Eminescu). He was born on the 15th of tion, the poet also attempted to bring back January 1850 in Botoşani, but he lived in Ipotes- to life old writings and proverbs. The desire to ti, in the north of Moldavia (a historical and geo- revive the past made him appear “a dreamer graphical region of Romania). He completed his who was far away from reality, who did not suf- secondary education in Cernăuţi (a city in North fer because of the material conditions that he Bukowina, now part of Ukraine), and continued lived in”, as Titu Maiorescu characterized him. No 9/2018, Jan. - Feb. 26 The betterment of civilizati`on Yet the poet’s contribution was more promi- nescu’s literary creation is still to be read and nent after his death. A large part of the poet’s understood. The romantic and dreamy young manuscripts can be found at his childhood home poet has been, is, and will be recognized world- in Ipotesti. Mihai Eminescu’s memorial house wide for his contribution to a better understand- attracts every year thousands of visitors from all ing of the meaning of life in a universe driven over the country and also from abroad, coming by divine laws. Recognition is given not only to see the environment in which one of the big- because Mihai Eminescu was a rebellious art- gest personalities that Romania can be proud ist who managed to study outside his country, of spent his childhood. Eminescu’s creation has but especially for his genius creation, as it is always been supplemented and improved both known that he could write in verses anytime by his contemporaries and followers. Titu Maio- and anywhere, even without the knowledge rescu was inspired by the poet’s work in his cre- accumulated until that moment, because he ation of “the theory of forms without foundation” was endowed with a special talent (however, (a theory of Romania’s modernization process). Eminescu did not, under any circumstances, Ion Creangă was his best friend: one was writ- accept to write in any language other than his ing prose and the other, transcribing in lyrics native language). a large volume of each other’s thoughts. Ioan Slavici was also influenced by him, along with As Mihai Eminescu said, “Geniuses have no many other artists in his entourage from Vienna death but no luck either”. He was born without and Berlin. luck, but with a special talent, and he is still seen today and will be in the ages to come a genius Nowadays, people tend to make statements who cannot die because he is part of the nation- in a more direct fashion. However, Mihai Emi- al conscience and knowledge. Bibliography Caragiale, I.L. (1989). În Nirvana. In: C. Crăciun and V. Crăciun, Ei l-au văzut pe Eminescu, Cluj-Napoca: Dacia. Enotes.com (n.d.). Mihai Eminescu Critical Essays, https://www.enotes.com/topics/mihai-eminescu. Maiorescu, T. (1967). Critice, vol. II. Bucharest: Editura pentru literatură. Morari, C. (2016). Mihai Eminescu – Luceafărul poeziei românesti, https://www.edusoft.ro/mihai-eminescu- luceafarul-poeziei-romanesti/. 27 www.themarketforideas.com THE WORLD OF ROMANIA SarmiZA BILCESCU: THE FIRST LADY… LawYER Victor TRIFAN armiza Bilcescu is the first female law- courses in Law, which brought her the admi- yer in Europe and the first woman in ration of her colleagues, but the antipathy of the world to have obtained a Ph.D. the Sorbonne teachers. During one of her first in Law, a professional area that until courses, Sarmiza was simply kicked out from then was considered to be reserved class by Professor Paul Sonday, who shout- Sexclusively for men. To find out more about ed: “No women! ... Science is done among the breaking of this barrier, I will try to men!”. However, in December 1884, in recreate the portrait of a famous, a hostile atmosphere, Sarmiza Bil- unique woman who devoted cescu, the young 18-year-old her life to the disadvantaged Romanian, encouraged by social categories, but her mother, attended the also strongly militated entrance exam. Her ex- for women’s right to amination lasted two education, and for weeks, which meant civil, social or polit- 14 days of discus- ical rights equal to sions about the men. women’s status and controversy Sarmiza Bil- over her legal cescu was born and social ca- in Bucharest on pacity. Frustrat- April 25, 1867, ed, Sarmiza’s being baptized mother faces a after Sarmize- discussion with getusa Regia, A.E. Pichard, the capital of the secretary Dacia prior to of the Faculty the wars with of Law, express- the Roman Em- ing her revolt in pire. As a child, drastic terms: she acted more “We came from like a tomboy, al- a remote country ways wrestling with where women are other boys, thus not denied the right receiving the nick- to education. How is name “Voinica”, which it possible, sir, that in means the sturdy one. a country where on the Until the age of seven she prison gates it is written is home-schooled, and then «Freedom, Equality and Fra- she attends the courses of “St. ternity», you prevent a woman Sava” College in Bucharest. In 1884, from studying?”. she receives her Baccalaureate diploma and decides to attend the courses of the Sor- At the end of the nineteenth century, there bonne Law School. were still a lot of prejudices. The French still had the concept of their old right, after which Sarmiza’s university choice was unusual for “la femme se doit garder l’autel, le feul et les those times, as she was the first girl to attend enfants” (woman must take care of the altar, No 9/2018, Jan. - Feb. 28 The betterment of civilizati`on the fire and the children) and were incapable Doctor of Law at the University of Sorbonne. of understanding the transformations they were She was only 23 years old. The event was the witnessing. Proposals concerning the creation sensation of the moment. It was out of the or- of a legal status for women’s advocacy came dinary, a curiosity for the public. The young much later and were received with a lot of in- Romanian student defended her Ph.D. thesis difference. Moreover, the excesses of extremist surrounded by reporters and photographers. feminism produced a pronounced reserve and Her thesis, entitled “On the Legal Condition of even hostility in the French nobility, which re- the Mother in Roman and French Law”, was a jected them as flights of fancy. This is the en- document that promoted the idea of equali- vironment where and the moment when the ty between women and men in marriage and young student Sarmiza Bilcescu began her ca- children’s rights. The final appraisals of her reer as a “feminist icon”. teachers are eloquent: “Relentless, worthy of all praise and flawless behaviour”. On June 12, 1890, Sarmiza Bilcescu made history, becoming the first woman in the world The next day after Sarmiza’s thesis defence, who, after defending her doctoral thesis at the all the Parisian newspapers gave details of the Faculty of Law, obtained the academic title of exam, publishing the candidate’s photo and bi- 29 www.themarketforideas.com THE WORLD OF ROMANIA ographical notes. Even Australian newspapers cu chose not to work as an actual lawyer.
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