ip ip p p iip p p i(iiu . I. WP4I. L .i . m i w w - j ■' i. TESanAkhOTTtm^n;MPfEMBER a I9I1 mpkte story On Hi .’if 'oming Election In I Canada Thursday 0 _ . jtenzle King, the minister of labor. T|ie Kind Ton Have Always Bougbty aad wMcIi been IV Defends Decisions O/M^as also been active on behalf of i a u se tor oxet 30 years, has bome the sigrnature of . , measure. William Patterson, one and lias been made undesr bis per* :jemc Court in otanaara\ot the authors of the pact, is an old fional sapervision since its inlfency. ‘man, and he has been liept busy in Allow no one to deceive you 3n Ui' And American ICOaCCO\^^^ own constituency, while Sir Alftm „ , r, lAylesworth, who resigned a few days All Ooonterfeits, Imitations and“ Jnst-as-good’^are bnt ^'V.pQUy ^CLSeS~^Issues UCjy dissolution as minister of jus­ 3BIxperiments tliat trifle ‘witb and endanger the nealtb ot tice. is precluded by deafness from ln£Euits aud Ciuidxen—lilxpeTience against BzperlmcDt* urytzn, taking as active a part as he would liked in the campaign. High Guthrie, who seems slated as Ayles- rks 2 hise Decisions Will be worth’B successor, and A. G. Mac- What Is CASTORIA kay, the liberal leader in the provin­ Castoria is a barmlesi snbstiftuto for Castor Oi), Pare* ^Hreiy Elective in Break- cial field, have also been among the most active supporters of reciproc­ Sroric, Drops and Sootbinj^ Syrups. It is Fieasant. It h\ Up Illegal Monopolies— ity before the people of Ontario. contains neitl^.er Opiiu»9 Morphiae nor other Narcotio On the opposition side, the econom­ substance. Its ago is its gisarantee. It destroys Worms t!c-advocates Federal Incor- ic and sentimental arguments against and allays Feverislmess. It cures I>iarrlxoea and Win'i the measure have been set forth Oolie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation - ration oj Certain Concerns. strongly by George Eulas Foster, the finance minister in the last conserva­ and Flatulency. It assimilates th© Food, r?egulates tho ’ated Press. tive administration, and other lead­ fitomach and BowelSj giving healtiiy and natural sleep* •!U'ral elections of Canada,. ing- candidates-- of the opposition. Sir The Children's Panacea- Tho Motlie^’s ' 1 bo held next Thursday, Whitney, Premier of Ontario; r :'l, are expected to be de- P'rank Cochrane, minister of mines TA R ifF a C::nada’s attitude toward of that province and W. J. Hanna, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS between that country and provincial secretary, have also taken ;! States, and on the contin- a part in trying to defeat the pact B^ars the Signature of ^ jwer oT the Liberal party and the government. leadership of Sir Wilfrid While the reciprocity pact is the ae American congress has main point of attack there are sever- i ified the reciprocity agree-charges of scandalous conduct in iM after a protracted dead-1 ^^^itiistration, and a number of local he Canadian parliament the Questions which have aroused heat- i' «\inada's ratification was ed controversy. :cirod to the judgment of Province of Quebec. The French-Canadlan Province of tions occur simultaneously j Quebec is considered the pivotal point the ten provinces w’hich ; tbis contest, as it was prior to the Tlie KiM You HaY6 Always Bouglit : tl;e Dominion of Canada. As ' time Sir Wilfrid Laurier came to constituted the Dominion power. In 1896 the conservatives car­ In Use For Over 3 0 Years. ).i. uaed of Upper Canada, in- ried only 16 of the 65 seats. In e a w T A V it « e « M N r , r * m u n t M 'i BTneer. nbw vomk eirv> aie extensive English sec- 1900 they had only seven, while In • ' -utario. Lower Canada,-in- 1904 and 1908 they carried eleven tue extensive French sec- seats. = Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Since 1908 the political complexion 1 Ick. Later the British North has changed in the French province. claims that the opposition leader tvHI in the struggle, though Sir William act of 1867 admitted Brit* In 1910 the government adopted the be defeated at home while the oppo­ Van Horne, former president of the - 'ujibia. Prince Edward island, navy bill, by which It was decided to sition claims' that it will hold its own Canadian Pacific Railway Companv, N rfh West Territories and establish a Canadian navy, to be un­ and improve its position. a native of Illinois, has taken strong 3£: DON’T YOU DARE TAKE AWAY HIS RATTLE BOX. audland, all of which are now der the control of the Canadian gov­ In opposition to Fielding in Queens- ground on the platform against the of the Dominion of Canada, ernment in times of peace and to be­ Shelburne is F. B. McCurdy, a native agreement. The Grank Trunk, which Newfoundland, which did not come part of the British navy In of the county, who is now a lead­ has generally been favorable to the «dviinisge of admission. More time of war. The regular conservative ing business man in Halifax and government, has been quiescent in • the western provinces of Al- opposition under R. L. Borden pro­ Montreal. His father-in-law, B. F. the campaign. Sir William Mackenzie, 1, Sc^^Uatchewan and the new posed as an amendment a large cash Pearson, has a large interest in the one of the heads of the Canadian territory have been added, contribution, to be used by the Brit­ Halifax Chronicle, the leading lib­ Northern, at first declared against e’ectioas are for the popular ish admiralty to build dreadnoughts. eral organ in Nova Scotia. the reciprocity agreement, but his of the Dominion government, The French conservatives, led by F. Cape Breton, which is a part of partner, Sir Donald Mann, declined . -use of commons, consisting of D. Monk, of Montreal, objected to Nova Scotia, has coal mines and iron to be drawn into the controversy, and uiembers, elected by ballot for both proposals. They were backed by and steel works, and the opposition this company, too, has been apparent­ r— . ears. The strength of the two the group known as natlonallBts, in has used these facts to try and stam­ ly neutral in the struggle. i. liberal and conservative, at the province of Quebec. pede the electors against the reci­ The result of the election on rime of the recent dissolution, This nationalist group, headed by procity measure. Thursday will decide the reciprocity as follows; Henri Bourassa and Armand La- New Brunswick. question so far as Canada is con­ N.& W. Railway Conserva- vergne, former supporters of Sir In New Brunswick, Hon. William cerned, for there are but two de­ ScUediUe la dffect June 11, 1911. ■ ■'ince— Liberals. tives Wilfrid Laurier In the Canadian par­ Pugs ley, minister of public works, a ferred elections, that in the remote liament, has consistently opposed 10.20 am Lv. Charlotte So. Ry. 6.50 pm. Job Dept Phone 1530 io.. 35 51 former premier of the province, is Yukon Territory and the other in 2.06 pm JLv. W in stoa K&W 2.05 pm. 53 12 any policy w hich would bring Canada the government leader. He has shown the constituency adjoining Labrador, 4,0» Liv. M art’viile N&W Ar. 11.40 am. Scotia................. 112 » 6 into the foreign wars of the British marked talent for organization in where communications are so slow 6.25 pm. Ar. H oanok« N&W L\r. 9.15 am. Brunswick ... 11 r 2 Empire. Up to that time, though the past, and he is confident that he that it is impossible to post up the Additionajr trains leave Winston-Sa­ Ed. Island. 3 1 both men were members of the Que­ will carry the entire province for proclamations in time for election on lem Z &. tn. daily. 2 8 bec Legislature, they had kept out the reciprocity pact. He is opposed in Thursday. In any case these constit­ Connects at Aoauoke for the East chewan............ 9 1 of the federal arena and had not at­ St. John city by H. A. Powell, a suc­ uencies generally elect men pledged and West. Pullman sleepers. Dining ........ 4 3 tacked Laurier. With the raising of cessful lawyer, who formerly sat for to support the administration of the cars. h Columbia.. 2 5 the naval issue, however, thej^ began another New Brunswick constituency I day whatever may be its politics. If yott are conslderlns taking a 1 Territory ... 1 a series of public meetings and caus­ in the Canadian parliament. trip tu Calll'ornia or the Coast, e e t our •• variable Hound-Trlp Fare. The in­ ed the signing of thousands of peti­ Manitoba. Association.of Public Acountants Meet formation is yours tor the asking, with tions protesting against the naval 132 89 The prairie provinces of Manitoba, ScH Francisco, Cal.,"Sept. IS.—The one of our complete -Map Folders. "his ^ives the present Laurier program. Saskatchewan and Alberta ^re the Bourassa, w'ho Is a grandson of annual meeting of the American Asso­ W. B. BEVILIi M. F. BRAGG. rament a normal majority of 43 centre where the reciprocity cam­ Gen. Pass. A gt. Trav. Pass. Agt. T c' a total membership of 211. the late Ix>uis Joseph Papineau, lead­ paign had its warmest support at ciation of Public Accountants will Roanoke. Va. '■-'i.it :he government the conser- er of the Canadian rebellion in 1887, the cutset. R. L. Borden, the oppo­ convene in the St. Fi'ancis hotel to­ .av.ve ^position must make a gain is a man gifted with great oratorical sition leader, paid a visit to the three day.
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