OS ^ u tte b a ? v T , I SCRIPTA I AS / s ^ I wamct f ^ \J* REGISTE \ 1934 ^ VOLUME 10 NUMBER 68 * O N i l t O * Washington, Thursday, April 5, 1945 The President fish, or other marine animal fats and CONTENTS oils, excluding crude and refined tall oil, raw or acidulated foots produced in the THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9534 refining of animal, vegetable, fish or other marine animal fats or oils, pitch, Executive Order: Page Designating the F ederal Loan Adminis­ stearic acid, distilled red oil, and fatty Federal Loan Administrator and trator and the War F ood Administra­ acids whieh have been processed to the War Food Administrator, tor as Members of the Economic extent that they no longer exist as such designation as members of Stabilization Board E c o n o m ic Stabilization by reason of chemical changes or com­ Board __ ____________ 3667 By virtue of the authority vested in pounding with non-fatty materials. me by the Constitution and the statutes (2) “Specific class,” as applied to REGULATIONS AND NOTICES of the United States, particularly by the fatty acids, means one or more grades or act of October 2, 1942 (56 Stat. 765), and qualities of fatty acids used interchange­ Civil Aeronautics Board: as President of the United States and ably. Hearings: Commander in Chief of the Army and (3) “User” means any person who uses Latin American proceeding_3718 Navy, the Federal Loan Administrator fatty acids in the manufacture of any National Airlines, Inc., Jack- and the War Food Administrator are other product, regardless of whether sonville-Miami nonstop hereby designated as additional mem­ fatty acids are incorporated into such service________ _______ 3718 bers of the Economic Stabilization Board product. Coast Guard: established by section 2 of Title I of (4) “Distributor” means any person Marine engineering, materials , Executive Order 9250 of October 2,1942, who acquires fatty acids for resale. and piping systems; seam­ and the said order is amended accord­ (5> “Inventory” means the total quan­ less copper pipe__*______ 3697 ingly. tity of a specific class of fatty acids F ederal T rade Commission: owned by any person, wherever located, Cease and desist orders: F ranklin D Roosevelt excluding fatty acids produced by such Control Products Co_______ 3669 T he White H ouse, person or delivered to him pursuant to Maggioni, L. P., & Co_______ 3670 April 3, 1945. specific authorization of the Director. I nterstate Commerce Commission : (6) “Eastern zone” means that area Reconsignment permits: [P. R. Doc. 45-5438; Filed, Apr. 4, 1945; of the 48 States of the United States and Carrots, Kansas City, Mo___ 3698 10:53 a. m.] the District of Columbia lying east of the Oranges, El Paso, Tex______ 3698 eastern boundaries of the States of Mon­ Refrigeration and icing per­ tana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New mits: Regulations Mexico. Citrus fruits from Florida (3 (7) “Western zone” means that area documents)__________ 3698 of the 48 States of the United States and Grapefruit: the District of Columbia lying west of Auburndale, Fla________ 3699 TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE the eastern boundaries of the States of Palmharbor, Fla_________ 3699 Chapter XI—War Food Administration Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Oranges, Baltimore, Md____ 3699 (Distribution Orders) Mexico. Oranges and grapefruit, Bal­ (8) “Current rate of consumption”, as timore, Md___________ 3699 IWFO »7] determined on any particular date, Shell eggs from Denver, Colo_ 3698 means the amount of any specific class Routing of symbol traffic_____ 3699 Part 1460—F ats and Oils of fatty acids used during the calendar Labor Department: FATTY ACID INVENTORIES month immediately prior to such date, Findings as to war contracts: The fulfillment of requirements for the or the amount thereof scheduled for use Midwest Haulers, Inc. and defense of the United States has resulted during the calendar month immediately Mutual Trucking Co____ 3697 in a shortage in the supply of fatty acids following such date. Wisconsin & Michigan Steam­ for defense, for private account, and for (9) “Maximum unit” means the larg­ ship Co______________ 3697 export, and the following order is deemed est single, segregate, commercial quan­ Office of DefenseTransportation : necessary and appropriate in the public tity of any specific class of fatty acids Common carriers, coordinated interest and to promote the national shipped to and accepted by any person operations: defense: Alabama_________________ 3701 during the calendar year 1944. Albany and Glens Falls, N. Y_ 3703 § 1460.42 Restrictions on inventories (10) “Person” means any individual, Arizona__________________ 3700 of fatty acids—(a) Definitions. (I) partnership, association, business trust, Decatur, Raymond, and “Fatty acids” means all the grades and corporation, or any organized group of Springfield, 111________ 3703 qualities of distilled and undistilled fatty persons whether incorporated or not. Green Bay, Wis__________ 3707 acids produced from animal, vegetable, (Continued on next page) (Continued on next page) 3667 3668 FEDERAL REGISTER, Thursday, A pril 5, 1945 1 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— War P roduction Board—Con. Continued. Containers: Page FEDERAL®REGISTER Adjustments and pricing or­ Fibre shipping, new; prohibi­ tion on acceptance where ^unino4'193« ders—Continued. Pas® Lengquist, Robert, Furniture no usage records kept C o_____________ - ____ 3713 (L-317, Dir. 3)____..— 3682 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Marks, E. H------------------ -— 3711 For distilled spirits and high and days following legal holidays, by the Meinhardt & Sons------------- 3710 wines, cancellation of Division of the Federal Register, the National ratings (P-140,• revoca­ Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Pioneer Mfg. Co_------------— 3712 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Pullman Northwest, Inc------ 3711 tion of Dir. 2)------------- 3687 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Reynolds International Co— 3716 Wooden shipping; ratings ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Rolex Watch Co_-------------- 3708 (P-140)______________ 3682 Administrative Committee, approved by the Service Metal Products Co— 3715 Phthalic alkyd resins (M-300, President. Distribution is made only by the Southern Desk Co-------------- 3709 Sch. 59) _____ l----------------- 3688 Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing and publishing: Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Stewart, G. S., Co—_---------- 3713 Tennessee Stove Works------- 3716 Books and booklets (L-245)_ 3679 The regulatory material appearing herein is Commercial printing and du­ keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, White Mfg. Co___— ............ 3711 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Williams, Lexie_--------------- 3715 plicating (L-241)--------- 3672 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Ammunition boxes, M-2 .50-cal­ Magazines and periodicals amended June 19, 1937. iber (Supp. Order 94, Corr. (L-244)______________ 3676 The Federal Register will be furnished by Priorities system operation; use mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 to Order 21)-------- 3717 of small order procedure per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Bovine animals, live (MPR 574, (PR 25, Int. 2)__________ 3672 vance. The charge for individual copies Am. 1)________ :----------- 3691 (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the Fish and seafood, fresh and Suspension orders, etc.: size of the issue. Remit check or money frozen, retail prices (RMPR Bell Lumber Co___________ 3672 order, made payable to the Superintendent 507, Am. 2)_____________ 3694 Benjamin, Mendall, Co------- 3671 of Documents, directly to the Government Leather (MPR 61, Am. 2)-------- 3692 Cumberland and Western- Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. port Transit Co*---------- 3729 There are no restrictions on the republica­ Outsoles, midsoles, and in­ Daniel, Lonnie L-------------- 3671 tion of material appearing in the F ederal soles, men’s military and Lachow, Joseph, Co---- ------- 3720 Register. ________ civilian; tanners, proc­ essors and cutters sales (MPR 61, Am. 1 to Order NOTICE 2)_________ _________ 3716 (11) “Director” means the Director of Splits, limed, pickled, and blue Marketing Services, War Food Admin­ Book 1 of the 1943 Supplement to chrome (MPR 61, Order istration. the Code of Federal Regulations 4 ) _______________ ___ 3708 (b) Inventory restrictions. Except as may be obtained from the Superin­ hereinafter provided: Regional and district office or­ (1) No user shall accept delivery of tendent of Documents, Government ders; community ceiling any specific class of fatty acids in any Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy. prices, list of orders filed— 3717 quantity which will cause his inventory This book contains the material in Shearlings, raw and tanned, for Armed Forces (MPR 141, to exceed the following number of days’ Titles 1-31, including Presidential Am. 4)------------------------- 3693 supply based upon his current rate of documents, issued during the period Tires and tubes, recapping and consumption: from June 2, 1943, through Decem­ repairing, and certain re­ (1) Users located in the Eastern zone—30 ber 31,1943. pair materials (RMPR 528, days’ supply; Order 34)---------- 3717 (ii) Users located in the Western zone- Watches containing imported 45 days’ supply; movements, sales by assem­ (2) No distributor shall accept delivery CONTENTS—Continued blers (MIPR, revocation of of any specific class of fatty acids in any Office of Defense T ransporta­
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