CANADIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN MEDECIN DE FAMILLE CANADIEN CONTENTS SOMMAIRE 5 EDITORIAL Published monthly by the College of General Practice 9 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S PAGE of Canada TECHNICAL ARTICLES 21 - Pathophysiology of Cardiac Emergencies CANADIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN Dr. John E. Morch, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) 1941 Leslie St., 23 - Management of Cardiac Arrhythmias Don Mills (Toronto) Ont. Dr. John E. Morch, B.Sc., M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) 25 - Management of Acute Congestive Heart Failure Dr. I. Ross McLean, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C) Managing Editor - of Emergencies Donald I. Rice, M.D. 29 Recognition Cerebro-Vascular Dr. Gordon B. Thompson, B.Sc., C.M., F.R.C.S.(C) 33 - Acute Dehydration in Infants F.A.C.P. Editor Dr. Sydney Israels, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C), Rodger A. Whitman, M.D. SPECIAL FEATURES 37 - The Doctor and the Teacher Editorial Consultant Dr. J. A. Collyer, M.D. W. Victor Johnston, M.D. 43 - Ambulance Service in the U.S.S.R. Dr. Donald I. Rice, M.D. Advertising Manager 52 SPEAK OUT Clifford K. Goodman 57 NEWS CLIPS 65 ANNOUNCEMENTS 71 POSTGRADUATE COURSES FRENCH SECTION Authorized as Second Class Mail, 73 - Discours du President sortant de charge Post Office Department, Ottawa, Dr Earl Hunt, M.D. and for payment of postage in cash. Postage paid at Toronto. 77 - Les Urgences . Editorial - _ _ 79 - Extrait du Discours prononce, 'a la Chambre des Communes Dr Gaston Isabelle, De'pute-Comte' de Gatineau -0RiS S I A ROUGiER0 foundton:.r Isitote for Researchin Applied Therape tics (I RAT (Full information available on request) CANADIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN-NOVEMBER, 1967 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S PAGE MEXICO Numerous enquiries relative to arrangements for the 12th Annual Scientific MEETING Assembly to be held in Mexico City, 25-28 March 1968, prompt the following (Important comments. Information) * Available travel accommodation to and from Mexico City, as well as hotel accommodation in Mexico City, Acapulco, Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, etc., have been reserved in the name of the College of General Practice of Canada. P. Lawson Travel Ltd. has been nained as the official travel agency for this Assembly, and to take advantage of these reservations you are advised to make your arrangements through this agency. (See reservation form in the September issue of Canadian Family Physician.) * Included in the "all inclusive costs" of this assembly are: -Four nights accommodation in twin-bedded room with bath at Maria Isabel, Continental Hilton or Reforma Intercontinental Hotel in Mexico City. -Transfers by motorcoach from airport to hotel, and daily transfer of regis- trants from hotel to the Mexican Institute of Social Security Medical Center (location of scientific assembly). -Registration fee to cover administrative costs of assembly. -Special features to include opening reception, Mexican fiesta evening, official banquet and installation of new President. -Gratuities on above services. * The invitation to attend this Assembly is extended to all Canadian doctors and their wives and is not limited to members of the College. * A complete scientific and social program will be provided in the December issue of the Canadian Family Physician. MANUAL ON The Manual on Training in Family Medicine is now in the hands of the printers TRAINING and will be ready for distribution in the immediate future. This important document IN FAMILY has been carefully prepared and is the product of repeated review and revision by MEDICINE both the members of the Committee on Advanced Training and the Board of Directors. It contains the views of the College with respect to Training in Family Medicine to include historical background, philosophy, objectives, implementation, curriculum content, assessment and certification, and other comments pertinent to present day training for family practice. This Manual will be available to all mem- bers of the College. COORDINATING Under the chairmanship of Dr. E. R. Haynes, Edmonton, Alberta, National Chair- COMMITTEE man of the Coordinating Committee on Education, a most significant meeting of ON the chairmen of all national committees on education was convened on 1 October EDUCATION 1967. At this meeting, new and extended terms of reference were outlined, and a program of liaison established which should ensure a more effective coordination of our educational activities. The Chairmen of our committees on education include: Coordinating Committee: Dr. E. R. Haynes, Edmonton Undergraduate Education: Dr. R. L. Perkin, Cooksville Advanced (Graduate) Training: Dr. G. R. Diehl, Winnipeg Continuing Education: Dr. C. Mackenzie, Vancouver Intern Residency Training: Dr. S. G. B. Fullerton, Halifax Research: Dr. J. A. Collyer, London A CHANGE It has already been reported (C.F.P. August 1967) that during the Annual Meeting IN THE NAME held at Vancouver on 12 July 1967, the name of the College was changed to "The OF THE COLLEGE College of Family Physicians of Canada". We are advised by our solicitor that the time required for the necessary changes in our Act of Incorporation is such, as to preclude the official use of our new name until approximately 1 January 1968. will be informed when the official change has been made. n The membership CANADIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN-NOVEMBER, 1967 9 ANNOUNCEMENTS CONFERENCE ON ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO, LONDON The Douglas Hospital, Verdun, Quebec was the site Dr. Murray L. Barr, Professor and Head of the De- of the first conference on adolescent psychiatry, June partment of Anatomy was awarded the Medal of Honor 20th, 1967. More than 200 psychiatrists, psychologists of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of and welfare officials from the United States and Canada Canada in recognition of his outstanding contribution attended. to medical science and genetics. Next May (1968) he is Under the chairmanship of Dr. S. J. Shamsie, Direc- to receive an additional honor, the Goldblatt Cytology adolescent unit tor of the Douglas Hospital's special Award and Gold Medal from the International Aca- Head of the Child and Family Clinic, this confer- and Rio de Janeiro, which will be ence was ably supported by a number of authorities in demy of Cytology at the field of adolescent psychiatry. Among the participat- shared with the University of Toronto's Dr. Michael ing speakers, let us mention Dr. R. L. Jenkins of the Bertram, recently appointed as Professor of Anatomy. University of Iowa; Dr. W. J. Henrickson, Neuropsy- His wife Dr. Lee Bertram has been appointed to the chiatric Institute, Michigan; Dr. Henry Kravitz and Dr. Peel County Health Unit. R. Feldman of the Jewish General Hospital; Dr. J. R. Unwin of the Allan Memorial Institiute. SEMINARS ON PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN FAMILY PRACTICE APPOINTMENT The Department of Psychiatry, Royal Victoria Hos- Dr. C. H. Cohn, chief of Geriatric service has been pital, Montreal, Quebec, in collaboration with the Col- appointed Medical Superintendent of Douglas Hospital, lege of General Practice, is planning to give a series of Verdun, P.Q., succeeding Dr. C. H. Skitch, who is re- 16 seminars on psychological problems in Family Prac- tiring after 36 years on the staff, during which "his October 1967. Based on the method and administrative tice, beginning combined sound clinical judgment Michael Balint at the Tavistock Clinic for understanding has won him developed by Dr. skill and his capacity seminars would involve such the respect and affection of staff, patients and their in London, England, these families" to quote Dr. Henry B. Durost, Executive items as the emotional response of patients or their Director. Dr. Cahn, developed a keen interest in psy- relatives to physical disease, situational anxieties, psy- chiatry after graduating from University of Toronto in chosomatic or functional disorders, or the handling of 1945, studied in England, earned his certification and outright psychoneurotic or psychotic illnesses. joined Douglas Hospital Staff in 1951. McGILL UNIVERSITY DR. J. C. LAIDLAW TO HEAD NEW INSTITUTE The Faculty of Medicine announced the appoint- OF MEDICAL SCIENCE ment of Dr. R. Neil MacDonald as assistant Dean with Dr. John Coleman Laidlaw, B.A., M.D., M.A., in education. He is Science special responsibility undergraduate Ph.D., is to head a new Institute of Medical of took his B.A. at University of To- of Toronto's School of Graduate a native Calgary, within the University ronto in 1955, and his M.D. at McGill in 1959, being Studies. Dr. Laidlaw, who is both a physician and a in biochemist, is professor of medicine and director of the elected to the Royal College of Physician fellowship University's Clinical Investigation Unit in the Toronto Hematology in 1965 and he became a lecturer in the General Hospital. Department of Medicine in 1966. CANADIAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN-NOVEMBER, 1967 65 COLLEGE PRESiDENT (1967-68) a S - ~~~~ S Dr. W. E. H. Alport was born in Regina in October 1922. He attended public and high school in Regina, then attended the University of Toronto earning his Medical Degree in 1949 after he served two years as a pilot in the R.C.A.F. He did his post-graduate training at the Toronto General Hospital, and since then, has been in General Ag A Practice in Regina, Saskatchewan. Dr.Hehssvrlhobe_uha:hutn,gligAlport has been active in many aspects of organized medicine. trvligadh sa sonatv ebro h TheseMasoniinclude:Loge Dr_lotiare oagaut dotrwo rcie eiaTe 1. Presidenthavforsosof Staff of ReginaaesthsaiGeneral Hospital. 2. Member of the Executive of Group Medical Ser- vices. Se .s * * ' 3. Member of Regina and District Medical Society. * - gA S. A *5 4. Vice Chairman of Saskatchewan Division of Cana- dian Medical Association. .6.S *~~ S S - MESBS 5. Member of Saskatchewan Cancer Commission. 5-> .@ PMAC * College of General Practice of Canada 1. Past president of Saskatchewan Chapter College of General Practice of Canada.
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