597 Canadion Mineralogist Vol. 30, pp.597-6rr (1992) THE WODGINITE GROUP. I. STRUCTURAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY T. SCOTT ERCIT Mineral SciencesSection, Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa,Ontario KIP 6P4 FRANK C. HAWTHORNE ANNPETRIERNY Departmentof GeologicotSciences, (lniversity of Manitoba, Winnipeg,Manitoba R3T 2N2 ABSTRACT Four new crystal-saugturerefinements have been done on wodginite-groupminerals. Two partially orderedsamples were usedin single-crystalexperiments, one, tantalian, the other, ferroan. The ferroan samplewas heatedto induce order, and its structure was-re-refined. In addition to the single-crystalexperiments, a Rietveld refinement from powdlr-diffracrion dara was done on a fully ordered lithiowodginite. Refinementsof the partially ordered samples ihow that they are structurally intermediate io wodginite and ixiolite, and that heating under conventional conditions of l000oC foi 16 hours inducls full wodginite-typecation order. In terms of both individual and meanbondJengths' data for Li-rich samplesdeviate signific;ntb fiom establishedtrends for Li-poorer samplesin a martnerconsistent with disorder of Li off the central7 position. Schemesof cation order for potential derivativesof ixiolite have been evaluatedfor cells up to four times ihe volume of the ixiolite cell = size of the wodginite cell). For full .4BC2O3 cation order, four most-probableschenies of order result. Three of these involve a doubled cell; one involves a quadrupledcell, relative tb an ixiolite parent, Only the schemeof order with a quadrupledcell occursnaturally' l'.e., tire wodginite siructure; there is nothing in its schime of order to indicate why nature prefers it over the other three schemes;more sophisticatedcalculations of energyseem necessary. Keywords:crystal-structure refinement, wodginite gXoup,order-disorder, Rietveld method. SovINleIns Nous avonseffectu6 quatre nouveauxaffinements de la structurecristalline de min€rauxdu groupe de la wodginite. Deux de ceux-ci,partielliment ordonn6s,dont un esttantalifbre et l'autre, ferreux, ont 6t6utilisds pour desexpdriences sur cristal unique. L'€chantillon riche en fer a 6t6 chauffd pour promouvoir une,mise en ordre, et I'affinement de sa structure a 6t6 rdpdt6.En plus, nous avons effectu6 I'affinement d'un €chantillon de lithiowodginite completement ordonn6 ,u, poodr" par la mfihode de Rietveld. Les affinementsdes dchantillonspartiell€ment ordonn6s montrent qu'ils sont ,iro.torul"-.nt interm6diaires i la wodginite et a I'ixiolite, et qu'un chauffage sous conditions conventionnellesde 1000"C pour 16 heuresmdne i une mise en ordre compldtedes cations selon le modble de la wodginite. D'aprbs les longueursdes liaisons individuelles et moyennes,les donn6espour les dchantillonsriches en Li ddvientde faConimportante des tendances {tablies pour ceuxqui sont plus pauvresen Li, et concordentavec I'hypothBse qu,il y a d6sbrdredu Li par rapport A la position centrale/. Nout avons dvaludles sch€masde mise en ordre des cationspour les d€riv6spotentleti de I'idolite pour desmailles jusqu'i quatre fois le volume de la maille de l'ixiolite' c'est-i-dire, de la maille de la wodginite. Poui le modbled'une miie en ordre compl&tedes cations selon,4BC2Os,-il en r6sulte quatre sch€masplausibles. Trois de ceux-ci impliquent une maille doubl€e; un schdmarequlgrt une maille quadrupl6e,par rappon i ia maille de l'ixiolite. Seul le sch6made mise en ordre de la maille quadrupldese retrouve dans la natuie, souJforme de wodginite. Rien n'explique le ddveloppementpreferentiel de ce sch6ma,plutOt que les trois autres. Des calculsplus sophiitiqu{s de l'€nergie des structuressemblent indiquds pour expliquer ce point. (Traduit par la Rddaction) Mots-cl6s: affinemenl de la structure cristalline, groupe de la wodginite, ordre-d€sordre, m6thode de Rietveld. INtnooucrton proposed a model for the wodginite $tructure; however, only subcell reflections were used, for the The crystal structureof wodginite, MnSnTazOs, resulting in an erroneous space-group was first recognizedas a superstructureof ixiolite, structure. Grice (1973)attempted a full refinement (Ta,Sn,Mn)Oz,by Nickel et al. (1963)on the basis of the structure (space Eroup C2/c). He showed of X-ray powder-diffraction data. Elphick (1972) that there are three cationic sites in the wodginite 598 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST structure, and that all cations are in octahedral one-half of the octahedralinterstices at eachlevel coordination; the octahedra form e-pbO-like in the close-packedarray ofanions. There are three zig-zag chains yia sharing of polyhedron .ig.t. cationic sites, denotedhere as A, B and C. The A Graham & Thornber (1974)published a refinement and I siteslie at the samelevel in the closest-pack- of the wodginite structure in the spacegroup Cc, ing, whereasthe C siteslie at a different level;these which resultedin four cationic sites,two of which layers alternate along X. All coordination show incomplete order among cation occupants. polyhedra link via edge-sharingto form a-PbO2- Fergusonet al. (1976)re-investigated the structure like zig-zag chains along Z. Chains are intercon- of wodginite and showedthat the results of Grice nectedby corner-sharinglinkages between levels of (1973)and Graham & Thornber (1974) arein error the closest-packedlayering. The.4 and I polyhedra owing to incorrect choicesof origin; C2,/c, not Cc, alternate along the zig-zag chains of their level; is the correct space-group.Gatehouse et al. (1976) adjacentlevels necessarily consist only of chainsof showedthat the compound M-LiTa3Oris isostruc- C polyhedra. tural with wodginite, and obtained the same Ideally, the .4 site contains Mn, the B site solution of the structure as Fergusonet al. (1976). contains Sn, and the C site contains Ta, resulting A later Rietveld refinement of the M-LiTarO, in the ideal formula MnSnTa2O6(Z : 4) for structure using neutron powder-diffraction dita wodginite. Fergusonet al. (1976)showed thar Ta (Santoro et al, 1977)Iocated the Li atom, which can be disorderedover the .B and C sites;however, Gatehousee/ al. (1976)could not find in their X-ray as disorder between the B and C sites does not experiment. modify the space-groupsymmetry, this behavior Polyhedral representations of the wodginite can only be easilydetected by examiningresults of structure are shown in Figures I and 2. Oxygen chemicalanalyses for Ta-overstuffedcompositions. atoms form approximatelyhexagonally close-pack- Powder-diffraction experimentsshow that some ed layers perpendicular to X. Cations occupy membersof the wodginite group have X-ray-dif- a b Flc. I . The structureof ideal wodginiteprojected along X; (a) the layer of.4, .Boctahedra; (b) the layer of C octahedra. ,a (Mn) octahedra are hatch-stippled,I (Sn) octahedraare denselystippled, and C (Ta) octahedraare lightly stippled. STRUCTURAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY OF THE WODCINITE CROUP 599 a Ftc. 2. The wodginite structureprojected along Z; the ag-zag chainsof the structure are perpendicularto the plane of the page. Shadingis as in Figure l. fraction properties intermediate to those of with the wodginite structure, and does not wodginite and ixiolite (as proposedby Lahti 1982) contradict the terminology describedabove. or wodginite and wolframite [as proposed by In companion papers (Ercit et al. l992a,b), we Maksimova & Khvostova (1970)and Polyakov & outline variations in the chemistryand structureof group, Cherepivskaya(1981)1. The model involving ixiolite what we now recognizeto be the wodginite goal presentpaper is to investigatethe implies disorder over all cationic sites; the model The of the properties of wodginite-groupminerals, involving wolframite implies disorderonly over the structural with emphasison order-disorder relationships. A and B sites. In principle, it should be relatively easyto differentiatebetween the two modelson the EXPERIMENTAL basisof site occupanciesderived from crystal-struc- refinements.To avoid any confusionregarding ture Single-cry s t qI diffr actio n order-disorder phenomena in wodginite-group minerals,we shall usethe following nomenclature. Two samplesof wodginite-groupminerals were For samples with diffraction properties fully examinedby single-crystalX-ray diffraction; both compatiblewith the wodginite structure,we usethe are paftially ordered, one intermediatein composi- term (fully) ordered; for samples with diffraction tion betweenwodginite and lithiowodginite (sample properties intermediateto those of the wodginite CX-l: Coosa Co., Alabama), the other inter- structure and those of some substructure (e.9., mediate in composition between wodginite and ixiolite, wolframite), we use the term partially ferrowodginite (sample A-17: Ankole, Uganda). ordered. Disorder of Ta over the B and C sitesis SampleCX-l was donatedby E.E. Foord (U.S. herereferred to as Ta disorder; it is fully compatible Geological Surve$, and was describedas having 600 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST diffraction properties intermediate betweenthose IAALE A CHEMICAL COMPOSMONS OF WODGINTTE€NOUP MINEFAI.S USED IN STNUCTUFE REFINEMENG} of wodginite and wolframite (E.E. Foord, pers. Wodglnte Parlsly Lruriq F€tl@ comm.). Ords€d wodglnno Wodghne SampleA-17 was investigatedin Ercit el Wodghls al. (1992a); it shows diffraction properties inter- p@14 (cx.0 (rsE-76) W1n w (vJt%) 0.0 02. 121 0.6 mediate betweenthose of wodginite and ixiolite. MnO 10.7 7.7 4.6 6.1 FeO 0.0 23 0.0 4.7 The observed morphology indicates that both SnO o,7 FolCa 0.8 za 0.1 1.8 crystalsare sector-twinned,with Yas the twin axis. na 1.4 L5 In both cases, Z!O2 1'5 a fragment from one
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