Journal of Fish Diseases 2010, 33, 865–877 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2761.2010.01189.x Biological characteristics and pathogenicity of a highly pathogenic Shewanella marisflavi infecting sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus HLi1, G Qiao1,QLi1, W Zhou1, K M Won2, D-H Xu3 and S-I Park2 1 Key Laboratory of Mariculture & Biotechnology, Agriculture Ministry, PRC, Dalian Fisheries University, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China 2 Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea 3 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Aquatic Animal Health Research Laboratory, Auburn, AL, USA Keywords: biological characteristics, pathogenicity, Abstract sea cucumber, Shewanella marisflavi. Shewanella marisflavi isolate AP629 is described as a novel pathogen of sea cucumber. The LD50 values (14 days) in sea cucumber, mice and swordtail fish Introduction were 3.89 · 106, 6.80 · 104 and 4.85 · 104 CFU ) g 1 body weight, respectively. Studies on S. mari- The genus Shewanella has long been studied and sflavi were conducted, including morphology, classified taxonomically as Achromobacter, Pseudo- physiological and biochemical characteristics, monas, Alteromonas and Shewanella (Venkateswa- haemolysis, whole-cell protein and 16S rDNA gene ran, Moser, Dollhopf, Lies, Saffarini, MacGregor, sequence. Colonies of S. marisflavi appeared faint Ringelberg, White, Nishijima, Sano, Berghardt, red on marine agar and green on thiosulphate–cit- Stackebrandt & Nealson 1999). In 1985, Shewa- rate–bile salt–sucrose media. Shewanella marisflavi nella was defined as a new genus (Macdonell & had polar flagella. The cells were Gram-negative, Colwell 1985). Shewanella is phylogenetically (16S oxidase- and catalase-positive and not sensitive to O/ rDNA gene sequence) affiliated to the c-proteobac- 129. The bacterium exhibited b-haemolysis on teria (Gauthier, Gauthier & Christen 1995), sheep blood agar and produced H2S. Shewanella included in the family Shewanellaceae (Ivanova, marisflavi survived and grew at 4–35 °C, pH 6.0– Flavier & Christen 2004), containing about 35 9.2 and in the presence of 0–8% NaCl. The whole- Shewanella species. Shewanella are Gram-negative, cell proteins included 13 discrete bands, and long, motile bacilli. The most important character- proteins of molecular weight 87, 44 and 39 kDa istic of Shewanella is the production of hydrogen were found in all five strains of Shewanella spp. The sulphide on Kligler or triple sugar iron agar (TSIA) difference in 16S rDNA gene sequences in S. mari- (Venkateswaran et al. 1999). sflavi was at the 446 bp site: S. marisflavi (KCCM Shewanella are widely distributed in freshwater 41822) – G, isolate AP629 – A. This is the first and marine environments (Bozal, Montes, Tudela, report that Shewanella is pathogenic to sea Jimenez & Guinea 2002; Ivanova, Sawabe, Hayashi, cucumber. Gorshkova, Zhukova, Nedashkovskaya, Mikhailov, Nicolau & Christen 2003; Nealson, Myers & Correspondence S-I Park, Department of Aquatic Life Wimpee 1991), clinical samples (Brink, Van Straden Medicine, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea & Van Rensburg 1995; Nozue, Hayashi, Hashim- (e-mail: [email protected]) and oto, Ezaki, Hamasaki, Ohwada & Terawaki 1992; H Li, Key Laboratory of Mariculture & Biotechnology, Agriculture Ministry, PRC, Dalian Fisheries University, China Vandepitte & Debois 1978), sediments (Myers & (e-mail: [email protected]) Nealson 1988) and oilfield fluids (Semple & West- Ó 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 865 Journal of Fish Diseases 2010, 33, 865–877 HLietal. Biological characteristics and pathogenicity of S. marisflavi lake 1987). The bacteria are important in the Sea cucumber turnover of organic matter and capable of reduction of various metals and other substances, such as Healthy sea cucumber juveniles (body weight 1.6– nitrate, nitrite, thiosulphate and trimethylamine-N- 2.0 g) and adults (body weight 15–20 g) were oxide (Holt, Gahrn-Hansen & Bruun 2004). Many obtained from Dalianwan Hatchery. The juveniles clinical cases caused by Shewanella spp. are reported, and adults were transported to the laboratory and and the clinical syndromes caused by Shewanella spp. acclimatized for 7 days before pathogenicity assays. are generally similar to those caused by various The water parameters in the trials were: tempe- species of the marine halophilic genus Vibrio rature 11–15 °C, pH 8.0–8.4 and salinity 29.2– (Dalsgaard, Frimodt-Møller, Bruun, Høi & Larsen 30.8 ppt. 1996; Hornstrup & Gahrn-Hansen 1993; Leong, Mirkazemi & Kimble 2000). There are some reports Pathogenicity assays in sea cucumber associated with diseases of aquatic organisms. Shewanella was isolated from oyster (Richards, The pathogenicity of isolate AP269 was determined Watson, Crane, Burt & Bushek 2008) and ulcer in vivo following published protocols (Toranzo, disease of Sciaenops ocellata (Chen, Hu, Chen & Barja, Colwell, Hetrick & Crosa 1983; Nieto, Zhang 2003). In humans, the most common clinical Toranzo & Barja 1984). Suspensions of cultures syndrome is the infection of skin and soft tissue were prepared by reinoculating pure cultures on (Bulut, Ertem, Go¨kcek, Tulek, Bayar & Karakoc MA on test tube slants, culturing at 25 °C for 24 h, 2004; Chen, Lawrence, Packham & Sorrell 1991; washing with sterile sea water and then diluting to Chen, Liu, Yen, Wang, Wann & Cheng 1997; the appropriate concentrations (6.1 · 108, 6.1 · ) Dominguez, Vogel, Gram, Hoffmann & Schaebel 107 CFU mL 1). Each group included 10 sea 1996; Holmes, Lapage & Malnick 1975). cucumbers. Juvenile and adult sea cucumbers were There is only one report of S. marisflavi isolated infected by intraperitoneal and body wall injection from the Yellow Sea in South Korea (Yoon, Yeo, with bacterial suspensions of 0.1 mL per individual. Kim & Oh 2004). In the current study, the The control group was injected with an equal biological characteristics and pathogenicity of volume of sterile sea water. The sea cucumbers S. marisflavi to sea cucumber, Apostichopus japoni- were observed daily for 14 days post-bacterial cas, were analysed. challenge, and all mortalities were recorded. The sea cucumbers were considered to be killed by the bacteria if it was reisolated in pure culture from Materials and methods internal organs and skin ulcer. Four infection experiments for adults were conducted: intraperi- Shewanella marisflavi isolate and reference toneal injection, body wall injection, immersion strains infections with individuals wounded at four sites Thirty-one bacterial isolates were collected from and immersion infections of uninjured animals. diseased sea cucumber from 2004 to 2006. Shewa- Three infection methods were used for juvenile nella marisflavi strain AP629 was isolated from a cucumbers because of their thin body wall: intra- skin ulcer of a sea cucumber (body weight 1.6– peritoneal injection, immersion with wounded 2.0 g) in 2006 in Dalian, using MA (marine agar; individuals and normal immersion. The control Difco), TSAS (tryptic soy agar supplemented with groups were injected or immersed with the same 2% NaCl; Acumedia Manufacturers, Inc.) and volume of sterile sea water. thiosulphate–citrate–bile salt–sucrose (TCBS agar; Difco). All media were incubated at 25 °C for 48– Pathogenicity assays in sea cucumber, mice and 72 h. Five type strains were purchased from the swordtail fish (lethal dose 50%) Korean Culture Center of Microorganisms (KCCM) and Korean Collection for Type Cultures To compare the difference in virulence between (KCTC) and used in this study, including S. mari- animals, mice (17.0–19.0 g), juvenile sea cucumber sflavi (KCCM 41822), Shewanella aquimarina (body weight 1.6–2.0 g) and swordtail fish (Xipho- (KCCM 41821), Shewanella affinis (KCTC phorus helleri, 1.6–2.0 g) were injected intraperito- 12234), Shewanella waksmanii (KCTC 12233) neally or intramuscularly with 0.2, 0.1 and and Vibrio parahaemolyticus (KCTC 2471). 0.02 mL of bacterial suspensions (sea cucumber: Ó 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 866 Journal of Fish Diseases 2010, 33, 865–877 HLietal. Biological characteristics and pathogenicity of S. marisflavi ) 5.06 · 108 to 5.06 · 104 CFU mL 1; mice: 2.06 sheep blood (blood agar base with 5% blood, ) · 108 to 2.06 · 104 CFU mL 1; swordtail: 2.27 · Scoaris Dde, Colacite, Nakamura, Ueda-Nakam- ) 107 to 2.27 · 102 CFU mL 1), respectively (Figs ura, de Abreu Filho & Filho 2008; Imzilm, Lafdal 3–5). An equal number of sea cucumbers injected & Jana 1996). with the same volume of sterile sea water or physiological saline were used as a control. Reiso- Whole-cell protein analysis lation was carried out as described earlier. At the end of the trial, the surviving sea cucumbers were The purified strains were precultured in TSBS killed, and the inoculated bacteria reisolated to test (tryptic soy broth supplemented with 1.5% NaCl, for a possible carrier state. Lethal dose 50% (LD50) Bacto 211825) for 36 h at 25 °C and 170 rpm. A values were calculated according to Reed & volume of 10 mL of each culture was transferred to Muench (1938). 200 mL of TSBS and reincubated for 36 h at 25 °C. Cells were harvested by centrifugation at 37250 g for 10 min at 4 °C, and the pellet was Morphological observation washed three times in PBS (0.1 m, pH 7.2). The The purified strain AP629 and type strains of washed cells were suspended to 50 mg (wet ) S. marisflavi and V. parahaemolyticus were streaked weight) mL 1 in sample buffer (0.125 m tris base on culture media MA, TSAS, NAS (nutrient agar buffer containing 2.5% (vol/vol) mercaptoethanol, supplemented with 1.5% NaCl; Difco) and BHIAS 2% (wt/vol) SDS and 25% glycerol (vol/vol); pH (brain heart infusion agar supplemented with 1.5% 6.8). The cell suspension was boiled for 10 min. NaCl; Difco), TCBS and MacConkey (Difco Protein concentrations were determined by a mod- 212123), using the plate-streaking method. All ification of the Lowry method (Laemmli 1970; media were incubated for 48–72 h at 25 °C, and Peterson 1977). Bovine serum albumin was used as a colony characteristics were recorded. Cell morpho- standard. Samples were stored at )80 °C in aliquots genesis was observed by transmission electron of 50 lL (no sample was frozen more than once).
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