AVATAR MEHER BABA BIBLIOGRAPHY 1928 to February 25, 1978 Exte!"e" to 2#19, $%th re'%(%o!( )or*( by a!" about Meher Baba %! E!+,%(h a!" other Euro-ea! ,a!+ua+e( .o/-%,e" by Ba, 0AT1 E"%te" 2 Pre-are" 3or Pub,%4at%o! by 56 F,a++ 7RI8 0E) 9ELHI 1978 E"%te" 2 1-"ate" by )/6 GRAHAM B,oo/%!+to!, I!"%a!a I! 4o,,aborat%o! $%t& 5%m MIGDOLL a!" 9a'%" HOB8O0 Avatar:( Abo"e Ar4&%ve(, ;uee!(,a!", Au(tra,%a 2#19 "I! Ho!or o3 5%/ MIG9OLL <19=9>2#18?" "The boo* that I (ha,, ma*e -eo-,e rea" %( the boo* o3 the heart that ho,"( the *ey to the my(tery o3 ,%3e666@ MEHER BABA .o-yr%+ht A B 1978, Ba, 0atu, Meher 0aCar, 7%!+:( Roa", Ahme"!a+ar <MS?, I!"%a F%r(t E"%t%o! 1978 D## 4o-%e( Pub,%(he" by 56 F,a++ 7r%(, $%th the *%!" -er/%((%o! o3 A"% 76 Ira!%, Ahme"!a+ar <MS?, I!"%a E 2 Pr%!te" by A O 3or" Pr%!t4ra3t I!"%a Pvt6 Lt"6 F8, 84%!"%a Hou(e, 0e$ 9e,&% 11###1, I!"%a Re'%(e" a!" E te!"e" E"%t%o! 2##9 2!" Re'%(e" 2 E te!"e" E"%t%o! 2#1F Dr" Re'%(e" 2 E te!"e" E"%t%o! 2#19 Pub,%(he" by the Avatar Meher Baba Per-etua, Pub,%4 .har%tab,e Tru(t E 2 Po(te" $%t&%! the O!>,%!e Library TABLE OF CONTENTS Avatar Meher Baba : a short biographical sketch by Adi K !ra"i ii #re$ace to the Origi"al Editio" iv #re$ace to the %evised a"d Exte"ded Editio" vi Abbreviatio"s a"d Symbols xii Mo"ograph Sectio" ()*+, Serial Sectio" *+-)*,* So."d %ecordi"g Sectio" *,/)/*( Motio" #ict.re Sectio" /**)//+ 0ideorecordi"g Sectio" //()/1( A"alytical Sectio" /1*)/2- Appe"dix /21)/3( !"de& ()11 i A0ATA% ME4E% BABA A Short Biographical Sketch By A5! K !%AN! Bor" i" #oo"a6 !"dia6 o" Febr.ary *-6 (37,6 Mer8a" S !ra"i6 k"o8" as Meher Baba6 received 4is ed.catio" i" the to8" o$ 4is birth. As a boy 4e is said to have bee" both active a"d ge"tle6 mischievo.s a"d ."sel$ish. 4is lovi"g "at.re made 4im pop.lar amo"g 4is $rie"ds a"d ac9.ai"ta"ces 4e excelled i" sports a"d took a great i"terest i" literat.re a"d poetry :hile st.dyi"g at the 5ecca" College6 #oo"a6 at the age o$ (76 4e 8as to.ched a"d blessed by o"e o$ the #er$ect Masters o$ the age6 4a;rat Baba<a" o$ #oo"a She tra"s$ormed 4is li$e so completely that Meher Baba lost huma" co"scio.s"ess a"d became merged i" the Ocea" o$ 5ivi"e Love A"other o$ the God-reali;ed Masters6 Upas"i Mahara< o$ Sakori6 bro.ght Meher Baba do8" to the level o$ huma" co"scio.s"ess6 maki"g 4im $.lly e9.ipped 8ith the all pervadi"g k"o8ledge o$ Creatio" a"d prepari"g 4im $or 4is role as the Avatar o$ the Age This Avataric missio" started i" (7*( 8ith the gatheri"g together o$ 4is $irst disciples6 8ho gave 4im the "ame "Meher Baba" or "Compassio"ate Father " Soo" a$ter6 Meher Baba started a colo"y "ear Ara"gao"6 abo.t six miles $rom Ahmed) "agar6 called Meherabad6 8here 4e had a t.itio")$ree school admitti"g boys o$ all castes a"d creeds6 a"d a boardi"g school called the #rem Ashram $or those boys 8ho 8ere most i"te"se i" their love $or the God-Ma" !" additio"6 4e established a $ree dispe"sary a"d shelters $or the poor Meher Baba told 4is disciples that $rom @.ly (+6 (7*-6 4e 8o.ld observe sile"ce Fro' that day 4e mai"tai"ed this Sile"ce6 eve" till the reli"9.ishi"g o$ 4is body o" @a".ary /(6 (717 4is ma"y spirit.al disco.rses a"d messages have bee" dictated by mea"s o$ a" alphabet board O" October 26 (7-,6 Meher Baba disco"ti".ed the .se o$ the alphabet board a"d red.ced all co''."icatio" to ."i9.e ha"d gest.res i"terpreted by 4is disciples The history o$ ma"As search $or his Sel$ has prod.ced $e8 origi"al 8orks deali"g 8ith the techni9.e $or the Sel$As discovery Meher BabaAs 5isco.rses are a ma<or co"trib.tio" to that small body o$ literat.re !" this 8ork6 give" to 4is close disciples i" the period (7/3)(7,/6 4e describes the mea"s $or i"corporati"g daily li$e i"to o"eAs spirit.al o"goi"g !" 4is classic 8ork6 God Speaks6 Meher Baba describes i" detail the theme a"d p.rpose o$ Creatio" !t is dedicated "To the >"iverse — the !ll.sio" that s.stai"s %eality " The $ollo8i"g li"es are 9.oted $rom the begi""i"g o$ God Speaks : ! am "ot come to establish a"y c.lt6 society or orga"isatio"C "or eve" to establish a "e8 religio" The religio" that ! shall give teaches the k"o8ledge o$ the O"e behi"d the ma"y The book that ! shall make people read is the book o$ the heart that holds the key to the mystery o$ li$e ii A persiste"t theme o$ Meher BabaAs mi"istratio" i" !"dia6 especially i" the (7,+As6 had bee" the co"tacti"g o$ God-i"toxicated so.ls6 k"o8" as masts Dpro"o."ced '.stsE These are adva"ced pilgrims o" the spirit.al path 8ho have become spirit.ally i"toxicated $rom direct a8are"ess o$ God !" The :ay$arers6 by 5r :illiam 5o"ki"6 these co"tacts a"d visits have bee" recorded6 a"d Meher Baba also co"trib.ted messages reveali"g the states o$ God-i"toxicatio" a"d its spirit.al sig"i$ica"ce Other vital 8ork had bee" the 8ashi"g o$ the lepers6 the 8ashi"g the $eet o$ tho.sa"ds o$ poor6 a"d the distrib.tio" o$ grai" a"d cloth to the destit.te Meher Baba travelled to the :ester" :orld ma"y times a"d visited several co."tries 4is $irst o$ six visits to the >"ited States 8as i" (7/( Meher Baba also <o.r"eyed exte"sively thro.gh- o.t !"dia by trai"6 car6 b.llock cart6 a"d $oot6 givi"g 4is darsha" a"d messages o$ Love a"d Tr.th to tho.sa"ds o$ 4is $ollo8ers Meher Baba devoted most o$ 4is time d.ri"g the last years o$ 4is li$e to i"te"se 8ork i" secl.sio" 4e said that o"e o$ the mai" p.rposes o$ 4is last secl.sio" o$ a year a"d a hal$As d.ra) tio"6 d.ri"g (712)(7136 8as to give 4is Love to the 8orld !t 8as d.ri"g this period that the $ire o$ e"thusiasm i" Avatar Meher BabaAs message o$ Love a"d Tr.th bega" to spread Today more a"d more people are comi"g to recog"i;e a"d to $eel Avatar Meher Baba as the #erso"i$icatio" o$ God a"d the 5ivi"e Spirit.al A8ake"er o$ o.r era !" o"e o$ 4is messages6 Meher Baba stated: ! 8as %ama ! 8as Krishna6 ( 8as this O"e6 ! 8as that O"e6 a"d "o8 ! am Meher Baba !" this $orm o$ $lesh a"d blood6 ! am that same A"cie"t O"e 8ho alo"e is eter"ally 8orshipped a"d ig"ored6 ever remembered a"d $orgotte" ! am that A"cie"t O"e 8hose past is 8orshipped a"d remembered6 8hose prese"t is ig"ored a"d $or- gotte"6 a"d 8hose $.t.re DAdve"tE is a"ticipated 8ith great $ervo.r a"d lo"gi"g iii #%EFACE Scope As the title s.ggests6 this is a bibliography o$ 8orks by a"d abo.t Meher Baba i" E"glish a"d other E.ropea" la"g.ages6 coveri"g the years (7*3 thro.gh Febr.ary *-6 (723 A gla"ce i" the i"dex 8ill sho8 ".mero.s titles listed ."der Meher Baba as a.thor6 b.t it sho.ld be "oted that Baba stopped 8riti"g o" @a".ary (6 (7*2 All o$ these titles are act.ally tra"scrip) tio"s6 compilatio"s6 selectio"s6 a"d excerpts $rom BabaAs disco.rses a"d messages give" over the years by mea"s o$ the alphabet board a"d later by gest.res The material is best described as havi"g bee" ?8ritte" ."der BabaAs "ame " Most o$ the e"tries are i" E"glish, 8ith a $e8 i" other E.ropea" la"g.ages 4o8ever6 several titles are act.ally bi- or '.ltili"g.al a"d 8ere i"cl.ded i$ o"e o$ the la"g.ages 8as E"g) lish. The other E.ropea" la"g.ages represe"ted are C;ech, Fre"ch, Germa"6 %.ssia"6 a"d Spa") ish; the !"dic la"g.ages i"cl.ded6 $rom the '.ltili"g.al material6 are =.<arati6 4i"di6 Marathi6 Tamil6 a"d Tel.g.
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