DIRECTORY. 65 HAYDON. [NORTHUMBERLAND.] - . Longwitton. COMMERCIAL. ThorntoD (East). Trevelyan Mrs. Edward Spencer, Long- Davidson William, miller & farmer Codling WiJIiam,shopkeeper,North side witton hall Dixon Thomas, Three Horse Shoes Dixon Thomas, boot & shoe maker, COMMERCIAL. Hall Robert, farm steward to Robert North side Bell Thomas, Jolm& Robert, farmers, Could, esq Ea8tThorntonTileWor~,-Fletcher, North heug-h Lamb J ames, shopkeeper & tailor agent Bewick George, farmer, SOllthwitton Marshall vVilliam, veterinary sur~eon Lawton Ann (~Irs.), shopkeeper Blacket WaIter, tailor, draper & grocer Robertson William, farmer, North East ~litchellGeo.Fox&"Hounds,Parkcorner Greason 'Villiam, joiner &cartwrig'ht farm Pringle J. farm steward, Needless hall Liddell Joseph, farmer, Whittonstone Tate Elizabeth (Miss), dressmaker Reay William, blacksmith, Park COl'ner Patterson John, f~1rmer, Hill end Turner John, carrier Swan 'Vm. farmer, Needless hall moor Richardson Edward Pyle, blacksmith South Middleton. Swan John & Frederick, farmers,Thorn- ThorntonRobert,farm bailiff, Deanfarm COMMERCIAL. ton house, Thorntoo (West) North Middleton. Hunter Thomas, blacksmith Todridge. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Robson Isabella (1\1rs.), farmer, East Shanks Thomas, farmer Coull Robert, esq. the Hall farm Whitridge. Robertson Rev. James [Presbyterian] Robson William, farmer, West farm Snowdon Robert, farmer HAYDON, a chapelry of the parish of Warden, separated Shaftoe, vicar of Warden, is open to all boys and girls born for local and parochial purposes, contains, besides the con- or resident in the chapelry of Haydon, or at Wood-shields. siderable village of HAYDON BRIDGE, the hamlets of LIP- It is governed by seven trustees, in whom is invested the WOOD, BROCKENHEUGH, CHESTERWOOtl, ELLERIKG- appointment, subject to removal of the head master, ushers TON, DEANROW, and LANGLEY, as well as a number of and mistress (who has an assistant), each of whom has a farm-houses, each bearing a peculiar name, which wiII be house and garden, in addition to his salary. The head master found in the' DIRECTORY.' It is intersected bv the New- must be a' University Scholar of the Degree OfM.A.,' and' in castle and Carlisle railway, and also by the South Tyne, priest's orders, a clergyman of the Church of England,' and extending over 13,68B acres, and possessed, in 1851, 2,085 must perform Divine service in Haydon Bridge Chapel every inhabitants. The register of the chapelry commences in Sunday afternoon, and every alternate Sunday morning. 16404. 'fhe present curate is the Rev. Redman Sisson, ap- The instruction prescribed by the founder embraces grammar pointed by the Rev. C. Bird, M.A., vicar of Warden, with and classical learning, writing, arithmetic, navigation, geo­ Newbrough and Haydon. Besides the Free Grammar school graphy, and mathematics. A girls' school has been engrafted at Haydon Bridge, there are schools at Grindon and Langley, on the orig'inal foundation, for teaching' girls reading, writing, each of which is assisted by an annual grant of £10 fi'om arithmetic, knitting, working, and other necessary education. the trustees of Shaftoe's Charity, and a similar one from the 'l'he salaries paid amount to ahout £510per annum, exclusive Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital, who are the chief of yearly grants to schools at Grindon, Langley, Newbroug-h, proprietors of the soil and lords of the manor, though there 'Warden, and Belford, near which the property of the trustees are also a few resident yeomen. '1'he soil produces excellent is situated. In connection with the institution, the trustees crops of wheat, oats, barley, and turnips. The chapelry, have founded almshouses for 20 poor persons of the chapelry, which contains lead mines at Langleyand Grindon, smelting each of whom receives an allowance of coals, three shillings, mills at the former place, and an iron foundry in Haydon and a coat or gown each year. Bridge, is situated in Tindale ward, Hexham union, Cor- BROKENHEUGH, a hamlet 1~ miles south-east. bridg-etIeanery, archdeaconry ofNorthurnberland, and diocese CHESTERWOOD with LIPWOOD form a hamlet from of Durham. I to 2 miles west. HAYDON BRIDGE, which has a population of' about DEANROW, a hamlet 3 miles west, situated on the east 1,200, is situated on both banks of the South Tyne (which is bank ofthe Allan, forming a picturesque district. here crossed by a stone bridge of six arches), connected by ELLERINGTON, a hamlet, including TREEPWOOD, 1~ turnpike roads with Newcastle, Carlisle, Allendale, and miles south-east. Alston, and distant by railway from Newcastle 281 miles, LANGLEY is a small village and manor in this chapelry, 2~ from Hexham, n west, and 31 ~ east from Carlisle. Here is miles south··by-west from the church. Here areextensive mill3 a chapel, dedicated to St. Cuthbert, a neat stone edifice, with for smelting lead ore, which is obtained in abundance here, square tower, chancel, and nave, without aisles, which was worked by Messrs. Shield and Dinning; bone, ash, and bone erected in 1797, in lieu of the old chapel of HaydoIl, of manurearealso manufactured here; leadfume,paint, &c.; here which the chancel and burial-ground, still to be seen about are also coal mines, limekilus, &c. Langley Castle, now in I mile north of the village, are occasionally used for inter- ruins, but still showing some fine specimens ofancient archi­ ments. The Independents, Wesleyan, Primitive and Re- tecture, was once the seat of the barons of'Tindale, but has formed Methodists, have each a place of worship here. There since been the property of severallloble families, and is now is an extensive iron and brass foundry here, worked by the the property of' the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital, Haydon Bridge Iron Company; and a news-room and who have recently built and endowed a school for the library, which was founded by subscription in 1836. 'l'he children of this district. The Wesleyans have a small chapel Free school, which was founded in 1685, by the Rev. John llere. Haydon Bridge. IArmstrong Mark, shopkeeper, Langley Cowing George, farmer, Low hall PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Armstrong Robert, shoemaker Cowing Jane (Mrs.), butcher Apedaile Thomas Hutchinson, esq Armstrong 'rhomus, farmer, Grindon Cowing Ralph, farmer, Low Moralee Bank house mill hill. Cunningham Henry,gardener&Seedsmn Bewicke W. esq. Threepwood hall Armstrong William, shoemaker Davison Ralph, stonemason Coats Mrs. Lipwood house Arthur George, farmer, Threepwood Davison Richard, stonemason Coats Thomas, esq Awburn John, farmer, Lipwood wells Davison Thomas, stonemason Dodsworth Mr. Coultas, Tofts Barr Hugh, linen & woollen draper & Dawson John, farmer, Tedcastle Elliott Robert, esq. grocer *Dickinson John, farmer, Sillywray Grey Mrs. Bacon, Low Staward Bell J ames & Robert, farmers, Lough Dickinson John, railway road inspector Lowes John, eso. Hill house !!reen Dickinson William, farmer, Staward Pickering .Mr. Thomas, Haydon cottage Bell William, farmer, Harlow field Dinning 'William, Nelson ridge inn, & Pollard Mr. 'Villiam Benson John, farmer, Grindon hill farmer, Nelson ridge Reed Mrs. Haydon lodge Benson Septimus George, miller & seed Dixon Henry, butcher & farmer Richmond Rev. George, M.A. Chapel merchant & farmer, Wood hall mill Dodsworth Coultas, engineer, see Hay- house Bewick Jamcs, farmer, Whinnetley don bridge iron company Routledge 1tIr". Croft cottage Bewick John, farmer, Prior house Dryden John, farmer, Deanrow SiSSOll Rev. Redman Brown George, millwright Dryden Thomas, farmer, Moss kennel ~nowball Cuthbert, esq Brown John, blacksmith Elliott Robert, surgeon Sparke Mr. Jonathan, Geyswood house Charlton Henry, shoemaker "'Errington Thos, farmer,Sewing shields Swan Rev. George Wm. [Independent] Charltoll John, manufacturer of soda Eshton William, Chesterwood grange 'Vhaley Mr water & ginger beer, & station master Forster William, shopkeeper White Mrs. High bank house "'Coats John, farmer, Lipwood Gihson Charles :::leptimus, chemist & CO;\lMERCIAL. Coats Thomas, surgeon & medical officer drugg'ist & grocer Anderson Gowan, farmer, West Haydon for the fifth district in Hexham union Gibson Daniel, cartwright Apedaile Thomas Hutchinson, solicitor, Corbett John, gardener & seedsman Greestwood Samuel, stonemason commissioner in chancery & common Corbett Joseph, Grey Bull &blcksmth Hailes :Matthew, tailor & draper law courts, Bank house Coulson John, blacksmith, 'Vhitechapel Hamilton James, tailor Armstrong Edward, beer retailer &. Cowing Anthony & Brotllers, farmers, Harle l\1argaret (~Ir8.), farmer, West tailQI' & draper High Moralee mill hills 5 •.
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