~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 28 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM SMC dean to step down at year's end Orange stop down at tho nnd of the with students. It's time for and it was such a good By MEGAN O'NEIL academic year. rnn to write, to teach, to school and I thought, 'I am dots ND Saint M.try's Editor Whitn, who has sMvod as spnnd more limn working a going to apply for this job,"' dnan sinen fall 2002, said he little more elosely with tho White said. "I came for the l'at White. thn Saint Mary's will take a ynar-long sa bbati­ students." interviews and I fell in love vicn presidPnt and dean of cal "rnsearehing and writing" As a young acadnmic teach­ with the place." ca111pus I' a 1: u I t y and will thnn join tho English ing at PfeiiTor College - now White also said hn was rPsponsiblo dnpartmnnt as a faculty Pfnif'fer University - in deeply impressnd by the l'o r Ia un c h­ mem bnr. Miscnheimor, N.C., Whitn inquisitive and artieulate stu­ 'Fine By Me' shirts i ng tlw Al'tnr 17 years as an said a position at Saint dent body. A question and College's administrator, Whitn said. he Mary's was his "dream job." answer snssion with students show support, pride Centl'r for misses the classroom and Although he never envi­ whiln he was intnrviewing, sioned himself in an adminis­ he said, was toughnr than A c a d " m i 1: daily intnraetion with stu­ By SARAH WHEATON Innovation dents. trative ol'f'ice, he decided to those hn faced from the fac­ News Writer and the "This is a great job," White apply for an opening as Saint ulty. lie remembnrnd one CentPr for said. "You arn working with Mary's associate dean of fac­ student in particular who Women's White gnmt pnople. It is an honor ulty in 1988. stood up and asked him The color orange will spnckl11 Notre Damn's campus once lntereultural l.eadnrship to be dean of faculty, but I "All my life I had known again today as students and ( C W II. ) , a n n o u n e tHI he w i II have missnd the connection about Saint Mary's Collnge see DEAN/page 8 faculty show their support for alternative Jifnstyles by wnaring "Gay? Finn By Mn" shirts pro­ vided by mnrnb11rs of AlliancnND. The student group, which has Sisters show Saint Mary's pride not been formally recognized by the UnivPrsity, focuses on issues of sexuality and tolnr­ Nuns attend athletic events, cheer on Belles ance. Members said they dis­ tributed about 250 new T-shirts A lifeline in preparation for today's By MEGAN O'NEIL One of nine children, Byrnes event, which is eo-sponsored by Sainr Mary's Editnr loved to play sports as a girl, the sociology department. An particularly basketball, volley: nstimated 2,500 shirts havn Shn donsn 'I. wear short ball and baseball. The Logan, benn distributnd to nwmbnrs of skirts. Utah native dneided to join the the Notre Dame community S lw d on s n 't s h a k e p o m - Sisters of the lloly Cross as a since tho inception of the cam­ poms. young woman and arrived at paign in spring 2004. Slw will nnvnr do bounding Saint Mary's in 1951 to take Graduate student and group handsprings across the court. elasses. eo-coordinator Anna Gomberg Nnvnrthelnss, Sistnr Viola In 1954 she left the College said she believes demand for Marin Byrnes is well known as and went" out on mission, the shirts has not want~d. Saint Mary's most vibrant and embarking on what would turn "A lot of faculty and staff vocal dwnrlnadnr. out to be a lil'elong career of wanted the shirt this time In recent ynars the rntired teaching. Assigned elasses as around," she said. SistiH' of the lloly Cross has large as 50 first or second AlliancnND said in a press btH'Oilln a fixture on campus, gradf1rs, Byrnes worked in release that "wearing tho shirt riding around on an athletic Catholic schools in California, indicates support and accept­ dt~partnwnt golf cart and Washington, Utah, Idaho and ance of Notre Damn's gay, les­ chnm·ing from tho sidelines at Texas. bian, bisnxual, transgender, homo ganws. Wh11rnver she placed, she queer and qunstioning ((;LBTQ) With fewer and fewer was always a big supporter of community and its allies." Sistnrs filling positions at thn athletics. "The main purpose of thesn Collngn, tho visibility of "I went to the soccer, basket­ ovonts is continuing campus Byrnt'S and a fnw other Sistnrs ball and baseball games," dialogue on GLBTQ issues," it at compntitions has inspired Byrnes said. "I was vnry active said. st.udnnt athlntns and providnd with the children." CHELSEA GULLINGfThe Observer "It's important f(Jr students to thmn with a portal to a past Sister of the Holy Cross Viola Byrnes cheers for the Saint Mary's ora. see SISTERS/page 6 Belles at a volleyball game in the Angela Athletic Facility Tuesday. see SHIRTS/page 4 ND, Palestinian students confer SENATE Group discusses ad, By JANICE FLYNN N,w, Writn In a pilot program spon­ business agreements sort~d by t.hn State Departnwnt, ninn Notrn lit~ said the Univnrsity decided Damn studt~nts partieipatnd By MADDIE HANNA this summnr to choose FndEx in an informal vidno confPr­ Associate News Editor Kinko's, located on campus in nJH:n with Palt~stinian univer­ Grace llall and ofT campus on sity studPnts early Dirm:tor of administrative serv­ State Hoad 23, for its expnrtisn, WtHIIlnsday morning, a con­ ices for the University Dan pricing and conwmience. Tlw versation that focused on Skendzel explainnd Notre Dame's Grace Hall Kinko's aceepl'> Domnr student lifo but quickly agreements with TRANSPO and Dollars and can relml'>O print jobs turnl'd to a genial discussion FedEx Kinko's to senators at ordered from a dorm room or about .Jerusalem's political Wednesday's Student Senate othnr campus location. climate and Wnstern and meeting. which also heard contin­ Whiln the Gracn llall Kinko's ·is Islamic perceptions of the ued backlash about the University currently opnn from 8 a.m. to 4 other. spot "Candle." p.m. on weekdays, Skendznl said Tho Notre l>anw students, "We're seeing this as a long there will be weekend hours as whoso majors and travel his­ term relationship" between FedEx well as expanded weekday hours. tory reflect tlwir keen inter­ Kinko's and the University, "But I don't have a timetable on est in world affairs, are stu- ANN KELLEYfThe Observer Skendzel said. "We see FedEx that," he said. Notre Dame students and faculty participate In a video Kinko's as being able to grow with see VIDEO/page 8 conference with Palestinian students Wednesday morning. the University." see SENATE/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, September 29, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE CAMPUS STUDY SPOT? Whirlwind weekend I was supposed to get my driver's license this weekend. · Then again, I was supposed to keep my necessary certificates safe so the Madeline Murphy Tommy Gruffi Faustin Weber Rachel Barretto Ryan Bradley Bridget Higgins beautiful bureaucracy that is the New junior freshman freshman freshman junior sophomore York State Department of Ken Fowler off campus Dillon Keough Cavanaugh Zahm Cavanaugh Motor Vehicles would let me take "I can't tell you, "Cavanaugh 'There are "The middle of "I3th floor, "The Bond the road test. Sports Writer because then 258 with Jenn study spots?" North Quad library~" Library, 2nd At 3:20a.m. , Friday, after 13 everyone would and Ann. when it's floor, left hand hours of travel that included a three­ start going sunny. side." hour flight delay and diversion from there." the friendly confines of LaGuardia Airport in Queens to New Jersey's Newark International, I couldn't find the certificate showing that I took the appropriate 5-hour beginner drivers' class. After a few hours of sleep and a couple more of searching, I resigned myself to the fact that it was nowhere to be found. The driving school that had my records was closed, and my IN BRIEF road test was within hours. I went to the test site anyway, knowing I would Steve Coli, a writer for The be denied. New Yorker, will give the lec­ I was right in my assumption. ture "Inside the Hunt for When I got home, I figured I had to Osama Bin Laden" today from make the most of the two days home. 7 p.m. to 8:30 in the Jordan I mean, the plane tickets cost $161. Auditorium of Mendoza College. The bus was another $57. Meals at Midway and LaGuardia, about $20. Welsh Family will be hosting , Overall, my two-day, three-night voy­ a Block Party for the Big Easy age home cost me nearly $240. Plus, Thursday from 8 p.m. to mid­ the travel had been hellacious, and I night. The party will take place ' had failed my weekend's main goal. behind Heckers. All students I was not going to allow the days to are welcome to enjoy free food, go to waste, so first things first. carnival games, campus bands, I threw on a bathing suit, grabbed and a dunk tank.
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