• The aI June 7, 1978 Vol. 111, No.3 © 1978 Student Publications, Inc. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 10 cents Wednesda~ Prop. 13 Briefly winning;• • Moon skips after probe query Case loses WASHINGTON (UP!) - Evangelist By United Press International Sun Myung Moon left the United States after House Investigators asked him to Proposition 13 - which slashes testify about InteUlgence reports linking property taxes by 60 per cent - was him and members of his Unification winning heavy voter approval in Church to South Korea's CIA, it was California Tuesday while in New Jersey disclosed Tuesday. a conservative challenger ended the long Rep. Donald Fraser, chairman of a career of Republican Sen. Clifford Case. House International Relations In­ The radical proposition drastically vestigating subcommittee, said Moon cutting property taxes was being ap­ went to London In May after the panel proved by 69 per cent of the voters with had asked him to testify voluntarily and only a small fraction ,f the vote counted. before it could serve him with a sub­ There was a heavy turnout throughout poena. California and backers of the proposition Fraser, D-Minn., said the sub­ said it signaled the start of a tax revolt committee had not been able to learn that would sweep across the nation as why Moon left, when he would return or other states and even Congress were whether he would cooperate with the pressured to pass similar legislation. panel's probe of KCIA activities. While the attention was on CaUfornia in The congressman said his sub­ Tuesday's voting, eight states held committee may not be able to force Moon primaries for five governorships, six to testify. Senate seats and 98 seats in the House . The evangelist repeatedly has denied Gov. Jerry Brown, facing only nominal any ties to Korean Intelligence. primary opposition, waited to see which A church spokesman called attempts to of four main Republican contenders subpeona Moon "an outrageous attack on would face him in the fall election. reUgious freedom In America." Attorney General Evelle J. Younger took The spokesman said Moon is In a slight lead over retired Los Angeles England as part of a "long awaited Police Chief Ed Davis for the GOP European tour," and ' that he had per­ nomination. formed a mass wedding of U8 couples Case, long a champion of moderate from all over Europe on May 21." Republican causes, was defeated by Jeffrey Bell, a Ronald Reagan con­ servative whose well financed campaign NYC: Your money drew contributions from right wing groups throughout the nation. for my life Retired basketball star Bill Bradley won the Democratic senate primary in ON (UPI) - New York's Mayor New Jersey, defeating Richard C. Leone, Edward Koch Tuesday asked Congress the former state treasurer who was the for federal loan guarantees to keep the favorite of most state Democratic nation's largest metropolis from Tho Oily 1owtnI.Jo/II1 DIriac". Johnson County Auditor Thomas Siocke" reads off the early retUrn s to an assistant Tuesday night at the Johnson County Courthouse. leaders. becoming a "dead city," its jobs and Case was not the only incumbent In wealthier classes gone and only its poor remaining . trouble. Sen. Paul Hatfield, D-Mont., Koch told the Senate Banking Com­ trailed in his re-election bid to Rep. Max mittee that will happen eventually if Baucus. Congress leaves New York City entirely Among the winners were Republican on its own after June SO, expiration date Govs. James Rhodes of Ohio and Robert of a $2.3 billion federal seasonal loan j.epsen beats Van No~trand Ray of Iowa, and Democratic Sen. Dick program enacted for the city In 1975. Clark of Iowa. He urged approval of a plan backed by In addition, MissiSSippi waged its first By NEIL BROWN on his primary campaign - almost four and criticized Jepsen's affiliation with Van Nostrand also said Clark's real battle for the Senate in recent the administration in which the federal University Editor times as much as Van Nostrand. ultra-right wing conservatives such as primary opponents mustered higher government would guarantee loans to the history and Wayne Hays, on the Jepsen's campaign also included what New Hampshire Governor Meldrim than expected support. comeback trail, was nominated for a seat city - mainly from pension funds - for Conservative Roger Jepsen was proved to be an effective direct-mail Thomson, terming them "right wing CUtting inflation by cutting the federal 15 years. The guarantees could total $2 in the Ohio House. overwhehnlngly chosen Tuesday night as campaign coordinated by professional forces ." But Tuesday night Van bureaucracy and federal spending along It will take a runoff June'll to deter­ billion a t anyone time and could be made the Republican Party's candidate to try fund raiser Richard Viguerie. The mail Nostrand gave his support to Jepsen and with deregulation of petroleum prices any time during the next four years. mine the Democratic candidate in to oust U.S. Sen. Dick Clark, D-Iowa, in campaign was done with the use of a said he thought Clark could be beat. were the top issues advocated by Jepsen. Mississippi in the race to succeed Sen. A bill incorporating that plan is November's general election. computer, and was directed at Iowans "We should stimulate the private scheduled for a vote In the House "I certainly think Clark can be beat; James Eastland. Gov. CUff Finch was Jepsen, a former Iowa lieutenant who the computer determined usually do that's why I entered this race," Van sector and let it work by itself and not expected to lead the pack of seven Thursday. governor from Davenport, defeated Iowa not vote in primaries. "We are not coming for a handout," Nostrand said. "Sen. Clark will base his continually harass and add to its ex­ Democrats, but he finished second commerce Commission Chairman Throughout the campaign Van campaign on his record which he is proud penses," Jepsen said. behind lawyer Maurice Dantin, who was Koch testified. "We are not coming for a Maurice Van Nostrand by nearly a 2-1 grant." Nostrand blasted Jepsen as too con­ of, and Mr. Jepsen will attack that Jepsen also plans to attack Clark's backed by some of Eastland's old margin. Indianola lawyer Joe Bertroche servative to defeat Clark in November record." support of the Panama Canal treaties. I cronies. 'Monitor' faces crisis The winner of the Dantin Finch runoff will face Rep. Thad Cochran, who won BOSTON (UPI) - Christian Scientists the Republican primary over State Sen. attending the annual meeting at their Fitzgerald wins; Doderer loses Charles Pickering. mother church have been asked to Elsewhere in primaries: continue supporting the financially trou­ Ohio - Rhodes will face Democratic bled Chri.lian Science Monitor. Lt. Gov. Richard Celeste. They both won By TOM DRURY money as Fitzgerald's more reserved A new endowment fund specifically for Staff Writer their primaries with more than 70 per the Monitor was launched Monday under effort. cent of the vote. Hays, seeking to make a the direction of the church treasurer. Iowa Democrats Tuesday gave House As the election loomed, Whitney, a comeback from the Liz Ray sex scandals Money from the fund will be Invested Majority Leader Jerry Fitzgerald a former state Democratic chairman, that drove him from his powerful sea t in and the Interest will be used to help strong mandate as their candidate to called Fitzgerald "timid" and Fitzgerald Congress, beat four other contenders in defray operating and capital ex­ beat Gov. Robert Ray in November'S supporters responded by critiCizing running for an Ohio seat in a primary penditures of the newspaper, the church election. WhItney for being "flashy." Whitney also where nomination is tantamount to said. And in an upset, State Sen. Minnette said the press had failed to make either election. The Internationally known newspaper Doderer of Iowa City was defeated by six-year House member Fitzgerald or New Mexico - Republican Sen. Pete Turn 10 11l1li. 8. pleaae. has operated at an annual ~ million fellow Sen. William Pahner in the race Ray define adequately their positions on deficit for several years. for the Democratic nomination for future.oriented Issues. lieutenant governor. But Fitzgerald said that Whitney at­ Black Caucus defends Doderer, who had been favored slightly tended his victory party after the out­ to win, was apparently hurt by opposition come was clear and expressed his sup­ Cubans in Africa Jepsen from anti-abortion forces and Pahner's po:t for the Fitzgerald campaign. better.flnanced campaign. WASHINGTON (UPI) The was a distant third in the balloting. Palmer will face Republican State "He said he would be willing to help Inside CongresslonaJ Black Caucus Tuesday Van Nostrand was considered the more Rep. Terry Branstad, the conservative very much in the general election," defended the presence of Soviet and moderate candidate who had the unof- who soundly defeated Sen. Willard Fitzgerald reported. Cuban troops in Africa and accused the nclal backing of Iowa Gov. Robert Ray. Hansen and former Rep. Brice Oakley Both Fitzgerald and Whitney cam­ admlnlstration of "a cold war mentality" Clark, running against token op- for the party's lieutenant governor paigned in favor of increased spending In its African pollcy. position, easily defeated Gerald Baker of nomination. for human services, a more equitable The caucus, composed of the 16 black Cedar Falls and Robert Neriem of Des The lieutenant governor's post is held property tax systeni, and a more com- members of the House, held a news Moines for the Democratic nomination. by Rep. Arthur Neu, who is retiring to .
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