Founded A.D. 1874 by John Singenberger AUGUST 1937 ORATE FRATRES A Review Devoted to the Liturgical Apoatolate TS first purpose is to foster an intelligent and whole-hearted participation in I the liturgical life of the Church, which Pius X has called "the primary and indispensable source of the true Christian spirit." Secondarily it also considers the liturgy in its literary, artistic, musical, social, educational. and .historical aspects. From a Letter Signed By His Eminence Cardinal Gasparri "The Holy Father is greatly pleased that St. John's Abbey is continuing the glorious tradition, and tnat there is emanating from this abbey an inspiration that tends to elevate- the piety of the faithful by leading them back to the pure fountain of·the sacred liturgy." Published every four weeks, beginning with Advent, twelve issues the year. -Forty-eight pages. Two dollars the year in the United States. Write for sample copy and descriptive leaflet. THE LITURGICAL PRESS CoDegeville MiDDeaota Jaeobs~ Piano Folios A Veritable Treasure Store of Melodious Compositions for the Recreational Period SO CENTS the volume POSTPAID Over 100 volumes, each containing 6 delightful lyric pieces -tuneful, interesting, and colorful-exclusively by American composers well known in the field of light music, classified as TONE-POEMS- REVERIES - BALLETS - NOVELETTES ORIENTAL - INDIAN - SPANISH - MARCHES GALOPS - WALTZES - ETC. Every Number An Original Copyright Found In No Other Collection Send for classified booklet of Contents and Thematics IF YOU ARE A PlANO TEACHER send your professional card for a GIFT of great practical value. Refer to this ad. WALTER JACOBS INC., 120 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. JACOBS' BAND MONTHLY and JACOBS' ORCHESTRA MONTHLY. $1.00 per yr. each. OUTSTANDING. ·KILGEN LITURGICAL ORGANS St. Peter's, New York Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Brooklyn New Cathedral, St. Louis St. Francis Xavier, St. Louis St. Ignatius, Chicago St. Aloysius, Detroit St. Vincent's, Los Angeles St. Justin's, Hartford, Conn. St. Agnes, Louisville St. Jerome, Holyoke, Mass. Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak, Mich ST. PATRICK~S ~ATDEDRAL rJ~ In . this, America's most magnificent Cathedral, the great Kilgen Liturgical Organ, speCifically designed for the sacred music of the Holy Catholic Church, finds its most glorious '~BI1.EA~ setting. Internationally famous as the world's finest example -of musical ecclesiastic art, this wondrous instrument has been pronounced by the world's leading or,ganists and musical authorities, an incomparable creation which r,eaches the very zenith of organ....building. The Petit Ensemble enables the small church or chapel to have Kilgen quality with an economy of space -- and cost. GEO. KILGEN & SON, Inc., 4036 Union Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. New York ,-; Los Angeles,- Chica,g'O --Philad'elphia ,-Detroit ,- Cin~innati .===~=============================.._._=-==-==._=---=.. _=-=.._=_._=.._--=-=-=.---=---=-_.._=---=_._.-::::::::-_. Pttit Ensemble 284 THE CAECILIA ORDER NOW! FOR DELIVERY LATE IN SEPTEMBER .1\[OTICE OF COMING PUBLICATIONS Mass in honor of St. Thomas More (For S.A.T.B.) by Frederick T. Short }\tfass in honor of St. Vincent de Paul (For S.A.T.B.) by Arthur C. Becker Mass in honor of St. Patrick (For S.A.T.B.) by M. Mauro",Cottone (Oth.erMasses by Biggs, Tonner, Predmore, Sr. Cherubim, Fr. Gruender and Rene Be,cker, to follow.) FOR CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS Laetentur Coeli (SATB) Sin,genberger Reilly .IS Tui Sunt Coeli (SATB) Singenberger Reilly .15 Adeste Fideles (TTBB) NovelIo Reilly .1'5 Flos de Radice (SATB) Cyr de Brant .15 Flos de Radice (2 vcs) Cyr de Brant .15 (Introduces HGloria" from traditional French Carol. Has English words also.) 5 Traditional Carols (TTBB) Reilly Arr. .12 (Come All Ye Faithful, Silent Night, While Shepherds Watched, .etc. arranged for men's voices) a Light Of The World (SATB) Sr. M. Rafael, B.VM. .15 4 New Christmas Hymns (2, 3 or 4 vcs) Sr. M.Cheruhim, OSF. .15 McLAUGHLIN & REILLY CO. 100 Boylston St. Boston, Mass. Entered as second class mat­ ter. October 20, 1931. at the Post OfBce at Boston, Mass.• under the Act of March 3, 1879. Formerly published in St. (ij4t QTattilia Prands, Wisconsin. Now issued monthly, except In July. Monthly Magazine of Catholic Church and School Millie Subscription: $3 per year, pay­ able in advance. Single copies SOc. Vol. 64 August 1937 No.7 EDITOR V. REV. GREGORY HUGLE, O.S.B. Prior, Conception Abbey Conception, Mo. BUSINESS MANAGER IN THIS ISSUE WM. ARTHUR REILLY 100 Boylston Street Boston. Mass. CAECILIA ROLL OF HONOR. 286 CONSULTING EDITORS AND CONTRIBUTORS PIETRO ALLE8ANDRO 'YON - OTTO A. SINGENBERGER AN ApP~ECIATION 287 St. Mary 0/ Lake Seminary Mundelein, Ill. DOM ADELARD BOUVlLLIERS, O.S.B. YON THE MAN. 288 Belmont, N. C. SISTER M. CHERUBIM, O.S.F. YON THE COMPOSER 289 Milwaukee, Wise. REV. F.T. WALTER THE ORATORIO-TRIUMPH OF ST. PATRICK 290 St. Francis Seminary Wisconsin PIETRO YON'S BACH INTERPRETATION 291 SISTER M.·GISELA, S.S.N.D. Milwaukee, Wisc. MORE ABOUT THE PERSONAL SIDE REV. H. GRUENDER, SJ. OF THE ARTIST 292 St. Louis, University, Mo. REV. LEO ROWLANDS, O.S.F.C. ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL ORGAN. 293 Providence, R. I. REV. JEAN RIBEYRON PROGRAMS OF ST. PATRICK'S CATHEDRAL • 294 St. Mary's College California OUR MUSIC THIS MONTH. 298 REV. J. G.O'DONOHOE Sherman, Texas S. CONSTANTINO YON • 307 REV. L. A. DOBBELSTEIN O. Praem 'VHAT THE PRESS HAS SAID! . Luxemburg,· Wisc. 308 REV. G. V. PREDMORE Spencerport, N. Y. (Various Reviews) REV. C. ~1. DREISOERNER New York Victoria, B. C. .Kirkwood, Mo. SISTER M. DOROTHY, O.S.B. Spokane, Wash. Fort Wotth, Texas Duluth, Minn. New Orleans, La. Oklahoma, City SISTER M. RAFAEL, B.V.M. Cincinnati, O. Portland, Ore. Chicago, Ill. RICHARD KEYS BIGGS Vancouver, B. C. Chicago, Ill. Hollywood, Calif. St. Paul, Minn. M. MAURO-COTTONE New York, N. Y. PUBLISHED COMPOSITIONS BY PIETRO YON 316 ACHILLE BRAGERS New York, N. Y. JOSEPH J. McGRATH Syracuse, N. Y. ARTHUR C. BECKER Chicago, Ill. FREDERICK T. SHORT Brooklyn, N. Y. Contents of each issue. Copyright, 19317 Copyright 1937, by McLAUGHLIN & REILLY CO., 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 286·· THE CAECILIA THE CAECILIA ROLL OF HONOR IN MEMORIAM JOlIN B. SINGENBERGER (1848-1934) Teacher-Co1n.poser St. Francis, Wisconsin ...~LOYSIUS RHODE (1880-1922) Choirmaster . St. Louis, Mo. tJ OSEPH OTTEN (1852-1926) Ch'6irn~aster Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania tJ. B. YOUNG S.J. (1854-1928) Choirmaster New York, N. Y. R.T. REV. lVIsGR. H. TAPPERT (1855-1929) Choirmaster-Composer Covington, Kentucky FRANK J. McDoNOUGH (1868-1931) Choirmaster-Composer Rensellaer, N. Y. }{,EV. JOHN B. J UNG Choirmaster-Editor Cleveland, Ohio FRANCIS EUGENE BONN, (1848-1935) Choirmaster-Teach>er Rochester, N. Y. ]'RANKLIN S. PALMER, (1866-1935) Org1anist-Choirmast,er' Seattle, Washington PAST ANNUAL DEDICATIONS Annual Award To An Outstanding Person or OrHanization In Catholic Church Music of America 1931 "REV. LUDWIG BONVIN, S.3., (1850-) Author-Cotnposer Buffalo, N. Y. 1932 ~J AMES A. REILLY, ( 1854-) Editor-Publisher Boston, Mass. 1933 I)oM GREGORY HUGLE, O.S.B. (1866-) Teacher-Author Conception, Missouri 1934 REV. WILLIAM J. FINN, C.S.P., (1881-) Choirrnaster AND THE PAULIST CHORISTERS New York, N. Y. 1935 NICOLA A. MONTANI, (1880) Choirmaster-Composer-Editor AND THE SOCIETY OF ST. GREGORY Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1936 l\'10THER GEORGIA STEVENS, R.S.C.J., Teacher AND THE PIUS X SCHOOL OF LITURGICAL MUSIC New York, N. Y. 1937 I>JETRO A. YON (1886-) Organist-Composer New York, N. Y. THE CAEC ILIA 287 Pietro Allesandro Yon Organist- Composer-- Choirmaster AN APPRECIATION Mr. Yon has distinguished his church and himself by the artistic performances OR the seventh successive year, we of church music consistently rendered at P dedicate the Summer Issue of THE St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, CAECILIA MAGAZINE, to an outstand... under his direction. There is probahly no ing Catholic Church musician of the United church in the United States which has so States. many visitors during the year, as St. This year the mantle falls on the Patrick's Cathedral in New York, and for shoulders of Pietro Allesandro Yon, Or... that reason the reputation of the choirs and ganist and Choirmaster of St. Patrick's the organists are constantly under·· scrutiny. Cathedral,. New York, N. Y. The programs at this church are always For years the name of. Yon, has been liturgicat the music is artistically rendered prominent in Catholic Church music. The and the organ is given due place on appro... compositions of Mr. Yon have been known priate occasions. and used in every state of the Union, and in most of the European countries. Mr. Mr. Yon has been honored by the church, Yon has been invited to dedicate organs by the King of Italy, by various musical and give recitals in every section of the societies, and by musicians·within and out... country during the past ten years. Thus side of the Roman Catholic Church. the popularity of his compositions, and the When every modern collection .of biog... popularity of Yon organ recitals, have made raphies, including such works as HWho Is the na.me of Yon a Hby...word" among Who In Music", HGroves Dictionary of Catholic church musicians, and there is no Music and Musicians", HBaker's History" doubt that this musician thus qualifies for and other such internationally known refer... consideration when recognition is to be ence works, contains an account of the life given to an outstandin,g .organist or choir... and compositions of a writer, it must be master. admitted that the person named, must have Mere quantity of compositions published, 'attained some eminence in the field of music. and mere quantity of recitals, however, is Hence it may be truly said that we do not a sufficient standard to set up for not give honor to Pietro Yon, but instead measuring the influence of a person.
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