Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 11-1-1902 Volume 20, Number 11 (November 1902) Winton J. Baltzell Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Baltzell, Winton J.. "Volume 20, Number 11 (November 1902)." , (1902). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/476 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WITH SUPPLEMENT WEE as (SEKfiPS NOVEMBER 1902 T HE ETUDE THE ETUDE G. SCHIRMER "EDITION WOOD” 393 Tde John Church Compan NOW THAT THE Teaching The “Edition Wood" is a Series of Volumes of 35 Union Square, New York Standard Works at low prices, including Studies, Recre CINCINNATI CHICAGO NEW YORK LONDON LEIPSIC CONTENTS ations and Classical Works, in which the greatest care has been taken not only in the selection, but in the SEASON IS AGAIN AT HAND THE ETUDE," . November, 1902 JVST PVBLISHED editing, engraving and printing. Music Selected SILHOUETTES T be most of the Volumes are designed for teachers' WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN¬ ^ Oabrilowitaoh. use and the following series of Recreation Albums for JAMES H. ROGERS. Op. 40 On an Original Theme. Op. 80. By WILSON TION OF TEACHERS TO THE FOLLOWING Piano will be exceptionally useful. They are graded for Christmas a,id SMITH. Price, 80 cts. very carefully, from the very easiest to about the third THE DEVELOPMENT OF VELOCITY The title, “Silhouettes,” under which Wilson G. Smith’! grade (third year). Each volume contains a choice H* 2 Twenty-two Exercises and Studies for the Piano. latest suite of piano compositions appear, does not imply selection of pleasing recreations, by various well known EDUCATIONAL WORKS PeTrlETrie'1Ce the 15est Teacher. £, L. Adi- ^ that they present sharp outlines and a shadowy and indefinite composers. CTrtnfisjjtbtnj musical content. Nothing could be further from the truth. The forms of the suite can be called outlines only ii ’ “ED1TIOM WOOD" ON MUSIC light of their distinctness from the content. They a Thoughts, SuogediS;,ben/-“^'M'"'1M- ’ ’ ’ «« It is the purpose of the ai rare beauty, and suffer to be compared to the historically practice of the diatonic am Making Pro^ ^ • •'' ■' •' S? CHRISTMAS ANTHEMS stood, however, that the exercises and etudes contained herein art classic profiles of the human face. The content which they VIMNO SOLO ,NT»2™T,ON T0TME interpretation of not intended for beginners, but for students of the medium gradi encircle is anything but dark and shadowy. By the illumi¬ 141. Recreation Album No. 1... BEETHOVEN’S PIANO WORKS. Mean Those Angel Voices (Camp) who have already learned the scales and can play them with correcl nating light of superior musical intelligence and good ti ■ $ .75 ... Rejoice Greatly (Reed) .. w. fingering in moderate tempo. s : Orth, Wee Story ; <= irtorio. Sister Mine; Music Teaching from a Con’ntr..' cV ’ . 409 The Story of the Christ-Child (Shepperd,. the content reveals order, poelry and fragrant beauty, 'ter. Morning Song- Gwf„nerd0,prtee?>hta^ OfThis JML * II. Mathews Lountry Standpoint. IT. s. unlike a landscape that exhibits meadows, forests, rii rik- ■ (..: ,1-.. 1._ ! The Song of the Christmas Bells (Greely! the cloud-dispelling light of a glorious dawn. Woman’s Work in Mnslo " p 'r "n . 410 There Were Shepherds. (Hamer) . ALBUM OF SCANDINAVIAN PIANO ; Gurlilt, Song Without Words ; Brown, Editorial Notes. E' E Bauer. 411 The Glad New Song (Greely). Vocal Department. it .. 412 separately in sheet form. mthe hands, or, still better, in theEead.of every good^musiciam” Hark! What Mean Those Holy Voices (Reed). MUSIC I The Piano-Plaver’s Position *0”*-•. lid There Were Shepherds (Pflueger). MELODY PICTURES FOR LITTLE 142. Recreation Album No. 2.75 Seed ffanm, ttv * on’„ Sympostom l»v f. I,. Christians, Awake! (Brackett)... Forty-two Pieces by Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish Contents; Robin’s Lullaby; Orth, Hand MUSIC-EDUCATION: AN OUTLINE. ' Hale F 4 i,l*am Benbow, E. D. 0 Come, All Ye Faithful (Lansing).!.'.'. Composers,—Selected, Edited, and Fingered by PLAYERS in llaud ; Sartorio,Pleasant Meeting; Schotte, Postillion; Echt«s Olden (Carol anthem.) (Macy) ...!! Beethoven, Romanze ; Wolff, Tarantelle ; Giese, Little Rn- aJnnd ‘a p^Ss^y’ ^chto A Book of Plano Instruction on Kindergarten Principlt sign March : Lie hner .Tulip; Brown, Song of the Bold Hobbyists. S. Van Clew ’ E * Mark* 4IB The Glonous Song of the New-born King (Greely)'.'!!.' LOUIS OESTERLE Pixie; Ellen berg, lired of Play ; A letter, What Grandpa deX wi h !he0Concremda„Wfr fS™‘ of Aching Organ and Choir. E. E Tnudte. ‘,17 By JESSIE L. GAYNOR and MARGARET R. Played ; Gurlitt, Slumber Song. P actual knowledge of tlm maUer uV'hl^H'Sl!?"^’and resuIls in th® Student Life and Work . 418 Also published separately in sheet form. Price, Paper, Net $1.00; Cloth, Net $2.00. MARTIN. Price, 60 cts. 5 Tn, spuecr: I Musical Items. 420 CHRISTMAS CANTATA Basing upon the claim that piano playing should hat_ 143. Recreation Album No. 3.75 valuable one in the line of pedagogy. Th‘S WOr^ ls ,herefore » New Publications. 421 I Publisher’s Notes.. 421 Containing compositions by Andersson, Aulin, 1 equal place with ail other exercises of the primary school Contents : Orth, Little Cherul Horseback; Sartorio, Refiectio Questions and Answers. the nativity Backer GrotKlnhl, Beclignard. Uirkcdal. Knna, Grieg, Kit.-.., and kindergarten, this book has been prepared from work Song; Krogmann, Spring \ , Joyfulness; Lasson, Neupert, Olsen, Schytte, Binding, Sjogren, Wind- done with children in the schoolroom. The method of the PI,... i) . ‘l.t . THEsionTURAL LAWS 0F mus,cal expres- Teachers’ Round Table.. 425 txxik is new—characterized by good sense, simplicity, origin¬ . =-r--,9, No. 3 ; Lichner, Ri Recital Programs . 427 Ltchner, Minuet; Eilenberg Off to Dreamland. I Home Notes ... 432 Music by ALONZO STONE. Mus. Bac ality and availability ; the plan of the work being intended Also published separately in sheet form. Price, 5oacts.STh1e'tsubjljfnis treated ifr^nC?S ,A’ Vin Santfo''d. 432 to give the youngest pupils an immediate comprehensio ’“WSysria^S’«— rhythm and an ability to play at once. The convenient ™ 144. Recreation Album No. 4.75 ALBUM OF RUSSIAN PIANO MUSIC and shape of the volume, the large clear type, superior CONTENTS: Brown, Pixies Drill; Krogmann, Bells at b/nefil!5 CarefU' PerUSal and stu<iy cannof^elp'but'lm of lasthng MUSIC _ PRICE 60 CENTS. Sped,, price 0, quantities. Eventide; Kohler, Tyrolese Melody ; Aletler, Lorely Sixty-eight Pieces,—Selected, Edited, and Fingered by presswork, the explanatory notes, and finally the reasonable¬ Waltz ; Burg mu tier. La Chevaleresque ; Eilenberg, Song I JZtT’ °Pf 16’ I0’ L E Mendelssohn. ^ ness of the price, are special features of “ Melody Pictures of Home; Von Wilm, Frolics ; Sartorio, Op. 260, Country talks with piano teachers. P ZcS1..^116™ RuSti-na<4 Hands)! ^ LOUIS OESTERLE for Little Players.” Dance; Hofmann, Op. 77, Fairies; Wolff, Song Without TRIO (Ladies' Voices) Words ; Schotte, Water Nymph ; Kuhlau, Op. 55, Sonatine. Also published separately in sheet form. piano nJethoddn'any^^ns™ but fuHofth/most IT* * n°‘ 3 T° maStinner March- °p- 556. No! 5. ‘ If. Engel- 'S° While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Stearns). to the young teacher or to those of limited ex^ilnce.SU£:8eStl0nS la Two Volumes. MURRAY’S MUSICAL COPYBOOK 145. Recreation Album No. 5.75 The Water Wh'eei.'' E. A. Williams..'!!!.'!.ft The Vivandiere. C. Ilohm. .1® CHRISTMAS SONGS Price, each. Paper, Net $1.00; Cloth, Net $2.00. For the Study of Musical Notation, etc. By J. R. Contents: Brown, Pixies Waltzing; Krogmann, In the very first lessons at the piano. Siumberland ; Schotte, Birds in the Woods ; Lange, Mar- Simplette. A. /.. Brown.. CalmontheLisfningEarof Night (Camp;. MURRAY. Paper, net, 50 cfckj Cloth, net, 75 . .. M ’Jf. Op^>3,^No. 5^Soldier’s Return^ Burg- Masquerader’s Promenade. Op. 2 No ” R if ' High or Low Voice. Containing compositions By Aleueff, Antinow, Arensky, ssohn, Christmas; Gut . 0f aHc^llect^"^°^y'itrie melodic ^th^nd whhn'T^ ‘i|in the form I _ Taylor. .' n- Blumenfeld, Cui, Grodzki, Iljinsky, Karganuff, Kopvlow, The Emperor Napoleon, when he wished to fix any event iug Song...» ,; .».i*«r>Shackley, ounalineS in C, Menuetto, Ron- graded and designed lo a5™ ,L i, wuhout words, properly The Story of the Christ-Child (Shepperd). in his memory, wrote down an account of it, almost imme¬ ip', Op. 233, Reflections, SeTetman ^V'°lin and Piano)- Dp. 50. Th. Herr- ' High or Low Voice. Korestchenko, I.iadow, Pachulski, Rachmaninoff, Riinsky- ished separately in sheet form. The King of Kings (Jordan) Korsakow, Scriabine, Sokalsky, Tschaikowsky, Wihtol, diately destroying the paper on which he had written, ^red ^andleexlhaustivT*1prefacenwh^c^> Wrangell, Youferoff, etc. claimed that the act of writing fixed the circumstance Ills 206. Recreation Album No. 6.75 ow“daily‘wo?k?n t^e dlss’-romf'-'*0"’the result Adam? Babett^ Op. 62! No! V." A. Hello .'!!!!!!!!'' ™ High Voice. mind as no other method could do. This book is based Contents : Werner, Chansouette ; Heins, Dream of the I Tlle Gates of Dawn. P. A. Sehneckrr. ! g5 The Song of the Christmas Bells (Greely) upon this idea, and we think will prove of great use to both Reaper; A letter, Aubade Napolitaine ; Howell, Rustic High or Low Voice.
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