• Jbnmy Foxx II Partly Cloudy lOW A: Cloody, abower. ~d OIonte Homer In Ninth For Bosox Trlumllh 001 hi IOU~ lociay; ralr, ! omewha. ~r 10 wesl. See story on Pare 4 1- lova City'. Morning New'paper 5 j::L£ :;:s ~ = FrvE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA F'R1DA Y, J_UNE 7. 1940 VOLUME XL N MBER 212 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • GERMAN DRIVE "NACH PARIS" IS LAUNCHED •• Savage German Offen ive Along Bomb A gaIn Somme~ Aisne Break Throl1 o h French Launch Counterallack and Take T.ract:le~ Foothold iu World War Contt'Sted Nazi Warplanes Raid England Flood Scare Chemin.Des·Dam . Eases as Walers S-Roy PARIS. June &-(AP)-Stubbornly fighting French, C schOOl For Second Time in 24 Hour pread F artlzer thrown back on their right and their left by a savage Ger­ man offensive along the Somme and Aisne, launched coun­ No One Kmerl, No Seriou~ Damage Rcportrrl WEST POINT, Neb., June 6 terattacks at dusk tonight .and the struggle wa reported con tinuing through the night. high (AP)-Revised esUmates tonight As Alarms Sound iFrom, Northeast ot llood waters coming down The Fren ch counteratt.ack was launched on their right or To Southeast Tip Plum creek lead observers to be­ east flank where the German infantry, prec ded by mass 9 lieve no great difficulties will be of tanks and s upported by artillery, had pu. hed south from 011 the LONDON J 7 (F · ) AP encpuntered w hen the crest the Ailette river in the Soissons ector and tak n foothold • une - rlday -( ) - Bombs weI' drop· reaches West Point, probably yoU g) in the World war contested ridg of Chemin-D s·Dam ju never re- t ped near a Lincolnshire town in northeastern England today ~ome time tomorrow morning, north of the Aisne. I. as Germ lln warplanes conducted sweeping raids for the s cond Earlier Cuming County Sherif! torm Positions .time in hours. Charles H. Sass had announced 24 French troop , in the gath ering darkne ,storm d th new No serious damage was reported f!'Om the raids which to those attending a "days of 60" rmon po Ilion" The truggl ca:u~ed alarms from Durham county ill the northeast to the celebration that a wall ot water was report~ In milltory di patch­ southeastern tip of the island along a seaboard of 250 miles. 'was ~oming d?wn Plum creek Navy To Sell No One Killed "and It looks like a flood worse es till to be under woy at Inld_ night. Hurling more than halt a million inert against the No one was killed when the bombs fell near the Lincoln- than before is going to hit us." with the French counter-attacking at Abbeville 50 Warplanes The Fr nch counter-thrusts took Allied defenses along a 1l0-mlle front the ~rmans and Longwy. The tury of the German attack I. shire town but three workmen were injured. The bombs fell have begun their great drive tor ParIlI, TIre battle reminiscent ot the now historic 1918 "Frieden. about 40 minutes before an air raid warning was given. advantoae or th German prac­ began along the line ot Abbeville-Amlens-Soisaons sturm" (Storm of Peace). WI. I B tice of reloxi.ng their pre ure at , In a Hampshire town searchlights picked out an airplane Available for Immediate ee er, one night. -------------------.:..-----...-:.-------fflying hIgh over the district. The T In the Gerrnnn thrusts, before - M 1 R d 'H Dee plane dropped flares and made ake Action Sale to Embattled which the French recoiled arlier today al both endslOf the Wey­ • I tal1 an s a {e ea y to ear. eels Iv e ~~~ :~~:i'~.~·::f~h~ir:y o~:~e:e~:. On' 'Hr' s·te·rI.·a' Gr at Britain, Franc gand line, 2,000 tanks were used. By The Assoclt.ted Press The roor ot the baUI could b~ heard 30 miles behind the firing by II Duce on PosQlehlellety' of Warl Or~~~ght;esU~~:~~s~u~~~S\nbl~~; • U~~dS~~~~;~~/~~:htm~~: line-or In pIne , nearly hall­ Speech, , ,~ . ' . sky, ,then ,dived' to the sea as It Admonish Coneagnes 50 , ot its warplanes available for way to Paris. , , I e h d b h·t F M k" P' bl immediate sale to the aWes, now THt! FREN H DEFEN E WA . --~-,------------~r'--.------~-~. ----.--~.------- pan.s a ~n I: Or a Illg u i' ~~~inali~~~d~llistr~~e DECLARED "l\fAGNIFICENT" A · number or Windows were· '" BY THE HIGH OMMAND, Possibility Of German Blitz Divisions Hurtle broke~ ' in th~ ~ncolnsh~I'e town I peeche Again t Hl~)er WI~h~~:~a~~~ move would be EVEN A J;T A KNOWLEDGED r . whel'e the three were InJU\'ed. WASHINGTON, June 6 (AP) followed speedily by other as· WITHDRAWALS MADE NE - E ARY BY TilE NAZI AT­ Peace Gesture Somme l·n Encl·rcl'e'ment Move Besi:~~~~CO~::h~~~s in the - Senators Wheeler of f\1ontllnn ~!:.ta;;; ~et~:h h!:~-~:~s~e;:iC~::~ TACK. and Bone ot Washington, both announced, but. it was known that On the we~t !lank German ad· Toward France Ai p. nOI'U\east and Hampshire, south- d mocrats, took some of thlilr this government, which hos re­ vance elem nts made a march to­ Dts west of London, ail' raid :Jla'l'm3 senate colleogues to task to- ceived ullfent pleas from the al- taling nearly 17 mil from the region of Abb ville. Thill was a . m at ans State, Depart.m.e.nt ·Heavy· Rain's were 'sounded in the · coastnl day [(fl' What they sold were lied capital., wae conlliderln, sell- countie!'\ · of Suffolk, Norfolk, . ioa surplus world war material, pu h to the ere Ie river a lonl the l'hn nnel (,oll~l liS pnrt of a ~outh­ Reynalld's Concilialory F · W t . .,.. TQ, A. i't'\.o;JI Aea-nsU' .. · t S II n. VO"k9h!r'e, Ealrt Anglill ond in "ny·tpublIC rln"utterances lending to Will·, Inc1udl n." r !!Ies,.,.ac ..... 1\1 ne /i!U 11 s. ar- w.estword nClrcling mov menL Talk May Impress rom es ' . 'F;fth CllIlU-Zl.' · we lver DUI'hum, west of LlncOlllllhil'e. Wheele'r declared he was Ullery and ammunition. which however, did not put that · T S I 'Uf II'" Most or the ,,1a1'ms wel'e ov r "shocked Dnd surpl'lse4" at a . Dive Bombers . MU SSO liJU 0 ell e H Fe h·" r ma':k by Senator King (0.- Capitol hl~l sources sard they invadine win, any nearer to eavy 19 tIng Paris. It did take the nllzls with­ WASHINGTON, June 6 (AP) New Thousands Of otter an hour 01' on hOur nnd 0 Utah) that "Hitler is already underst~ the ,navy plane In- in 75 mile of I.e Havre. BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ...,..The state department, endea- A ' I d d hal! but in Surfolk nnd NorCollt, m king war on us" by "Intrigu- volved 10 l.o(Ia~ 8 transaction In- Ad \'aDre 6 Miles ROME, Jun.e 6 - Tt;llian Ias- voring to erect n bauier against north 01 ,the Thames, the all ing" in South America. Kini eluded very effIcient dive Dispatches Describe eres nun ate ; bo~b- On the east, nazi tl·OOpS ad­ cis Is, ordered tonight to be ·,eady possible inflow of "fiitlJ column" Lowland Farms SuIfer clear signal was not given un- replied that W11eeler had mls- er~, but the navy did not conflrm vanced sIx mile to the Alsne at ony time for nationwl'de ......-"S3 Door-to·Door Combat aliens, issued tod. ay stringent til after th·:ee hours. Then lIum- ('on trued his remprks which he thIS.It ·d th lb· Height.s, within 60 to 70 mJles of meetings to hear Premier Mus- As Nazis Gain Heights "'egulations requiring passports OMAli:A, Neh" June 6 (AP)- said were intended to meall sal e p ones were em, from many new classes Of 101'- erous color'ed flares were seen that this country should d fend flown to BuCfalo, N. Y., to be lliis ancient · eapltal--il capital solini's decision on war at the eigners, including Canadians. Flood water trom Wednesday in the sky. its interests in the western turned in to the Curtiss airplane which tonight. reflected a more By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and mor warlike atmosphere. side of Germany, awaited theh· BERLIN, June 6-Veteran Ger­ Previously Canadinns and per- night's heavy rains rushed down The air ministry said the hemisphere. company on future deliveries or sons of various other nationali- the Elkhorn I·iver valley tonight planes "crossed the coast ut Closer to War new planes "of a superior type, Milillam n, with red, white and leader's evaluation of French man blitz di visions hurtled the blue arm bands and al'med with ties were exempted from pass- inUndating new th.ousands of acres sev(.·.·al points during the night" Bone assl;',ted lhat every et. equipped with leak-proof tanks Premier 'paul Reynaud's sug­ Somme under a storm of fire to­ rifles, stood at the alert In the gestion that a peaceful solution day in 'a power drive aimed at port and vIsa requirements when 'but mentioned no bombings. fort of Senator Pepper (D.-Fla.) and armor." The announcement they entered the country tem- of lowland forms while other sec- Guns Bark "seems to be thrusting thls sal· d th atet h) panes belT\g . turned streets tor parachutist.s and fifth might yet be found, encirclement of Paris from the columnists.
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