Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(7): 3282-3292 International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 07 (2018) Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com Original Research Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2018.707.382 Mass Multiplication of Entomopathogenic Nematodes on in vitro Solid Media K. Kranti K.V.V.S.1* and G. Narendra Kumar2 1AICRP Nematodes, LBS Building, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012, India 2National Plant Quarantine Station, Vasant Kunj Enclave, Near Kendriya Vidhalaya, Nangal Dev Road, Rangpuri, New Delhi-37 India110037 *Corresponding author ABSTRACT K e yw or ds In this study, two Haryana local isolates of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) namely Steinernema abbasi and Heterorhabdus indica were mass multiplied on eight culture H. indica, Wout’s media compromising of Wout’s medium, Modified Wout’s medium I, Modified Wout’s medium, medium II, Modified Wout’s medium III, Egg yolk medium I, Egg yolk medium II, Entomopathogenic Modified egg yolk medium and Modified dog biscuit medium and harvested at two nematodes, S. abbasi different time intervals i.e. at 30 days and 60 days interval. Along with this, studies were also conducted to know the effect of temperature i.e. at 15ºC, 20ºC and 30 ºC on the Article Info infective juvenile (IJ) yields. Of the eight media tested, S. abbasi and H. indica both multiplied maximum on modified dog biscuit medium. Wout’s medium was second best in Accepted: IJs yield. Yield was maximum at 30 days and reduced drastically at 60 days. S. abbasi 24 June 2018 yielded maximum at 25 ºC whereas H. indica multiplied maximum at 30 ºC. None of the Available Online: 10 July 2018 species multiplied at 15 ºC. Introduction is that they can be applied in conjugation with fertilizers, soil amendments and insecticides as The nematodes belonging to the genus upto 2-5 hours infective juveniles (IJs) are Hetrorhabditis and Steinernema are by fame tolerant to their exposure (Rovesti et al., 1988; and name noted to be successful bio agents as Rovesti and Desco, 1990). Tank mixed EPNs they are used to control insect pests. These and pesticide combinations offer the cost EPNs are symbiotically associated with effective alternative in Integrated Pest bacteria of the genera Photorhabdus and Management (IPM) as EPNs are safe and Xenorhabdus that belongs to environmental friendly. For these aspects Enterobacteriaceae. EPNs have broad host EPNs are required in bulk to apply in field range and exempted from the registration level and they can be multiplied in laboratory requirements in several countries (Kaya and or by commercial companies in vitro solid and Gaugler, 1993). The most important attribute liquid media. 3282 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(7): 3282-3292 Based on the attractive attributes of to use them in field against insect pests. entomopathogenic nematodes, the identified indigenous species are to be cultured in vivo or Materials and Methods in vitro for large scale commercial production as well as for laboratory experimentation and The culture of indigenous isolates of S. abbasi field testing (Shapiro-Ilan et al., 2002). Since and H. indica were obtained from the forties, the technology of in vitro mass rearing Department of Nematology, CCSHAU, Hisar, of EPNs has been developed (Glaser, 1940). Haryana. The cultures were multiplied on the At times EPNs are produced by variety of last instar larvae of G. mellonella. Conical means by insect infection or on artificial flasks, Petri plates, beakers, watch glasses media (axenic or monoxenic culture) in solid were placed in hot air oven at 180 °C for 1 h and liquid phase of fermentation. They are before use. Forceps and needles were washed produced commercially by more than 10 with absolute ethanol before use. countries in Asia, Europe and North America and to date more than 12 different species Composition of the eight media used have reached a commercial development: H. (Hussaini et al., 2002) bacteriophora Poinar 1976, H. indica Poinar et al., 1992, H. marelatus Liu and Berry 1966, a. Wout’s medium: nutrient broth- 0.88 g, H. megidis Poinar et al., 1987, H. zealandica yeast extract- 0.32 g, soy flour- 14.4 Poinar 1990, S. carpocapsae, S. feltiae g,groundnut oil-10.4 g and distilled water- (Filipjev 1934) Wout’s et al., 1982, S. glaseri, 60 ml. S. kushidai Mamiya 1988, S kraussei (Steiner, b. Modified Wout’s medium I: nutrient 1923) Travassos 1927, S. longicaudatum Shen broth- 0.88 g, yeast extract- 0.32 g, corn and Wang 1992, S. riobrave and S. scapterisci flour- 14.4 g, groundnut oil-10.4 g and Nguyun and Smart 1990 (Lacey et al., 2001). distilled water- 60 ml c. Modified Wout’s medium II: nutrient For a biocontrol agent to be successful it broth- 0.88 g, yeast extract- 0.32 g, soy should be amenable for mass production on a flour- 14.4 g, sesamum oil-10.4 g and large scale, the ready availability of the distilled water- 60 ml organism in required quantity and at d. Modified Wout’s medium III: nutrient competitive cost makes them acceptable broth- 0.88 g, yeast extract- 0.32 g, corn among entrepreneurs and farmers. Over the flour- 14.4 g, sesamum oil-10.4 g and years many isolates of EPNs have been distilled water- 60 ml collected from Haryana soils. Though Haryana e. Egg yolk medium I: egg yolk- 7.0 g, yeast is a small state it represents diverse agro- extract- 2.0 g, sodium chloride- 0.8 g, ecological zones. The north eastern zone groundnut oil- 15.0 g and distilled water- comprises of Shivalik hilly region and alluvial 60 ml plains and the western zone consists mainly of f. Egg yolk medium II: egg yolk – 10.0 g, alluvial plain. The major pests are rice root yeast extract- 5.0 g, sodium chloride- 0.8 weevil, leaf folder, brown plant hopper, stem g, groundnut oil- 12.0 g and distilled borer, sugarcane pyrilla, cotton boll worms, water- 60 ml mustard aphids, cabbage diamond back moths, g. Modified egg yolk medium: egg yolk- 7.0 etc. Hence for the successful control of these g, soy flour- 20.0 g, yeast extract- 2.0 g, pests the local isolates have to be collected, sodium chloride- 0.8 g, groundnut oil- identified up to species level and their mass 15.0 g and distilled water- 60 ml multiplication methods are to be standardized h. Modified dog biscuit medium: dog biscuit 3283 Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(7): 3282-3292 20.0 g, peptone- 0.5 g, yeast extract 1.0 g, Isolation and preparation of symbiotic beef extract 5.0 g, groundnut oil- 7.0 g and bacterial cultures distilled water- 100 ml The isolation of the symbiotic bacteria from Preparation of media for the multiplication the haemolymph of Galleria mellonella of EPNs Linnaeus (greater wax moth) larvae was done following the method of Kaya and Stock 1997. In each medium the ingredients were weighed Under a laminar flow sterile bench, late instar according to the requirement and mixed in larvae of G. mellonella were placed in a Petri distilled water. The medium was gently heated dish with moist filter paper and inoculated and stirred uniformly. with IJs separately for each nematode species (100 IJs per larva). The cadavers so obtained In one basin sponge material (polyether were surface sterilized with 1.0 % (w/v) polyurethane foam) which was cut into small sodium hypochlorite solution and rinsed three pieces of 1 × 1 cm3 was taken and washed times with sterilized water. thoroughly with distilled water 2 to 3 times. These were dried at room temperature. The The cadaver was dipped in absolute ethanol, medium was poured into the basin containing ignited and immediately plunged into sterile the sponge and mixed thoroughly, so that it water. Using the sterile injection needles the was coated uniformly onto foam pieces (1.5 g cadaver was carefully opened from the ventral foam chips, 8 to 9 g medium w/w). side. Then using a sterile inoculation loop, the haemolymph of the cadaver was slightly The conical flasks (250 ml capacity) were touched and transferred to the nutrient agar filled with 8 to 10 media coated sponges. The plates by streaking in a zig-zag manner near mouth of the flask was cleaned to remove the the burner. The Petri plates were then properly adhered medium and plugged tightly with labeled, put in polythene cover and kept at 25 non-absorbent cotton. These flasks were to 28±1°C for 48 h in an BOD incubator. autoclaved at 121.6 °C for 20 to 30 minutes. After autoclaving, the flasks were allowed to Multiplication of symbiotic bacteria cool before use. In the laminar flow chamber, the single Preparation of nutrient agar and nutrient colonies of the bacterium in the nutrient agar broth were gently touched with sterile inoculating loop and transferred to the nutrient broth in For the preparation of nutrient agar, the flasks. The flasks inoculated with the ingredients (peptone- 5.0 g, NaCl- 5.0 g, beef bacterium, were wrapped with black paper, extract- 3.0 g, yeast extract- 2 g, agar- 20 g) kept on the mechanical shaker and were weighed and mixed in 1 litre distilled continuously stirred at room temperature for water, gently heated by stirring uniformly. 24 to 48 h. After 48 h bacterium culture so obtained was inoculated to the media in flasks The medium was poured in conical flasks (250 at 0.5 ml per flask, kept in dark at 25 to ml capacity) plugged with cotton and 28±1°C in a BOD incubator.
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