Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Anglican Cycle of Prayer

Anglican Cycle of Prayer Sunday 01-Jan-2017 Psalm: 96: 1,11-end Phil. 1: 12-18a Kolhapur - (North India) The Rt Revd Bathuel Tiwade Monday 02-Jan-2017 Psalm: 97: 1,8-end Isa. 59: 1-15a Kondoa - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Given Gaula Tuesday 03-Jan-2017 Psalm: 100 Isa. 59: 15b-21 Kongor - (Upper Nile, Sudan) The Rt Revd Gabriel Thuch Agoth Wednesday 04-Jan-2017 Psalm: 149: 1-5 Phil 1: 18b-26 Kontagora - (Lokoja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Jonah Ibrahim Thursday 05-Jan-2017 Psalm: 9:1-11 Isa 33:13-17 Kootenay - (British Columbia & the Yukon, Canada) The Most Revd John Elswood Privett Friday 06-Jan-2017 Epiphany Psalm: 72: 1-8 Titus 1: 1-9 O God, who revealed your only Son to the Gentiles by the leading of a star, mercifully grant theat we, who know you now by faith, may after this life enjoy the splendour of your gracious Godhead, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Saturday 07-Jan-2017 Psalm: 72: 1,10-14 Titus 2 Kubwa - ( Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Duke Akamisoko Sunday 08-Jan-2017 Epiphany 1 Psalm: 111: 1-6 Eph. 2: 11-22 Kuching - (South East Asia) The Rt Revd Bolly Lapok Assistant Bishop of Kuching - (South East Asia) The Rt Revd Solomon Cheong Sung Voon Monday 09-Jan-2017 Psalm: 117 Eph. 3: 1-13 Kumi - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Thomas Irigei Tuesday 10-Jan-2017 Psalm: 111: 4-10 Eph. 4: 1-6 Kushtia - (Bangladesh) The Rt Revd Samuel Sunil Mankhin Wednesday 11-Jan-2017 Psalm: 105: 1-7 Eph. 4: 17-24 Kutigi - (Lokoja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Jeremiah Kolo Thursday 12-Jan-2017 Psalm: 113 Isa. 44: 23-28 Kwara - (Kwara, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Olusegun Adeyemi Friday 13-Jan-2017 Psalm: 119: 41-48 Isa. 45: 1-8 Kwoi - ( Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Paul Zamani Saturday 14-Jan-2017 Psalm: 139: 1-10 Eph. 4: 25-32 Lafia - ( Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Miller Maza Sunday 15-Jan-2017 Epiphany 2 Psalm: 1 Eph. 5: 1-5 Kyoto - (Japan) The Rt Revd Stephen Takashi Kochi Kyushu - (Japan) The Rt Revd Luke Ken-ichi Muto Monday 16-Jan-2017 Psalm: 33: 1-6,12 Eph. 5: 6-14 Lafia - ( Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Miller Maza Lagos - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Most Revd Ephraim Ademowo Tuesday 17-Jan-2017 Psalm: 8 Eph. 5: 15-20 Lagos Mainland - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Adebayo Akinde Wednesday 18-Jan-2017 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Psalm: 100 Eph. 5: 21-33 Lagos West - (Lagos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd James Odedeji Thursday 19-Jan-2017 Psalm: 85: 7-end Eph. 6: 1-9 Lahore - (Pakistan) The Rt Revd Irfan Jamil Peshawar - (Pakistan) The Rt Revd Humphrey Peters Friday 20-Jan-2017 Psalm: 24: 1-6 Eph. 6: 10-24 Lainya - (Loryko, Sudan) The Rt Revd Eliaba Lako Obed Saturday 21-Jan-2017 Psalm: 98: 1-4 Isa. 45: 9-13 Lake Malawi - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Francis Kaulanda Sunday 22-Jan-2017 Epiphany 3 Psalm: 34: 4-10 I Cor. 1: 1-9 Lake Rukwa - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Mathayo Kasagara Monday 23-Jan-2017 Psalm: 34: 11-18 I Cor. 1: 10-25 Lango - (Uganda) The Rt Revd John Charles Odurkami Tuesday 24-Jan-2017 Psalm: 33: 12-14,19-end I Cor. 1: 26-2:5 Langtang - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Stanley Fube Wednesday 25-Jan-2017 Psalm: 145: 10-17 I Cor. 2: 6-16 Lebombo - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Carlos Simao Matsinhe Lesotho - (Southern Africa) The Rt Revd Adam Mallane Taaso Thursday 26-Jan-2017 Psalm: 62 I Cor. 3: 1-9 Leicester - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Martyn James Snow Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Leicester - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Christopher John Boyle Friday 27-Jan-2017 Psalm: 37: 3-8 I Cor. 3: 10-23 Lexington - (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Douglas Hahn Saturday 28-Jan-2017 Psalm: 145: 17-end I Cor. 4: 1-13 Liberia - (West Africa, West Africa) The Most Revd Jonathan Bau-Bau Bonaparte Hart Sunday 29-Jan-2017 Epiphany 4 Psalm: 93 Prov. 1: 2-7 Lichfield - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Michael Ipgrave Lichfield - Shrewsbury - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Mark James Rylands Lichfield - Stafford - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Geoffrey Peter Annas Lichfield - Wolverhampton - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Clive Gregory Monday 30-Jan-2017 Psalm: 1 Prov. 1: 20-33 Limerick & Killaloe - (Dublin, Ireland) The Rt Revd Kenneth Kearon Tuesday 31-Jan-2017 Psalm: 103: 13-18 Prov. 2: 1-15 Lincoln - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Christopher Lowson Lincoln - Grantham - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Nicholas Alan Chamberlain Lincoln - Grimsby - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd David Eric Court Wednesday 01-Feb-2017 Psalm: 32: 1-8 Prov. 3: 1-10 Litoral Ecuador - (XI, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Alfredo Morante Thursday 02-Feb-2017 The Presentation of our Lord: Candlemas Psalm: 50: 1-6 Prov. 4 Liverpool - (York, England) The Rt Revd Paul Bayes Liverpool - Warrington - (York, England) The Rt Revd Richard Finn Blackburn Friday 03-Feb-2017 Psalm: 29: 8-11 Prov. 6: 6-19 The Most Revd Dr Barry Morgan Archbishop of Wales & Bishop of Llandaff Assistant Bishop of Llandaff - (Wales) The Rt Revd David Wilbourne Saturday 04-Feb-2017 Psalm: 37: 3-6,27,28 Prov. 7: 1-5 Lokoja - (Lokoja, Nigeria) The Most Revd Emmanuel Sokowamju Egbunu Sunday 05-Feb-2017 Epiphany 5 Psalm: 19: 7-end Prov. 8: 1-21 Lomega - (Loryko, Sudan) The Rt Revd Paul Yugusuk Monday 06-Feb-2017 Psalm: 34: 1-6 Prov. 8: 22-36 London - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Richard John Carew Chartres London - Edmonton - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Robert Wickham London - Fulham - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Jonathan Mark Richard Baker London - Islington - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Ric Thorpe London - Kensington - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Graham Tomlin London - Stepney - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Adrian Newman London - Willesden - (Canterbury, England) The Rt Revd Peter Allan Broadbent Tuesday 07-Feb-2017 Psalm: 82 Prov. 9: 1-11 Long Island - (II, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Lawrence Provenzano Los Angeles - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Jon Bruno 1. Suffragan bishop of Los Angeles - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Mary Glasspool 2. Suffragan Bishop of Los Angeles - (VIII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Diane Jardine Bruce Wednesday 08-Feb-2017 Psalm: 19: 1-4 Prov. 10: 1-13 Louisiana - (IV, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Morris Thompson Western Louisiana - (VII, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Jacob W Owensby Thursday 09-Feb-2017 Psalm: 105: 1-5 Prov. 11: 1-12 Luapula - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd Robert Mumbi Friday 10-Feb-2017 Psalm: 90: 1-6 Prov. 12: 10-22 Lucknow - (North India) The Rt Revd Peter Baldev Saturday 11-Feb-2017 Psalm: 139: 13-18 Prov. 13: 7-25 Lui - (Central, Sudan) The Rt Revd Stephen Dokolo Ismail Sunday 12-Feb-2017 Epiphany 6 Psalm: 144: 1-4 Prov. 14: 1-12 Lusaka - (Central Africa) The Rt Revd David Njovu Monday 13-Feb-2017 Psalm: 149: 1-5 Prov. 14: 27-35 Luwero - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Eridard Kironde Nsubuga Tuesday 14-Feb-2017 Psalm: 33: 1-9 Prov. 15: 1-15 Lweru - (Tanzania) The Rt Revd Jackton Yeremiah Lugumira Wednesday 15-Feb-2017 Psalm: 119: 105-112 Prov. 15: 16-33 Machakos - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Joseph Mutungi Thursday 16-Feb-2017 Psalm: 34: 15-end Prov. 16: 16-33 Madhya Kerala - (South India) The Rt Revd Thomas Kanjirappally Oommen Friday 17-Feb-2017 Psalm: 49: 1-13 Prov. 18: 10-24 Madurai-Ramnad - (South India) The Rt Revd Marialouis Joseph Saturday 18-Feb-2017 Psalm: 90: 1,2,12-17 Prov. 22: 1-12 Madi & West Nile - (Uganda) The Rt Revd Joel Obetia Sunday 19-Feb-2017 Epiphany 7 Psalm: 5: 4-8 I Cor. 4: 14-21 Mahajanga - (Indian Ocean) The Rt Revd Jean Claude Andrianjafimanana Monday 20-Feb-2017 Psalm: 84: 1-7 I Cor. 5 Maiduguri - (Jos, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Emmanuel Kana Mani Makurdi - ( Abuja, Nigeria) The Rt Revd Nathan Nyitar Inyom Tuesday 21-Feb-2017 Psalm: 116: 12-end I Cor. 6: 1-11 Maine - (I, The Episcopal Church) The Rt Revd Stephen Lane Wednesday 22-Feb-2017 Psalm: 40: 8-13 I Cor. 6: 12-20 The Most Revd Martin Nyaboho Archbishop of Burundi & Bishop of Makamba Thursday 23-Feb-2017 Psalm: 100 I Cor. 7: 1-24 Makueni - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Joseph Kanuku Friday 24-Feb-2017 Psalm: 33: 13-end I Cor. 7: 25-40 Malaita - (Melanesia) The Rt Revd Samuel Sahu Assistant Bishop of Malaita - (Melanesia) The Rt Revd Alfred Hou Saturday 25-Feb-2017 Psalm: 45: 10-end I Cor. 8 Malakal - (Upper Nile, Sudan) The Rt Revd Hilary Garang Deng Malakal - (Upper Nile, Sudan) The Rt Revd Peter Gatbel Kunen Malakal - Bentiu Area - (Upper Nile, Sudan) The Rt Revd John Gettek Malakal - Pariang Area - (Upper Nile, Sudan) The Rt Revd David Kiir Mayath Sunday 26-Feb-2017 Epiphany 8 Psalm: 118: 1,2,17-20 I Cor. 9: 1-15 Malek - (Upper Nile, Sudan) The Rt Revd Peter Joh Mayom Monday 27-Feb-2017 Psalm: 17: 1-8 I Cor. 9: 16-27 Malindi - (Kenya) The Rt Revd Lawrence Dena Tuesday 28-Feb-2017 Psalm: 30: 1-5 I Cor. 10: 1-13 Manchester - (York, England) The Rt Revd David Walker Manchester - Bolton - (York, England) The Ven Mark David Ashcroft Manchester - Middleton - (York, England) The Rt Revd Mark Davies Wednesday 01-Mar-2017 Ash Wednesday Psalm: 19 Ro.

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