Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford South Carolina Conference 1866 Journal Methodist Conference Journals 11-25-1908 South Carolina Conference Journal (MEC) 1908 Methodist Episcopal Church. South Carolina Conference Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/sc1866 Part of the African American Studies Commons, Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the History of Christianity Commons Recommended Citation Methodist Episcopal Church. South Carolina Conference, "South Carolina Conference Journal (MEC) 1908" (1908). South Carolina Conference 1866 Journal. 39. https://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/sc1866/39 This Conference Proceeding is brought to you for free and open access by the Methodist Conference Journals at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in South Carolina Conference 1866 Journal by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MINUTES OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD SESSION (8ince Reorganization The Forty Fourth) ' .. I South Carolina Conference • Methodist Episcopal Church · f OR 1908 - 1909 Sparta11burg, S. C., November z5-30, I908 Published by Authority of the Co11fere11ce a11d Approv·ed as its O.ilcial Record Published by tl1e Secretaries CLAFLIN ELECTRIC PRESS, ORANGEBU-RG1 H. ('. J 3 2 ' Special Committee. OFFICERS. Auditing District Superintendents and Other Acconnts. President-Bishop J. ,v. Hamilton, D. I)., L. L. 1). A. D. Brown, J. P. Robinson, C. H. Harleston, D. ",alters, Secretary-J. B. Middleton. ('. L. Logan G. W, Gantt, L. L. Thomas, \V. H. ,Jones. A.ssistants-\V. S. Thompson, V. S. Johnsou. Book Concern and Publishing Interest, I. E. Lowery, .J. A. Harrall, L. G Gregg J. L. Grice ,, Recording Secretary-D. H. Kearse. .J. McLeod, X. \V. Grncne, H. A. Thomas, L. \V. Williams. 1Conference Roll-Ja1nes l\IcEaddy. General Church Benevolences. Mission Lists-\V. H. Jones. B. S. A. \Vi I Iiams, D. Brown, W. G. Deas, .T. 1\f. Phillips: Pri vilege8-E. B. Bnrroughs. Alfred Lewis, \V. B. Romans, V. S. Johnson, S. S. Spl'!rks. Statistical Secretarv-J.•· C. l\Iarti n. Conference Relations. Assistants-,J. C. Gibbs, L. f..J. 'rhomas, I. L. Hardy, Bejamin Brown, York Goodlett, J. A. Brown, A. D. Harris, .J. D ..Mitehel D. J. Sanders, J. C. Burch, .}i_;, 8. Burroughs. C. C. Scott, Issac Myers, C. H Harleston, B. C. ,faekson, N. T. Bowen, A. D. Brown, W. B. Romans, S. D. "'\\Tilliams_, Conference Ste~ ards. 'rreasurer-\V. R. Jervey, H. L. Hickson, A. E. Quick, P. \V. Vance, C. R. Brown, A.ssistants-J. R. Townsend, \V. 1\1. Hanua, R. A Thomas, \V. G. White, B. S. Jackson, M. 1\1. Mouzon, i;,. E. McDonald, F. D. Smith. B. S. A. \Villiams. District Conference Minutf:s. W. S. Smith D. H. Kearse, A. B. Murphy, J. S. Tyler, .B. C. Jackson, G. F. Miller, B. M. Pegues, J. C. GibbeF:. Education. - N. S. ~mith, W. M. Baker, Isaac Myers, R. P. Harrington, T. G. Robinson, W. H. Redfield, D . .M. :Minus, B. G. Frederick. Memoirs. C. R. Brown, C. l{. Brown, Scjpio Green, Stewart Simmons, J. R. Townsend, W. P. 8mith. A. G. 'rowsend, W. H. Greer. Missionary Appropriations. The District Superintendents. Public Worship. 'fhe District Superintendent of the District and the Pastor of the Uhurch. Resolutions. N. T. Bowen Jr., William Mc Willie, C.H. Harleston E. WStratton, Mosts .Mason, S. D. Williams, R. C. Campbell, J. B. Thomas. Reports: (Sabbath Temperances, etc.) J. R. Uraham, W. R. Jervay, P. R. Camlin, W. B. Bowers} A. G. Kennedy, E.W. Adams, B. S. Cooper, ~T. T. Latson. State of the Country. E. B. Burrougs, I. L. Hardy, C. C. Scott, C. H. Dangerfield, J. W. Groves, A. S. J. Brown, M. Stewart, , C. C. Robertson. 5 4 Visitors to Gammon Theological Seminary \Vomen Foreign and Horne Missionary Society. L.\ \V."'4 Williams, :N" • W • Greene· ,, J • F • Greene_;l , • J • p • R 0 b'lnSOll \\'. 8. Neil, R. A. Cotting·ham, W. M. R. Eaddy, B. J. Boston • , h. Kennedy, E.W. Adams, R. A. Cottingham, \V. M. Hanna: .J. T. \Vilson, :K J. Curry, J. A. Gary, ,J. L. Hender!--Oll. Visitors to Claflin University. American Bible Society. D. ,J. Sanrl.ers, S.S. Sparks, B. S. A. Williams, B. S ..Jackson, A. R. Smith. R. L. Hiekson, N, T. Bowen, Sr. F. W. Vance, .J. R. Thoma~. S .•J. Cooper, Law·rence Rice, ~1. \Vilson. .J. ('. ~lartin' James McEaddy, G. 8. McMillian, '.\l. 0. 8tewart, Yonng People's Work (Epworth League, Sunday School.) n. \V. Moore, A. vV. Fuller, J. A. ·Murry, V. S. Johmwn, Board of Church Location . .J. W. :\-loultrie, J. F. 0-reen, J. 'l'. ·Martin, ,T. I. Miller. q:.,) Conference Board of Foreign Mission. Beaufort District. rf I S. D. Nilliams, Walter Jone:-; (i . .J. Davis, J. 8. Thomas, .J" B.Taylor, I. IL ~""'ulton, District Superintendent Ex-Officio Chairman. ,J. F. !'age, G. \V. Cooper, B . .F. \Vitherspoon, . \V G. Valenti1w, v. J. Sanders, R. F. Harrington, M. lVL Monzon, D. Salteri-;, Bennettsville District. H,. L. Hickson, J. A. Bro,vn, W. S. Thompson, C.R. Hrown, ' . .J. W. Thomas, 1 L. G·. Gregg, A. W. Lawton, J. W. Moultrie, J. IL \\ ilson, D. L. Fulton. D1tr1ct Huperintendent Ex-Officio Chairman . 1... G. Gregg, J. F. B. Coleman, Hattie Greeu, E.. E, ,Jones, .r. A. F. Black, J. L. Cain, D- Smalls, E. J. McCullum. 'r. 0 Charleston District. \V . .J. Butler. r.H.Fordham, Phillis l~ ..M:ouz n, A.J. Anderson. 'l'. G. Robinsoon. '.r. D. Smalls. Distri<. t Superintendent Kx.-Officio Chairman. F10rence District. L L. Hardy, Butler General. Standing Committees. District Superintendent Ex-Officio Chairman. Greenville District. Trustees of Conference. L. L. Thomas, A . B . D a v1· s. 1 Year-E. W. Adami, R.L. Hickson, District Huperintendent Ex-Officio Chairman. 2 ½ear -D.J. Sanders, M. M. Mouzon, 3 Year-J.W. Monltri~, W. Greer. Orangeburg District. Privileges. \V. ,J. Smith, J. H. Rembert. Kearst>, E. B. Burroughs, D. H. District Superintendent Ex-Officio Chairman. L. M. Dunton H. C. Asbury, \V. S. Thompson, J. B. Middleton, .T. B. Thomns, \V. H. Redfield, C. H. llarleston. Spartanburg District. C. C. Scott, W. S. Thompso1:l, . David Montague. Examining Committee. District Supenntendent Ex-Officio Chairman. E. B. Burroughs, J. C. Martin, D. J. Sanders. M. M. Mouzon, L. M. Dunton, W. G. White, D. M. Minus, Sumter District. R. L. Hickson, \V. M. Hanna, ,J. A. Brown, C C. Robertson, \V. B. Romans, S. J . .McDonald . D. H. KearsP, .J. A. Harrall, J. L. Grice, S. D. Williams, District Superintendent Ex-Officio Cha-i:rman. .T. P. Robinson, I. L. Hardy. Conference Boarrl of Sunday School. Triers of Appeals. C. C. Scott. Vice President W. S. Thomson. B. S. Jackson, President, B. G. Frederiek, J.C. Burch, Secretary, ,J. W. Moultrie. Treasurer A. G. Townsend. J. A. Brown, R. L. Hickson, District Superintendent :Ex-Offico Members. To Preach the Missionary 8ermon. L. G. Gregg, \V. G. White, B. S. A. Williams, B. S. Jackson, L. G. Gregg, Alternate-B. s. Jackson. W. H. Redfield, C. K. Brown, l~. W. Adams, W . M . H a nn a. E. J. Sawyer. Arthur Nimmons, J. H. Holloway, E. ,J. McCollum 'fo Preach the Conference Sermon. M. H. Gassaway, J. R. Bulkley, C. C. Bomar, S . .J. McDo.1ald. R . .A. Cottingham, Alternate-II. C. Asbury, Conferern~e ·soard of Home Mission and Chur{'h Extension. L. M. Dunton, J. A. Brown~ A.G. Townsend, N. H. Cornell, ,J. L. Grice, N. T. Bowen, A. E. Quick, .J. A. F. Black, J. R. Bulkley, C. C, Bomar, A. B. Davis, S. Anderson., E. J. Sawyer, J. L. Ca1n, .J. H. Fordham. Authur Nimmons, J. H. Holloway, A. J. Andrews, Jacob :Moorer, I•~. B. Holloway. District RnperintendentB, l~~x-Officio l\iem hers. ., 9 8 14. Who have been Transferred, and to what Confer­ ence! None. Journal of Proceedings. 15. Who have Died? A.H. I-Iarrison, F. L. Baxter, Sr. ,vateis McIntosh, F. L. Baxter tf r. I. S. Elps, J. J. July. FIRST DAY-1\IORNING SESSION. 16. \Vho have beeu Located at their own Re4.uest 1 Spartanburg, S. 0., November, 25th. 1908. Xone. 17. v\... ho have been Loc~ted? None. The Sollth Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episco­ 18. Who have Withdrawn? None. pal Church rnet in its oue hundred and third session since 19 \Vho have been permitted to ,vithdra\\. under Char- reorganization the forty-fourth, at Silver Hill Methodi~t Epis­ o-es or Complaints1 W. C. McDonald- copal Church on the above date at 9 o'clock a. 1n. The Rev. i-, 20. v\rno have been Expelled? D. L. Thomas, from Bishop J. W. Hamilton, D. D., L. L. D., presiding. The church also, J. S. Cooper, M. T. 1\'.ietz. Bishop read for the rnorning lessons Chapter Hrd of the book 21. What other persoual Notation shon Id be 1nade? of Jonah aud 2nd 'rimothy 4th. Hymn 560 of the Church Sohn D. Lewis, oulers recognized. as Local Deacon, B. F. Hymnal was sung, aud Bishop Hamilton lead the Conference Gandy, Indefinetely Suspended. _ in a fervent prayer, including every department of general 22. Who are the Supernumerary Preacher~? J. H, and special life in the Church, State, ho1ne and business \\Titherspoon, G. \V. \Villiams, Thos Sims, J. D. Whittaker. pursuits. 'rhe Sacrament of Our Lo1d's Supper was then cele­ 23. Who are the Superannuated Preache- s? B. tT. Boston brated, the District Superintendents as8istiug the Bishop. M. V. Gray, B. F. 1\iiller, vV. R. Jervay, A. J. Robinson, 1\'I. Very important remarks were then made by the Bishop, who F.
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