j. -I T .. r ■V -1 • ■X- MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1959 The Wealher ' ATeraice baliy Net Prem Ron roraeaat of V. S. Waathar B teaw 4. F o r tlw W(Nd( E n d in g PA (rt WKJRTPEN JiaflrltPBtpr fitptting ilffraUi March. 1th,' 195> OnnttmiM rather cold, parlod of light onmv fate tonlgfif oiullNg WedncMlay morning. I>m tonight 12,894 In mid 20s. Pair, mid WinlnaMajr. The MUaionary sewing Group b( PRESCRIPTIOia 'WlHiahi Ritchie, 16 Anderson Covenant Congregallonal Church j Cheney BroSe , Coiin^l Ready Manbcr of the AndR High 88 t J 40. at historhm for the Manchester Free Delivery Bureau of Ofrculptton. About Town Pipe Band-^Sth anniversary to will meet at the church tomorrow Manche$ter--^A City of Village Charm from To a m. to 2 o’clock. Mem­ B r i ^ s ^ o v e r be held in Ma^requesta that any bers will bring their own sand-, pter M ason* Buys Looms Lodge of. person-having pmttoa of the band wlches, ami coffee and dessert will LiGQEn DRUG (Claaslflad Arivertlaing on- Pago It) PRICE FIVE CBNM srtll i»W a apecial woeting to­ SHOPPING pARRADE MANCHESTER. CONNm TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 19.59 bet\veen.the y e a t ^ P K to 1920 ■be provided. In the evening at 6:30 , VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 135 , (FOURTEEN PAGES) night I<wlfi9 ■will 0P«" *1^ ^ o'clock get in touch with Niini a t the men of the church will leave for., Of 3 Plants Rules oi luld >vlU th«K]Wrw*«l to the W at- above addre.s*. Springfield on invitation by the ktiie-West F u n ^ Horae to con- Brotherhood of- the C' venanl ^ Brief* from opposing attom^fl,; ■’ duel a Masonic ^m orial aercice The machinery from three vel­ t>r. Hilda' Blandish will apbak on C hurch. seeking a decision on the s-alldity' for John Pickle# at "Answering O ur n u ld ie n s vet plant* has been purchased re­ of Manchester’s controversial stib- Uons " St the meeting of the H o lltv St. IJridget's Mollier.-t Circle, cently by CJhgney Bro.s., and the diviaton regulations will he submll- ■nie Kscharve Qub will"lwjW its teJ to the Court of Common Pleas Uprising ter PTA tomorrow night at S' ill meet tonight at the home of firm hope* to pick up some of the W-inonthly supper meeting a t^ 30 Qentral Homa o'clock at the school. The PTA gift i mW Ralph Rooke, 40 Hai lland businea.s of the lhl-*e plants Which tom orrow . tomom w night at the 3 J * to the school this year will be iR d\«fter attending the nii.ssioii are now out of operation. A month ago Judge Vine Parme-1 taxrant. Bolton. EMward J. Kloten three record plavcra and some rec- aervic^at 7:30 at St. Bridgets Some of the machinery Is being lee set a March 10 deadline for . Improvtmaiii Qo. asalatant profosaor of speech and Orda\Dr. fharles Jacobson will Church. \ ’ Installed in CB’s Manchester plant Town Counsel Philip Baj-er and Crushed drama at Hillyer College, will show ^h^fllm on fluoridation. Re- an additional ,:or as replacement Atty. John D. LaBelle to submit Estimate* Cheerfully OtvM speak on "Shenv Business and freshinenlV. will be served by I Robert O. J^ohnson, son of Mr.' machines. Some of it will go to the the briefs after he listened to argu­ You,” fourth grade'paronls. ments presented by the attorneys, I and M rs. C arl A; ■lohn.son, 77 Oak southern division of Cheney.; Bros, Phone lU 9-3537 - and some will be scrapped) accord- ' Both laivyers said they would By Ira q • Eliaa Chapman Joy Circle will St., a Junior aKTrihity College, have the briefs in the mail today' The Rev. K. KjnJtr Ra.sk. minis­ served on the commi,tter fpr public 'Ing to John Robin.son, general hdid a meeting in the North and Indicated they thought a de-: ter of the Covenant Congregation­ health and safely iK the anmuil liignager. Methodist' Church Wednesday at al Church, will bring Uir piessage The firm has bought the equip­ cislon would be forthcoming within ; Beirut, Lebanon, March 10 on German Connecticut Intercolle'giate Stu­ a few w'eeks, depending on the j 3 p.m. at the "Quiet Hour ' service a,t <he dent Legislature in Hartford last ment of two small weaving opera­ Iraq’s government re­ Drive Chairman court’s workload. ' Rmanuel L utheran fTitircIi week. He was recently cl(*cted to Lenten Speaker , tions of Majestic Fabrics, Inc., iterated today it has crushed Wedne.sdav night at 7;U). 'membership in the 1930-60 ,'*tHflenl one in North Bergen. N. J.. and one Dr. Harold P. Fields is chairman ' Bayer is representing the Town AUTO \ The Rev. Kenneth Klnner will |Which occupied the former Roasie of the annual Girl Scout drive this I of Manchester, the Town Planning the weekend nationalist up­ s i ^ l e . ______ ^ 0 b o d y 300 YEARS' Memorial Temple. Pythian Sls- ‘ he guest preacher at the tt ednes- Velvet Mills in My.stie. Cheney year. Commission and the Board of Di- rising and accused a foreign > f].i.v evening Lenten service In St. I Urges Talks ARTHUR DRUG , ler.s. will meet tomorrow at 8 p m. Bros, also piircliflscd machinery A graduate of New York ■Uni­ I rectors, defe^ants i.i the court power — apparently meaning Brandt Hits nie fifth I-enten service of tlie I Mary's F.piscopiil C t^’ch. ■ ,| : action whic,JrWas brought by La- ★ W ELD IN G PRESCRIPTION in Odd Fcllous hall. Members are Zion Lutheran (.'hurch will be held ! of the National Velvet Co. Union versity and the University Buffalo President Nasser’s United EXPERIENCE reqiie.sted to bring article.* for the A native of Da^ury, he .spent'iCitjC-, N. J., a third small velvet School of Dentistry. Dr. Fields has 1 Belle on .behalf of Alexander Jar- ir AUTO BODY and Wednc.aday ftight at 7:30 The I via, loyal contractor. Arab Republic—of stirring up BT OCR PHARM;%CISTS kllrhen social .Mr*. Irene .\nder- theme of the serVii'e will he "Jeaii.s three veins in the U-S. Navy ini weaving operation, i practiced his profession in Man- After Allied cliester for the past five years. He FENDER REPAIRS Soviet Plan > soil and her committee lull Serve and Barabha.s ' 6nd the text. World M ar II. He received hi.s BA |I The machines being installed in ' I ^Belle is asking the court to the trouble. has been active in Girl Scout ★ COMPLETE CAR The rebels, whether, hy choice or j refre.shmenls. I .Mark L3: 1 to l.'S. At 6:30, the from Tiihity ^ollege in 19.32, and I, .Manchester arc going into exl.st- I jOrtjoin the town f.oni putting the Jii,* STB fiNMli Boi keley Divinity I| ing departments and no new space w ork. regulations into effect and to dc- PAINTING nece.sslt3’, maintained radio silence adult inquiiw and di.sciis.ston group During the week of March 23 after sitin g off with a final claim I Conference will meet. Following the Service, School. H aven, in 19.36. He will be occupied. Robinson said. : dare tfien) invalid because they For Berlin parents will be hearing abouj. the LAt Ql’ER and ENAMEL to control of all North Iraq last the Sunday School staff will hold was oidaihefl (t priest In 1936 and , The chief product of Cheney | ^ were adopted last Oelober by th*’ Ms nnw ^car of Sf, Paul's Church.: part they will play in th^drive, TPC and the directors without a TEL. MI 9-S02S ' midnight. The silence was utter, a m eeting. Bros, is velvet, but the firm also YVft.shinKlon, March 10 {/FJ I produces upholstery and drapery i which will begin April form al h earin g first being hd<1. An an d eerie. Rf'rlin, March 10 (/P)— Wo.stb/noU. I 281 ADAMS ST. The (detory declarations of —AclinR Secretary of State AtP Super Morkets in Manchester Robert C. Tildcii. hospital c cirps- T v Rev. Mr, Kiufu^r is known ' fabrics. Cheney Bros, is a division informal hearing was held ny the; West Berlin’s Ma.tor Willy commission, however. ,, i Premier Abdel Karim Kaasem s . Herter was quoted today M man third class. USN, sop of Mr. to sei'oral of ,Sl. Mtri'V'S fam - of LaFrance Tndu.stries. Inc. two Manchester residents, Hen- Brandi toda.x' rejected Nikitr I _ ^ - riette froi Leott Maheii.x, $18 Comrtturiist-influenced regime via suyiriK the United States "is and Mr.s. R obert J. Tilden, 107 Holl il/ps on several occasions he Radio Baghdad met «o further | Khruslichev’s proposal to sta­ 261 Broad St. It 116 E. Center St. /fiHs arranged to go out to theii' i ' ' I'.veekl.v .support for each of two hopeful—but not-too optimis­ St., serving with the First Marine challenge on Middle East airwave*. tion Russian ti'ooiis in West Dii'ision Cani|> Penflielon. ("alifw ramping .site on Sunda.v 'iporn- Dn oiTPs (sranlecl children: apT Margaret K. from Mystery still .surrounded the in­ tic” the Berlin crisis can be ■ look part Feb. 2 In 10 In llie foXl ings, to celebrate Holy Contijiii- Lawretice J. Brogan. SL3 weekly surrection led by Col. Abdel Berlin to hel]) guarantee its support for eei of two children settled throuKh ncjzotiations.
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