CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-29 GOA" DAMAN & DIU PART II-A GENERAL POPULATION TABLES AND PART II-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT S.K.GANDHE Of the Indian Economic Service, Director of Census Operations, Goa. Dam'm &: Pi" I I ::J (f) 2 i i -c o <It • iii i i 0.. C oCS > « I I "") o z 2: « <C ::2: <C 1: C 0 .. E "t< a: :.! «2 ..t- o( z 15 0 z ;;; ":> j O~ ;;;) 0« ,: D! 0( z i I " ~ ~ .. I;; I K A N T A K A R «o (!) : z \l: 0', CD W a:: 1981 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS OF GOA, DAMAN & DIU (All the Census Publications of this Union Territory will bear Series No. 29) Central Government Publications Part I Administration Report(for official:useonly) Part LA Administration Report-EnmeHtion. Part I.B A (1 ministration Report-T<I bulation. Part II G-lneral Pdpuation Ta bles Part II.A General Population Tables Part n.B Primary Census Abstract. Pact III General Economic Tables Part III.A B·Sedes Tables of first priority (Table B.t t(1 B.IO). Part III.B B·Series Tables of second priority (Tables B.Il to B.12)· Part IV Social and Cultural Tables Part IV. A C-Series Tables of first priority (1abks ~C-l to C-6) Part IV.B C-Series Tables of second priority (Tables C-7 to C·lO ). Part V Migration Tables Part V.A D·Series Tables of first priority (Tables D·l to D·4) Part V.B D·Series Tables of second priority (Tables D·5 to 0.13). Part VI Fertility Tables Part VI.A F·Series Tables of first priority (Tables F·! to F.19). Part VI.B F·Series Tables of second priority (Tables F·20 to F.2S). Part VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population H·Series Tables. s Part VIII Household Tables Part VIII.A HH·Series Tabk (exdudingtabltsHH·17,HH-17 SC & HH·17 ST on tenaney)~ _ ___ Part VIII.B HH·SeriesTables (Tables HH·17, HH·17 SC & HH.17 S1 on tenancy). Part VIILC Report on households. Part lX Speciai tables on SchedUled Castes and SC and ST·Series Tables. Scheduled Tribes. Part X Town Directory Survey Reports on Town Part X.A Town Directory. and Village Part X.B Survey Reports on selected towns. Part X.C • Survey Reports on selected villages. Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Sched uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Part XII Census Atlas Volume Publications of the Government of Goa, Daman & Diu Part XI1I District Census Handbook Part XIII.A Village and Town Directory. Part XIII.B Village and Townwise Primpry Census Abstract. Note.-(i) Part X·A Town Directory is not published as a Separate publicationfcr G(13, Daman & Diu. The data are included in the District Census Handbook of Goa, Daman & Diu, Part XIII·A. (ii) partXI·Bthnographicnotes and special studies on scheduled castes and scheduled tribcswill not be published for Goa, Daman & Diu. PREFACE This publication presents the basi-c demographic dat'a of the 1981 census conducted during the period from 9~h. to 28th February, 1981, with the sunrise of 1st March, 1981, as the reference date. ThlS 1s a combined vqlUtne consisting of Part II A-General Popula~ tion Tables and Pan II B-Primary Census Abstract. Part IIA contained an intr~ductory note giving a brief account of the organisation and conduct of 1?81 censuS, operatlons and the baSiic population tables A 1 to A 5 prepared on full co~nt baSIS. The tabJes provided important Sltatistics such as area, density, number o~ reslcitntla.l houses, house~olds. and population by sex, decadal variation in population, ":ll1ag~s c1~ssl.fied by populatIOn SLZe, towns and urban agglomerations .classified by popula­ tIon ~lze down to the taluka/town level. Basic data in respect' of the Standard Urban Areas of the territory have been presented in Table A5. Each table has been introduced with a By~leaf fu help the reader appreciate the importance, of the data presented therein. Part II B presented the Primary Census Abstract (PCA) which was the basic table prepared on a full count basis and indicated th~ socio-economic characteristics of the population of the territory. It presented the dana in res,pect of area, occupied residential houses, households, population by sex, population of the scheduled castes/tribes, literates, main workers classified under four broad industrial categories, marginal workers and non­ workers by sex, down to the taluka/town level. Besides the Primary Census Abstractl for the tDtal population, it was for the first time that a special PCA for the scheduled castes/tribes population was prepared on a full count ba~is and it has also been included in this part. These data would cerrainly be of use to the planner in formula.ting the future plan 0'£ this territory. The data presended in thils. combined volume were the resul:ts of the huge task per­ formed by a large number of dedicated and devoted enumerators and supervisors. Per­ formance of such a gigantic task could be accomplishqd only because of the unstinted cooperation extlendied by the people of thi\5 territory as well as the Government of Goa, Daman & Diu. I do feel obliged to the people and the government. I am also grateful to Shri R. M. Agarwal, LA.S. and Dr. J. C. Almeida, LA.S., both ex-Chief Secretaries. tio the Govt. of Goa, Daman & D~u, who took keen interest in the census work and extended their help in our work. I have no hesitation in bringing on record the al1 out and selfless efforts put in by each and every member in my office in the smooth conduct of the 1981 census. The present volume was rhe product of. the sincere and ha~d labour ~ut in by S/Shri S. Rajcndran, Dy. Direttor of Census Operations and S. P. DesaI, Asstt. DIrector :>f Census Operations, who were ably assisted by Mrs. M. F. Saldanha and .Mrs. Meera Chlmbolkar, Statistical Assistants. Typing of this report was attended to by Shn J. Fernandes Steno and Shri S. R. Arlekar, L.D.C. I wish to express my gratitude to Shri P. Padmanabha, L~.S., Regist~ar General, India, and Shri K. K. Chakravorty, Dy. Registrar General, India, for thelr valuable guidance in preparing this report. I am also thankful to the Manager and the staft of the Government of India, Printing Press, Nasik, for printing this volume. Panaji: Dated: 1~1-83 S. K. GANDHE Director of Census Operations, Goa, Daman & Diu. (Iii) CO:.ITl::I'US PAGES PREFACE PART II-A~GENERAL POPULATION TABLES INTRODUCTION The 1931 c~nsus c }:J.nt~ p,'cplratory m~asures-Freezing of Boundaries of Administrative Units-PClmancnt House Numbering Sch'';)me~ FormOl.t:on of Enuln~ration Blocks- Location Code Numl>~r- Evolving Census Schedules- The Houselist- ThJ Household Sch 'dul; - Th ~ Individual Slip- ~h'! D~gree Holders and Technical Personn~1 Scledule- PNparation of Maps­ RUf"II'Urbrall A'e.1~ _ Tile Urban Aggloffi;ratlOn- ~h~ .Standard Urban Areas- The. C~nsus Hierarchy- Training- The C~nsus A~,-- Pnvision11 T)tals- TabubtlOn-- Pub!IcatlOn~ - Scope of the Present PublicatIon. 5-16. TABLE A- I AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION 17-36 Fly-leaf to Table A- 1 Table A- I. Ar0a, Hous·.~s anJ P')puLtion Al)p~ndix:-l to T"ble A _. 1 - Statem~nt showing 1981 T0rritorial Units and Clnng0sdurinl.l 1971-81. Appendix-2 to Table A- 1- Numb~r and Population ofvillag~s with P.)pulation of5000 and over and of Towns with Population under 5000. App~ndix-3 t'} Tabb A-I--Hous~less and Inslitutioml PopUlation. TABLE A-2 DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION ~INCE 1900. 37-50 Fly-leaf to Tabk A~2 T~ble A-2 D~cadal variation in Populati0n since 1900. SpeciaITableA-2. D.:cadal Vdrialionsinc~ 1900. Appendix to Table A-2-Union Territory and Districts at tlF~ 1981 C~l}';US sh0wingl97! area and population according to nrritoriJI Jurisdiction in 1971 ,c1Bng~ in population of 1971 adjusted to jurisdiction of 1981. Sub App~ndixtoAppmdix-l-UnionTerritory,Districtsand Talukas, showing 1971 area and population according to Territorial Jurisdiction in 1971, changs in population of 1971 adjusted tojurisdiction of1981. TABLE A-3 VILLAGES CLASSIFIED BY POPULATION SIZE 51-56 Fly-leaf to Table A-3 Table A-3 Villages classified by Population size. TABLE A-4 TOWNS AND URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS CLASSIFIED BYPt:)PULATI.NIN 19i1 WITHVARI- 57-72 ATION SINCE 1950. Fly-leaf to Table A -4 Table-A-4 Towns and Urban Agglom~rationsclassified by Populaticnin 1981 with variation since 1950. Appendix~l to Table A.-4 New Towns added in 1981 and Towns in 1971 declassifi~d in 1981. Appendix-2 to Table A-4 plac-;:s with a Population under 5000 CLlssified as Towns for the first time in 1981. Appendix-- 3 to TaGle A-4 Places witha Population under 5000 in 1971 which w~re Towl15 in 1971 but haw been declassified in 1981. , Appendix-4 to Table A-A Changes between 1971 and 1981 inarea and population oftowni;ar d reasons for changeinarea. TABLE A-5 STANDARD URBAN AREAS. 73-80 Analytical Note Table A·_ 5 Standard Urban Areas. APPENDICES ApPENDIX-l Formats of Houselis t, Household Schedule, Individual Slip, Degree Holders and Technica I P"rsonnel Schedule. 81-90 ApPENDlX-2 Instructioi1s to Enum'~rators for filling up the Household Schedule and Individual Slip. 91-189 AppENDIX-3 Supervisor's Manual.
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