1044 THE BRITISH MEDICAL .OURNAL. [[Dec. 27, 1879. Mr. LAWSON TAIT proposed, and Mr. FOLKER seconded, that the attention of the Committee of Council of the Association be respectfully ASSOCIATION INTELLIGENCE, drawn to the resolution referred to in the report, and which was unani- mously passed at the ordinary meeting of the Branch held at Stafford COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL: last February, and to which no answer has been received. NOTICE OF MEETING. Financial Statement.-Mr. J. G. U. WEST read the statement of A MEETING of the Committee of Council will be held at the offices of accounts for the past year, which showed a balance of £x3 5s. 6d. the Association, I6IA, Strand, London, on Wednesday, the 14th day of Next AnnualAMeeting. -Mr. GRAY proposed that the next annual meeting be held at Stoke. This was seconded by Dr. G. LOWE, and January next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. agreed to. FRANCIS FOWKE, Genzeral Secretary. Election of Officers for 1879-80.-The following were elected. Pre- I6IA, Strand, London, December igth, 1879. sident-elect: W. H. Folker, Esq. Vice-Presidents: J. T. Arlidge, M.D.; E. F. Weston, Esq. Honorary Secretaries: Vincent Jackson, Esq.; STAFFORDSHIRE BRANCH: ANNUAL J. G. U. W'est, Esq. Council: Henry Day, M.D.; E. Fernie, M.D.; MEETING. J. Gailey, M.D.; F. J. Gray, Esq.; J. T. Hartill, Esq.; Joseph Hunt, THE sixth annual meeting of this Branch was held on Thursday, Octo- M.D.; H. H. Morgan, Esq.; C. Orton, Esq.; G. G. Sharp, Esq.; ber 30th, I879, at the George Hotel, Walsall; twenty-three members J. Y. Totherick, M.D.; J. W. Wolfenden, Esq.; J. K. Wynne, Esq. being present. Representatives in the Council of the Association: J. Alcock, Esq.; H. Dr. Millington, in the absence of the President, introduced the Pre- Day, M.D.; W. H. Folker, Esq.; W. G. Lowe, M.D.; W. Millington, sident-elect, Dr. J. H. TYLECOTE, who then took the chair. M.D.; D. H. Monckton, M.D.; W. D. Spanton, Esq.; Moses Taylor, Vote of Thanks.-Dr. TOTHERICK proposed that the best thanks of Esq. this meeting be given to the retiring President, Mr. F. E. Weston, for Invitations to Annual Dinners.-Dr. TOTHERICK proposed: "That his services during the past year. This was seconded by Mr. FOLKER, when the funds of the Branch will allow, the President, with the ap- and carried unanimously. proval of the Council, shall be empowered to invite the chief magis- New Members.-The following gentlemen were elected members of trate and any other prominent individuals residing in the town where the Branch: Mr. W. Wilson, Birmingham; Dr. James Gordon, Walsall; the annual meeting is to be held, to the dinner." This was seconded Dr. Carter, Birmingham; Mr. B. H. Herbert, Uttoxeter; Mr. H. by Mr. J. HARTILL, and carried unanimously. Langley Webb, Cheadle. Votes of Thanks were passed to the secretaries and auditor. President's Address.-The President delivered an address "On the Dinner.-The members dined together at the close of the meeting. Geographical Distribution of Disease". Dr. MILLINGTON proposed that a cordial vote of thanks be given to Dr. Tylecote for the admirable and instructive address which he had SOUTH OF IRELAND BRANCH: ANNUAL MEETING. just read. It was carried with applause. THE fourth annual meeting of this Branch was held at the Royal Cork Report of Council.-Mr. VINCENT JACKSON read the annual report, Institute on Saturday, November 8th, at 4 P.M. as follows. President.-The chair was taken by the President, Dr. EAMrS, who "Your Council has to report that during the year which has passed delivered an address, and then vacated the chair in favour of Dr. D. three ordinary meetings of the Staffordshire Branch have been held. B. O'FLYNN, who has been appointed President for the ensuing year. At Stoke, eclat was given to the meeting by the reading of valuable papers, and the exhibition of Dr. Bigelow's instruments for crushing and Vote of Thanks.-A warm vote of thanks, proposed by Dr. O'Connor, one stone from the President of the British Medical Association, seconded by Dr. O'Reilly removing, by operation, bladder; also by an exhibit of Lismore, and carried was tendered to for of very valuable surgical and other instruments. At Stafford, a dis- unanimously, Dr. Eames cussion upon the general question of Branch representatives in the Com- his dignified conduct in the chair during the past year. mittee of Council resulted in the following resolution being unanimously The Annual Report of Couinil was read. passed: 'That this meeting is of opinion that it is expedient that repre- Meetings of the Branch.-It was resolved that the meetings of the sentatives of Branches in the Committee of Council should afford due Branch be held monthly instead of quarterly as heretofore. information to their Branches of the proceedings of the Committee of New Memibers.-Seven new members were proposed. Council, and that it is injurious to the Association at large that the Election of Offlcers.-The following were elected. President: D. B. minutes of the Committee of Council furnished to each member should O'Flynn, M.D. President-elect: N. J. Hobart, M.D. Vice-Pr-csidlets: be directed to be held as private and confidential.' To this important R. O'Reilly, L.K.Q.C.P., Lismore; J. A. Eames, M.D. Coztncil: resolution, no reply has been received from the Committee of Council. Ringrose Atkins, M.D.; R. Burke, M.D.; H. Corby, M.D.; W. J. At Wolverhampton, the meeting, which will always be regarded as an Cummins, M.D.; J. G. Curtis, L.R.C.P.Ed.; D. Donovan, MI.D.; historical one, and to which the members of the Shropshire and Mid- J. A. Eames, M.D.; N. Grattan, L.R.C.P.Ed.; C. A. Harvey, MI.D.; Wales Branch had been invited to attend, was commemorative of the J. R. Hayes, M.D.; N. J. Hobart, M.D.; H. M. Jones, M.D.; A. gift of the Bell Medical Library and a sum of one thousand pounds, O'Connor, M.D.; R. O'Reilly, L.K.Q.C.P.; J. O'N. Sisk, M.D. the interest of which is to be yearly expended in the purchase of valu- able medical and surgical books of reference for the use of the medical profession of the town and district. The demonstration of the appli- METROPOLITAN COUNTIES BRANCH: EAST LONDON cation of the plaster-of-Paris jacket, and of Cocking's poroplastic corset, AND SOUTH ESSEX DISTRICT. by Dr. T. J. Walker of Peterborough and MIr. Coxeter, surgical instru- ment maker, of London, was valuable and much appreciated. Your A MEETING of this District was held at the Bow and Bromley Institute Council consider that the combined meetings of Branches-two or more on November 20th; MARK LONG, M.D., in the Chair. -is a movement which should be encouraged, for whilst it must add Communications.-The following communications were made. much to their stability, usefulness, and popularity, it must also tend to I. A Case of Perforation of Bowel and Wall of the Body by a Spike awaken a renewal of personal energy, and to excite a spirit of healthy of Grass. The patient, a boy, was exhibited by Mr. R. H. S. CAR- rivalry. It is satisfactory to your Council to observe that this plan has PENTER. On September Ist, I879, he had been amusing himself lately been adopted by other Branches. putting ears of grass into his mouth, when all at once one slipped "The names of the contributors to the work of the year are the fol- down. Five or six days afterwards, he complained of pain in the left lowing: Mr. J. Alcock, Mr. Reginald Harrison (Liverpool), Mr. J. side, and of inability to raise his left arm to a horizontal position. Hartill, Mr. R. Garner, Dr. Joseph Hunt, Mr. Spanton, Mr. Wolfenden, The pain continued; and on September 14th there was found, between Mr. L. Tait, Dr. Fernie, Mr. Folker, Dr. Millington, Mr. Vincent the ninth and tenth ribs on the left side, near the angles, an abscess Jackson, Dr. Walker (Peterborough), and Mr. Coxeter (London); and with the stem-end of the ear of grass just protruding. It was extracted the the thanks of your Council are accorded to these gentlemen. same evening, fourteen days after having been swallowed. There had "The number of members is one hundred and twenty-four, eleven been no constitutional disturbance. new ones having joined since the last annual gathering. The prosperity 2. Mr. R. W. PARKER gave a brief description of the Treatment of of the Branch is unabated, and from a financial, professional, and Spinal Disease by Plaster-of-Paris, and then put up two cases, one a scientific point of view it is a credit to the Association and the county." case of cervical disease requiring the use of the jury-mast. The adoption of the report was moved by Dr. JOSEPH HUNT, seconded 3. Dr. H. G. ORLEBAR read a paper on the Treatment of Phthisis, by Mr. G. SHARP, and carried. the discussion of which was postponed till next meeting. Dec. 27, I879.] THE. BRITISH MEDICAL 7OURNAL. 1049 The following gentlemen, having obtained the qualifying number OUGHTERARD UNION-Medical Officer for Lettermore Dispensary District. of Salary, Lioo per annum, x1o yearly for boat £52 per annum as Medical marks, have also been accepted. Officer of Health, with Registration and Vaccinationhire, Fees. Election on the 66. H. L. Cox 70. G. H. K. McO'Callaghan 31st instant.
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