Fingal Children and Young People’s Services Committee Fingal Children and Young People’s Plan 2019–2021 Contact Fingal Children and Young People’s Services Committee welcomes comments, views and opinions about our Children and Young People’s Plan. Copies of this plan are available at http://www.cypsc.ie. For further information or to comment on the plan, contact: Úna Caffrey Co-ordinator of FCYPSC Mail: [email protected] Tel: 01 870 8000 2 Map 1: Fingal County 3 Contents Contact .......................................................................................................................................................... 2 List of Acronyms ............................................................................................................................................ 5 Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Section 1: Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 8 Background to Children and Young People’s Services Committees .................................................................... 9 Who we are ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 Sub-group structure ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Governance and reporting structures for Fingal Children and Young People’s Services Committee ............... 11 Achievements to date ...................................................................................................................................... 14 Review of previous plan ................................................................................................................................... 16 How the Children and Young People’s Plan was developed ............................................................................. 17 The voices of young people in Fingal ................................................................................................................ 18 The voices of stakeholders in Fingal ................................................................................................................. 20 Section 2: Socio-Demographic Profile of Fingal ............................................................................................. 21 Section 3: Overview of Services to Children and Families in Fingal ............................................................... 47 Section 4: Local Needs Analysis in Fingal ...................................................................................................... 58 Section 5: Summary of Children and Young People’s Plan for Fingal ............................................................. 79 Section 6: Action Plan for Fingal Children and Young People’s Services Committee ...................................... 80 Section 7: Monitoring and Review ............................................................................................................... 99 Section 8: Appendices ................................................................................................................................ 100 Appendix 1: Sub-group membership .............................................................................................................. 100 Appendix 2: Fingal by Electoral Area and Electoral Division .......................................................................... 102 Appendix 3: Deprivation and disadvantage in Fingal sub-regions and relevant EDs and SAs ....................... 104 Appendix 4: List of hyperlinks in the text ........................................................................................................ 108 4 List of Acronyms Acronym Denotation ALP Alternative Learning Programme BLDATF Blanchardstown Local Drug and Alcohol Task Force BOBF Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures CAMHS Child and Adult Mental Health Service CF Children First CFSN Child and Family Support Networks CHO Community Health Organisation CNN Comhairle na nÓg CSO Central Statistics Office CYPSC Children and Young People’s Services Committee DATF Drug and Alcohol Task Force DCYA Department of Children and Youth Affairs DDLETB Dublin and Dún Laoghaire Education Training Board DEIS Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools DNE Dublin North East DSGBV Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence DV Domestic Violence EA Electoral Area ECCE Early Childhood Care Education ED Electoral District ESL Early School Leavers EWS Educational Welfare Service FCC Fingal County Council FCCC Fingal County Childcare Committee FCYPSC Fingal Children and Young People’s Services Committee FLAC Free Legal Advice Centre GP General Practitioner 5 HSE Health Service Executive HSLS Home School Liaison Scheme JARC Joint Agency Response to Crime JLO Juvenile Liaison Officer LCDC Local Community Development Committee MABS Money Advice and Budgeting Service NDRDATF North Dublin Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force NDTRS National Drug Treatment Reporting System NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training NEPS National Educational Psychological Service NEYAI National Early Years Access Initiative OMCYA Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs PH Physical Health PHN Public Health Nurse PPFS Prevention, Partnership and Family Support PPN Public Participation Network SAMH Substance Abuse and Mental Health SCP School Completion Programme SENO Special Educational Needs Organiser SICAP Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely SONC State of the Nation’s Children TEC Training and Employment Childcare TESS Tusla Educational and Support Service TU Dublin Technological University Dublin UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation WTE Whole Time Equivalent YPP Young Persons Probation 6 Foreword As chairperson of FCYPSC I am pleased to present the publication of our third Children and Young People’s Plan, for 2019–2021. The work on this plan began with a comprehensive needs analysis which involved consultation with statutory, voluntary and community-based organisations. This work was overseen by a small group of FCYPSC members who guided the plan to fruition. The commitment to the work of FCYPSC was clearly evidenced by the fantastic turnout to planning days that were held in 2018 and again in 2019. I would like to thank all the partners for their commitment, time, energy and hard work which went a long way to making sure we have a realistic and attainable plan which will have a positive impact on the lives of children and young people in Fingal. It is hoped that this plan will build on the excellent services that are being delivered by the statutory, voluntary and community-based organisations in Fingal. Despite challenges such as data collection, staff retention, long waiting lists and lack of resources, we have managed to develop a plan that addresses some of the most pertinent needs of children, young people and families within the county. A word of thanks is due to government departments who have funded this programme and made this process possible. I would also like to thank all of the young people who gave of their time freely and contributed wholeheartedly to the development of the plan. I look forward to co-delivering on this plan over the next three years and being part of an interagency structure that contributes to the overall development of the county and works well together to make Fingal one of the best counties in Ireland to grow up in. Eilidh Mac Nab 7 Section 1: Introduction The purpose of the Children and Young People’s Services Committees is to secure better outcomes for children and young people through more effective co-operation and collaboration by existing services and through interventions at local level. CYPSC’s work towards the five national outcomes for children and young people in Ireland. These are that children and young people: 1. Are active and healthy, with positive physical and mental wellbeing 2. Are achieving full potential in all areas of learning and development 3. Are safe and protected from harm 4. Have economic security and opportunity 5. Are connected, respected and contributing to their world. 8 Background to Children and Young People’s Services Committees Children and Young People’s Services Committees in Ireland The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (OMCYA), now the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, established the Children and Young People’s Services Committees (formerly Children’s Services committees) in 2007 with the purpose of improving outcomes for children, young people and families at local and community level. Since then CYPSCs have increased incrementally in number and are a key structure identified by Government to plan and co-ordinate services for children and young people, aged 0–24 years, in every county in Ireland. CYPSCs bring together a diverse group of agencies across the statutory, community and voluntary sectors in local county areas to engage in joint planning of services for children and young people. All major organisations and agencies working locally on behalf of children and young people are represented. These committees work to improve the lives of children, young people and
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