Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar Technic Student Newspaper Spring 4-1908 Volume 17 - Issue 7 - April, 1908 Rose Technic Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/technic Recommended Citation Staff, Rose Technic, "Volume 17 - Issue 7 - April, 1908" (1908). Technic. 279. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/technic/279 Disclaimer: Archived issues of the Rose-Hulman yearbook, which were compiled by students, may contain stereotyped, insensitive or inappropriate content, such as images, that reflected prejudicial attitudes of their day--attitudes that should not have been acceptable then, and which would be widely condemned by today's standards. Rose-Hulman is presenting the yearbooks as originally published because they are an archival record of a point in time. To remove offensive material now would, in essence, sanitize history by erasing the stereotypes and prejudices from historical record as if they never existed. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in Technic by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ROSE TECHNIC—ADVERTISEMENTS. Wagner Electric Mfg.Co. St. Louis, U.S. A. In addition,to the convenience of having a portable testing set, such as is illus- trated here, the possession of such a set will enable you to make tests, for which there is always a demand. One man in the past seven months has paid for his testing set four times over by fees derived from such testing. 11j We solicit the opportunity of telling you more about this. - Write for Bulletin No. 79-W. CigEirs Cctriclis Pericoc Your patronage Grand will be highly "RUBE" BARNES Opera House flviIdin appreciated. '1`01-)iacecorit_t Might as well wear the best in our line. It costs no more I Laundering, Dyeing, Cleaning. VVECi COW EICOW =1111111=111•11111MIN H D !*!),tSe Yni'c Agent Hunter Laundering I Ogoini Go.1 THE J. R. DUNCAN Complete line of Stationery, Drawing Instruments, and PAPER & STATIONERY CO. Supplies for Draughtsmen 666 Ohio Street. and Engineers. Always mention THE TECHNIC when writing to our advertisers. It may help us. ROSE TECHNIC—ADVERTISEMENTS. MADISON'S YOU KNOW and WE KNOW aI ball 11)barmacv That the good in a garment cannot be measured by a yard stick— that it demands more N.W. Cur. 7th & Wabash Ave. Terre Haute, Ind than good cloth to make a THE PUREST DRUGS good garment. Guided by that knowledge, PRESCRIPTIONS OUR MAIN EFFORT. we have fastened our faith in "College Brand" Clothes for Young Men, Gunther's Fine Chicago Candies $15.00 TO $25.00. They are good on three counts —the vitally essential counts : DISCRIMINATING "Rose" Men Good in the fabrics, which by actual test insure good service. are wearing Spark's Custom Made Good in the tailoring, which is exacting even in the little Suits details—and expressive. Good in the styles, which are distinctive and always abreast Fit, Fabric and Fashion Guaranteed with, if not a little ahead of MADE In the hour, in design. Nrw Crr, 'FArClothrt that WE Meny,,,g•• Do you not believe all this Are you one of them? justifies your faith in '•College Brand" Clothes? A Full Line of Men's Sox, Shirts, Cravats, Etc. ED. SPARKS MYERS BROS. THE HOME OF TOTALLY 813 Wabash Ave. Terre DIFFERENT BETTER Haute, Ind. AND Busy Corner, 4th Old Phone 2204 CLOTHES. The & Waeash SWAGGER BOOTS Our aim is to supply your wants and our pockets. We are ready, you STAFFORD will find, with the right stuff. NEW YORK SHOE CO. ENGRAVING CO. 681 WABASH AVE., near 7th. CLARENCE E. KIRK, Pres. ARTISTS DESIGNERS "THE STORE THAT QUALITY BUILT" ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS Terre Haute Pressing Club CENTURY BUILDING CLOTHES PRESSED AND INDIANAPOLIS SHOES SHINED $1.00 PER MONTH. We Call For and Deliver work. 4,11111÷ Dry Cleaning our specialty. Both Phones. 703 Ohio Street Always mention THE TECHNIC when writing to our advertisers. It may help us. THE ROSE TECHNIC—ADVERTISEMENTS. 14-11-11111 PAY LESS AND HAVE YOUR 1 AGENTS WANTED CLOTHES MADE TO ORDER You can make 400 per cent profit, or $36.00 per week. 16x2o Crayon Portraits 40 cents, EVERETT Frames io cents, THE TAILOR All Wool Suits in black and colors, Sheet Pictures I cent. to your order . $8.50 and upward New Photo= Colored Stereoscopic All Wool l'ants in black and colors, Views /12 cent. to your order $2.75 and upward Positively the largest line in the United States, and the latest patterns. Prices guaranteed lower No experience or capital required. 30 days credit. than elsewhere. Work shop on premises, and Catalogue and Samples Free. other work shops in neighborhood. FRANK W. WILLIAMS CO. SEVENTH STREET, NEAR BIG 4 DEPOT TERRE HAUTE, IND. 1208 W. TAYLOR ST. CHICAGO, ILL, Polvtechnic Pharmacy The TOM Haute J. F. BRUNNER, PROPRIETOR. CORN ER THIRTEENTH AND LOCUST STS. Printin Compaq Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. Prescriptions a specialty. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Candies, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes WINDOW CARDS Burnt Wood Statuary Dance and Party KADEL 84, RICHARDSON Announcements Mt Shop Programs PICTURES. FRAMES AND MOULDINGS FRAMING A SPECIALTY Menu Cards, Etc. Artists' Materials NEW PHONE 985 125 S. SEVENTH ST. TERRE HAUTE, IND. COR. FIFTH AND OHIO STREETS Always mention this publication when doing business with our advertisers. Vol,. XVII. TERRE HAUTE, IND., APRIL, 1908. No. 7 THE TECHNIC. cumstances compelled us to cut it in two, and to reserve the latter portion, on "Types of BOARD OF EDITORS. Locomotives" for another issue, when it will be Editor in Chief, presented with illustrations of the prominent CARL B. ANDREWS. types of engines. Associate Editors, E. M. BRENNAN, Assistant Editor • FRED. A. BURGESS, Reviews HE next two months will be busy ones in Emu, J. FISCHER, Alumni T athletic circles, for the track men as well J. R. BERNHARDT, Athletics CLARENCE W. SEAGULL,} as for the baseball fans. The prospective list of HARRY W. WATTS, Locals E. A. MEES, track meets is a large one, beginning with an in- R. M. STUBBS, Artist door meet between the Y. M. C. A , Wiley High Executive Department. 'vat,/ R. RALSTON, Business Manager School, I. S. N. and Rose at the Y. M. C. A. PAUL P. STOKES, Assistant Business Manager gym on April 18th. On April 25th Manager TERMS: Sievers has scheduled an out-door inter-class One Year, $1.00. Single Copy, 15 cents. meet, when those who came second or third in Issued Monthly at the Rose Polytechnic Ins!itute. the recent indoor meet will have another chance Entered at the Post Office, Terre Haute, Indiana, as second-class mail matter. to try for first ; about the first of May there is to be a dual meet with Milliken at Decatur, to statement was N last month's TECHNIC the which a team of ten picked men will be sent; on Modulus of '96 was the I made that that The May 9th a dual meet with the Normal at Parson's first published. This was a mistake, as the Field, and on May 16th the I. C. A. L. meet which, without class of '92 issued a Modulus under the joint auspices of I. S. N. and Rose. has for many precedent itself, served as a model On May 30th the I. I. A. A. annual meet is ones. succeeding to be held at Notre Dame, and the Rose re- presentation at this gathering will be decided by E print in this issue the full text of the the showing made in the others. Constitution of the Students' Council as The baseball team will commence its season on adopted by that body and ratified by the students April 17th by a game with Purdue, and from in general assembly on Mareh 14th, and also the that date until June 6th will be fully occupied, revised By-Laws which were adopted by the there being fifteen games scheduled, seven of Council on April 4th. This publication of the which are to be played in Terre Haute. The By-Laws is to be considered as the publishing of schedule is printed elsewhere in this issue, and this act of the Council, as required by the Con- while the teams to be played will give Rose a stitution. hard tussle, we believe. that Capt. Heidenger's In presenting Mr. Heidenger's article on company can give a good account of themselves Modern Locomotive Service, we regret that cir- against any of them. 104 THE ROSE TECHNIC. NOTES ON POWER PLANT DESIGN. By GEO. E. WELLS,' 96. N the following discussion of power plant de- in cases where the purchaser of power would i sign, an attempt is made to give general have to provide independent apparatus for heat- data derived from the writer's experience with- ing. out particular comment on the fundamental prin- Assuming that the purchaser has decided to ciples involved. build a power plant and does not control a nat- After describing in a general way the various ural water power, he first considers his prime types of power plants, more particular attention movers, or engines, and decides between steam, is given to power plants using the steam engine gas, oil, etc. as the prime mover. The steam engine and boiler are, of course, the In the solution of the problem of designing the best known to the average buyer, and have been proper power plant for a factory, central lighting so thoroughly tested that he is inclined to decide and power station, large office building or other at once on steam, notwithstanding the much institution of sufficient size to make the installa- higher efficiency offered by the gas engine and tion of a power plant necessary, the local condi- oil engine builders.
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