32 DjAILY DISPATCH, MOLINE, ILLINOIS: THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 26, 1948. were cold, and his smajl mouth with 9:45—Joyce Jordan: WOC. RTJST/Y RILEY David Harum: WMT By Frank Godwin the Jutting lower lip was pursed. 10:00—June Baker: WQN Catherine dldnt know whether or Breakfast tn Hollyjrood: WKBP, 1V1 NCTT CUNNING not her cousin and his wife ex­ I DID/WTTH/NC?" I USD TD BC A JOCKEY fTtSBJ^ changed a 4Ulck, look \#aen jshe Nora Drake: WMAQ Bt&US£ Arthur Oodtrey: WMT, WBBM. lAa^tXJACOtjOC W-rrl ST^^OUTTO Vim, fVt 0CCCN W1WS23 ALL OVCC walked in. Francine was smoking a Passing Parade: WQTJA. A DCTTCnVrl.OC GET A JCBMM GOlNff (Continued from Yesterday.) clgaret near one ojt the windows IMS—TeU four NelKbbot. retail. THC COUNTKf- (Vt EVEN TUDOQi to Stephen parrell and that after Katie's Daughter: WOC. TO BE A JOCKEY- A DERBY WfNNTEL Uncle died Stephen forgot;?" and Tom was flipping over the 10:30—Heart's Desire KSTT CHAPTER V. pages of a New Worker. They Jack Bexch show: WMAQ. "Stephen"—"them" \ < . What Grand Slam- WBBM "Walt." Angela raised a hand. was Francine talking ibojut? Cath­ greeted her with tpe informality of 10:45—Lora Lawton: WOO. "Put your prickly-pear pride In your erine stood still in gloom; people who know each other well, Rosemary: WBBM. although, as a matter of fact, they 13:00—Kate Smith Sneaks: WQTJA. pocket for a moment and -listen to Tom answered Francine testily. , Wendy Warren: WMT. WBBM. me. Coming home from a Job and "Don't be an Idiot, my pet Steve didn't meet .often .nowadays. Fran News: WOC. keeping house Isn't any fun. I wouldn't do a thing like- that." cine said, "Daring,, I love your hat. 11:15—Aunt Jenny: WBBM. It's adorable. .'1 Tom said, "How 11:30—Helen Trent: WBBM. know. I tried It years ago, after my Francine laughed. It wasnt her Para World Today. WLB. sister Lfffura died and I' first had usual bright soclajl laughter. "Dear are you, Catherine?, What's new? 11:45—Our Gal Sunday: Win. How's Nicky?" Buddies of the Alrlanes: WHBP. Tom and Hat.—before I married old pal of mine . , Always the Catherine answefced In kind. Tom PBIDAI AFTERNOON. your uncle—and It simply doesn't ideaist, arent you Thomas?" 13 00—News: WHBP WOC, WMAQ. work. No woman can do two jobs Francine never called Tom was putting on weight, she reflected Showcase: WQTJA. annnrdl riftdo ther.h«*mm molwe)}.l . " Thomas unless she wasj rebuking but he was as good-looking a* ever, Let's Hare Pun: WOK. Big Bister: WBBM. Catherine got up out of her chair, him or in raillery. ; Catherine big and bronzed! and beautifully 13U5—Rockaby Time: WHBP. took a clgaret from a low table bg* frowned send jumped sjightly at the turned out He Was'a-gynecologist Ma Perkins: WBBM. mention of her own name. with a large, fashionable and Brow­ On the Bouse: WOC. side the chaise longue and lit it "1 11:30—news: WLS. know all that, but it wont be for Francine was saying . musingly, ing practice. It was a perfect pro­ BIG 8ISTER— fession for.him, fie had been born Julian Bentlay: WBBM. By Lea Fortrave long. In six months or so Nicky "Well, what RDOIK Catherine Lister? . Elizabeth Bart Presents: WMAQ. wl be on his feet anil then .. That letter on Uncle's ' desk *— with a bedsid£ manner. He was13:45—Exactl y Like yon: WOC. r amiable, sweetrteippered • and with uiding Light: WBBM. HE MUST NEVER "Oh, hel make money eventually. couldn't he hafle sent them to her? gejeve It or Not: WMAQ. VOU KNOW, WE JEff WARNED USASA1N 7 WE MUST She mightn't have wanted to men­ the expressed conviction that every Famous Names: WON. LEARN.WE WERE PEALLV HAD NO Be's clever and he has a way with 1:0OHMTS. Burton WBBM. REMEMBER.MCW J Or COURSE NOT! AND AGAIN TO STAY KEEP MUM tion it, she's \ so hard up, poor thing was for the bfcst In the best of people. Tom says he can sell any­ all possible worldsj-and that If it Today's Children: WMAQ, NOTAWORD TO ( WE'D NEVER CAPE >WRONS ALLTttE BUSINESS MIXING I AW FROM Tt4E JASON FOR THE sweet." Queen for a Day: WQTJA. WON. VWTHROUSH! thing. He could sell you the Zoo wasnt he was going to make it so. Clark Dennis, Bongs: WRBF. JEFF ABOUT OUR L TELL HIM AT^NG' IMWEWWE PLACE. WE DISOBEYED REST OF or the Public Library. ." "Nonsense," [Tom said. "Uncle Women fell fort him in droves. The 1:18—Woman's Page 01 tbe Air: WHBP. DID.)—:— HIM 1 Woman tn White: WMAQ. PART IN THIS? OUR LIVES. Catherine didn't say anything. sent her that f jaguar or whatever only woman hje Was Interested in Guiding Light.- WMT. Sometimes Nicky's accent on finan­ it was that used to be, on his desk, was his wife. 1:30—Bride and Groom: WLS. that he used as a paper weight Be­ Holly Bloan: WOC. cial success bothered her a little. i:«5—Rose.ot My Dreamt: WBBM. "In the meantime," Angea con­ sides, if he did send thetn to her, (To Be Continued) Your/g Dr. tfalone- WBBM. tinued, "let me thelp. I have more they'd be hers, wouldn't they? You 3:00—Ladles Be Seated: WHBP —eh—wouldn't know anything about Double pr Nothing: WMT, WBBM. 2-26- money than I know what to do with, Lite Can Be Beautiful: WMAQ. and John would have wished it." them yourself?" 3:15—Ma Perkins: WMAQ. 'T might ask you the same thing." Radio Programs 3:30—Paul Whitman Club: WBBP. WIS. Catherine was by na means sure TONIGEBT. Pepper Young's Family: WMAQ. of that. Her Uncle John had been Catherine looked through the 3:45—Right to Happiness: WMAQ, bannister railings at the ^squares of 8:00—News And Bporti: WHBf. Big Sister: WMT. a firm believer in people standing on Pulton Lewis Jr.: WQlTA. 3:00—Hint Hunt: WMT, WBBM ti eir qwn feet, no matter how un­ black-and-white marble 'paving In Beulab: WBBM.: Erskine Johnson: WQTJA. , comfortable the position might the lower hall, at the swing of the Jimmy Blade, music: WMAQ. Back Stage Wife: WOC, WMAQJ News WOC. 3:15—Stella DaUas: WOC. WMAC, ?' eventually become. staircase, also of marble, with cruel 8:15—Everett Holies, news: WBBM. Tommy Dorsey Show: WQOA. j cutting edges to the shallow steps Music: WHBP., 3:30—Dispatch news- WBBP. i Cbpr. IHK IGci tatvm S7gaa», lac, VTorti A&a nxmd *" "Look, darling," she! said. "let'B down which her uncle had plunged 6 30—Olee club: <WQ& 4:00—Open House- WHBP LITTLE MARX M1XUP— leave it at this, shal we? If I go Bob Crosbj!:, WMT. When a Girl Marries: WOC. By RJtt. Bzinkernoft broke, if we can't pay the rent and to his death, and averted her eyes. Skip Farrel)J music: WMAQ. WMAQ. She was puzziled, uncomfortable and 6:45—Blng SlngsVWQTjA. News: KSTT the man with a wrench comes to Mtulci WOC. Ballroom music: WMT. ,1*1'1 N El LOOKl N ^-THEVJ, [LATER turn off the gas and electricity, 111 uneasy. Stephen, herself, isomething 7:00—Quest Star: Wf " 4:30—Just Plain Bill: WOC, WMAQ. come to you." being sent, something missing . FBI, Peace an WMT, WBBM. Baker's BpotUgbt: WON. ' What were Francine and Tom dis EUery Queen 4:45—Sports Camera: WQTJA Angela was far from satisfied, Aldrlcb Faml. WMAQ. 8:00—Adventure Parade: WQTJA, WON. cussing? She couldn't stand there, 7:30—Henry Morgan WLSL News: WHBP, WOC, WBBM, There was nothing she could do listening. Block Party: V [TJA, WQH/ WMAQ. , Mr. Keen, Tra WMT. WBBM. 8:15—Terry and the Pirate*: WHBP. about it. "Perhaps 111 be able to WOC, WMAQ. Superman: WQTJA. make you change your mind later. She retreated a few jfeet, gave Bum* and i" - WM1 vVtJbM what she hoped was a convincing 8:00—Dick Baymej Garroway Show: WMAQ. Muslo Hall: * ..[^~, WMA.- —Q- 8:30—Captain Midnight: WQTJA. cough, and continued on; along the Gabriel Beattera WQPA. WON. Lum and Abner: WBBM. I At that point two of the reasons hall. A few seconds earlier^ Fran­ Willie Piper: WHBF- 5:45—Tom Mix: WQOA. long many why she would never cine and Tom had been quarreling, 8-15—Radio NewsTeel:I WQTJA, WON. News: WBBM. able to change Catherine's mind 8:30—Crime Protographfr. WMT. WBBM. FRIDAY NIGHT. their voices edged. When she en­ The Clock: WHBP, 6:00—News and Sports: WBBP. fere presented by old Mrs. Bettin- Village 8toT»- WUAO Pulton Lewis Jr.: WQTJA. tered the room, there was no sign Hollywood theater- WOO. the caretaker. She knocked at of dissension between thetai. B.PJJ, America: WON. News: WOC, WMAQ. the door and said that Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rose show: JWQUA. 6:15—Muslo: WHBP. rom had arrived. The dust covers had; been re­ 9:00—Bab Hawk eWi WMAO, WOC. Day tn Review: WQPA. moved, and the long room, like the Candid microphone: wHBp 6:30—Lone Ranger- WBBP. Catherine liked both her cousin rest of the house, was; Imposing. Official Detective' WON. Henry J Taylor: WQPA. Tcm and his wife, Prancine. She Family theater: /wqfP4, , Glee Club: WOC. ^0 The very best butter and! lots of it. ; Radio Digest: WMT, WBBM. Bob Crosby- WMT.
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