7+(2/'(67:((./<1(:63$3(5,17+(&$1$',$1:(67 7KH 0LQQHGRVD We acknowledge the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage.7ULEXQH 6LQFH Volume 133 Issue 15 Friday, June 26, 2015 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax Burgesses Named Dancin’ Up A Storm Honourary Parade Marshals By DARRYL HOLYK im and Lynn Burgess along with Rick and Sherry JBurgess have been chosen as Honourary Parade Marshals for this year’s Fun Fest Parade hosted by the Minnedosa Chamber of Commerce. Th e cou- ples were chosen for a number of reasons, fi rst and foremost in honour of the Burgess family’s local heritage in Minnedosa. Th e Burgesses were one of our community’s pi- oneer families. Th eir arrival in the area dates back to 1880 with Jim’s great grandfather, Sam Burgess and his wife Ann. Sam’s son, Joseph was the fi rst Burgess to have his name associated with the fam- ily business, most recently known as Burgess Qual- ity Foods. Th e business was the only Minnedosa business to remain in the same family for over 120 years being passed down through four generations of Burgesses. In addition to the long standing family and business connection to our community, members of the Burgess family have always been active com- munity members and volunteers in various capaci- ties over many years. In addition to being a former business owner in our community, Jim served six years as Mayor of Minnedosa as well as a number of years as a Town Councillor and School Trustee. Photo by Darryl Holyk Th rough their family business, the Burgess- Couples kick up their heals on the outdoor dancefl oor to the music of Th e Cameron es have provided sponsorships and donations Campbell Band at the Little Valley Jamboree hosted last weekend in Erickson. to numerous fundraisers and community events See story and more photos inside! throughout the decades. Th e list of support they have provided in our community could fi ll a large book. Th is community-minded family is certainly worthy of recognition as Honourary Parade Mar- shals in the upcoming Fun Fest Parade. Be sure to 0HHWWKH0LQQHGRVDDQG(ULFNVRQ make a lot of noise and show your appreciation for these true community heroes as they pass by on the parade route on the morning of Saturday, July 11th! *UDGXDWHV &UD\ROD &UD\ROD *LDQW 6LGHZDON &RQVWUXFWLRQ 6XSHU7LS 6FKRRO·V2XW &RORXULQJ &KDON 3DSHU :DVKDEOH 6XPPHU$UW 3RVWHUV 1HRQ*OLWWHURU VKHHW 0DUNHUV 0XOWL&RORXU SDFN VKHHWV %HJLQV SDFN RUSDFN 7+(2/'(67:((./<1(:63$3(5,17+(&$1$',$1:(67 7ULEXQH7KH 0LQQHGRVD 6LQFH 2 Friday, June 26, 2015 Th e Minnedosa Tribune Local Threads Woven Into Recent Skit By DARRYL HOLYK tions of Cornerstone Grill, Jeremiah. the 50+ Centre and the well Th e skit opened with he Minnedosa Drama known “Kingston” family – the cast entering the stage TClub presented its sec- a rip off of our own King- by walking through the ond annual sketch night don family! crowd, which was close on Th ursday and Friday, Th e comedy was di- to a full house. Half of the June 11th and 12th at the rected by Mary Dalton play was performed before Minnedosa United Church and featured a cast of Brit- an intermission in which Hall. tany MacDonald as Sarah, all enjoyed cookies, re- Th is year’s skit, Clini- Dawn Doerksen as Anna- freshments and mingling cal Chaos, was written by belle, Susan Nelson as Hel- with the cast before the fi - Minnedosa’s own Wyonne en, Bethannie Lancoure nal half hour of the show. Baribeau and featured a as Dr. Patterson, Marl- Th e Minnedosa Dra- number of local connec- ies Soltys as Dr. Killdeer ma Club is now gearing tions. Th e play takes place (the veterinarian), Joyce up for its third annual fall in a community medical Turner-Cox as Dorothy, production and dinner clinic attached to a hospi- Dylan Woodcock as Brad, theatre. Auditions for this tal. A group of locals meet Shaleen Baribeau as Julie, year’s murder mystery, and hang out at the clinic Jamie Willis as Sam, Jacki “Th e Game’s Afoot” were for coff ee and gossip as Birch as Nurse Culligan, held Wednesday evening Chipperfi elds is closed for Greg Kirk as George, Flow at MCI. Th e show is expect- Photo by Ashley Hanks renovations. Other local Anderson as the para- ed to return in November connections to Minnedosa medic and Art Dalton as with another three-night Th e cast of Clinical Chaos with the plays’ director and writer. in the play include men- silent but hilarious patient, run. Three Busy Days Planned For Fun Fest By ERIN WOODCOCK nual Street Market. Th e Magician, Patrick tivities running too late for Credit Union and will be Job Centre. Th ere will be market will be held on Sat- Gregoire, will be join- young kids. available at the door. games, activities and ted- un Fest is fast ap- urday, July 11th. We have ing us again this year. He Th e beer gardens will We have also added dy bear check-ups. Fproaching and we have over 50 vendors com- will be performing at the be open Saturday after- some events for the Sun- We are still looking another great weekend ing from all over Mani- Street Market on Satur- noon in the arena. Every- day as well. Lisa Bu- for a few more volunteers planned! Last year’s event toba including Winnipeg, day afternoon. He has an thing is set up to use for the chanan at the Rec Offi ce and service groups, orga- was very successful and we Grandview, LaBroquerie, amazing, blow your mind socials so it might as well is organizing a softball nizations or sports clubs hope that this year will be Wawanesa, Virden and of show planned for all ages! be used. Th ey are looking tournament up at the mi- to help out. If anyone is even better. course, Minnedosa which Th ere are a few chang- at having some activities nor ball diamonds. Th e interested in helping out We have lots of favou- will provide a great mix es being made this year planned during the beer tournament registration is please contact me, Erin rites back again such as the of handmade and direct with the Kid’s Bike Parade gardens as well. Th ere is $60 per team. Call the Rec Woodcock at 204-867- Kid’s Bike Parade, Fun Fest sales vendors. You can and the beer gardens. Th e still the Friday night so- Offi ce to register. ‘Yoga 3754 or email Minnedosa- Parade, Rotary Supper, check out the Minnedosa Bike Parade will take place cial, featuring Better Th an. in Th e Park’ with Allyson [email protected]. Lion’s Pancake Breakfast, Fun Fest Facebook page on Friday, July 10th start- Tickets are $10, no minors Potrebka is a new event Th e detailed itinerary for beer gardens and social, for a complete list of ven- ing at the Personal Care are allowed and you must that is happening in Tan- Fun Fest will be distribut- Valley Cruizers car show, dors attending. A few ven- Home. It will end at Tan- have your ID to enter. Th e ner’s Park. You will need ed starting June 29th. Any Kids activities, Lawn- dors are planning to bring ner’s Park where there will Saturday night will fea- to bring your own mat and groups that are planning mower Poker Derby, Street their families with them be a BBQ and freezies and ture Sister Reign. Tickets water and it is free to at- events and want to be on Market and more. so they can enjoy the oth- activities. We decided to are $15, no minors are al- tend. Th ere will be a Ted- the itinerary, are asked to Th is year, Krista Pow- er events taking place dur- change the time after re- lowed and you must have dy Bear’s Picnic in Tan- get their information to ell is heading the 6th An- ing Fun Fest. ceiving some feedback ID to enter. Tickets will be ner’s Park that will be run me by June 25th. from parents about the ac- available in advance at the by the Manitoba Youth G2EFF'YWXSQ7 1 TVE pperfi VO ] hi eld E MR C P K ' 6PCOMING&VENTS Now taking bookings for all your herbicide and fungicide needs. C of y Call Clark at 204-867-7721 or Greg at 204-851-6431 fee Compan or Contact Bruce Curle at Richarson/Pioneer at 204-867-5635 4ENIOR.EN±S0PEN :HHNO\6SHFLDOV 8EDNESDAY+ULYTH )ULGD\-XQHWK)ULGD\-XO\UG 7KXUVGD\1LWH 4ENIOR-ADIES0PEN 0HQ¶V*ROI 5HURSDAY+ULYTH %UHDNIDVW0XI¿Q .IXED0PEN DQG0HGLXP&RIIHH -XO\QG- 4ATURDAY+ULYTH 6KRWJXQ6WDUW6 6SRQVRULV SP 9LWHUUD $ALLTHEPROSHOPAT &DUG6WXG FORMORE %X\FRXQWU\OXQFKHVDQG INFORMATIONORTOREGISTER UHFHLYHWKHQGKDOISULFH Th e Minnedosa Tribune Friday, June 26, 2015 3 IT’S A FACT! 1,983 copies of The Minnedosa Tribune are SOLD each week. Many FREE distribution newspapers are tossed aside and never leave the Post Offi ce. Consider this when spending your HARD-EARNED advertising dollars. Source: Canadian Media 1,983 Circulation Audit Sale Dates: *We accept Visa, Master CardC d&d & debit bi card d purchases h *We* sell lottery tickets *We deliver within town limits Mon - Sat at 4:00 p.m * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens! JUNE 26TH - JULY 2ND * We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets ($2 charge - $10 minimum order) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M.
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