Unit II : Memory Management Memory Management in 80386-Segment Translation, Page Translation, Combining Segment and Page Translation. Contents • Memory Management in 80386-Segment Translation, Page Translation, Combining Segment and Page Translation, • Operating in Real Mode, Virtual x86 Mode. • Protection: Need of Protection, Overview of 80386DX protection Mechanism, Privilege levels Address Spaces of 80386 • There are 3 address spaces of 80386: – Logical address space – Linear address space – Physical address space Machine language programs use logical address for both instruction and operand address. Segmentation unit translates logical address into 32-bit linear address space. When paging unit is enabled, paging unit translates the linear address space into physical address space. If the paging unit is disabled ,the linear address corresponds to the physical address. Logical & Linear Address • Logical Address: Consists of a) segment selector b) offset. The selector is available in segment register. The offset is calculated by the processor by adding base, index and displacement fields. The segmentation unit converts the logical address to linear address using the segment descriptor indicated by the segment selector. • Linear Address : o When the paging is disabled the linear address is actually the physical address . o When the paging is enabled the linear address is converted to physical address through paging . Memory Address Translation SELECTOR OFFSET Logical Address DIRECTORY TABLE OFFSET Linear Address Physical Address Segment Translation • To perform this translation, the processor uses the following data structures: – Descriptors – Descriptor tables – Selectors – Segment Registers Segment Selector – 16 bit A segment selector is loaded into a segment register (cs, ds, etc.) to select one of the regular segments in the system as the one addressed via that segment register. Segment Descriptor • Describes a segment • Must be created for every segment • Is created by the programmer • Determines a base address of the segment • Determines a size of the segment • Determines a type of the segment • Determines a privilege level of the segment Segment Descriptor Defines followings • Base address (32-bits) • Segment limit (20 bits) • Type of segment (4 bits) • Privilege level of segment (2 bits) • Whether segment is physically, present (1 bit) • Whether segment has accessed before (1 bit) • Granularity of limit field (1 bit) • Size of operands within segment (1 bit) • Intel reserved bit (1 bit) • AVL bit (1 bit) • Default size (1 bit) Segment Descriptor 15 0 Segment Limit ( 0 – 15 ) Base Address ( 0 – 15 ) P DPL S TYPE Base Address(16 – 23) D A Segment Base Address G / 0 V Limit ( 24 – 31 ) B L ( 16 – 19 ) 1 – SegmentDescriptor0- System is present PrivilegeType Segment of Descriptor 0 – data read-only unused in MemoryLevel1 - Code/Data Segment Available to 1 – data readGranularity-only, accessed bit for limit 1 - 32 bit operationsProgrammer 2 – data read/writefield 8 – code execute0 - only16 bit operations 9 – code execute0 – segment only, accessed size 64kB A – code execute/read1 – no. of 4KB pages Segment Descriptor Base Address: Starting address of the memory segment Limit: •Length of the segment minus 1. •20-bits allows segments up to 1 MB. •This value is shifted by 12 bits to the left when the G (Granularity bit) is set to 1. G (Granularity) Bit: When G=0, segments can be 1 byte to 1MB in length. When G=1, segments can be 4KB to 4GB in length. Segment Descriptor U bit: User (OS) defined bit. X Bit: Reserved by Intel D bit: Indicates how the instructions (80386 and up) access register and memory data in protected mode. .When D=0, instructions are 16-bit instructions, with 16-bit offsets and 16-bit registers. Stacks are assumed 16-bit wide and SP is used. .When D=1, 32-bits are assumed. Allows 8086- 80286 programs to run. GDT and LDT • Two types of descriptor tables are used by processor when working in protected-mode. • GDT (Global Descriptor Table) is used for holding descriptor entries of operating system segments. • LDT (Local Descriptor Table) contains entries of normal application segments. • During initialization, the kernel creates a single GDT which is kept in memory until either the operating system terminates or until the processor is switched back to real-mode. • Whenever new application starts, the operating system creates a new LDT to hold the descriptor entries which represent the segments used by new task. This makes it possible for operating system to isolate each task's address space by enabling a different LDT whenever a task switch occurs. • GDT – Unique – Hold segments – System , non system. LDT • Is optional • Extends GDT • Individual task • IDT – Descriptors for ISR • GDTR- – 48 bit reg. – LIMIT of GDT –(16bits) – Max size of GDT-65536 bytes – IDTR (Same as GDTR) – LDTR – 16 bit Reg. – Specifies address of LDT descr. In GDT Hidden Part of Segment Selector Segment Base Limit Access Selector Address Information GDTR is a 48 bit Register 32-bit Linear Base Address 16 bit Table Limit LDTR Segment 32-bit Linear Base 16 bit Table Selector Address Limit 2) Local Descriptor Table (LDT): • Defined on a task basis in a multitasking system. • Each task has its own LDT, but tasks can also share a few different LDTs. 3) Interrupt Descriptor Table(IDT): • It defines interrupt or exception handling routine. • It is a direct replacement for the interrupt vector table used in 8086 systems. • Exactly one GDT and one IDT must be defined for the 80386 to operate in protected mode. Segment Translation University Questions Q1) What are different types of descriptors? [3] Q2) What is TSS descriptors? [3] Q3) Types of Segment Descriptors Access Rights for Segments Expansion Direction for data and stack segment Code Segment Descriptor Access Right Byte Configuration Non System Descriptor S=1 Non System System Descriptor S=0 Type Defines Type Defines System 0 Reserved by Intel 8 Reserved by Intel Descripors 1 Available 80286 TSS 9 Available Intel 80286 TSS 2 LDT A Undefined 3 Busy 80286 TSS B Busy Intel 80386DX 4 80286 Call Gate C Intel 80386DX Call gate 5 Task Gate D Undefined 6 80286 Interrupt Gate E 80386DX Interrupt Gate 7 80286 Trap Gate F 80386DX Trap Gate System Segment Descriptor • LDT Descriptors (S = 0, Type = 2): • The LDT descriptors are present only in the Global Descriptor Table (GDT). • They contain the information about the local descriptor tables. • The local descriptor table contains the segment descriptors, which are unique to a particular task. • The DPL (Descriptor privilege field) of this descriptor has ignored because it can be access with only privilege level 0. System Segment Descriptor • TSS Descriptor (S = 0, Type = 1, 3, 9, B) : • In a multitasking environment computer performs more than one task at a time, and it also switch between the task. • A task can be a single program, or it can be a group of related programs. • When it switches from task1 to task 2, it stores all the information necessary to restart the task 1. • It involves saving the contents of all of ‘the processor registers as well as any read/write memory variables and the address of next instruction to be executed. Such information is called state of the task or context of the task. • The 80386 uses a special segment called task state segment (TSS) to store the state/context of the task. • This segment can be address with the help of task state segment (TSS) descriptor. The TSS descriptor contains information about the location, size, and privilege level of a TSS. System Segment Descriptor • Gate Descriptors(S=0, TYPE=4-7, C, F): • A gate is a special of the descriptor. It allows the 80386, which automatically performs the protection checks. There are following types of gate descriptors as follows: • Call Gates: – It has used to change privilege levels. • Task gates: – It has used to perform a task switch. • Interrupt and trap gates: – Both have used to specify interrupt service routines. PAGING • A memory-management scheme that permits the physical address space of a process to be non-contiguous. • Physical memory broken into fixed-sized blocks called FRAMES and break logical memory into blocks of the same size called PAGE • Every address generated by the CPU is divided into two parts: Page number and Page offset • Paging translates Linear address to physical address Physical address space with paging • Supporting data structures • PDBR • PDE descr. • Page directory table • PTE descr. • Page table • Page frame Page Directory Entry Page Frame Address Avail 0 0 0 A P P U W P (12-31) C W D T PresentWritable Base Address of Page TableAvailable for user AccessedPage Wright through Cache Disable User Page/System Page • Accessed bit : Manually resettled • User/supervisor`: if set : pages covered by this entry are accessible to all users if clear : only for PL0,1,2 Read/Write bit : If U/S` is clear R/W` has no effect But if U/S`=1 then pages covered by this entry will be write protected. If R/W` is set : write privileges are allowed from PL3 code U/S` R/W` Permitted level Permitted access levels 0,1,2 0 0 None Read/Write 0 1 None Read/Write 1 0 Read-Only Read/Write 1 1 Read/Write Read/Write (PL0) Page Table Entry Page Frame Address Avail 0 0 D A P P U W P (12-31) C W D T Dirty Paging 10 10 12 Page Directory Page Table 4KB Page PDBR Translation Lookaside Buffer or Page translation Cache: • The 80386DX paging mechanism has designed to support demand paged virtual memory systems. • Performance would degrade substantially if the processor was required to access two levels of tables (Page directory and page table) for every memory access. • To solve this problem, the 80386DX stores the most recently used page table entries in an on-chip cache.
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