SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev4 | November 2019 This document has been prepared for SSE by Intertek Energy & Water Consultancy Services Exchange House, Station Road, Liphook, Hampshire GU30 7DW, United Kingdom SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document DOCUMENT RELEASE FORM SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev4 Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document Author/s Kerri Gardiner Project Manager Authoriser Anna Farley Anna Farley Rev No Date Reason Author Checker Authoriser Client Authoriser Rev 0 07/03/2019 Original KAG PD/ALF ALF PC Rev 1 15/03/2019 Final HS ALF ALF PC Rev 2 18/03/2019 Change to UK SAC status ALF - - PC Rev 3 19/09/2019 Removal of reference to ES ALF ALF PC works within contiguous zone Rev 4 15/11/2019 Addressing client RJ KAG ALF PC comments Intertek Energy & Water Consultancy Services is the trading name of Metoc Ltd, a member of the Intertek group of companies. I LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev3 | September 2019 SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document II LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev3 | September 2019 SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document CONTENTS DOCUMENT RELEASE FORM I 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Developer 1 1.2 Project Overview 1 1.3 Foreshore Application Area 2 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED SURVEY WORKS 6 2.1 Survey Schedule 6 2.2 Geophysical Survey 6 2.3 Geotechnical Survey 9 2.4 Wind Resource and Metocean Characterisation 12 2.5 Landfall Topographic Survey 15 2.6 Environmental Survey 15 2.7 Survey Vessels 15 2.8 General Requirements 16 2.9 Embedded Mitigation 17 3. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS 19 3.1 Protected Sites 19 3.2 Intertidal and Benthic Communities 21 3.3 Birds 24 3.4 Fish 24 3.5 Marine Mammals 29 3.6 Commercial Fishing 31 3.7 Shipping and Navigation 33 3.8 Subsea Infrastructure and Wrecks 36 3.1 Recreation 36 3.2 Other Proposed Activities in the Area 36 4. POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 39 4.1 Identification of Pressures 39 I LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev3 | September 2019 SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document 4.2 Intertidal and Benthic Communities 40 4.3 Protected Sites 41 4.4 Marine Mammals 42 4.5 Fish 50 4.6 Birds 52 4.7 Sea and Air Navigation Systems 53 4.8 Archaeology 53 4.9 Marine Activity 53 4.10 Recreational Resource 55 4.11 Waste Management 56 REFERENCES 57 Appendix A Stage 1 - Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening A-1 A.1 Introduction A-2 A.2 Approach to AA Screening A-3 A.3 Describe the Project A-3 A.4 Identification of Relevent Natura 2000 Sites A-4 A.5 Assessment of LIkely Significant Effect A-16 A.6 Screening Statement and Conclusions A-24 Appendix B B-1 B.1 Introduction B-2 B.2 Keeragh islands spa B-2 B.3 Mid-Waterford Coast spa B-6 II LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev3 | September 2019 SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Tables Table 2-1 Calculated borehole survey footprint 12 Table 2-2 Embedded mitigation 17 Table 3-1 Protected sites 19 Table 3-2 EUNIS Habitats present within the application area 21 Table 3-3 Summary of spawning and nursery periods for commercially important fish species within the application area 26 Table 3-4 Cetacean species whose distribution includes the application area 29 Table 3-5 Development applications near to Celtic Sea application area 37 Table 4-1 Marine mammal auditory bandwidth 42 Table 4-2 Injury criteria for marine mammals (impulse) - SPL (unweighted) 43 Table 4-3 Summary of results 45 Table A-1 Search areas – zone of influence A-6 Table A2 Screening assessment A-8 Table A-3 Breeding season A-18 Table A-4 Summary - Potential for likely significant effects A-25 Table B-1 Cross-reference to other supporting information B-2 Table B-2 Assessment of potential impacts B-3 Table B-3 Assessment of potential effects B-6 Figures Figure 1-1 Location Overview (Drawing P2278-A2-LOC-001) 3 Figure 1-2 Location Overview (Drawing P2278-A2-LOC-002) 4 Figure 1-3 Location Overview (Drawing P2278-A2-LOC-003) 5 Figure 2-1 Kongsberg EM2040 MBES 8 Figure 2-2 EdgeTech 4200 SSS 8 Figure 2-3 Geometrics G-882 magnetometer 9 Figure 2-4 EdgeTech 3200 SBP 9 Figure 2-5 Fugro Seacalf CPT system 11 Figure 2-6 Example of LiDAR buoy 14 Figure 2-7 Example of wave rider buoy 14 Figure 2-8 Example of ADCP 14 III LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev3 | September 2019 SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document Figure 3-1 Protected sites (Drawing P2278-A2-PROT-001) 20 Figure 3-2 Benthic Habitats (Drawing P2278-A2-HAB-001) 23 Figure 3-3 Fish spawning and nursery grounds (Drawing P2278-A2-FISH-001) 27 Figure 3-4 Fish spawning and nursery grounds continued (Drawing P2278-A2-FISH-002) 28 Figure 3-5 Fishing activity (Drawing P2278-A2-FISH-003) 32 Figure 3-6 Commercial vessel tracks by type (56 days AIS) 34 Figure 3-7 Fishing vessel tracks by length (56 days AIS) 35 Figure 3-8 Recreational vessel tracks by length (56 days AIS) 36 Figure 3-9 Other users (Drawing P2278-A2-OTHR-001) 38 Figure A-1 AA Screening Process A-3 IV LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev3 | September 2019 SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document 1. INTRODUCTION SSE Renewables (SSE) wish to assess the suitability of an area of interest off the south and south east coast of Ireland to assess the suitability of an area for a wind farm development. The area of interest for the actual wind farm is beyond the 12 nautical mile limit (~22.2km) and so not on State foreshore. However, two possible cable routes traverse the foreshore to the 12 nautical mile limit. It is these cables routes that will be the subject of the proposed site investigation works. As part of the proposed works, SSE wish to carry out geophysical, geotechnical and environmental surveys. To carry out the site investigation works within the possible export cable corridors that lie within the Foreshore area, SSE will require a non-exclusive Foreshore Licence from the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government. To minimise the risk associated with poor winter weather conditions, SSE would seek to carry out most of the proposed site investigation works between April and October within the five years following award of a Foreshore Licence. This document has been prepared to support the Foreshore Licence application and provides: ▪ Description of the proposed marine surveys; ▪ Assessment of environmental sensitivities in the region; ▪ Review of shipping and navigation; ▪ Assessment of potential effects of the proposed surveys; ▪ Results of Appropriate Assessment Screening; and ▪ Natura Impact Assessment. 1.1 Developer At SSE we’re proud to make a difference. From small beginnings we’ve grown to become Ireland’s second largest energy provider and the country’s leading developer and investor in cleaner energy infrastructure. At SSE, we are committed to playing our part in ensuring society realises the ambition of the Paris Climate Agreement to bring net greenhouse gas emissions down to zero. Since 2008, SSE has invested over €2.5 billion in growing our energy business here – creating jobs in Ireland, sustaining employment, driving competition and greening our economy. Our 29 onshore wind farms have a combined generation capacity of 740MW, making us the largest generator and provider of renewable energy in the integrated all-island Single Electricity Market. SSE is a leading developer of offshore wind in Great Britain with almost 900MW of operational capacity and a further 7GW in development stage. SSE are currently constructing the 588MW Beatrice wind farm in Scotland which is expected to power approximately 450,000 homes. In Ireland SSE is progressing the development of Arklow Bank Wind Park – Phase 2 off the coast of Arklow, Co. Wicklow. SSE plc is committed to continuing to invest in new renewable energy and as a leading developer and operator of offshore wind energy, we believe offshore wind development will be key to achieving Ireland’s transition to a low carbon economy. 1.2 Project Overview SSE wish to assess the suitability of two areas of interest for cable installation associated with a potential circa 800MW offshore wind development in the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The two export cable corridors are located off the coastline from Bun Machan / Bunmahon, County Waterford and Graigue Hill, County Wexford, to 12nm offshore. Each export cable corridor is 4km wide. 1 LF000037-REP-002_P2278_R4673_Rev4 | November 2019 SSE RENEWABLES (IRELAND) LTD Celtic Sea Array Foreshore Licence Application for Marine Survey Work - Supporting Document The potential export cable routes have been chosen following a phased site selection process which included regional resource and constraints analysis and an assessment of renewable generation capacity requirements. In addition, a preliminary shipping and navigation assessment was undertaken to ensure navigational risks were understood should the proposed area of interest area be taken forward for development. To ensure alignment with the Government’s plan, the findings and recommendations of the strategic environmental assessment which underpin the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment’s (DCCAE) Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan have been used as a basis for the survey area selection process.
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