THE NORTH AND SOUTH STANDING TOGETHER. NAVAL INTELLIGENCE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS. TO THE EDITORS. THADDEUS 8TEVENS. » 1848. NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER. I ROM TIE SAVANNAH ¦EPl'BLICAIT. F ROM THE SOBfOlR HERALD. From Cist's Cincinnati Advertiser and Nilea's Soots Gibww, Gibson Co., (Tew.) Not. 9, To the Editors of the National Intelligencer: The Northern Vote..Zachary Taylor is The following is a statement which we have cor¬ Register we gather some interesting statistics of the Gbbtleme* Believing that you lake some interest in the Gentlemen : Perceiving in the Baltimore Sun, New York. number of electoral votes cast for each aflairs of the Government of this Unite and interested in and other of recent date, cer¬ MR. GIDDINGS IN REPLY TO MR. SMITH. President elect of the United States. He was nomi- rected up to the present time of the United States President. feel Journal of Commerce, paper*, nated and has been run on broad national grounds, vessfels belonging to the different squadrons. The Originally two persons were voted for.the highest the welfare of your fellow-citixens, I venture to sddresu you tain statements relative to Mr. Stevens, which, if not cor¬ *We have received by mail from the Hon. Joshua having for his platform the constitution, his object Home squadron extends the whole length of the in vote being thereby made President, and the next upon a subject in which I with hundreds of others am much rected, are calculated to mislead the Public mind in regard to Ame¬ coast of the United States the Pacific Vice President. But the which concerned ; a on which I have hitherto failed to re¬ the viowa and of this R. Giddings, of Ohio, a copy of a long letter, which the greatest good of the greatest number of the ; squadron highest difficulty subject purposes distinguished gentleman upon and his the moderate from Horn to the mouth ot the Columbia sprang from the equal vote of Jefferson and Burr ceive satisfactory information, after application to every source a of national interest and I request per¬ has in some of the Ohio papers, rican people, constituency Cape question importance, already appeared and conservative men of the country. He is in¬ river; the Mediterranean squadron throughout the effected a change in the Constitution. | from which I could expect to derive it. That subject is the mission, in sheer justice to him, once for all, to set the matter on the of the Address of the Hon. Truman* the " Land" act of of 1847. d subject debted to no particular section or locality for his Mediterranean sea; the Brazil squadron along In 1789. Ten States were entitled to 73 votes. George Bounty Congress February 11, right before the country through the columns of the National to the in this some act aa Smith Public, published paper success, having been supported with the same zeal east coast of South America ; the African squadron Washington received 79, which were all the votes cast, a» I have read the published in the country journals, Intelligencer. From the Washington Union, PenneyItanian, ¦weeks ago. To so much of the address of the lat¬ and unanimity in the North, the East, the South, along the west coast of Africa and the adjacent some of the States were not represented in full. John Adams and have failed to understand its provisions plainly. The New York Evening Post, and other " Democratic " presses- vote islands and the East India extends I have seen must have been made or the ter as arraigned Mr. Giddinus's conduct in the and the West. Nor has he received the entire ; squadron along was cho«en Vice President. copies loosely up, justice to Mr. Stevens is scarcely to be expected. Naver in the above-named divisions. In the eastern coast of Asia and Africa. act itse:f must have been very written. The ob¬ was man more than he his House as the Representative of his constituents we of either section In 1792. Fifteen Stales were entitled to 135 votes, ofwhich cardeasly maligned by political opponents, the for he and The home consist* of the frigate Raritan, now votes cast. scurity (to me) is in the concluding words of that part (I and the work of detraction will doubtless he very the reply of that gentleman, South, example, gets Maryland Squadron George Washington received 132, all the John diligently pursued willingly publish loses ; North Carolina and loses South the tlag-ship ; sloops of war Albany, Germantown, and Sa¬ Adams Vice President. have no copy before me) relative to the rule of heirship, in those as fond of as familiar with it; but froot as As for the residue of his letter, we Virginia again by seemingly subjoined. Carolina ; Georgia and loses Alabama ; Florida ratoga ; war steamers Mississippi, Iris, and NV atei witch. In 1796. Sixteen States were entitled to 138 votes, of which which it is stated that the bounty shall fall, "first, to the the professedly neutral press more fairness is to be looked for ; do not that can accrue to perceive any advantage andloses Mississippi; Louisiana andloses Texas; The Pacific Squadron consists of the ship-of-the-line John Adams received 71, and Thomas Jefferson was chosen wife; second, the children ; third, the father; fourth, the in the present instance, it is trusted, not in vain. Mr. Gidbinos or to the Public, by allowing to be Tennessee and loses Arkansas Kentucky and Ohio, the flag ship; ship-of the-line razeed Independence, Vice President. mother, icc." of any deceased volunteer. The " et cetera" Mr. Stevens is charged with being "an abolitionist." The same is true at the East and St. W to me to include collateral heirs < and I find this repeated in our columns, now that the election and loses Missouri. frigate Congress, sloops-of-war Mary's, arren, Dale, In 1800. Sixteen States were entitled to 188 votes, of appeared This is simply not the fact. The same charge was made with the free and the and was the of other I afterwards saw a its excitements are over, the arguments for or the North. Reckoning Delaware Preble, and store-ships Lexington, Southampton, yhich Thomas Jetlerson and Aaron Burr received each 73. opinion many persons. against him while he was a candidate for election to Congress. he out of the sixteen Northern and Fredonia. The we has been condemned of and Instructions issued from the Pension the several candidates for the or States, gets eight sloop Warren, learn, No choice by the people. The House of Representative*, copy Regulations In the course of that canvass, the editor of the Lancaster In¬ against Presidency, Eastern States. It therefore, that (ten. as and is as a in Monte¬ in which it is declared "no brother " " criminations and recriminations of their appears, unseaworthy, employed »tore-ship after baiUting six days, on the thirty-sixth ballot elected Department, eipressly telligencer, a leading Democratic journal of Pennsylvania, the respec¬ been sections of or . Taylor has supported by all the rey bay. Thomas Jefferson President and Aaron Burr Vice President. sister can claim the bounty under the act went so far as to say "Mr. Stevens is the sworn foe of the tive Let be Indebted to no local influence of the Lni- But what was on a ' supporters. by-gones by-gones. country. particular The Mediterranean Squadron consists frigate In 1804. Seventeen States were entitled to 176 votes, of my surprise seeing in late number of South.an abolitionist; willing^iot only to exclude slavery for his success, but efficient support from ted States, the ; the war steamer Princeton, schr. the Washington Lilian (I forget the a lengthy course ' from what is to Mr. Smith. deriving flag-ship which Thomas Jefferson received 162. George Clinton ^ ice date) newly-acquired territory, but, infinitely worse*. Extractfrom Mr. Giddings'3 reply all parts of the Union, and obtaining a majority of Taney, and store-ship Supply. President. of instructions to persons interested in the bounty, in which . interfere with its existence where the constitution has alrea- " You agnail me in a manner unusual among gentle¬ the electoralvotes both North and South Mason the do not I it is asserted . quite of The Brazil Squadron consists of frigate Brandywine, In 18U8. Seventeen States and 176 votes. J^mes Madison (I mistake, think) plainly brothers and dy planted it." No sooner bad this article appeared io men the stations which we fill. You say that you and Dixon s line,heis as the President of-war war steamer sisters of deceased soldiers can and receive the occupying emphatically the flag-ship ; sloop St. Louis, AlU'g.ia- received 122 votes, and was chosen President; George C.in- may bounty print than it was authoritatively contradicted in the Union and have caubfd the Journal of the House of Representatives to be the A ation as he was the candidate the Peo- land or of of ny, brig Perry, and stoie-ship Relief. ton Vice President. George Clinton had received electoral scrip. Tribune, a Lancaster Whig paper, whose editor distinctly and searched in order to determine the number of times during the He received electoral votes in the of the I have of and other and " ple. sixty-six The African Sifuadron consists frigate Jamestown, votes at every election since the organization of the Govern¬ inquired lawyers knowing ones, emphatically stated that Mr. Stevens was not an abolitioc.- late session which I failed to answer to my name on the call bouth, and in the Northern States, to are . ninety-seven the flag-ship ; sloops-of-war Decatur, Portsmouth, and \ ork- ment.
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