The Westfield Serving the Town Since 1890 Leader USPS 680020 Published OUR 108th YEAR ISSUE NO. 32-99 Periodical Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, August 12, 1999 Every Thursday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Drought Creates Dry Conditions Which Benefit Three-Year Term Recent Construction Work at Sycamore Field Proposal Pulled By RUSSELL R. WATKINS Residents, he said, should expect a Specially Written for The Westfield Leader cleaner, friendlier, and more usable As Debate Ensues Those looking for a bright side to environment, when the park opens Westfields current water woes next spring. By PAUL J. PEYTON cide whether Westfield should change should look no further than the reno- The project will cost $120,000, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader to a non-partisan setup with elec- vation project at Sycamore Field on most of which will be paid for with The issue of term lengths for the tions to be held in May. Central Avenue. Westfield municipal funds. A total of Mayor and Town Council will not While party labels would not be The dry weather has actually $25,000 will come from Union appear as a ballot question before used by candidates in this format, the made it easier for the contractors to Countys Pocket Park program, a Westfield voters...at least not this lengths of terms would remain at two do their job because the dirt is so matching funds program established November. years. Mr. Sullivan noted, however, light its easy to move around, said by the Union County Board of Cho- Following an hour-plus debate on that election campaigns, currently Recreation Commission Director sen Freeholders in 1998 designed to the dais Tuesday night, a resolution nearly seven months long, would be Glenn S. Burrell. help municipalities renovate exist- calling for a non-binding referen- cut to 60 days. Bill Brennan, job supervisor for ing parks and acquire dwindling open dum to change terms from two to Mr. Goldmans resolution and pro- Con-Serve Gulla Construction, the space. three years was pulled by its sponsor, posed ordinance would set up a cycle New York construction company To date, the program has provided Democratic Fourth Ward Council- whereby the first year would see the contracted by Westfield to renovate $3.2 million to county municipali- man Lawrence A. Goldman. election of a mayor and four of the the site, said he expects to be done ties. In 1998, Westfield received Council members had until Fri- eight council members, with the re- with the construction phase of the $117,500 which it used to renovate day, August 20 to file a resolution for maining four council members to be project by the end of the month. William A. Burke for The Westfield Leader the former Lincoln School play- RENOVATING SYCAMORE...Work is underway on the renovation project a referendum with the office of the elected in the second year. There Poor field conditions prompted ground as well as Tamaques, Gumbert at Sycamore Field on Central Avenue. The field will receive new sod and a Union County Clerk. The council would be no election in the third year the overhaul of the 1.5-acre park and Brightwood Parks. irrigation system among other improvements. does not meet again until September. of the cycle. which is dominated by a soccer field This year, in addition to the Sy- Democrats have said they moved Mr. Sullivans proposed three-year and used primarily by the Westfield camore Field project, the town will Burrell said Elizabethtown Water has allowed construction to pro- to the three-year proposal after referendum question would have the Soccer Association. use Pocket Park money to make small Company recently indicated that the ceed with ease, but it would quickly Westfield Republican Committee Mayor elected for a three-year term There were times it would rain improvements at Mindowaskin Park, line may not work. ruin any new sod, he said. Because Chairman Robert Cockren indicated in 2000. To stagger council terms, and the field would be out of com- renovate buildings at Tamaques Park If that proves true, the irrigation sod needs time to set, Mr. Burrell that the four-year cycle, as originally those elected to office in 2000 would mission for a couple of days, Mr. and create a Paul Robeson Memorial system would have to use the line said the field will not be ready for proposed, would place elections in serve for two years, with three-year Burrell said. Park at Waterson Street and Rahway across the street, but only after the use until spring regardless of the years favorable to Democrats in terms terms to begin in 2001. The entire park is being leveled Avenue. water company conducted its own weather conditions. of national and state fundraising ef- Absolutely, this (a Town Charter and will receive new topsoil, sod, Despite plenty of funding and the wet tap. Some residents wanted new play- forts. change) must be voted on by the and an irrigation system within the odd cooperation of Mother Nature, According to Mr. Burrell, that ground equipment installed as part In an attempt to gain bi-partisan people for this to take place, Mr. next month. A small playground the Sycamore Field project has not could delay the project for up to two of the project, but Mr. Burrell said support of his resolution, Mr. Sullivan said. area bordering Sycamore Avenue been problem-free. According to Mr. months. that funding and space limitations Goldman said he was willing to with- Democrats said they believed Mr. will have its existing equipment Burrell, controversy over nearby Town Engineer Edward A. Gottko made that impossible. Under the draw it and begin discussion on an Sullivans proposal was made to kill cleaned and surrounded by concrete water lines may stall the project for believes the controversy can be re- current plan, existing equipment ordinance that would petition the any chance of a referendum vote this curbs and a wood-chip carpet. Con- eight to 12 weeks. solved quickly. will be refurbished and cleaned. State Legislature to amend Westfield year. Democratic Mayor Thomas C. crete benches and a crushed-stone Records show two water lines in Theres been a little bit of confu- Additional new equipment has Mayoral and council terms to three Jardim saw the proposal as a chess path around the far side of the field the area, one directly beneath the sion, he said, but were working on not been ruled out. Mr. Burrell said years. Two-thirds vote of both houses game that had turned the process for will round out the improvements. park, the other across the street. The it. that a capital budget submission to of the Legislature would be needed to a referendum on three-year terms Mr. Burrell said the overhaul will new irrigation system was supposed Mr. Burrell believes a delay might the Town Council could provide pass such an action. into a procedural quagmire. create a better, more usable field. to tap the line under the park, but Mr. actually benefit the park. Dry weather CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 A provision in that ordinance Both Mr. Goldman and Mayor would require that the bill, once Jardim said they were not prepared to signed by the Governor, would have vote on Mr. Sullivans proposal. Mr. to go before Westfield voters, who Sullivan said he was disappointed Town Eyeing New Jitney Service for Commuters; would ultimately determine its fate. that his serious proposal for non- Republican Third Ward Council- partisan elections had failed to gain a man Neil F. Sullivan, Jr. indicated discussion at the council level. Would Include Four Shuttles, Charge $1 Per Trip that the Democrats main opposition The Mayor said he can no longer to the present two-year terms was be accused of sandbagging his fel- that the Town Council cannot ac- low council members by introducing By PAUL J. PEYTON Stanmore Place, Brightwood Avenue We need 133 rides to break even program. He said the Town Council items without prior council discus- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader and Oak Tree Pass; Barchester Way complish much work during the fall at a buck a trip, explained Mayor would need to approve a line item of campaign season. Municipal officials last week an- and Lawrence Avenue and the cor- Jardim at the August 3 Town Council $13,000 in the 2000 municipal bud- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 nounced that the town is working on ners of Lawrence with Roanoke Road, Its up to the nine of us; its up to conference meeting, when the pro- get if it decided to continue the pro- the people who support us; its up to a plan with the County of Union to Hillside Avenue and Dudley Avenue. gram was announced. gram. launch a jitney bus service in the Routes 3, Central Avenue at South the people who come to the Council Bids Expected Riders would be able to purchase He emphasized to the press and Chambers, to keep the politics out (of downtown area starting this fall. Avenue, Park Street, Grove Street, weekly, 10-trip or yearly passes. The council members that, This is not Under preliminary plans for the Clifton Street and Clover Street, and Town Council business), he said. cost would be $10 per week, $40 a cast in stone. This is only the prelimi- Before a vote could be taken on On Projects program, transportation would be the intersection of Summit Avenue month or $480 for the year. Once the nary discussion. provided for commuters and senior and Clover Street, Montauk Drive, Mr. Goldmans resolution, Council- program is in place, tickets will be United Fund of Westfield Execu- man Sullivan made a motion to citizens alike to and from the train Clifton Street, Grove Street and Park available at the Town Clerks Office tive Director Linda Maggio said At Washington station from 35 designated locations Street.
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