SITE DESIGNATIONS ADDRESS: 108 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NH Application Number: 17/03658/FUL Case Officer: Luke Farmer Ward: Bishops Date Received: 27/07/2017 Proposal: Erection of temporary show venue and associated development for a period of up to five years (Use Class Sui Generis). Drawing numbers: 1707_HT_00_P_010; 1707_HT_00_P_011; 1707_HT_00_P_012; 1707_HT_AA_S_111; 1707_HT_AA_S_112; 1707_HT_E_211; 1707_HT_E_212; 1707_HT_LG_P_001A; 1707_HT_00_P_002A; 1707_HT_01_P_003; 1707_HT_02_P_004; 1707_HT_03_P_005; 1707_HT_AA_S_101; 1707_HT_BB_S_102; 1707_HT_E_201; 1707_HT_E_202; 1707_HT_E_203A; 1707_HT_E_204A. Documents: Construction Management Plan dated July 2017; Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment; Delivery & Servicing Plan dated October 2017; BREEAM (2014) Assessment; Flood Risk Assessment and Surface Water Drainage Strategy; Historic Environment Assessment; Planning Report – Acoustics; Resident & Stakeholder Engagement; Sustainability and Energy Strategy; Transport Statement dated July 2017; Travel Plan dated September 2017; Draft Visitor Management Plan dated 11 October 2017; Design and Access Statement; Planning Statement; Lambeth Transport Response dated October 2017; Transport for London Response dated October 2017. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 of the planning obligations listed in this report. 2. Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to: Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report; and Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 3. Delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Development to refuse planning permission in the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed by 19th December 2017 (or an alternative timeframe agreed with the LPA) on the grounds that the development would have an unacceptable impact on – transport and highways, visitor management, sustainability and local employment. 4. In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to Officers, having regard to the heads of terms set out in the report, to negotiate and complete a Section 106 Agreement in order to meet the requirements of the Planning Inspector. Applicant: MM! The Party (Property) Ltd. Agent: Lichfields Relevant site designations: Type of designation Applicable designation Central Activities Zone (CAZ) Waterloo Opportunity Area Waterloo Flood Zone 3 Archaeological Priority Area North Lambeth Conservation Area Adjoins Waterloo LAND USE DETAILS Site area 0.13 hectares Use Class Use Description Floorspace (Gross External Area) (square metres (sqm)) Existing - Vacant - Proposed Sui Generis Show Venue 1,945 sqm PARKING DETAILS Car Parking Car Parking Bicycle Motorbike Spaces Spaces Spaces Spaces (general) (Disabled) Existing 0 0 0 0 Proposed 0 0 26 0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The application proposes a temporary development for 5 years of a cleared, vacant site at the junction of Stamford Street and Cornwall Road. It is proposed to erect a building to house the London performances of ABBA’s ‘Mamma Mia! The Party’ (MMTP). The show already operates in Stockholm, Sweden, and would provide an immersive experience with guest seated at tables within the auditorium. Guests would be served a meal whilst the show goes on around them. Following the meal, the central tables would be cleared away and guests are then invited to join in with the full dancing and singing experience of show. The application site has remained in its current form since the previous commercial building was demolished in 1985. The site is owned by Coin Street Community Builders, who have longer term aspirations to develop it as the second phase of the adjacent Neighbourhood Centre. The application site is located within the Waterloo Opportunity Area and Central Activities Zone, home to the internationally renowned arts and cultural venues along the South Bank, and is located in close proximity to Waterloo railway and Underground stations. In such areas, strategic and local policy supports the promotion of arts and cultural activities and the enhancement of the South Bank in its role as an international cultural and leisure centre through supporting the development of arts and cultural facilities, as well as visitor related facilities. A show venue for the London performances of ABBA’s ‘Mamma Mia! The Party’ is therefore supported in principle, subject to other considerations such as design, heritage impacts, amenity and transport. The footprint, scale, bulk and massing of the Development would provide a positive response to the local context. Due to the use of the Site that is proposed, the building would not require many window openings, which would also limit the levels of noise breaking out of the building to acceptable levels. In the absence of windows to the upper levels of the building, interest would be provided in the form of ‘shimmering’ façades of blue/green toned coloured disks that flutter in the breeze, creating an abstract veil covering the building. Whilst the detailed design of the building would deviate from the local and historic character of the area, the finish to the façades would ensure that the building will be visually interesting, deliver design excellence and as such would contribute positively to the local and historic context. The design of the building is therefore considered acceptable. In terms of the impact of the proposals on surrounding heritage assets, the application site is surrounded by a number of heritage assets. The applicant has undertaken an extensive views analysis of the proposals in the context of the surrounding heritage assets. Officers consider that no harm would be caused to the surrounding heritage assets, or that of strategic and local views. Appropriate visitor management arrangements have been proposed and monitoring of impacts would be secured through the Section 106 Agreement to ensure that the proposed development would not have an unacceptable impact on neighbouring amenity. Furthermore, an annual financial contribution would be provided by the applicant to the Council, to mitigate other impacts of visitors to the venue, such as litter collection. The scale and form of the building would also ensure that acceptable levels of daylight, sunlight, outlook and privacy are retained to surrounding properties. The application site is located in a highly accessible area for public transport and it is envisaged that the majority of staff and guests would arrive to and depart from the site by this method. Where other methods would be used, such as by car, taxi or coach, these could be accommodated within the surrounding road network without any unacceptable impacts caused. This is also the case for servicing vehicles, where relatively low numbers of servicing trips would be required for the development to operate successfully. The temporary use proposed, would provide an appropriate form of development and use of an otherwise underused central London site, whilst plans are developed for the longer term use of the site. The scheme would provide public benefits in the form of a significant commitment by the applicant to employ local people during the end use of the building. The improved cultural offer of the wider area and economic benefits that this would bring locally, are also considered public benefits of the scheme. The applicant is willing to open the building for a free additional community function when the building is not in use for MMTP shows, for uses such as meetings, workshops and theatre training. Another public benefit that would be provided by the scheme is an improved street-scene for the area in the interim period prior to the permanent redevelopment of the site, which is currently open and enclosed by wooden fencing with 2 no. large panel advertisements. This would be replaced with a visually interesting building which would not be harmful to surrounding heritage assets. The design of the building would also ensure that it would have a limited impact on the environment through the use of sustainable materials and use of natural ventilation, and a BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rating is forecast. Officers consider that the development would be in compliance with the Development Plan for the Borough. There are no material considerations of sufficient weight that would dictate that the application should otherwise be refused. Officers are therefore recommending approval of the scheme, subject to conditions and the completion of a Section 106 Agreement. PLANNING OFFICER’S REPORT Reason for referral to PAC: The application is reported to the Planning Applications Committee in accordance with (1)(ii) of the Committee’s terms of reference as it relates to a major application for the creation of more than 1,000sqm of commercial floorspace. SITE AND SURROUNDINGS 1.1 The application site (‘the Site’) is rectangular in shape and lies at the junction of Stamford Street and Cornwall Road in Waterloo, central London. The Site is owned by Coin Street Community Builders (’CSCB’) and has been a vacant, cleared site since the previous commercial buildings were demolished in 1985, and was cleared to basement level. The wider urban block within which the Site is located within, is bound by Upper Ground to the north and Coin
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