地铁运营 METRO OPERATION 地铁运营 METRO Operation METRO Operation 地铁运营 2013年客运指标 PASSENGER Transportation Statistics FOR 2013 2013 2012 年度客运总量(万人次) Total annual passenger boarding (Per Ten Thousand Trips) 205241.21 185610 年度内最高日客运量(万人次) 751 693 YEAR Highest Daily passenger boarding (Per Ten Thousand Trips) 日均客运量(万人次) 563 507.1 DAY Average daily passenger boarding (Per Ten Thousand Trips) 客车开行列次 Train operation trips 1.630.882 1.526.576 储值票使用率% Pre-paid fare usage 78.31% 76.68% 备注:2013 年 12 月 28 日六号线开通试运营,该数据不含六号线。 客运表现 Note:The trial operation of Line 6 started on december 28, 2013, Line 6 is not included in the chart above. P ASSENGER SERVICE 广州地铁竭诚为八方来客提供优质的客运服务 2013年运营服务表现 Guangzhou Metro is committed to providing top quality services for pas- Operation Service PERFORMANCE FOR 2013 sengers from all over the world 99.97% 99.94% 99.95% 99.89% 99.92% 99.69% 2013年 2012年 2013年广州地铁始终坚持以乘客需求为导向,密 In 2013, GMC always insisted on its passengers’ demand-oriented 切跟踪线网客流变化规律,持续优化、调整大客流线路 guideline, closely kept track of the change rule of network passenger flow, and continuously optimized and adjusted large passenger flow line trans- 运输计划,在加快完成28列新车到位、69列新车调试 port plan; on a basis of accelerating the completion of 28 new trains and 的基础上,采取大小交路、跨线运营、不均衡运输等灵 the debugging of 69 new trains, GMC adopted flexible modes of transport 活的运输方式提高运能。六号线首期实现高水平开通, to increase the transportation capability, such as the line with big road and 运行图兑现率% 列车正点率% AFC系统设备完好 Running Chart Fulfillment Rate Trains Punctuality Rate 率(含广佛)% small road, overline operation and unbalanced transport. Phase 1 of Line 6 开通初期最小行车间隔压缩在4分钟以内,成为广州地 AFC System Equipment Service- achieved high-level operation and its minimum running interval at the initial ability Rate (including Guangfo 铁有史以来开通初期行车间隔最短的线路,改善了沿 Line) operation stage was compressed to less than 4 minutes, which made it the 线居民尤其是金沙洲居民出行条件。线网运营能力不断 line with the shortest running interval at the initial operation stage in the histo- ry of Guangzhou Metro and improved the travel condition of residents along 提升,全年安全运行2.3亿车公里,运送乘客20.5亿人 2013年乘客满意度状况 安全 the line, especially the residents in Jinshazhou. The operation capacity of safety 次,日均客运量563万人次,运行图兑现率、列车正点 PASSENGER Satisfaction INDEX FOR 2013 Metro network was constantly improved with an annual safety transportation 7.99 率分别达到99.97%、99.95%。 of 230 million vehicle km, a transportation of 2.05 billion person-times, av- 便利 快捷准点 convenience Efficiency and Punctuality erage daily passenger volume of 5.63 million person-times, 99.97% running 7.71 chart fulfillment rate and 99.95% train punctuality rate. 8.32 舒适 总体满意度 comfort Overall Satisfaction 8.31 8.14 人员服务 personnel service 8.44 33 34 地铁运营 METRO Operation METRO Operation 地铁运营 安全保障 S AFETY ASSURANCE 2013年,广州地铁建立运输生产服务综合评估体 In 2013, GMC established the comprehensive evaluation system for 系和运营安全指数化评价体系,促进运营生产水平稳步 transportation production service and the operation safety indexation eval- uation system to steadily improve the operational production level. We took 提升。采取常态化“人工安全检查”安检措施,建立地 the normalized “Manual Safety Inspection” security measure and established 铁出入口管理长效机制,强化地铁车站秩序维护。加强 a long-term mechanism for metro exit & entrance management to strengthen 环境监控,在国内同行中率先开展气体探测系统试点研 the maintenance of the order in the metro stations. We enhanced the environ- 究,逐步形成地铁气体探测标准并向线网推广。加强车 mental monitoring and first carried out gas detection system pilot study in the domestic industry to gradually form the metro gas detection standards and 站入闸机处“三品”检查,从6月配发探测仪至2013 promote it to the network. We strengthened the check of “Flammable, Explo- 年底,共计查获“三品”6523件次,有效防止乘客携 sive, and Dangerous Goods” at the turnstiles of the stations and seized 6523 带“三品”进站乘车。重新设计列车应急设备标识,列 “Flammable, Explosive, and dangerous Goods” from June, 2013 when the detectors were allocated to the end of 2013, which effectively prevented pas- 贴心服务 车“紧急报警(通话)按钮”统一更名为“紧急求助按 sengers from carrying “Flammable, Explosive, and Dangerous Goods” into C ARING SERVICES 钮”,增加相关操作指引,乘客错误解锁车门的安全风 the stations. We redesigned train emergency equipment logo, and uniformly 为小市民解答地铁疑问 险隐患得到有效控制。落实对车辆、信号、接触网、轨 renamed the “Emergency Alarm (Call) Button” to “Emergency Calling Button” Answering little citizens’questions about the metro and increased relevant operating instructions so that the potential safety risk 道等关键设备的常态化专项普查,全年共完成5139项 for passengers to wrongly unlock the train door was effectively controlled. We 设备整治作业,组织23批次专项安全检查,发现和解 implemented the special normalized inspections for vehicles, signals, cate- 决各类安全隐患共501项。 naries, rails and other key equipments; and during the whole year, we com- pleted 5,139 equipment renovation practices, organized 23 special security checks and discovered and solved 501 potential safety risks. 2013年,广州地铁拓宽安全出行信息发布渠道, In 2013, GMC broadened the channels for releasing the safety travel 创新性推出地铁APP,积极搭建应急信息微信平台, information, innovatively launched Metro APP, actively built the Wechat plat- form of emergency information and newly added the broadcasting reminding 新增车站、列车安全提醒广播,进一步完善应急情况 safety in the stations and trains, which further improved passengers’ rights to 下乘客的安抚权、知情权、提醒权。持续开展“文明乘 be appeased, informed and reminded in the event of emergency. We contin- 车日”、“地铁下午茶”和“站长接待日”等交流活 ued to organize communication activities such as “Civilized Ride Day”, “Met- 动,并结合母亲节、重阳节等特殊节假日举办文明出行 ro’s Afternoon Tea” and “Station Master Reception Day”, and held civilized travels in combination with Mother’s Day, the Double Ninth Festival and other 活动,进一步培养乘客“用地铁、懂地铁、会地铁”理 special holidays and festivals, which further cultivated the passengers’ phi- 念,与地铁沿线周边的学校、社区等单位开展多场共建 losophy to use, know and take advantage of the metro; we held many joint 活动,以地铁员工走近社区、市民走进地铁的形式,介 activities with surrounding schools, communities and units along the metro lines, introduced the metro-related information by the form that metro staff 绍地铁相关信息,逐步养成乘客良好的出行习惯。 approaches the communities while the citizens walked into the metro and helped passengers gradually develop a good travel habit. 探测仪强化安保 Using detectors to strengthen security 35 36 地铁运营 METRO Operation METRO Operation 地铁运营 商业便民服务 广告业务 C OMMERCIAL and A DVERTISING Business CONVENIENCE SERVICE 地铁商业经营包括商业资源的开发策划、经营策 The commercial operation of the metro includes development plan- 划、资源招商、经营管理及服务等。至2013年底, ning, operation planning, investment attraction, operation management and 地铁商业资源经营总面积近12万平方米,包括车站商 service of the metro commercial resources. As of the end of year 2013, the total operation area of metro commercial resources is nearly 120,000 square 业、地铁商场(商业街)、地面物业等资源形式,经营 meter, including station business, metro shopping malls (commercial streets) 业态主要有车站商铺及自助设备、车站商业街、超市、 and ground properties. The main operation types include station stores and 专业市场、写字楼、物流仓库和社区商铺等。作为地铁 self-service equipment, station commercial streets, supermarkets, special- 运营服务设施之一,广州地铁车站商业已形成了“品牌 ized markets, office buildings, warehouses and community stores, etc. As one 连锁、便利服务”为主要特色的地铁运营配套服务。至 of the metro operation service facilities, Guangzhou metro station business 2013年底,六号线新线商业与线路同步开业,品牌 has formed the metro operation supporting services which mainly feature 更多元化,为六号线高水平运营服务添加一道亮丽 “Brands Chain and Convenience Service”. At the end of 2013, Line 6 and its new line business went into operation at the same time, and the brands are 的色彩。 2013年广告媒体创意大赛作品 more diversifying, which increases the high-level operation service of Line 6. 2013 Advertising Media Creativity Competition Works 地铁灯箱广告业务以委托第三方的方式经营,随着 2013年,广州地铁继续开展会员营销活动为主的 In 2013, Guangzhou metro continued to implemented the new resourc- 六号线的开通,地铁传统媒体资源进一步拓展,灯箱数 新资源开发,积极拓展商家合作,开展了“暖冬关怀 • es development featuring members marketing campaign, actively expand- 量已攀至9810个。地铁广告在带来巨大经济收益的同 地铁随行”、“同心 同行 暑期乐游荟”、“同心 同 • • • ed the cooperation with commercial tenants and carried out the marketing 时,年内也启动了广告灯箱节能改造工作,改造后灯箱 行 吃喝玩乐有着数”、“广州地铁吉祥物大众有奖评 campaigns with the theme of “Caring in the warm winter with the company • 节能率超过56.64%,照明度提高约47.95%,均匀度 选”和“秋冬欢乐荟不停”等主题营销活动。地铁荟推 of metro”, “Same Heart, Same Walk, Summer Happy Tour”, “Same Heart, 提高约46.8%,改造效果受到各方面好评。 出首期会员杂志《地铁荟缤纷》,杂志涵盖了六号线探 Same Walk, Good Beer and Skittles”, “Mass Lottery Selection for Guangzhou Metro Mascot” and “Happy Gatherings in Autumn and Winter”. Metro Club Metro light box advertising business has been entrusted to a third party 密、沿线站点、地铁荟生活、会员专享活动等栏目,为 released the first member magazine Colorful Metro Club and it covered Line 6 to operate. With the opening of Line 6, the traditional media resources of the 会员提供丰富多彩的资讯。至2013年底,会员总数达 metro were further expanded, and the number of light boxes has reached Discovery, Stations along the Line, Metro Life, Member Exclusive activity and 9,810. While the metro advertising brought huge economic benefits, we also 到3.1万人,同比增长102.8%。 other columns, which provided colorful information for members. Till the end started the energy-saving transformation of the advertising light boxes. After of 2013, the total number of members reached 31,000 with the year-on-year transformation, the energy saving rate of the light boxes surpassed 56.64%; growth of 102.8% the illumination increased by about 47.95%; and the evenness increased by about 46.8%, which won praises in all aspects. 琳琅满目的站内便民商铺 37 A variety of in-station convenience shops 38 地铁运营 METRO Operation METRO Operation 地铁运营 通信服务 文化产品 C OMMUNICATION SERVICES M ETRO DERIVATIVE PRODUCT 通信业务系统地解决了地下空间的通信盲 区,为广大乘客提供畅顺联络、不间断的移动 通信服务和IC卡电话服务,为地铁商户提供 有线电话、数据专线和上网服务。配合政府建 设智慧广州的规划,公司大力支持地铁3G通 信系统建设工作,年内配合了移动TD-SCD- MA(3G)引入、联通WCDMA(3G)引 入、电信CDMA2000优化整改,完成了一号
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