Aalb Lisboon 1996 Hannovover 2000 Aalborgg 2004 Sevilla 2007 +I=:JGDE:6C8DC;:G:C8: DCHJHI6>C67A:8>I>:HIDLCH &."'&B6N'%&% 9JC@:GFJ:!;G6C8: 9Za^kZg^c\HjhiV^cVWaZ8^i^Zh/ I]ZAdXVaAZVYZgh]^e8]VaaZc\Z gVbbZ mmm$Zkda[hgk[(&'&$eh] Organised by: Co-organised by: Table of contents Welcome from the host and the organisers .............................................. p.3 &RQIHUHQFHREMHFWLYHVSDUWLFLSDQWV SURJUDPPHÀRZ ........................... p. 4 Aalborg Commitments Signatory Ceremony ............................................ p. 5 Mayors’ session ........................................................................................ p. 5 Agora ........................................................................................................ p. 6 Side events ............................................................................................... p. 6-7 Programme Wednesday 19 May 2010 ......................................................................... p. 8-10 Thursday 20 May 2010 ............................................................................. p. 11-13 Friday 21 May 2010 .................................................................................. p. 14 Study visits ................................................................................................ p. 15 Cultural events in Dunkerque .................................................................... p. 16-17 Dunkerque 2010: Crossroad for sustainable development ....................... p. 18-19 A green event ........................................................................................... p. 20 Practical info .............................................................................................. p. 20-21 Private sponsors ........................................................................................ p. 22 Map of the conference venue .................................................................... p. 23 Contact ...................................................................................................... p. 24 2 to Dunkerque Dunkerque has the honour of hosting the 6th Michel Delebarre (XURSHDQ6XVWDLQDEOH&LWLHVDQG7RZQVFRQIHUHQFH Former Minister of State; For three days, over 1500 mayors, elected Mayor of Dunkerque; officials, technical experts and representatives of President of the EU institutions, national governments, business Metropolitan Council of Dunkerque; Chair of the Commission for Territorial and NGOs are present to debate, exchange Cohesion (COTER), Committee of the and challenge ideas and experiences about the Regions sustainable city of the 21st century. This great conference marks an additional step in the concrete mobilisation of local governments and their significant role in the field of sustainable development. Local JRYHUQPHQWVKDYHDGLVWLQFWSROLWLFDOZLOODQGDWHUULWRULDOFRPPLWPHQWWKDW place them in a prime position for a true change of practice. The climate EDWWOHZLOOEHZRQLQRXUFLWLHVDQGWKHUROHRIORFDOJRYHUQPHQWVLVQRZ unavoidable. I even dare to say that your presence in Dunkerque is part RIWKHVHPLOHVWRQHVZKLFKWULJJHUQHZG\QDPLFVDQGDGYDQFHXVDORQJRXU ZD\WRZDUGDGGUHVVLQJWKHQXPHURXVFKDOOHQJHVZHIDFH,VLPSO\ZLVK WRZHOFRPH\RXWRDODQGDERXQGLQJZLWKLGHDVZKHQLWFRPHVWRWDNLQJ control of its destiny. We are proud to have you here in Dunkerque for a three day journey through the landscape of local Gino Van Begin VXVWDLQDELOLW\ HIIRUWV LQ (XURSH 1RZ PRUH WKDQ Regional Director for Europe; ever, the financial, social, and climate challenges Deputy Secretary General requires you to formulate and commit to innovative, ICLEI - Local Governments for progressive, sustainable responses. By attending Sustainability Dunkerque 2010, you can reflect and exchange, DVZHOODVJHQHUDWHQHZLGHDVWKDWVHUYHWRPDNH communities across Europe better places to live. In 'XQNHUTXHZHZLOOWRXFKXSRQUHODWHGLQWHUQDWLRQDO SROLF\ SURFHVVHV ORFDO LQQRYDWLRQ SROLWLFDO QHWZRUNLQJ DQG SDUWQHUVKLSV ZLWK EXVLQHVVHV :H NQRZ WKDW (XURSHDQ ORFDO JRYHUQPHQWV KDYH WKH SRZHUDQGSRWHQWLDOIRUEROGORFDODFWLRQVDQGYLVLRQDU\FROODERUDWLRQ<RXU active participation makes Dunkerque 2010 the most prominent, triennal, local sustainability rendez-vous in Europe. The success of the “Aalborg process on local VXVWDLQDELOLW\´ LOOXVWUDWHV WKH JURZLQJ DPELWLRQ Emanuele Burgin of local leaders to achieve a higher degree of President VXVWDLQDELOLW\ LQ RXU FLWLHV DQG WRZQV ZLWKLQ D Local Agenda 21 Italy; FRPPRQ(XURSHDQIUDPHZRUN7KURXJKWKH$DOERUJ on behalf of the partners of the Charter and Commitments, thousands of local (XURSHDQ6XVWDLQDEOH&LWLHVDQG7RZQV Campaign governments in Europe have seriously committed themselves to enhance the sustainability of their urban areas. The concepts and ideas of these groundbreaking documents is explored once again, DQGUHFRQILUPHGZLWKLQDFKDQJLQJ(XURSHDQDQGJOREDOFRQWH[W :HDUHSOHDVHGWRZHOFRPH\RXWR'XQNHUTXH 3 Objectives of the conference ([SORUHKRZVXVWDLQDEOHGHYHORSPHQWFDQKHOSORFDOJRYHUQPHQWVWRIDFHWKHFXUUHQW HFRQRPLFVRFLDODQGFOLPDWHFKDOOHQJHVDQGKRZLWFDQEHIXUWKHULPSOHPHQWHGXQGHUWKH actual context of crisis; &RQYHQHNH\DFWRUVWRLGHQWLI\ZKDWFKDQJHVDUHQHHGHGWRRXUSROLWLFDOIUDPHZRUNVDQG H[SORUHKRZGLIIHUHQWVHFWRUVFDQFRRSHUDWHWRDGYDQFHVXVWDLQDEOHGHYHORSPHQWLQ(XURSH $VVHVVDQGSXVKIRUZDUGWKHSURJUHVVDQGDFKLHYHPHQWVRI(XURSHDQORFDOJRYHUQPHQWVLQ the field of sustainable development; 2IIHUDXQLTXHRSSRUWXQLW\WRSRVLWLRQORFDOJRYHUQPHQWVDVZLOOLQJSDUWQHUVDQGOHDGHUVRQHPLVVLRQVUHGXFWLRQVDQGLQQRYDWLYH VROXWLRQVWRZDUG&23LQ0H[LFR &RQYH\DSROLWLFDOPHVVDJHWR(XURSHRQWKHZLGHUORFDOVXVWDLQDELOLW\DJHQGD Who are the participants Local government leaders and technical experts from all over Europe and other countries; 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVRI(XURSHDQDQGQDWLRQDOQHWZRUNVRIORFDOJRYHUQPHQWV Strategic partner organisations such as business, NGOs and research institutions; High level representatives of European institutions, national governments and international organisations. Programme and speakers 7KH FRQIHUHQFH SURJUDPPH EULQJV WRJHWKHU WKH H[SHUWLVH RI VHYHUDO (XURSHDQ QHWZRUNV RI ORFDO JRYHUQPHQWV DQG QXPHURXV partner organisations in a joint effort to reach out to local governments all over Europe and present the most innovative examples. It IHDWXUHVFRPPLWWHGSROLWLFLDQVDQGWHFKQLFDOH[SHUWVIURPORFDODXWKRULWLHVDFURVV(XURSHDQGRWKHUSDUWVRIWKHZRUOGLQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ UHQRZQHGH[SHUWVDQGSUHVWLJLRXVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURP(8LQVWLWXWLRQVEXVLQHVVHVDQGRWKHURUJDQLVDWLRQV 2YHU WKH FRXUVH RI WKH FRQIHUHQFH GD\V SDUWLFLSDQWV ZLOO EH WDNHQ RQ D MRXUQH\ WKURXJK WKH ODQGVFDSH RI ORFDO VXVWDLQDELOLW\ DFWLYLWLHVLQ(XURSHWRXFKLQJXSRQLQWHUQDWLRQDOWUHQGVDQGORFDOLQQRYDWLRQSROLWLFDOQHWZRUNLQJDQGNH\PHVVDJHVIRUWKHIXWXUH Day 1 - Wednesday 19 May Day 2 - Thursday 20 May Day 3 - Friday 21 May Opening Plenary Parallel sessions B Discussion Panel 9.00 Welcome Governing and managing Next Climate Conference – COP16 in 11.00 Europe 2050 - Where are cities sustainable cities Mexico: Responsibilities ahead for going? local and national governments Break AGORA AGORA AGORA Key Plenary 11.30 Cooperation debate Outlook Plenary Climate change, economic crisis, 13.00 &RRSHUDWLRQRQHFRHI¿FLHQWDQG A Europe of sustainable cities social challenges resilient urban infrastructure Lunch AGORA AGORA AGORA Key plenary Study visits 14.30 Interactive Debates Connected and committed - 16.00 Turning challenges into solutions – The local approach Progress of local sustainability in Europe Break AGORA AGORA Parallel sessions A 16.30 Ceremonial Plenary 18.00 Innovative solutions to local Champions and newcomers challenges 17.30 Mayors’ Session 19.00 Evening reception & Dinner Dining in Dunkerque 4 The Aalborg Charter is one of the most famous policy statements The Aalborg Charter GH¿QLQJORFDOVXVWDLQDEOHGHYHORSPHQWZRUOGZLGH,WJDYHELUWK WR WKH 6XVWDLQDEOH &LWLHV 7RZQV &DPSDLJQ LQ 7RGD\ & the Aalborg Commitments more than 2600 local authorities around Europe have signed up to the Aalborg Charter. The Aalborg Commitments are a set of shared commitments 7KH(XURSHDQ6XVWDLQDEOH&LWLHVDQG7RZQV&DPSDLJQLVZRUNLQJ to be jointly implemented by local governments across Europe since 1994 to mainstream sustainable actions throughout Europe to achieve local sustainability. More than 650 European local DQG JDLQ ZLGHU SROLWLFDO VLJQL¿FDQFH WR VXSSRUW VXVWDLQDEOH authorities have signed the Aalborg Commitments since its policies. It helps local governments across Europe to replicate launching at the Aalborg 2004 conference and the number is still the best local practices and to implement the Aalborg Charter increasing. and the Aalborg Commitments to achieve tangible results in local For more information on the Charter and the Commitments, sustainable development. please visit www.aalborgplus10.dk. Sign the Aalborg Commitments at the Conference Dunkerque 2010 provides a unique occasion for local governments to be inspired by sustainability leaders and PDNHFRQFUHWHFRPPLWPHQWV$QRI¿FLDOVLJQLQJFHUHPRQ\ RI WKH $DOERUJ &RPPLWPHQWV ZLOO WDNH SODFH GXULQJ WKH FHUHPRQLDO SOHQDU\ ¶&KDPSLRQV DQG 1HZFRPHUV¶ RQ Thursday 20 May 2010, 16.30-17.30. Mayors or other DXWKRUL]HGFLW\UHSUHVHQWDWLYHVZLOOEHLQYLWHGWRJRRQWKH stage during this ceremonial plenary to sign the Aalborg Commitments. By signing the Aalborg Commitments, local JRYHUQPHQWV VHW WDQJLEOH WDUJHWV WRZDUGV VXVWDLQDEOH development, turning the visions and principles of the Aalborg Charter into practical action. Each European local government is invited to sign the Aalborg Commitments, irrespective of European Union Dunkerque membership. The document must be signed by the Mayor or another authorised local government representative.
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