30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting 30 Th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting Winter Geological Nordic Programme and Abstracts Editors: Þorsteinn Sæmundsson and Ívar Örn Benediktsson Reykjavík, Iceland 2012 Reykjavík, Cover photo: The Múlajökull surge-type outlet glacier, Hofsjökull ice cap, central Iceland. The forefield of Múlajökull is characterized by an active drumlin field, consisting of more than 100 drumlins. This drumlin field is the first one to be described from a modern glacial environment. Numerous ice-marginal and proglacial lakes occur between the drumlins. Photo: Ívar Örn Benediktsson 2009 Reykjavík, Iceland 9–12 January 2012 Icelandair introduces a new destination: DENVER, COLORADO A new Icelandair destination in the USA, Denver the mile high city is a magnet for gourmets and art lovers, nature enthusiasts and outdoor types, skiers, mountaineers, golfers and all the rest. A gold mine of adventures 1 mile above sea level in the Wild West Denver, Colorado, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, is a spirited and energetic commercial and cultural centre, and an ideal place for lovers of the great outdoors. An attractive city under a blue sky where the sun shines 300 days a year, it has more than 200 parks and 90 golf courses. Only a short drive to world-famous ski resorts such as Aspen and Vail, Denver is America's number one sports city, home to the Denver Nuggets (NBA) and the Denver Broncos (NFL). See Denver and be right in the centre of it all. Icelandair introduces a new destination: DENVER, COLORADO A new Icelandair destination in the USA, Denver the mile high city is a magnet for gourmets and art lovers, nature enthusiasts and outdoor types, skiers, mountaineers, golfers and all the rest. 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting Harpa concert hall and conference centre Reykjavík, Iceland 9-12 January 2012 Editors Þorsteinn Sæmundsson and Ívar Örn Benediktsson Scientific Programme Committee Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Chairman, Natural Research Centre of NW Iceland Ívar Örn Benediktsson, Vice chairman, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Anette K. Mortensen, ÍSOR Icelandic Geosurvey Ármann Höskuldsson, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Björn Harðarson, ÍSOR Icelandic Geosurvey Börge Johannes Wigum, Mannvit / NTNU Daði Þorbjörnsson, ÍSOR Icelandic Geosurvey Guðrún Larsen, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Kristján Jónasson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History Ólafur Ingólfsson, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Sigrún Hreinsdóttir, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland Steinunn Sigríður Jakobsdóttir, Icelandic Met Office Þorsteinn Þorsteinsson, Icelandic Met Office Organizing committee Þorsteinn Sæmundsson, Natural Research Centre of NW Iceland Ívar Örn Benediktsson, Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland A gold mine of adventures 1 mile above sea level in the Wild West Denver, Colorado, at the foot of the Rocky Mountains, is a spirited and energetic commercial and cultural centre, and an ideal place for lovers of the great outdoors. An attractive city under a blue sky where the sun shines 300 days a year, it has more than 200 parks and 90 golf courses. Only a short drive to world-famous ski resorts such as Aspen and Vail, Denver is America's number one sports city, home to the Denver Nuggets (NBA) and the Denver Broncos (NFL). See Denver and be right in the centre of it all. © Geoscience Society of Iceland, 2012 Programme and Abstracts Editors: Þorsteinn Sæmundsson and Ívar Örn Benediktsson ISBN: 978-9979-72-096-6 Organizing bureau: Congress Reykjavík Layout: Prentsnið, Reykjavík Printing: Leturprent, Reykjavík Welcome Þorsteinn Sæmundsson Ívar Örn Benediktsson Dear Colleagues, It is our great pleasure to welcome you to Reykjavík for the 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting. The Nordic Geological Winter Meetings have proofed to be an important venue for Nordic geoscientists to meet, share new research results and to create and strengthen friendship and collaboration. These meetings also reflect the great variety of topics that Nordic geoscientists deal with and highlight the importance of our work within the Nordic countries. This is the 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting and the 4th meeting held here in Iceland. To celebrate this anniversary, we proudly hold the meeting in the newly built Harpa concert hall and conference centre, at the harbor in downtown Reykjavík. Apart from this, we add one day to the conference with excursions to unique geological locations in south and south-west Iceland. On the 8th of January 2012, we commemorate the centenary of the birth of the late Professor Sigurður Þórarinsson. Sigurður was a pioneer among Icelandic geoscientists, the founder of tephrochronology, and the first professor in geology at the University of Iceland. To honor his memory and his great contribution to geosciences, we dedicate one theme to him at this meeting. In addition, a special volume of Jökull, the Icelandic Journal of Earth Sciences, will be published in 2012 with focus on Þórarinsson´s main research areas, glaciology and volcanology. As all of you know, the last couple of years have been rather eventful regarding volcanic activity in Iceland. Eyjafjallajökull woke up in 2010 after almost two hundred years of quiescence, Grímsvötn followed in 2011 with an unusually powerful eruption, and our sleeping giant, Katla, occasionally reminds us of its power with frequent earthquakes, or even jökulhlaups, like last summer after a small subglacial eruption. These volcanic eruptions, even though they were not large in historical respect, have shown how sensitive our infrastructure is to the great forces of nature. This clearly highlights the importance of our work to understand Earth’s behavior and history, and not least the importance of disseminating that knowledge to the society. At this meeting the Nordic Geoscientist Award will be presented for the first time. The award will be presented to a Nordic geoscientist who has, in the course of his/her career, been strongly involved in the society around us, as well as in specific fields in geosciences. The prize for this award consists of a framed diploma and an engraved plate of columnar basalt from Iceland. The Swan, the symbol of Nordic cooperation, is also engraved on the plate. The winner is invited to hold a plenary lecture at the meeting in connection with the presentation of the Award. The organization of a meeting like this requires more than a year of preparation, a task that many people are involved in. We would like to thank the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) for putting together an ambitious programme, the conveners for coordinating the sessions and reviewing the abstracts, the plenary lecturers for their contribution, the organizing bureau “Congress Reykjavík” for professional assistance, and not least the many sponsors who have made this event possible. We hope that the 30th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting will be fruitful and lead to better and deeper insight into the different fields of geosciences, and stimulate further Nordic collaboration. We wish you a pleasant stay in Iceland. Þorsteinn Sæmundsson Ívar Örn Benediktsson Chairman of the Geoscience Society of Iceland Secretary General, Geoscience Society of Iceland and the 2012 NGWM SPC and vice chairman of the 2012 NGWM SPC Kristján Breki tók þátt í því ásamt foreldrum sínum að prýða umhverfi leikskólans Kærabæjar á Fáskrúðsfirði. Starfsmenn Alcoa um allan heim leggja samfélagsmálum lið á hverju Fyrir samfélagið, ári. Í fyrra tóku yfir 29.000 manns þátt í margvíslegum verkefnum víðs vegar um heim og hér á landi tóku rúmlega 300 sjálfboðaliðar umhverfið og komandi úr röðum starfsmanna Alcoa Fjarðaáls og fjölskyldna þeirra þátt í kynslóðir. ýmsum verkefnum á Austurlandi. Auk þess að hvetja starfsfólk sitt til sjálfboðastarfa leggur Alcoa verkefnunum til peninga með hverjum starfsmanni sem tekur þátt. Alls greiddi Samfélagssjóður Alcoa rúmlega 2 milljónir króna til verkefnanna sem unnin voru á síðasta ári á Austurlandi. www.alcoa.is Table of Contents Welcome ............................................................................. 3 Programme Overview .......................................................... 7 Social Programme ............................................................... 9 Programme ......................................................................... 11 Conference Excursions ........................................................ 40 Plenary Abstracts .................................................................. 43 Kristján Breki tók þátt í því ásamt foreldrum sínum að Oral Abstracts ...................................................................... 47 prýða umhverfi leikskólans Kærabæjar á Fáskrúðsfirði. Posters ................................................................................ 157 List of Participants ................................................................ 199 Author Index ....................................................................... 205 Starfsmenn Alcoa um allan heim leggja samfélagsmálum lið á hverju Fyrir samfélagið, ári. Í fyrra tóku yfir 29.000 manns þátt í margvíslegum verkefnum víðs vegar um heim og hér á landi tóku rúmlega 300 sjálfboðaliðar umhverfið og komandi úr röðum starfsmanna Alcoa Fjarðaáls og fjölskyldna þeirra þátt í kynslóðir. ýmsum verkefnum á Austurlandi. Auk þess að hvetja starfsfólk sitt til sjálfboðastarfa leggur Alcoa verkefnunum til peninga með hverjum starfsmanni sem tekur þátt. Alls greiddi Samfélagssjóður
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