B Formal Mexican Peace Pact Likely LISTEENG IN NOT SlICHira National Two Cents NEW SPEAKER PAPAL LEGATE Switzerland, after studying Edition a Copy the effects of Volsteadism in the United States, has re* THE jected a plan for bone-dry PKOOF APE IS A i PRESIDENT prohibition and has voted to permit the sale of light wines and beer. The result will be watched with interest. REGISTER HOLD PARLEY So Declares Curator The Commonweal, which in THE RAPID-FIRE CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER Dr. Johnson Is Earned; Press Shows Friendly Clark of National its several years of publication Protestants Laud Interest in Bishops’ has won a unique place as a Mureum VOL. VI, NO. 17 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1930 TWO CENTS journal of American opinion, Addresses Opinions (Special to The Register) being frequently quoted in the Jerusalem to Have Modern Hotel Named ‘‘King David” The Rev. Dr. George Johnson will most intellectual papers and Though man and the ape belong to The Most Rev. Leopold Ruiz y the same section of mammals, the be the speaker on the national ra­ Flores, Apostolic Delegate in Mexico, reviews and being accepted as evidence of their complete separa dio “Catholic Hour" beginning on •y and President Ortiz Rubio have had one of the standard journals tion is overwhelming, according to Sunday, April 27. The "hour” is a cordial meeting. of the intelligentsia, recently an address April 10 by Austin H. sponsored by the National Council There is every reason to believe announced that unless it se­ Clark, curator of the National mu­ of Catholic Men and is broadcast that the visit of the Archbishop to seum at Washington, D. C. over a network of the National the President is but the beginning of cured 10,000 more subscribers There is not the slightest evidence Broadcasting company from station friendly relations through which the it could not continue publica' that man is descended from the ^es, WEAiF, New York. Dr. Johnson, understandings of last June will be tion. It would be too bad to see said Mr. Clark, recounting the find­ who is associate professor of educa­ translated into a fonpal agreement . it pass out. ings of investigators in this field of tion of the Catholic. University of regulating in a satisfactory manner science. America, executive secretary of the the relations between the Church and The most important characteristic >.'^T Department of Education, National the Mexican ^vernment. Charlatanism in literature is of man, he continued, is to be found Catholic Welfare Conference, and A further indication of an increas­ a dangerous game. Sooner or in his family relationship, in which a secretary general of the National ingly happier relationship between continuous series of dependent chil Catholic Educational association, suc­ the civil and hierarchical elements is later it is always exposed. ceeds the Rev. Dr. Fulton Sheen, also Read the following from The dren necessitates the continuous care the fact that the secular press in of both parents or its equivalent over of the Catholic University of Amer­ Mexico City is so favorably di^osed Witness, Dubuque, Iowa: long period and makes a funda ica, who delivered the final talk of toward the utterances of the Bishop* We learn from a recent and mental unit of the human family his series Easter Sunday. Dr. John­ as to give considerable space to pa£- widely quoted editorial by W. G. Among all other vertebrates, Mr son will deliver a series of six ad­ tbral Tetters in their news sections Sibley, able contributor to The Chi­ Clark pointed out, the young are al dresses dealing with the moral order. and favorable comment in their edi­ cago Journal of Commerce, that H. ways independent of the parents be Berinning w th .Sunday, April 27, torial columns. G. Wells in writing his "Outline of fore new young are bom I M l M l the first talk of this .second sefies A case in point is the publication History" helped himself liberally Mr. Clark spoke through WRC and of addresses, three new stations will in full of the recent pastoral letter of without making due acknowledg­ affiliated stations of the National ■ broadcast the “Catholic Hour,” bring­ the Rt. Rev. Fulcheri y Pietrasanta, ment to "The Conquest of Civilisa­ Broadcasting company. In part, he This large new hotel building on the Station r^a^ in Jerusalem, where houses are growing up “overnight,” is ing the number of stations in the Bishop of Zamora, in Excelsior. The tion” by J. if. Breasted, illustrious said: to be named the “King David hotel,” and pfcmises-to be the finest of its kind from Constantinople to Cairo, in­ network up to 34. The new stations letter is an extensive outline of the historical scholar who has reflected Having a backbone, man belongs clusive. All modem systems conducive to comfort are being installed. are KYW of Chicago, WOW of Catholic Church’s attitude on the such honor on the University of to the group of backboned animals Omaha and WBAP of Fort Worth/ question of (he relations between the Chicago. Mr. Sibley adds the inter­ or vertebrates, which group includes Texas. Church and State. Excelsior uses esting information that there is a the fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds Rev. Johnton’* Career the letter as a leading story in its suspicious and striking similarity and mammals. Within the verte­ Organized Work Is Responsible front page news columns and states throughout between WeUs’ book and brates he is a member of the group Dr. Johnson is a native of Toledo, Priest Witnessed Ohio, where he completed his college editorially that the letter will "be the notorious and thoroughly dis­ of mammals. Within the mammals of great help in defining thot rela­ credited work published in 1876 by he presents the greatest similarity to for Steady Flood of Conversions course under the Jesuits of St. tions between State and Church and John W. Draper and entitled, "The the anthropoid or man-like apes of John’s college. He made his studies clarifying the civil duties of Catho­ Intellectual Development of Europe.” Western Africa and Southeastern for the priesthood at St. Bernard’s (Special to The Register) work and only by interesting Cath­ lics.” No wonder the egregious Outline of Asia—the gorillas, the chimpanzees, ImineDse &owtli seminary, Rochester, N. Y„ and at The newspaper urges every citizen The fact that 57 converts have just olics in it and having them bring in Wells swarms with errors and mis­ the<brangs and the gibbons. the American college in Rome. He of Mexico to read "with scrupulous "But man is not an ape, and there been confirmed at the Fontbonne, their friends, or even acquaintances, received the degree of Doctor of conceptions, if it borrows from Cincinnati, Ohio, calls attention to are new members gained for the in­ attention this notable document along Draper’s concoction of falsehood and is not the slightest evidence that man Philosophy at the Catholic Univer­ with the pastoral we have published prejudices and ignorance. is descended from an ape. Numerous the methods used by the Rev. Warren struction classes. sity of America, and, for a time, in Chinese Fold C. Lilly, S.J., in convert work. Within The world is full of people who served as superintendent of schools by the Archbishop of Mexico and If anyone would know what utter so-called missing links between man others we intend to publish.” and the apes have been described, a year after his ordination, he already are not affiliated with apy religipus I of the Diocese of Toledo. He re­ trash the attempt by Wells at writ' had 100 converts. Bishop Fulcheri sounds the Catho­ ing history is let bins read "The but all of these are de^nitely either Peiping, China.—Death has taken body. says Father Lilly. ' They are j turned to the Catholic university in lic doctrine of the absolute independ­ Companion to the Outline of His­ man or ape, or not with any cer­ the oldest priest of the 'Vicariate Apos­ . Father Lilly’s work at the Font- people who are not only willing but 1921 as associate professor of edu- bonne be|:an in 1927, when, at the anxious to know the truth about cation. ence of ecclesiastical and civil au­ tory” by Hilaire Belloc, master of tainty determinable. Of these miss­ tolic of Peiping, Father Gregory Lou, thorities in their respective jurisdic­ English prose and historian of dis­ ing links Mr. Gerrit S. Miller, curator C.M., born in 1860. Memories con­ invitation of Father Joseph Kister, religion and about the claims of the When the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Janies H. tions, explaining that, according to tinction. of mammals in the National museum, nected with the long apostolate of S.J., then in charge of religious ac­ Catholic Church. It is the duty of Ryan became- rector of the Catholic Catholic teaching, “ecclesiastical au­ recently has written that ‘in place this venerable Chinese Vincentian tivities at the institution, he gave a Catholics to bring such people into university, Dr. Johnson succeeded thority is not to be usurped by civil The Milwaukee Citizen re­ of demonstrable links between man emphasize the remarkable progress of series of ten lectures. contact with sources at which they him Es executive secretary of the authority nor is civil authority to be and other mammals we now possesg the Church in this section of China. The regular program for twice-a- may learn the truth, and they should N.C.W.C. Department of Education. usurped by ecclesiastical authority.” ports that Protestants now nothing more than some fossils so week instructibn class was organized miss no opportunity to do this.
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