Vol. 42, No. 1 January 2005 T h a t ’ s Ju s t H is O p in io n Adam Faughn, Ninth Avenue Church of Christ, Haleyville, AL Have you ever noticed that when people hear a sermon those in Thessalonica. ” Why? Why were these listeners in with which they whole-heartedly agree, they are very quick one city more noble than in another? Keep reading the to point out many good things about the lesson? They can verse. “They received the word with all readiness of mind. " readily give you a “recap” of the main points. They can They what? They listened to the sermon with eagerness. usually even tell you some of the Scriptures that were used. How many of you who preach would enjoy saying that They w ill give information about how the sermon was about people in your home congregation? But there is organized. They w ill usually even tell you about how many more: “. and searched the scriptures daily, whether Scripture references were used in the presentation. those things were so. ” However, have you ever noticed that when people hear Before moving on, make one mental note. These were a sermon with which they do not agree, none of those Jewish listeners. That being true, they were hearing a things really matters? The style of the sermon is not that message that would have greatly challenged their beliefs important to them, nor is the length. They usually do not passed on from generation to generation. While it is even care how many Scripture references were used to obvious they were open-minded, the words of Christians support the lesson. would have been extremely difficult to hear. What were Why is that? It is very simple when you listen to those they hearing? They were listening to Paul and Silas in the same people talk after a sermon with which they do not synagogue (a place of study) and were comparing their agree. They justify their disagreement with one simple teaching with God’s Word. phrase: “That’s just his opinion.” Notice the two things these listeners did that made Is that not interesting to you? The same preacher using them “noble. ” First, they listened, but more than that, they the same Bible and probably very much the same style of listened “with all readiness of mind. ” They were ready to preaching can be 100 percent correct in the minds of hear from God. How many of us show up on the Lord's listeners one Sunday and “just preaching opinion” the next. Day totally unprepared to hear a message from God? We And this is despite the fact that both lessons can be show up tired, not mentally ready, and with a closed mind. completely Biblically sound. How are people able to We should not be this way! When we have the privilege differentiate between the two lessons and come to such a (and it is a privilege) to listen to a sound Gospel sermon, conclusion? we should be ready to do so, for it very well could (and It goes back to one of the most famous verses in God’s should) change our lives. Word about accepting a lesson. Acts 17:11 begins, “These Second, these in Berea also went one step further. (Jews in the city of Berea, A.F.) were more noble than They did not just listen, finish the worship service, and 2 W o r d s o f T r u t h January 2005 walk out unchanged. Not these listeners! They did further instead of just assuming the preacher has decided to fill thirty investigation. When is the last time you studied a sermon minutes of worship to God with opinion, why not follow the further after the worship period was completed? You should! example of these good listeners at Berea? Listen attentive!) Why were these Jewish listeners doing this? They were to each sermon. Then, study further. You w ill begin to checking to see if these things that Paul and Silas were appreciate preaching more, and you might just find a mistake teaching were so. They were checking out the preachers! in your life that needs to be corrected. It could make an Notice, however, there is more to the story than this. We eternal difference. W.O.T often forget the conclusion of the thought that is found in the next verse. After listening with an open mind, and studying F or F u rth er R esearch further with an open Bible, the listeners were changed. Verse 1. Why were the Bereans “more noble" (.noble-minded) 12 puts it this way, “Therefore many of them believed. ” Did than those in Thessalonica? (Acts 17:11) you notice the word, “thereforeT’ What caused this belief? Their listening coupled with their own examination of the 2. How did the Bereans received the word? (Acts 17:11) Scriptures. What does all this have to do with many people saying 3. How often did the Bereans search the Scriptures? (Acts that some preachers are just “preaching opinion?” When is 17:11) the last time you took time to check out that claim? It very well could be that the preacher has brought out something 4. Why did the Bereans search (examine) the Scriptures? from God’s Word that is a much-needed and long-overdue (Acts 17:11) change in your life. Or, it could be that the preacher is mistaken. If that is the case, go to him. If he is truly trying to 5. After receiving the word and searching the Scriptures, live a godly life, he w ill appreciate the opportunity to study what did many of the Bereans do? (Acts 17:12) and to better himself! So, when we hear a message with which we do not agree, “L e t I t B e g in w i t h M e ” Robert Curry, Johnson Church of Christ. Johnson, AK Renewal and goodness must start somewhere. Why with me,” for all things begin, as well as end with Him. not with you and me? The United States Army advertises You have heard of the phrase, “The buck stops here." itse lf as “An Army o f one,” emphasizing the importance W ith Jesus, all that is spiritually important and essential of the individual soldier in that branch of the military. Of begins and stops with Him . Jesus also described Himself course, we are all familiar with the song that proclaims, as the bread of life, the “living bread which came down “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” from heaven” (John 6:48), recalling the manna given to The idea o f taking the initiative is certainly biblical the Israelites in the wilderness (Exodus 16). Yet, Jesus and can be seen in the narratives of Joseph, Moses, was and is much more, for He is the bread that gives life. Esther, and Ruth and in the epistles of Paul, Peter, and Fina lly, He described H im se lf as the Good Shepherd John. These faith stories describe the courage and (John 10:11). David was a shepherd, so the weight of his commitment of those who stood strong for the faith they statement, “The Lord is my shepherd" (Psalm 23:1) is nurtured and cherished. Change was needed, action was immense, for he understood well the task of the shepherd taken, and they cried out, “Let it begin with me!” and, knowing that, proclaimed the Lord as He who The church w ill benefit i f all of us w ill cry out, “Let shepherds him. A ll that is implied in being a it begin with me!” Imagine the trouble that would be shepherd— care, protection, guidance— is fulfilled and avoided. Imagine the spiritual growth that would be perfected in Jesus Christ. He is the “Good Shepherd" accomplished. Imagine the hope that would be felt. (John 10:11). The life and example o f Jesus shouts Imagine the work that could be done for the Lord. aloud, “Let it begin with me!” The idea of “Let it begin with me” is also seen in the Biblical Idea apostles. At Pentecost, Peter, in essence, cried, “Let it The very idea of “Let it begin with me” finds its begin with me!” (Acts 2). The gathered crowd needed to origin in the Bible. Th is is seen in Jesus’ description of know the truth about their spiritual situation so Peter said. H im self as the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 22:13). “Men and brethren, let me speak freely to you... Let all The very point of the phrase explodes with “Let it begin the house o f Isra el know assuredly that God has made January 2005 W o r d s o f T r u t h 3 this Jesus, whom you have crucified, both Lord and Worship has become something habitual, ritualistic, Christ ” (Acts 2:29, 36 N K JV ). Peter was given the task and mundane among too many of us. The th rill of of preaching the first sermon of the New Testament worshiping God must be returned without the desire for church and replied, “Let it begin with me!” spectacle and pageantry. Worship is the privilege of When Peter taught the truth to Cornelius and his offering praise and honor to God, so David insisted that household, he entered new territory (Acts 10). he was glad when it was said, "Let us go into the house Cornelius was eager and w illing, but Peter was not, but o f the L o rd " (Psalm 122:1).
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