available. The Decathlon's gross weight a telephone weather briefing indicated a BellancaDecathlonAircraftis designedCorporation'sto do newone is greater than the Citabria's (1,800 steady improvement as we went south thing, and does it very well. The fully pounds to 1,650), which shows up in a and west. aerobatic two-placer is stressed for +6 slightly slower rate of climb (1,025 fpm We eased in full upwind aileron, and -5 Gs. With a 150 hp Lycoming vs. 1,120 fpm) and a markedly longer downwind rudder and throttle all at the mated to a Hartzell constant-speed prop, takeoff roll at higher altitude airports. same time as we taxied. Acceleration the new airplane will do almost all the We had ample opportunity to observe was excellent in the cold weather and "outside" maneuvers that were formerly the Decathlon at altitude while crossing the gaudy Decathlon rolled smartly up restricted to "inside" gyrations with the the Rocky Mountains west of Denver on on the upwind (right) wheel as our -2 G-load limit of the Citabria. a ferry flight from Bellanca's plant to speed picked up. Torque and plenty The Decathlon is designed for air Sedona, Ariz., where it was to be picked of right rudder kept the nose of the show-off, aerobatic competition, but it up by its new owner. taildragger where it belonged until the also makes a superb aerobatic trainer. Decathlon No.8, N11855, was the ship really wanted to fly. (The new air• While it looks a bit like Bellanca's Cita• first unit of this new breed headed for foil has a distinctive feel on takeoff and bria line, the resemblance is not even the West Coast. Even in a bitter, freez• landing. It is completely different from skin deep. The new Decathlon has a ing crosswind at Osceola, Wis., it had the standard Citabria and somewhat fully inverted fuel and oil system that's to have the sexiest paint job since Eve. reminiscent of a heavily laden old "approved" for a full two minutes, but it The red-white-and-blue sunbursts, air Taylorcraft. ) has been flown for more than four min• show striping, a myriad of white stars As predicted by Bellanca's factory utes upside down. The wing has been and red-red struts made the ship look hands, I found the control forces were shortened by 18 inches, with an increase as though it were already on display. light, indicating sustained aerobatics of four inches in wing chord, and We filled out the paperwork, eye• should be "no strain." We explored the there's an expanded aileron chord for a balled fuel topping after the Decathlon wonderful realm of inverted flight a faster, easier rate of roll. The airfoil was had been pried from its ice-filled tie• couple of days and a couple of thousand changed to a nearly symmetrical NACA downs and stowed our baggage. Useful miles later. 1412 which, according to experimental load on the Decathlon is 575 pounds, The Decathlon is easy to see both flight test engineer Mike Polad (AOPA which includes 40 gallons of fuel on in the air and on the ground. In ad• 194123), "provided a greatly increased cross-country, passengers and baggage. dition to the air show paint job, there negative lift coefficient with only a In spite of the added weight in beef-up, are two rotating beacons, one atop the very slight decrease in the positive lift however, this useful load is still some fin and the other between the landing coefficient. The smaller negative pitch• 50 pounds higher than the standard 150 gears. If you look closely, you can see ing moment coefficient of the 1412 air• hp Citabria because of the higher all-up reflections off this lower beacon on the foil permitted the negative incidence of gross weight of the Decathlon. bright wheel fairings. For conspicuous• the horizontal stabilizer to be reduced, We were grateful for the slightly ness, this system beats the predom• thereby decreasing tail drag and per• higher wing loading (10.7 pounds per inantly white or natural aluminum sur• mitting alignment of the stabilizers and square foot vs. 10) as we taxied out faces on many other production models. elevators in flight ... [and] has made into a shifty north wind of 20 knots Mike Dewey, who had bought the it possible to trim for 'hands-off' inverted that was blowing clouds toward Texas; Decathlon from Bellanca, arrived at the flight. " In pilot-language, the Decathlon flies just about as well inverted as it does right side up .. Heavier wing spars, closer rib spac• ing, larger struts and a redesign and It's heavier and faster than Citabria and has makings beef-up of the aft fuselage have pro• duced a redline speed of 180 mph vs. of a good aerobatic trainer, says evaluator. Control pressures the 162 mph on the Citabria. The red• line speed is limited by windshield less in steep turns and partial rolls than in Citabria strength. Development of a heavier windshield is now in the works to in• crease speed to 202 mph. Retrofit will be JUNE 1972 I THE AOPA PILOT 21 I reverted to habit patterns dating way counterweighted to allow speed right up back to USAAF cadet instruction in to redline without overspeeding. In case PT-17 Stearmans and explored the of loss of oil pressure, the counter• wonderful world of rolls-over-the-rocks. weights force the prop into low rpm First, a straight-ahead stall and the horn (about 1,650), "thereby preventing over• The DECATHLON blows off-key, then accelerated stalls speeding and possible loss of propeller out of a turn. The Decathlon is honest, blades in case of inadvertent loss of but it flies a great deal like a heavy oil pressure," state Bellanca's engineers. AT-6. Spin recoveries underlined this Only maneuvers never approved for picturesque table-top Sedona (Ariz.) characteristic. The symmetrical airfoil the Decathlon are tail slides and the Airport within minutes after we touched on the Decathlon makes you fly it all Lomcevak. According to Doug McCon• down. He was making a Shell Oil Com• the way through a spin recovery. (You nell, "There is no specific disapproval. pany TV commercial that will have a can't just relax on a maneuver and have We did not seek approval. Reverse flow billion "exposures" on the tube. The pro• the ship pop level as you can do with is too hard to stress-analyze and sub• duction team included 13 Hollywood the Citabria and some other light aero• stantiate for certification. Owners are experts, a turbocharged helicopter and batic trainers.) When you fly the De• doing both successfully and frequently." a very expensive gyrostabilized camera cathlon, plan for full rudder against the An accelerometer is required in the mount. spin for a half-turn and then definite aerobatic category. Entry speeds for the Shortly after sunup the next morning, forward stick to stop the rotation. After various standard maneuvers are: Mike explored the aerobatic capabilities that, don't hurry the recovery pullout of his sporty new Decathlon when a or you'll find a classic secondary stall. rare cloudy day X'd-out the TV com• (Nothing hazardous here-this is the mercial filming. After Mike had gone way a good aerobatic plane should through a complete aerobatic series, he react-but it is just a little different.) 611565211312612278 140706013014517590 The Decathlon will make an excellent mph knots landed with a self-satisfied grin, opened VerticalSlow/barrelVerticalEnglishSnapHammerheadImmelmannrollLoop,slowbuntslowrollroll-upnormalroll-(the or outsidedownfirstinvertedhalfloop)of an the door, climbed out of his bright blue trainer for those pilots who want to safety parachute, and shouted, "It's all learn "survival aerobatics." In my book, yours. Go have fun." that's just two maneuvers-spin re• We removed the back cushion from covery, and the capability to roll off the front seat to give me a little more your back in wake turbulence. (A split legroom. That front pit could be a prob• "S" in such a situation, and you're a lem to get out of, even though the moti• statistic! ) vation might be singularly urgent. There Rate of roll for the Decathlon is are three latches on the door, with delightful. A brochure lists the rate of one parallel to the front hinge line. 20 degrees a second, but that is a mis• You're strapped in with a chute, print. One-hundred and twenty degrees standard seatbelt, and shoulder harness. a second would seem to be more in line In addition, there's a two-inch twin -or 31/2 seconds for a full aileron roll. aerobatic seatbelt with an individual The one really unusual feature of lock. (I added an extra thousand feet rolling around the skies in the new of maneuvering altitude for each of Decathlon came from the constant-speed the three restraints.) prop. You can do loops and associated After a half hour or more of rolling Sans baggage and passenger, N11855 flip-flops without ever touching the around the skies over Sedona, it was quickly found a home high in the sky. throttle, since the Hartzell propeller is with some reluctance that I finally did a half loop, slowly rolled out the top, made a clearing turn followed by a two-turn spin, then let down at 175 mph into a long 450 entry to the pat• tern. (Even inside the triple-latched cockpit, you can still hear the whistle of the wind through the struts. And on a cold day, this sure beats an open Decathlon vs.
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