4242 yearsyears ofof coveringcovering SouthSouth BeltBelt Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 Thanksgiving Day 2018 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 43, No. 43 Holiday closures scheduled South Belt-Ellington Leader The Leader office will be closed Wednesday, Almeda Mall celebrates 50th anniversary Nov. 21, through Friday, Nov. 23, for Thanksgiving. The Thursday edition of the Almeda Mall is currently celebrating its 50th opening celebration. acres, housed more than 750,000 square feet sic; Lerners; Singer Sewing; Card Mart; Spen- Leader will be available Wednesday, Nov. 21. anniversary. “The retail environment has changed a lot of retail space and included parking spaces for cers; Corrigan’s Jewelry; Picadilly Cafeteria; Clear Brook City MUD Opened in October 1968, the South Belt com- over 50 years,” said Terry Felton, who has man- 4,000 vehicles. GNC; Flaming Pit; Baker Shoes; Susie’s Casu- The Clear Brook City Municipal Utility munity’s fl agship shopping center joined the al- aged the mall since 1990. “Stores come and go, Approximately 60 stores occupied the young als; Saybrook Corp.; Ella Pryor Fashions; House District office will be closed Thursday, Nov. ready existing Foley’s at the same site, located but Almeda remains focused on serving its cus- mall. of Nine; and Kinney Shoes. 22, and Friday, Nov. 23, in observance of on the Gulf Freeway between Fuqua and Almeda tomers. We are not the biggest mall, but we long Foley’s and J.C. Penney served as anchor The mall soon expanded to include stores in Thanksgiving. The office will reopen on Genoa. The Foley’s had opened just two years ago realized we have a special place in the com- stores for the new shopping center. Other original its parking lots, including two movie theaters, Monday, Nov. 26, at 8 a.m. Payments may be earlier. munity, and our customers remain loyal.” stores included Battlestein’s; the Houston Trunk which are now closed. Much of the surrounding left in the drop box located on the drive-thru The Dobie Longhorn Band played at the grand When it opened, the mall encompassed 63 Factory; Kruff & Tuffl y; Leopold, Price & Rolle; community also now serves as retail space. window side of the building. Palais Royal; Woolworth’s; Playhouse Toys; B. In 2006, Foley’s was purchased by Macy’s, Residents living in Clear Brook City MUD Dalton Booksellers; Thom McAn Shoes; Lane which changed the name of the store. That who receive trash service on Thursday will not Bryant; Le Petit; TSO; Leeds Ties Ltd.; Zales; same year, J.C. Penney shuttered its doors, and have regular pickup on Thanksgiving, Thursday, Christmas is coming Margolis Shoes; Margo’s LaMode; H&H Mu- Continued on Page 6A Nov. 22. Regular services will resume on Monday, Nov. 26. Residents who receive trash service on Fridays will have regular services on Nov. 23. Lyft driver carjacked on Beamer All trash must be at curb side no later than 7 a.m. on the day of pickup. Vehicle then used for crime spree Schools All local Pasadena ISD and Clear Creek ISD Multiple suspects are in custody, after an al- ted again, this time parked in a handicapped spot schools will be closed through Friday, Nov. 23, leged carjacking of a Lyft driver at the Clear directly in front of the Walmart in the 9500 block for the Thanksgiving holiday. School will Creek Landing apartments in the 11700 block of of Rowlett, occupied by a male and a female. resume for both districts on Monday, Nov. 26. Beamer reportedly led to a crime spree. Walmart security told deputies that two males Libraries According to Sgt. Robert Sanchez of the Har- and another female were inside the store and had Both the Parker Williams and Bracewell ris County Precinct 2 Constable’s offi ce, the or- been shoplifting items and were under surveil- library branches will be closed Thursday, Nov. deal began around noon on Monday, Nov. 12, lance. 22, through Saturday, Nov. 24, for when deputies responded to a report of a carjack- As they exited the store, four suspects were Thanksgiving. Both branches will reopen ing at the aforementioned complex. The female detained near the vehicle, while the fi fth, a male Monday, Nov. 26. Lyft driver said she had picked up a Hispanic juvenile, ran from store security onto the adja- male near Hobby Airport and brought him to the cent Honda dealership parking lot. The male ju- PISD joins See to Succeed apartments, where two other males were waiting venile was later apprehended by Precinct 2 depu- when she arrived. ties. The Pasadena Independent School District One of the males, who was reportedly wearing Yisel Stubbs, 39, was charged with felony Education Foundation is once again partnering a mask, pulled the woman from her vehicle and shoplifting; Carlos Allen, 18, was charged with with the See to Succeed organization to help allegedly stole her phone and car at gunpoint, felony unauthorized use of a motor vehicle; Bri- visually impaired students gain the necessary leaving her in the complex’s parking lot. The anna Damian, 17, was charged with Class B mis- tools to excel in class. three males then drove off in the female’s car. demeanor shoplifting; and an unnamed 15-year- The See to Succeed program is a safety-net A few days later on Thursday Nov. 15, inves- old male juvenile was charged with unlawful car- vision program for Houston’s underserved tigators received a call from the Shell station in rying weapon and evading on foot. children. The program provides comprehen- the 10300 block of Blackhawk, stating the same Stubbs is reportedly Allen’s mother, and the sive free eye exams and eyeglasses to those vehicle had been used in a shoplifting incident at two reside at the complex from where the vehicle who have failed a school screening but cannot the store. was stolen. access optometry services. Later that same day around noon, investiga- Possible charges were still pending on the fi fth See to Succeed will be visiting several PISD tors received a call, saying the vehicle was spot- suspect, at press time. campuses between Monday, Nov. 26, and Fri- day, Nov. 30. In all, more than 1,800 students There’s a chill to the air, as the South Belt community prepares for the holiday season. In will receive free vision services. More than observance of Thanksgiving, local students will be out of school through Monday, Nov. 26. 400 of these students will be from the South Upon their return, students will attend again for only a few short weeks before taking their Charges expected in booster theft Belt area. Christmas holidays. Workers are shown above hanging a Christmas wreath at the entrance The Leader has received multiple inquiries Following the media broadcasts, an agree- Participating schools include Melillo (53 to the Riverstone Ranch subdivision. Photo by Marie Flickinger about the current status of the alleged thefts ment was drafted between the booster club students); Dobie 9 (11); Morris (11); Stuch- from the Dobie High School baseball booster and the suspected individual, stating that no bery (30); Atkinson (29); Bush (34); Meador club. charges would be pursued in the case if the for- (22); Moore (30); Thompson (35); Frazier According to offi cials from the Harris mer board member paid back $25,000 of the (16); Beverly Hills (40); Roberts (39); South Suspect wanted in fatal stabbing County Precinct 2 Constable’s offi ce, the in- money allegedly stolen from the organization. Belt (20); and Dobie (40). cident is still under investigation, and charges According to Channel 13, as much as $53,000 The See to Succeed groups is also partner- Houston police have The identity of the victim, 26, is pending are expected in the near future. may have been taken from the Dobie Diamond ing with San Jacinto College for an upcoming released a sketch of a verifi cation by the Harris County Institute of Current booster club board members be- organization. event. See future editions of the Leader for in- suspect wanted in the Forensic Sciences. lieve a former board member is responsible for Other estimates put the fi gure as low as formation. fatal stabbing of a man According to Houston police, offi cers re- the theft, which involved credit card charges, $8,000. at a METRO bus stop sponded to a stabbing-in-progress call at the bounced checks and failure to deposit cash The Sept. 21 deadline, however, came and Post office problems persist in the 9900 block of Al- above address and found the victim with mul- from fundraisers. went without receipt of payment, prompting meda Genoa near Wind- The Leader has received several complaints tiple stab wounds. The ordeal was featured on both Channel 11 further investigation into the matter. More in- mill Lakes Boulevard Paramedics transported the man to Memori- and Channel 13 news reports. formation is expected to follow. this past week from residents, particularly in about 5 p.m. Saturday, the Sagemeadow subdivision, about not re- al Hermann Southeast Hospital, where he was Nov. 17. pronounced dead. ceiving mail for fi ve to seven days. Affected The suspect is de- Suspected robber shot at apartments residents are urged to call U.S. Rep. Pete Ol- A witness stated the suspect was last seen scribed only as a black running west on Almeda Genoa. son’s offi ce at 281-485-4855 and leave a mes- male in his late 30s to Suspect Charges have been fi led against a robbery another vehicle stopped in front of his, block- sage, as staff is currently on holiday.
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