US007 757072B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,757,072 B2 Liu et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 13, 2010 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 5,643,086 A 7/1997 Alcorn et al. ................. 463,29 PRESENTING DRIVERS STORED ON 6, 199,159 B1 3/2001 Fish .............................. 713/2 UTILITY PARTITION OF HARD DISK 6,473,655 B1 10/2002 Gould et al. ................... 7OO/5 THROUGH VIRTUAL FLOPPY TO 6,658,563 B1 12/2003 Ice et al. ........................ 713/2 OPERATING SYSTEM INSTALLER 2003/0065875 A1 4/2003 Van Cleve et al. .......... T11 102 2003/00659 13 A1* 4/2003 Cepulis et al. ................. T13/1 (75) Inventors: Wei Liu, Austin, TX (US); Kevin W. Deike, Cedar Park, TX (US); Manoj Gujarathi, Round Rock, TX (US); OTHER PUBLICATIONS Mukund P. Khatri, Austin, TX (US); Charles T. Perusse, Jr., Pflugerville, TX “HP Integrated Lights-Out User Guide” Aug. 2002 (Third Edition), (US); Theodore webb, Austin, TX (US) P -- 38-71" k . (73) Assignee: Dell Products L.P., Round Rock, TX cited by examiner (US) Primary Examiner Chun Cao (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Baker Botts L.L.P. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 (57) ABSTRACT U.S.C. 154(b) by 858 days. (21) Appl. No.: 11/466,166 Installable device drivers may be stored on a partition, e.g., Utility Partition (UP) or other OEM partition, of an original (22) Filed: Aug. 22, 2006 equipment manufacturer (OEM) storage device, e.g., hard disk drive, by associating an INT13h Basic Input-Output (65) Prior Publication Data System (BIOS) interrupt call, e.g., reading from floppy disk drive a: or drive b: a desired storage device driver during the US 2008/OO525O2A1 Feb. 28, 2008 normal course of installing an Gin system y (51) Int. Cl. Microsoft Windows, Linux, BSD, Unix, etc., on the informa G06F 15/177 (2006.01) tion handling System, e.g., personal computer, server, blade (52) U.S. Cl 713/1: 713/2 server, storage array, workstation, etc. The run-time loading ir grgrrr. s of a raw floppy image having OS installable drivers residing (58) Field of Classification Search ............... ... 713/1 in the Utility Partition or other hidden partition on the hard See application file for complete search history. disk may be presented as a virtual floppy disk drive to the OS (56) References Cited installer, e.g., person (manual) or scripted (automated) pro CCSS, U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 5,546,585 A 8/1996 Soga .......................... 395/7OO 16 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets 208 is a valid Eric of POST floppy image located in before NT 19 the Utility Partition? is virtual instal N13 hander floppy enabled in for the virtual floppy and BIOS Setup? always assign virtual floppy to drive A: or 3: is a Utility Partition present on Enter NT 9 the are disk? U.S. Patent Jul. 13, 2010 Sheet 1 of 3 US 7.757,072 B2 X[SIC]pueH U.S. Patent Jul. 13, 2010 Sheet 2 of 3 US 7,757,072 B2 ON ZLZ Z?un61-I ZOZ ON ON U.S. Patent Jul. 13, 2010 Sheet 3 of 3 US 7.757,072 B2 y?un61-I Z09) 909 809 £aun61-I US 7,757,072 B2 1. 2 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR lated USB keys to provide the storage device drivers during PRESENTING DRIVERS STORED ON installation of the operating system on the information han UTILITY PARTITION OF HARD DISK dling system. THROUGH VIRTUAL FLOPPY TO In order for the installation of OEM device drivers not OPERATING SYSTEM INSTALLER found on a Windows operating system installation media to be successful, the user or administrator has to find the right TECHNICAL FIELD storage device drivers either OEM bundled storage device driver media, or from the Internet and save the drivers on a The present disclosure relates generally to information floppy disk media. Thus, a person must always be physically handling systems and, more particularly, to information han 10 present to hit a hot-key during a very short time window of a dling systems having storage device drivers stored on a utility device installation phase. While it is possible to install the partition of a hard disk drive and installation therefrom of the correct operating system storage device driver in this manner, necessary storage device drivers. it is relatively a complicated and time consuming procedure, especially when installing operating system Software onto 15 hundreds of information handling system computer servers. BACKGROUND Floppy disk media has limited Storage capacity and thus may not be sufficient for some storage device drivers, and may not As the value and use of information continues to increase, have the capacity for storing more than one storage device at individuals and businesses seek additional ways to process a time. and store information. One option available to users are infor mation handling systems. An information handling system SUMMARY generally processes, compiles, stores, and/or communicates information or data for business, personal, or other purposes, What is needed is a simple way to store at least one storage thereby allowing users to take advantage of the value of the device driver on a non-volatile storage medium that is not size information. Because technology and information handling 25 constrained and may be accessed during an operating system needs and requirements vary between different users or appli installation using normal installation procedures that may be cations, information handling systems may also vary regard transparent during the operating system and storage device ing what information is handled, how the information is driver(s) installation on an information handling system. handled, how much information is processed, stored, or com According to teachings of this disclosure, installable municated, and how quickly and efficiently the information 30 device drivers may be stored on a partition, e.g., Utility Par may be processed, stored, or communicated. The variations in tition (UP) or other OEM partition, of an original equipment information handling systems allow for information handling manufacturer (OEM) storage device, e.g., hard disk drive, by systems to be general or configured for a specific user or associating an INT13h Basic Input-Output System (BIOS) specific use such as financial transaction processing, airline interrupt call, e.g., reading from floppy disk drive a: or drive reservations, enterprise data storage, or global communica 35 b: a desired storage device driver during the normal course of tions. In addition, information handling systems may include installing an operating system (OS), e.g., Microsoft Win a variety of hardware and Software components that may be dows, Linux, BSD, Unix, etc., on the information handling configured to process, store, and communicate information system, e.g., personal computer, server, blade server, storage and may include one or more computer systems, data storage array, workstation, etc. The run-time loading of a raw floppy systems, and networking systems, e.g., computer, personal 40 image having OS installable drivers residing in the Utility computer workstation, portable computer, computer server, Partition or other hidden partition on the hard disk may be print server, network router, network hub, network switch, presented as a virtual floppy disk drive to the OS installer, e.g., storage area network disk array, RAID disk system and tele person (manual) or scripted (automated) process. communications Switch. In the storage device, a reserved portion of the Master Boot When installing an operating system on an information 45 Record (MBR) or a reserve location inside the UP may be handling system having hard disk controllers, e.g., controllers used as a pointer to a starting address of a raw floppy disk for Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), Redundant image residing on the UP (may be a compressed copy), and Array of Inexpensive Disks or Resilient Array of Independent may have aheader indicating the size of the floppy disk image Disks (RAID), and/or Advanced Host Controller Interface for the BIOS to locate and load the raw floppy disk image. (AHCI), etc., required storage device software drivers must 50 This raw floppy image may be validated before use, e.g., a be loaded during text mode setup of Microsoft Windows checksum or cyclic redundancy check (CRC) may be per operating systems. Due to limitations of the Windows text formed for verification thereof. mode setup, and in future versions of the Windows operating According to a specific example embodiment of this dis system, the required storage device Software drivers must closure, a method for presenting drivers stored on a utility either already be included in the Windows operating system 55 partition of a hard disk to an operating system installer may installation media, e.g., compact disc (CD) or be manually comprise: determining whether a virtual floppy is enabled in provided and installed by an information handling system a basic input/output System (BIOS) setup; determining user or administrator having an original equipment manufac whether a utility partition is present on a hard disk; determin turer (OEM) storage device driver on a media to be loaded ing whether a valid floppy image is located in the utility into the information handling system in a similar fashion as 60 partition; installing an INT13h handler for the virtual floppy; the Windows operating system media may be loaded therein. assigning an unused floppy drive number to the virtual floppy; The computer industry is moving away from floppy disk and entering an INT19h. drives for cost, security and storage capacity reasons. Thus According to another
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