THROUGH LIGHT, WE CARE. Declaration of sustainability 2020/21 CONTENTS RENEWABLE ENERGY FROM DOMESTIC HYDROPOWER Page 04 - 05 OUR RESPONSIBLE ACTIONS Page 06 - 21 KEY TOPIC CLUSTER ZUMTOBEL GROUP Page 22 - 67 SUSTAINABLE CORPORATE Page 22 - 25 MANAGEMENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Page 26 - 29 AND COMPLIANCE PRODUCT- Page 30 - 37 RESPONSIBILITY RESPONSIBLE Page 38 - 49 EMPLOYER SUSTAINABLE Page 50 - 55 PROCUREMENT IN-HOUSE ENVIRONMENTAL Page 56 - 67 PROTECTION „SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS ENSURES A VIABLE FUTURE FOR HUMANITY.“ Dear Reader, The Zumtobel Group is working intensively to further accelerate its sustainability ac- tivities. The focus here is on the topics of circular economy and CO₂ reduction. The Zumtobel Group is as concerned with the responsible use of material resources as it is with minimizing waste, emissions and energy consumption. By switching to the purchase of electri- city from renewable sources, initially for our Austrian sites, the Zumtobel Group is taking another clear step toward climate neutrality. In the 2020/21 edition of this Sustainability Statement, we would like to focus on the revision of the materiality matrix. Mario Wintschnig, MSc Corporate Responsibility Manager Group Sustainability In this report, we dedicate the generous „For me, sustainable business means images, each at the start of the six topic business that is fit for grandchildren. By clusters, with the associated material to- this I mean that ecological, economic pics described in detail, to the aspect of and social resources are consumed by „Electricity from renewable energies - use companies and society only to the ex- of domestic hydropower“, using the exam- tent that these resources will be avai- ple of Lake Lünersee in Vorarlberg, and the lable to future generations in the same view of its surrounding, wonderful moun- quality and quantity.“ tain world. In this document, the terms employees, colleagues, customers, partners, employers, etc. include and are understood to include women, men and Divers equally. RENEWABLE ENERGY FROM DOMESTIC HYDROPOWER Expansion of energy from renewable sources - hydropower Alfred Felder The Zumtobel Group and Illwerke VKW, both strongly rooted tra- CEO Zumtobel Group ditional companies in Vorarlberg, are united by a long-standing partnership and the common pursuit of a sustainable future - “We are working intensively on further accelerating our sustaina- through energy-efficient lighting and energy solutions. bility efforts. In this regard, our top priorities are promoting a circu- lar economy and reducing our carbon footprint. The responsible Hydropower is THE mineral resource of Vorarlberg and at the use of material resources as well as the minimisation of waste, same time a guarantee for a secure and sustainable energy emissions and energy consumption are of vital importance to supply. The use of electricity from hydropower plays a key role us. The Zumtobel Group is clearly moving further ahead towards in achieving the Zumtobel Group‘s target of climate neutrality by climate-neutral business operations by converting to electricity 2025 as well as the goal of energy autonomy for Vorarlberg. from hydropower, at first for our Austrian facilities.” 4Austria, Lünersee with view of the Douglass Hut at an altitude of 1,979 m The Lünersee Lake Lünersee, once the largest natural mountain lake in the Eas- Quido Salzmann tern Alps. It is fed by the Verabach, the Totalpbach, which rises Illwerkevkw south of the Schesaplana, and smaller tributaries. „To date, Austria‘s electricity demand is not yet covered exclusi- Facts: vely by renewable energies. Around 20 % of electricity genera- tion still comes from fossil power plants. However, the Zumtobel Location 1,970 m altitude, 76 million m³ usable reservoir space Group already purchases 100 % green electricity from Austrian 1.6 km² surface area at dam destination hydropower plants, thereby avoiding around 2,300 tons of CO₂ 13 km² catchment area (0.9 km² are glaciated) every year. This makes the Zumtobel Group one of the pioneers dam biggest heigt 28 m among industrial companies in Europe and actively contributes to 380 m damm crest length the energy transition.“ 410 million KWh standard capacity Picture: © Mario Wintschnig5 OUR RESPONSIBLE ACTION „FOR ME, ACTING RESPONSIBLY AND SUSTAINABLY MEANS CONSTANTLY WEIG- HING SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC CONCERNS AGAINST EACH OT- HER IN ORDER TO BRING THEM INTO A REASONABLE RELATIONSHIP - THUS SAFE- GUARDING THE SUSTAINABLE INTERESTS OF HUMANITY.“ Mario Wintschnig, Corporate Responsibility Manager, Group Sustainability The Zumtobel Group is an international “The Zumtobel Group – an Overview“. Sus- includes a contribution to providing future lighting corporation and a leading supplier tainable and responsible actions are firmly generations with a stable economic, social of innovative lighting solutions, lighting anchored throughout the Zumtobel Group. and ecological environment. In reaching components and related services. A de- The Group accepts its responsibility to so- its economic goals, the Zumtobel Group tailed description of the business model is ciety and is committed to the principle of therefore also takes ecological, social and provided in this management report under sustainable corporate development. This ethical factors into consideration. FRAMEWORK FOR THE NON-FINACIAL STATEMENT This year’s group management report also by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) ment, the corporate governance report includes the consolidated non-financial were only used for orientation purposes. and the consolidated financial statements. statement required by § 267a of the Aus- Reporting was expanded to place a grea- The consolidated non-financial statement trian Commercial Code. The Zumtobel ter focus on the issues most important to was presented to the Supervisory Board Group meets its reporting requirements the Zumtobel Group and its stakeholders. and reviewed and released by PwC Öster- under the Austrian Sustainability and Di- In addition to this non-financial statement, reich GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesell- versity Improvement Act (“Nachhaltig- selected content is included in the current schaft for its correctness, regularity and keits- und Diversitätsverbesserungsge- group management report, risk manage- appropriateness. setz“, NaDiVeG) on environmental, social and employee issues, on the respect for human rights and the fight against corrup- tion and bribery. All information included Conclusion PwC in the report refers equally to the Zumtobel Group and its subsidiaries, unless indica- Based on the audit procedures performed and the audit evidence ted otherwise. This non-financial state- obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the ment applies to the 2020/21 financial year consolidated non-financial report 2020/21 has not been prepared, in all mate- and was not prepared in accordance with rial respects, in accordance with the requirements of Section 267a UGB. a valid framework. The standards issued INFLUENCE OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC The Covid-19 pandemic has had an im- tions and reduction in travel, while econo- that gives balanced priority to all aspects, pact on all aspects of corporate respon- mic factors like revenues were negatively combined with a lean administration, effi- sibility – economic, ecological and social affected by the pandemic. In the area of cient production network and far-sighted – and, consequently, has an influence on social responsibility, the pandemic had supplier management, made an important sustainable management. Key factors in a particular effect on employees through contribution to the sound results recorded the environmental area have improved sig- home office, short-time work and extensi- by the Zumtobel Group in a financial year nificantly, for example the decline in CO2 ve limitations on the accessibility of con- that was significantly influenced by the co- emissions due to the wide-ranging restric- tact partners. Sustainable management rona pandemic. 6 SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT Responsibilities for sustainability in the Zumtobel Group are clearly defined and Executive Board firmly anchored. The Sustainability Com- Corporate Strategy FOCUSED Recommendations of the Grup Sustainibility Team UN Global Compact Statement UN Global Compact Communication on Progress mittee (SC) decides on the strategic orien- Environmental Policy (COP) Health & Safety Policy Feedback from audit reports and assessments tation of sustainability in the Group. It con- Climate Neutrality 2025 by Raiting Agencies sists of the Zumtobel Group Management Stakeholder Sustainability Core Team Stakeholder Board, representatives of the brands, in- internationally Sustainability statement Committee Sustainability statement Local Annual report Annual report dividual departments such as Human Re- NFI report NFI report Investors Executive Board Contact of the Investors departments sources Management, Purchasing, Brand Analysts Group Sustainability Analysts Materiality, texts, Group Group Team NaDiVeG, & Portfolio Management and the Group Journalists Communication Group Sustainability Communication Journalists KPIs Team Representative of Sustainability Team. Together, they deve- Artists Artists Website/News central departments Local employee Website/News Designers Press relases representatives Press relases Designer lop the sustainability strategy and define SoMe (LinkedIn) SoMe (LinkedIn) Group Architects binding targets, deadlines and measures. Architectc Communication Lighting Lighting
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