15 HOAG a SONS' BOOK BINDERY SPRINGPORT, MICHIGAN 49234 The Grand Valtey Ledger Volume 4, h$ue'32 Serving Lowell Area ffa Readers Since 1893 Wedneiday, June 20,1979 Schwacha Given Runciman Grant Chany Creak gowned Wires Cause Traffic Snarl Senior Class Night at Lowell Tony li enrolled at the Uni- studies. He has been very active To Orange Hands High School was the occasion versity of Michigan in the in the music department as a concrete light pole which for the presentation of the C. H. School of Music next fall. He member of the high school choi- The owners of Cherry Creek the mercury vapor Runciman Scholarship Grant. will pursue a degree in musk and participating in four musi- Care Center. Lowell, received and the cross walk signs on Tony Schwacha. son of Mr. theory. Tony's music career in cals. approval May 21 from Maurice southeast corner of Hudson A] and Mrs. Victor Schwacha of high school provided an excel- The C.H. Runciman Student S. Reizen. M.D., State Health i Main was demolished Mon- Lowell, is this year's recipient. lent background for his college Benefit Fund was established by Director, to lease the fadlity. about 7 p.m. when Terry the Runciman family to help The nursing home Is owned Letscher, 20. of Spencer, deserving Lowell students meet by Cherry Creek Nursing Home, knra. knocked it over as he conege expenses. Past recipi- Inc., a Michigan co-partnership attempted to make a right turn ents have induded Jane Rivette that is leasing the facility to from Hudson onto Main St. Hot and Glen Bailey. Anthony Perillo. Appleton, Wis- wires in the intersection caused The C.H. Rundman fund is traffic delays and detours. 'Cent consin, doing business as A.P. IHUI one of Lowell High Schools Enterprises. Subsequently, Letscher was driving a carni- finandal aids to students. Other A.P, Enterprises is subleasing val ride truck owned by the funds include the Edwin F. the facility to Arthur Fochs, an Amusement Corporation of ! Doyle Trust Fund for Scholar- individual proprietor, doing America based in Coldwater. :! I! ship-Grants, and the W.W. business as Cherry Creek Care MI. He left the scene of the nan Gumser-Margaret Court Fund, Center. The sublease is a nccident but was stopped by an interest free student loan straight pass through agree- officers in Saranac and returned 5 fund. ment with no difference in lease to Lowell. amounts. Letscher was ticketed for AUCITON FTEMS NEEDED Although the facility has 153 leaving the scene of a property Get ready for the Lowell PoUceman's auction. Any usable Hems long term care beds, only 123 damage aeddent and also for you would be willing to donate or wish to get rid of withoct holding a skilled care beds are included failure to stop in an assured garage sate of your own will be appreciated. For delivery of all under the certificate of need. dear distance. He posted bond items, can City Hall at 897-8«S7. The auction will be held at 10:45 The fadlity added 30 beds some since he is not a LoweU resident a.m. on Wednesday. July 4 at the 4-H Fairgrounds. AH proceeds time ago without prior approval. The amusement ride truck has from the auction will go to pay for the Fourth of July fireworks. According to West Michigan been impounded until bond for Any individual or group interested in participating in the 4th of Health Systems Agency policy, damages is posted since the July Parade, please con tart Ddores Day at 897*8545 (That SPECIAL projects that are submitted for corporation carried no insur- Place). review will not be endorsed if ance. AIEKDfDKI the applicant has begun imple- John Jones, of the Lowell Lawefl reserve polke officers and the Emergency Rescue unit responded to the scene of an accident Notice: A reminder for those dubs, organizations or individuals mentation. Since the lease light and Power set a prelimin- at the Corner of Hortiin and Main on Monday night ta help Sgt. Jim Hntaon rente traffic aronnd fallen that will be taking a part in the 4th of July Celebration, please agreement began July 1, 1978, ary damage estimate as in hot electrical wires and the debris frotd a downed tight pole. The driver of the truck which ripped the attend this meeting June 28th at 7 p.m. at the VFW for final the health systems agency did txcess of S500. pole from the concrete received two tickets and the track was I development. If you were in the vidnity of not approve the protect. the High School last Wednesday •ED TAG or Thursday, June 6 and 7, you Harold Zeigler Ford is holding a very special Bed Tag Sale at the could well have thought you dealership, cutting prices to bring back the "good old days" for 11 were back stage at Disney Land. Ranch Auditions Trim 85 Amateur Acts to To 30 days. The sale will run from June 20 through June 30. Every new Grease paint, fancy plumes and vehicle in stock will be red tagged for this special event. Some are feathers, as well as fancy cos- Five area amateur contestants represented by Mark Phillips ery section of the state. Bev Lowell Showboat through per- discounted up to $2,3001 Let's hear it for the "good old days". See tumes. were all over the place. House will be displaying their talents and his Illusion Show. Hall, chair person for the bus sonal appearances with various their ad on Page 2. There was music, noise and and aiming for an opportunity of Saranac is represented with tour committee indicated this is senior and civic groups around confusion along with the con- performing on this year's Lowell three top entries. The Short a record year for the bus tours. Michigan. This effort is bring- V-.-V ,r fti stant datter of tap sboes. The Sewwftifirtfe amateur talent ;Q)|tle. a comedy anotine. beads "Our conaminee haa worked ing in exedta* results. Tennis is one summer sport that gives the whote self a wettwrt, event was the auditions for the Openr finals, Saturday. July 14. the Saranac delegation. Chris hard and long in selling the mented Bev. * brain and body, and the YMCA is ready to teach both youths and talent search night. This year's amateur talent JeRue, a sharp vocalist along adults the game. Classes begin the week of June 25. There will also In many previous years Dr. Jack and Emma Luochesi finals will be staged at the with Tammy Hardy, another be a Youth Intra-Oty League and an Adult Competitive League Oaik Vredenburg. Talent Night have opened for business with Showboat Amphitheatre with singer, share the limelight. See Greenfield And forming. Call the YMCA to get in on the action. Chairman, had only a few their second LoweU restaurant the first of the 30 contestants TTie 85 contestants for the entrants, but not this year. Lucchc^si's Ranch House is lo- stepping iq front of the spotlight starting auditions rank near an YOITIE NEEDED! !i There were 41 contestants Wed- cated one half block off Main at 8 p.m. Admission is SI .50 for all-time high. Amateurs from Leove Driving To LAAC You've never worked on the Showboat and you've lived here an nesday night and 45 Thursday Street on Riverside and has adults and 75 cents for dnldren eastern, northern and central your life? You just moved here and you wouldn't know anyone? Now night, 86 in all. Mickey Mouse been completely remodeled in- under 12. areas of the state along with Organizers of the bus trip to and the bus trip. is your chance to get acquainted and involved in the major source of was there in person as was the side and out. The 30 contestants are sur- many from west Michigan, en- Greenfield Village for parents The trip emphasizes parent/ this community's identity. Showboat Pink Panther. There were solos, The Ranch House will seat vivors of a starting field of 85 tered the two-nights of ruggeo and kids report that reservations child partidpation. Those under The painting of that huge, beautiful neni riverboat is an being duets, an Ulusionist. ventrilo- forty hungry diners. Breakfast from all sections of the state in competition. arc going fast with onlv 12 16 must be accompanied by an done on a volunteer basis. If you have ever held a paintbrush, you quist and instrumental num- will be served no matter what the two nights of auditions "We were very surprised and places aboard remaining. The adult or have a sponsor on the ait NEEDED. After wolfing down supper, folks have been painting bers. Dancers!!! you name 'em time the clock says. The menu recently held at the LoweH High pleased with the large amateur trip is scheduled for Wednes- trip. All costs over the trip fee from 6:30 p.m. until daft every night for what seems like months. and we had 'em. There were tap includes a variety of luncheon School Auditorium. turnout. It appears Lowell day, June 27 and is sponsored will be underwritten by the All the nooks, crannies and gingerbread need a coat of that white dancers, jazz dancers, gymnas- items with Donua Smit doing The big goal for the 30 surviv- Showboat's amateur talent pro- by the Lowell Area Arts Coundl. LAAC, excluding meals. Those stuff. There is still plenty to do and very little time to get it done.
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